Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 1.djvu/709

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LAN His lordship d. 13 Sept. 1015, and his widow ,5. 30 April, acvoe’al children. Red. is, 2747, a,,d was s. by isis eldest ocr, 1560, aged 01. He was s. by his son, HoRoucos-LA0000RD, 2nd baron, 0. in 1795; who sa. in VI. Sin JonN, who trana,nitted his memory to posterity 3830, Louisa-Augusta, dan. of Mr. Rhodes, and had issue, by placing £6000 ua the hsa,cda of the corporation of Londo,,, CLoTwORTRYW01.LIN0T0N’V1LL1A50H0BERT, 3rd baron. far the purpoae of foundissg a society f,sr the relief of distressed llercnlco-Langford-lioyle, major heath militia, 0. 9 June, withoset issue, isa 1766, asad was a. by (lie sos, nf his deccasel 1020; sn. 1 Nov. 1857, Louisa-Jane, dan. of Archibald Campbell, Esq. of Blythowood, Re,,frewshire, and has, Herculea-Bonglao-Ed ward, 0. 1 Aug. 1859 ; Armine-Charlotte; brother William) his nephew, Gladys-helen-Louisa; and adan., 5.28 March, 1868. VII. S5R JAMeS, sheriff of Northampton in 3767. This hugh, late 16th lancers, 0. 18 June, 1833; as. 10 Jan. 1852, gentleman m. 1767, ,iulia,sa, aiater and asic heir of Thomas Theresa.Caroli’se, 2nd dan. of the late John Bishop, Faq. of Muogravc, Req. of Old Clove, co. Somerset, and had iaaue, Sunbury House, Middlesex, and Ascot Lodge. Jierks. from I. WILLIAM, his successor. whom he was divorced, on her petition, 21 Nov. 1859. His lordship d. 3 June, 1539, and woo o. by his aon, CLorsvoaTRvWoLLIztoToN-WILLIAM.ROnERT, 3rd baron, 0. mm. Charlotte, as. to Capt. P-fl. Bluster, RN. 24 July, 3833; o. 28 July, 1846, Louisa-Augusta, dan. of Sir James ii. 7 Fob. 3705, and was a. by his eldest son, H-H. Conolly, Faq. H.P. of Castletowu, and ,e. 1.3) July, VIII. Sin WILLtAaI, nl,eriff of Nortlosnsptossobis’o in 1797, 1654, having by her (who was accidentally drowned, 5 Nov. whe ma. 1st, in 1792, IJo,srietta-Ehizabetls-Frcderira, only 1853) bad issue, HaacnLes-FnwARn, present baron. WILI.Leas-CHAMORc, 0. 30 Aug. 1849. hiandolfe-Thomas, 0. Dec. 3852. Catharins-Francos. Henrietta, ems, in 2837, to Rdward-Ayshferd Saudford, Req. Creolion—SO July, 3008. .,dnoc—Arg., lot and 4th, org. on a bend, cotised, gn., thrse dan. of tise Hon. Williaru—ihenry Irby, and mdccc of Lord mullets, or, f’,r RowLey; 2nd and 3rd, ermine, ou a chief, Boston, bnt ha,l s,o other issue. Sir William it. 8 Herds, a flcur-dc-lio, between two boara’ heads, cooped and 1032, and n-as a. by hue ossly surviving son, erect, or, for T.s.vLoon. Croci—A wolf’s head, erased, arg., collared and langued, gu two snouths aftcs’ him father (12 Slay, 1812), the title reverted Soppsrtero—Two emblematical figures; the dexter representing to his usscls, Pallas, with a opcor in her right baud, the sinister, K. SIR JAMES, who na. 26 Slay, 3000, Elizabeth, youngest Temperance, holding a bridle iu her left hand, all ppr. Jfasla—Bear and fooboar. Seos—Summerhil, Heath. LANOIIAH, SIll JAMES-HAY, of Cottoebrooko Park, in the en. of Northampton 5. 13 Nov. 1802 a. his father, as 11th baronet, 14 Fredorich-llosgravo, 0.2 HarrIs, 1007; it. 1028. April, 1833 so. 8 Juno, 1828, Iisury-hurdesi, 0. 1 July, lOis. Margaret-Emma, eldest dau. of Willians-Sanaurl, 0. 3 Sept. 1810. Eliza-Jeshisna. George, 2nd Lord Kenyon, which Slariassac, ci. MOo. 30 31ay, 1832. lady ci. a.p., 3 Feb. 1829. It cicagc. Thio family is descended from William, son of Henry do areas. Mile—Nec emit osse force. Su’s—Colsoabrooko Park, Laugham, who held three carucates of land in Langham, Norllaaneptonalmiro. Rutlandahire, 5eop. Enwsasn 1. 2. Ai.ncaazaas SIR Jonn LAssnnAal, Rut, sheriff of Loudon, in 1042, was created a Baronet 7 June, 3660, as a recompense for his sufferings in the royal canoe (having been twice committed to the Tower, with the lord-mayor and other aldermen, for refuoiog to publish an act for the abolition of royalty). Sir John, who acquired a very large fortune as a Turkey merchant, represented the city of Lundon in parliament in 1634, and the borough of Southwark in 1660. Ho o,. Ha-y, dan. of James Bunco, Faq., and was a at his decease, in 1671, by his eldoot son, hi. Ssa JAREO, who os. thrice, but left one dan. only, by I. lhnacores-Rooenr, 0. 27 June, ]S19. his firot wife, Mary, dau and co-heir of Sir Edward Aiston, Hut., viz., Mary, Ia. to henry, Earl of Warriugtou. Re mu. Mary-isabella. it. in 1690, and was .s. by hia brother, III. SIR WILLIAM, of Wsilgrave, sheriff of the county of Northampton in 1072, and SIP, for Nostbamptou. This JcnN LAasoasoRE, Eaq. of K,socktophcr, (ann of Hoe-cubs gentleman so. thrice, but had ioeuo by hio third marriago Lasgrieiao, Req., the let member of the family wIse only (with Martha, dan. of Horbert Hay, Faq.), a aon, hio settled in Irebsnd), as. 1st, Alicia, 2nd iou. of harry, sueceooor, IV. Sin Jonas, who as. lot, Elizabeth, eldoat dan, of Sir 2nd Lord Blaysscy, asad widow of Thoneas Sandford, Req. of Tbomaa Samwoll, Eart. of Upton, co. Northampton, and Sandfos’d Cous’t ; ho see. ludly, Miss Saudford, dau, of Ccl. had, with other children, } snecesaive William, os. llary, dou, of Aathooy Droughi, Esq., his successor, and had, I Jsames, who s. aa 7th l’arooei. 2 William, sea. in Ang. 1767, Elizabeth,t dan. and ca-heir loft (with two daus., Mary, us. to Wilhissm Nicl,oleon, Req. of William Jones, Faq. of Ilamabory Manor, Wilts; a,,d Olympia, sa. 1st, to George Birch,, Req., and 2ndly to and aassuniag she surname and arma of Jeans, waa Johns Greesso, Req. of Greenville) ass only eon, creased a Baronet in 1774. lIe d. a. p. in 1751, who,s I. hERcuLes LARnossue, Req. of Rnncktophrr, who was the title expired. Sir John m. 2ndly, Maria, eltleat dau. of Sir Ricl,ard created e BARONET OF IRELAND, 14 Jan. 3777. Sir llerculea, Temple, K. B., and widow of the Rev. Dr. West, and had who was a member of the privy cn,eucil, repi’reruted the L A N V. S,n JAMES, who ,l. a. p. 1745, and was o. by bia brother, soldiers and sailors, a,,d tl,oir fasesilics. Sir John 5. ‘. Jasira. I. Marianne, it. ssnea. in 1809. dna. and helm’ of the Then, Charles Vans, of Mous,t Ida, to. Norfolk, assd 5510cc of the lot Earl of Parlingtou, by wbo,,t Iso had (to survire) a so”, WILLIAM-IIENRv, and a dan., of Nyncbead. lie ‘a. 2udly, in 1030, Augusta-Priscilla, only IX. Sims WILLtAIO-RENRY. This gentleman dying non,. in dau. of the late Frasacia Bordett, Eaq , and sister of tho late Sir Francis Burdett, Bart. of Foross,ark, cc. Derby, by svhom (who ci. 30 Nov. 3015) he had isano, JAMm-14AY, present baronet. ticoacaT, 0. 12 Jamso, 1004; s,a. 51 Juno, 1030, Laura-CharIstle, 3rd da,,. of Mr. and L.sdy (‘harlatte Slichlethwail, of Tavorisana hall, Norfelk ; and ls,,a issue, Ilerhert—Ilay, 0. 10 April, 1040; m. 25 Aug. 1860, Anna-Siaria-F’ranros, 2nd dau. of Arlbur-3iarcua-Cecil, Lord Sandye; F,’ancia Nathsaniol, 0. 9 Jems, 1841 ; Ilenry-Algernan, 0. 11 Jan. 1050; Rnaily-Georgiaa; Au-gmsla-Frodcrira. hlenriotta, ns. 16 Sop;. 1851, is Arthor-Joltu Otway, Eaq., H.P. Croollen—7 Juno, 1660. Ar,o.s—Arg., lbrce Soars’ hoods, ceased, sa., muzzled, or. Cress—A boar’s head, oraeo,l, as in she LANGRISHE. LANCBISBR, Sin JAMES, of Knocktoplsor, co. Kilkessssy, ulajor in tlae Kilkenny militia; 6. 24 May, 1823; a. his father, an 4th hart., 13 Jan. 1862; sac. 2 July, 1857, Adela do Bloio-Eccleo, only doss. of the late Thomas Bluis-Ecelso, Req. of UlcerIsmout, Staffordshire, and has isooe, s. Adcla-Conatanco. mm. Mseria—Cecilia. ILIllcitgc. Sandfnrd ; but had issue by neither of those ladies, lie so. hrdhy, Mary, dan. of Robert Grace, Req , baron of Courtstows,, H.P. for Thomastowu, and by her had ass ossly son, Roaner LAncamsue, Rsq. of Kuoektophcr, u-ho scm. Bias Wbitloy, of Eilcruggan, co. Kilkeusay, assd dying in 1770, borneegb of Enocktoplser i’s the Irish iarliasneui for forty yeas’s, during wl,icls period be ra,sleosh amongst tho most Hor aiator, RLEANOE, lbs co-heir, so, Francis llurdeii, diatissguisieorl of its snc,asbere, ascii svaa tlso fiat who Faq. and seas mother of Sir Francis Bardcti, Ban., svbo advocated as,d abtaisso’h a 1,artiai ,-claxsstiou of the harris 2U2 LANG HAM. shims acqsirod Ramahury Manor. 659