Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 1.djvu/701

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K I N I.Ltiicac, Sot WILLIsOS KEITH, Hut., was created EarI-Jdarieehal of Kisstere, that old castle of 1 hall Purcot, givess ts, the f:uoily Scotland. by JAMEs II., in 1455, which dignity passed in by Roistue I., and Keith STahl. The isolde family of Palcoiser regular succession to Ge000e,* tho 10th oarS, whose hooours and tetatos foIl do Loukyir), appointed kiiig’.s falcessor by WILLI.LM the under an act of attainder, in 1756, resulting from his lordship’s Lion, whoisco it assssmed the eursossue of FALc0NEII. Ttie adhesion to the Stuarte, in 1715. his lordship was deseeisdnsst of Ranul1,heso, Alexander, sei of Sir Alexander for toaDy years onhoequently in the service of tho Kiog of Falcuuer, c-as created Lord Feleeoer, e/ IIatSu’tsua, 20 thee. Prussia ; and his only brother, tise He’s. George Keith, followissg 1047 ; svlucls dignity desces,ded regularly to tlavtd, 5th Lurd his fortunes, dietioguishedhinaself first isa the Rssosiaa Palcossor, sen-in-hess’ of Joins, let Lord lttntos’t. Authiusiy, service, where he attained the rank of field-suarelsal, and 5th Earl of Khitore aisd Otb Lord Palcouor, us. hiss Sigbtcs-usasi, had the commend of the Essssian aresy in the war of 5745. W’ssimaas, his ssseeessos-. its was asterwarde in the scs’vicc of the King of l’s-ossis. hlarta—Ilembortiua—Cothxorlsst-hlargas’ct. Ste fell at Huckh’chcss, 14 Oct. 1718 and a soperb mornsoesst to his memory, at Berlio, records Ha achievements as Chrtstisia-Elioal,ohls, ‘I. in Dee. 1525 the celebmted Slarslsal Keith. T,ee lieN. SIR JOHN KEITn, Hut., InS sell ef William, SIlo lorclslup sl. ItS Aug. 1004, cod svas o. by his .ssti, tth earl-ssseriechal, by Lady Mary Erakhse, wae elevated to WILL5A5T. ttls earl ; 5. 1706; ci. 1701, Jdanis, dan. of Sir the peerage, dO June, 1677, by the titles of Rote,, Keifls, ef Als,xooder htauiscrmau, 17-art., essd bad, Iisvc,’senj, ee,i Keith Jiell, and Eaui. OF Kss,’Tosse, haviug Aavusts,s-Auessa, 7th earl. beets appoissted, is, 1060, knight-marischal of Scotland, ansi Willmin, 5. sO tsec. 1799 rapt. ht.N. so. 24 June, lObe, that edice settled horediterily in his family, in eonsideddtims of the loyalty he had evisiced is, preserving the regalia of Scotland frem felliug into tlss isauds ef CROMWELL. Sir Johss Keith had those ensigns of royalty safely convoyed free, Dunsuore Castle and deposited nudcr—gs-ouud its the hltsry, 1. 1 July, hoOd. church ef Ktnnsff; sailing immedhstcly fey France, it was Eta lerduhip d. 0 Out. lois, and was e. by Isle eldest ens,, eopposed that he hal carried then, away ill cmssequoncc ANvnoicv-AunlA,e, 7th earl, 5. 20 April, 1754, e’ho wr.s of which all furtlser searcls by the Cresnsvehlisos was ab.tudoned. creatorS oltareo of the Enspire, 51 Juno. 5015. Ills herdelsip Ills lordahip obtaiuod a new grant of his hetioure us. 14 Jissie, 1017, Jsihiot, 5th dan. of the late Robert Ro,ssiy, its 5054, exteodiog the revorsien to his owss female lsoies, Esq. of hterrewfiehd, ND. lice lads-elsip it. 5 July, ttlS, e. p. and to the male issue of his brother George. lIe so. Margaret, The tarl vs. dndhy, 27 Aug. 1021, Lesusa, youngest dan. of dan. ef Thomas, 2ssd Earl ef Ileddhsgton, and wee e. Francis llawktas, Esq - anti by her (c-lie ohcaiued a diverre in 1754, by his ss1y son, WILLIAM, 2nd eat]. This nobleman, joining tise issetti’gente from Isis lordship, so. 2 April, 5S40, 11.-North Arnold, Esq. - of 1711, svas at the battle of Sherilfmnir, and never sen of tlse lies’. C. Aruislrl, of Keller auth Lasrg]ui, Lati— afterwards shaved his beard he does siet appear, lsosvcver, eaahiro, and d. 1 Nov. 1545) be bait, te Isave suffered iss cessecquenee of his participation in the WsLLsAas-ADR5AN, Lord Ieccrus’, 5. 2 Sept. 1022; hoot. Eebelhisn, further than boissg deprived of the office of FeaNrss-ALevANees, treecat ear]. marisehal. His lordship m. Catlssriue, eldest des,. of ilr,vi,i, Charhes-Jeuseu, sst5. halo 4t1s It. dr,sgisens, 5. 1 Jsdc, 1012 4th Viscount Stss’meut, and had iseus, } successive sails. i. Cslhrrine, us. to David, 5th Lerd Fsiesecr of ]lahtsrrtosso, hsetc-ita-Cethoriue, s. 4 Assg. 1047, Is henry Greet, Bsq. aed had, wilt ether issue, I ALEXANDER, Oils Lord Fa]esncr; cite was e. in 1762, Sits lordship it It July, 1044, by his brother, 2 W’sreaAse, 7th Lord Pslcsner; else ,l. in Dcc. 1776, (‘ic-disc ‘—Peren Pelconcc, 20 0 ce. 1047. iteren Keith,, isarieg soon and saccessor, ANxssessy-AnesAN, Sib Lord Falcsecr; sf ss’]tsus hereaflcr Arsee—Qearlerhy s 1st erd 4th, gu., a ssvurd iu bend sieisler, as 5th EARL or Ksaaoee. 3 George, capt. il.N., father of (innate Fas,oesrn, hisq. orue’n, the whslc whlsin en arle of flours-dc-tie, or, as a coat of Phosde. His lsrdohip was s. ill 1718, by his elder smi, JOHN, 3rd earl ; c-ho st. 5. p. lit 1758, and avIs s. by his hot right hand a garland of laurel, ppr. SltJsJasrltcs—Two men brethcs’, WILLIA5I, 4th earl. This neb]emeu dyusg sums. its 1761, posture, ppr. Jlslbs—Quro snsisse sals’e. the estates devolvsd upen George, the 50th and atteintod Seube—ICeilhi Hall, Abordcenslure and Iisgtisnseldic, es sarl-mariecha], while the pecmge reusaisted suspended sentil that nsbleman’a decease, ht 1770, st-tests it passed to AtsvlooEx--AosuAN FcsLcoNese, 8th Lord Falcouer, of Hallcerteun, (revert to Catherine, den. of William, 4th eas-l, KoP,ItpATnIcE, San CHAOILES - Sn,snpg, Mart, of * Gsss’ge, 10th earl-marisciml. ‘Ibis ncblensao, elsa, as Cluseburun, go. Ilusafries; I. in 1808; s. itis father, nscetioacd, was atlaialed hi eenscqnsiscs ef isis participation as 6th baronet, iss 1844. 1{o is statod to have cl. 10 the rising ef 1715, had the geed fsrtuoe to effect his at Liborted, Central adAea, (1 Oct. 1867, but nil escape into Spain, and thence reesesiog lets Prussia, ebiaincd tise csofidcnce and friendslsip of PRelceascE Ill,, acconsats of hisn as’s very obscure he is staid to ache appeinled Isins, in 1750, anshassader Is France, iuvcetcd have cc. assd to lace’s had a sosa, Tlsouaae, and other Isim wills the erder ef the Black Eagle, and csnstitulcd Is ins issite, of svhosn tho 2utI Oats., Clsarlotto-L’orhorn, is gersrner ef Nenfchatel. Iss 1709, his lerdabip, being eadiessader anuouncod to have us, 2 Nov. 1868, Liout. GeorgeEcle’erd freto Prussia to tiso eossrt ef liadrid, discovered the secret of the fsatily ceuspaci, by which ths different branches ef lice 155cm ef Bourbon lied besmd thensseh-es to assist tech ether and cosmnunicaling Ohio acme Is SIr. I’ilt, tisat minister represented his ease as fas’surably to Geosne II., that hia majesty granted his lordship’s pardon in 1719; aud an act of psrlianseut Iseseesh in tiso fehlesviug year to enable hsiu to inherit estates, but lie rejected the tnstrlien ef a beginuisig of this 5th eesitury ; but the first of its snombere clause overpowering Isis soceessien Is lsoeeura. Sits lerdship upon rceocd is, e’as further fas’ourtd by the crosssi, under the ,sanrtiun Ivoac KsuscpAcnsca, who lived btssiJs. DAVIt’ I., cud is of parhtasuent, svills a gmsit of public sueney in 1761. lIe died in 1775, at Potsdaes, at the advanced age of eighty- eight, enjoying Isis htajsoly of Prussia’s csnfidsnce to the lest, su so great a degree as tube called “the king’s fired.’’ The grassdsosi of this ivene, An “Eloge do osy Lord Slarmcbal,” by D’Alembcrt, woe IveNE KlnscpATvscst, obteisiod a confirmatory charter of published at Berlin in 1779. Per another vsrsion ef the peeocrs-atien of the regalia the lands of Clesebunse f’om ALrXANDEH it., dated 11 Aug. of Scotland, ate Sin Wss.usss-htusesaye OG5LV5E, Bert., 1212 ; oisd f-eta bisu dis’octly descended, thirotigts a bug whose ancestor had been appointed, by Sir John Itcith, deputy-hientenoet of Denettsr. 651 K it ssid her doeccisdarste), who i,,hseriteit svitls it the ostats of deduce their descent frosts Itaussipluss (st’ii of Walter of Grsntngasi. by whom (wIsed. 20 MarcIa, I sPa) Ise had, p,-,iluudia t.’iuisa, slesi. ut tito late BIllions Giant, Bosi. s,f 5 ‘oegal— len sss,t 5. 1 Jati. 1010, h,eving by her (who 1. at blauhugue, 12 h”rt,rsien’, I 007), lust issue a sac, Adrian— Wthhisiis, 5. 11 ]tel’. 1517; and ss dais., D,,rohhiea, sa. 20 Rev. 1055, to lleery—Jcha-Arlliur, only sun of llsbcrt— Slaisuers Leeksseod, haq., i’y tad)’ ,tuhia isis wife, I 7lts light lrsgoaiss ; killed heeling, 17 Dee. 1543, c-a1’ 24 Jest. 1057, (‘orethne-Diuoc, lcd dass. of ttubsrt Atdridge, Keg. of St. Lceaacd’s Forest, Sastee, aisd has Ceril—E,tsrar,I, 5. II (Icc. 1060 Charlos—Adrtsss, 5- 1211cc. 1061 Diane-blur3’1 b’lureisce assd as,otlser dsrs., 5. 2 5] ercls, 1808. eusi Earl of lttetere, go Juice, 1077. Baron Kintere, 1010. sesressenled by a sceptre iu tend du_clcr; in cluef. an ileperiab of angmcnletisn. fur preserving the regalia ef Scottnud 2nd end 3rd, erg., a chief, paly of six, or and gus., for Kesvn, Creel—An aged lady frotss the ss’aist, s’ielsly attired, holding’ its in tenspiele arosour, each lieldtng a 1,iko or spear, in 5 seotissel’s ltisscsrdine. Iv I P5 Iv P A ‘I’ P I U Iv. Martin, etosif corps. LIztcac. Ts’editiuss states that an ancestor of this ps’iiteipol family, as Nisbct cells it, possessed lossds iii Nithedehe in ttse witssess to a chartor, eeoc slate, of Ruhurt lIme, the elder, or fi ret Lord of Assuaudale, end of isis wife Eufeioie. grantieg the fisbhsg of Torduff ta the motiks of Abbcyholrn. line of martial Lsrde of Cleseberne, Sin THomAs KsnerATsesnR, Ki,t., geutlemacs of tbe privy-