Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 1.djvu/694

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K I N K I NO. KING, Sin JAMES-WALKER, Of for life, ha resigned to 11cc Cros-o, and the office ens abolished. Cc irrard, Form an agh , and Bloomsbore, lIe was high sheriff of Dublin in 1802. lIe wae elected alder. eo. Dublin, MA., in holy sian of the city of Dublin, 10 Jan. 1803, and chosen toedaiayor orders; chaplain to the Marquess right of the city of Dctl,hin in continon ovith London, to present of A nglesev when lord-bent, of petitions, through its chief nsaghlrato in person, at tho bar Ii’elan d late rector of Bath inure, of lho noose of Cainnions. lIe vase elected lord -nsoyse co Kililare a. as 2nd baronet, 27 a second lime in 1821, and on the l 7th Aug. of that year lie Feb. $15 ii. 12 May, 1796; ac.11 had the tngh honour of receiving in his official capacity, June, 1511. his first-cousin. AnneSoiiliia King Gcoeac 1V, on his public entry into the capital of ireland, i$oivtli eldest dan. of fbi— of eangral Walton to his Majesty, al the Castle he on the 23rd ton Smyth King, Faq., a eoioniissioner of the of A agasl fctlocving catcataitted tlio Majesly at a s1deirdid Customs, tori has (with two other ,.onc and another banquol given by time Coi-psrntisn at site mayoralty hiosnc. lit clan.. wh,’ all cl. in infancy) had, i. Jainci—Wal ter, Gent. soth rules, 0. 21 March, 1836 at F’ ct Vititam, Calcutta, 1 March, loGO. ii. Ahratiani-l lotIon, in liuly orders, 5. 7 Jan 1818; d. 23 onus (ire Gets-a’); soil Sic A heahiamcu facrihsee assumed tire date ot Glee. 1882. or. c’s,aarrs-Siviaev, 1. 0 Dcc. 1810. iv. Witltaiu-Fac,terteh, 8. 13 Sept. 1843. a Anna-Sarah-Solchia. kiltczlgc. The ancestor cf this family of great antiqnity in Scotland, cc. Dublin, who 1. 1040, leaving no issue by hen, seho it. is bolievut a’, have settled in Ireland tecsp. Cr1-aisLEs I. JaMes KING, Esq. of t’,,rraril, eo. Ferinanagh (whose mm. Ehioabeth, an 30 lIar. 1819. to Cal. Charles Fnctt, of near rsaticc, the Meet 13ev. William King, D.D.. an itt. llary, cc. to Licnt.-Gon. George-Thomas Cotcinob, of emincic I divine and politician, was archbishop of Dsiblin, Dalkey, es. Dublin, and it. 22 Feb. 1860, leaving issue. and ,t. 8 Mae, 1 720), m. and had issne, r. .1 ames ; ii. Robert, iv. Jane, a’. to the late Capt. Henry Jelhtcae, RN, ; and it. an eminent solicitor; in. Jeiin, of Gola;’v. William v. Charles, wh’ as sen and heir was Hoot. B short King vi, Thomas, hi holy orders, D.D.; vii. Cromwell; viii. David, V. Sanch, as. to the lace Goddard Elonnerhaaset, Eaq., and an eminent rittoen, and in 171s, high sheriff of Dublin. The ilnrd son, J’onic, of Bole, had, with ether issue, a second Sir Ahealiovc if. 27 let. 1230. soil, CoAaLrs ItiNo, Fog, of llnblio an’] Ceeraral, eo. Fermanagh. Cceshse—t8 Sept. 1621. ..desio—Ae., on a fesse, org., between ,vlio ,,c. 1771, ci one, clan. of lbs Rev . Janseo Cot. tinghain, of Anna-gb, co. Cavan, and 1. Sept. 1768, leaving or, three buckles, erect, go. ; ccnct as an hononrablo augmentation, a a’ n, J.svmrs Kivo, Fsq. of Dnblin and I ‘error-I, who is. 21 Jnly, chaphet of trefoilo, both ppr. fir-art—A dexter cubit-arm, 1283, Elizabeth, and dan. and eventually ole heir of Abrahan erect, holding a dagger in pale, all ppr. Mcitto—Aadacos , Bradley, Rsq. of Dublin, King’s otatiener in Ireland, fsrtnmca j ovst. .Smb—Cc,n-ai’d, ca. Feemaaagh. dOacicteccee— and had issue, a JAMes, 0. in 1771 who c,. Sept. 1703, Letitia, dan. of Gerard Irvine, Kaq. of Fermanagh, and ml. 1037, having had, I James, I. in 1704; a captain in the army, cc. Miss Maria dOawsan, and d. having had issue. 2 Arthur-Henry, K 18621 deceased; heat. Miss Baldwin. 1 Money, it. oust. 2 Elizabeth, co. ]524, toJohollaeen, Esq. ofco. Snuhury, New Brunowiok, and Ira,] iosoe. 1 Cathorins, is. to the hey. Charles Gayer, rector of Dingle, cc- Korry, and bad Dane. 0. Anacsea,vm-Bn-inrrv, of whom presently. ni. llult-’n Seceth-King. Req. ofBorrio Castle, Qoeon’&tto., a commissioner oftlie rorenne in Ireland, scmbaeqooutty of Jicrosey, lli,ldleaex, one of the commissioners of the customs, toni-Ion, t. 31 Dee. 1771; assumed the anrnanio of Smyth before his patrenymic, Kieg, on his marriage in 1806, with _bone-barali, only child of William Talbot. Esq., and eu-heir of her maternal grandfather, William Smyth, Esq. of lIon-ic Castle, Queen’s co. and ml. 10 lIar. ls2f, leaving by her (who ci. in t820)iooue 1 William, 1ll A., lit lady ardors, rector of Ohusintratli, Queen’s Co.. ci. P Nov. 1041, Jane-Elizabocli, eldest clan, of the late Glee, 11.-P. Klrlngtan. D.D., rerlsr ofTenspiesliando (second son if the lccto Ft. 11ev. Thomas Lord Ilioliop of Ferns and l.oighlin), and has issue four ctaus. ; 2 Janice, of Baron Coimray of Conrcy, and Baroo of Ringronc, in 1l,ibhia, b:irm$ster-al-tavy, a,, 13 Boy, loel, ElizabethAogeista, the peerage of Irelsimd ; 1’. 21 Doe. 1828 ; a. hio dan. of the late tWo-Marshal Knipe, Esq. cf brother so 10th and premier baron, 15 Jnne, 4865. Ernolnil, ro. Cavan, mind relict of g Moore, Req., soil ii. Lord Kingeale enjoys the hereditary privilege 23 Aug. 1867; 3 Hulten, in holy orders, is. Fanny, dan. of Ii. tither, Req., and has issue ; 4 tieorge-Augaotcis, M.D., us the army; 0 Abraham, BA., in holy orders’ 1 Anne-sepiaa, cc’. 11 Juno, 1834, her first c000in, his James Walker King, tlio ho-esent baronet’ I Elieabeth:1 llo.tildic-5,w:ili. iv. Jc’scph. capt. 64th regt.. left ias’ie by Caroline4lnro The family of Cs’meey claims alliance with moot of the royal dneh, tile sai fe, (es-ha ri-icc. Lewis Morgan, Eaq high sherifl’and alderman of ilnl,lin), 1 George, if no sc. 1570 1 Ii aria, a,. Cc the 1327. Charles—S. Conrionse’, rest, at’ Louis IV., King of France, 020; ma- in 979, Gerber-ga, Cuilfeigi’ n-in. en, Down. who 1. March , Iaef, 1-avis . m. Anne, cci. In the-sty l’elligrew, Eoq. cii ‘filipeee;nen eat don, of Baienv I.. tincperor of Germany, by whom he had mcl.h’.lczahcetli, ma. to leorga I lea-read, Erg, of Dublin. Kildare. it, Sarah, 4. ansi, The 2nd son, Anasuan-Bozurry KING, Faq. of Corrard, es. Fcrioanagli, Rename me Canary, sass Lord of Conrey, in Normandy, and Dloemsbnry, ca DeLls, LII Jlareh, 1771, inherited froai in 1616, and waco. by his eldest non, 644 K I N Ins aiatcrnat grandfather the patent alhice of ltisg’o Slatisner in leclae,1, which, on receiving a peahen of £1,000 per annum in 1613, in the Feb. of u-hieh year he ertatlishod the amid innuecliately aftee,aardn he presented lice city address ceoensomoration of tins visit Ice seas ereatod is Ilaronct, 18 Sept. 1021, ned the ICing gc’aittad him an actgincntatisn of the fanmihy his Majcst3-’s ciutry as an additional nnctaas. lie sic, in 1703, - Anne. dlsa. of l’tahs I allan, Req. sf Dublin, by ovhonc (mahn it. a March, 1836)1cc hod u. Jzarna-W’am.rcrn, his heir. ii. Abraham-Bnmdtey, 1,. Oat. 1810 ; accidentally drswnod while travstting in America, 1 s3,t ; ii. cccii,,. u. Anne, cc,. 1810, to bimoen thurilean, ltoq. of Tnkctande, Ii Jan. 1667, Stoccevilio, cc. Dublin (who 1. 1860), and baa lease. 17 Thee. OScil, leaving issue ; their cinly dan., AnneBoileas, was cc. 11 Jan. 1664, lo Jahn Conolly, £511. tins issue. vt. Hccrriet. alien’s head, erased, in chief, and a mullet, lo boio, on a chief, erm., an imperial crosvn within a 8, St. Peter’s Square, tlammeesnnth. K I N 0 S A L E. KtNnOALF,, Lono (5[ichael-Comirad do Conrcy), (granted by King JonN to Do Conrey, Earl of Ulster) of vveam’ing his lint in the royal presence. ILuIhragc. housea of Europe, paternally through the Duken of Lerrainn, and nsatermcohly tbeaughm the dcmeal house of Normandy. two Sons, I,otham-ins, sobs o. to the French throne (and with whose semc, Lnuio V. cIte race of monarchs descended from Charlemagne roaosd); and Ciozanns, .Dmche of Lorraine, os-hose incmediate descendant, Rmrn.snn on Couacv, who accompanied bin soyereign,