Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 1.djvu/71

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A f Li whoso son, DEREK VAN-KRPPEL, Lord ofVerwoelde (living 1326), was fatherof DEREK VAN-KErnEL, who hold the Lordship of Verwoelde as a 5sf under his cousin, Lord Sweder Vau-Voorst, 1362: his eldest son, WALTER VAN-KErnEL, Lord of Verwoelde, so. Roode VanHooksren, dan. of Evert do Roads Van-iieckeren and Bartha Van-Araspen : his eldcet son, DEREK VAR-KEEPEL, Lord of Vsrwoelde, was present at II. Caroline, 1,1. to Itobert Adair, Esq. the convention of Nimegnen, 1436: he was father of WALTER VAN-HErPES,, Lord of Vcrwoe]do, Lord of Weesnbnrg, Hia lordship, who was a general officer in the army, and in Ovorysel, in 1468, and Knight of Zutphen, had been British anlhaseadoo at the court (If Versailles, S. 1469 and 1174; so. Wichmoot Van-ltterenm : his eldest son, 22 Dcc. 1714, and was a. by his eldest aon, DEREK VAN-KEPPEL, Lord of Vsrwoelde, 1495, vested in GEnnor., 3rd earl, E.G., t. S April, 1724, a military man, tho 5sf of Wesonhnrg, which feudal tenure was renewed who served as aide-de-ramnp to the Duke of Cnmberhand at 1498 and 1521; by his 2nd wife, Joanna-Herman Van-Wool- the battle of Fonteney, in 1745, and the next year, being books, heiress of that lordship, ho had issue, a son, JOACRIM VAN-KEPPEL, Lord of Woolbseke, sa. Angelo with his royal highness at Cuilode,a, wan hearer of the diapatches Van-Loon, dan. of Jurnan Van-Loon: his oldest son, DEREK VAN-KEPPEL, Lord of Woolbeoke, os. Alyt Vander attained the rank of lieut.-gen., andwas commander-in-chief Voorat, heiress of Vooret, and their younger son, OEOwALT VAN-KEPPEL, obtained of his father the Lordship accession of reputation and increase of fortune, lie Ia. 20 of Vooret; he so. llochtilt Vander Capolle, dan. of Gerrit April, 1770, Anne, yonngent dan. of Sir John Miller, Dart. Vander Capelle and Gertrnyd Van-Macnon, by whom (who of Chiohoeter, on. Sussex, by whom (who ci. 1 July, 1924) he S. in 1618) ho had, DEREK VAN-KEPPEL, Lord of the Voorat in 1645, who WILLIAM-CHARLES, 4th earl, 5. 14 May, 1772, so. let, 9 purchased T’Voldo in 1635 ; ho ia. Thoodora Van-Salient, April, 1792, the tlon. Elizabeth Sonthwoll, dan, of Edward, dan. of Wynant Van-SalIent, of the Pol, and Corheric Van- Lord de Clifford, by whom (who 5. 14 Nov. 1917) he had, Lyndon; had. in 1646, and was o. by his son, OESwALT VAN-KEPPEL, Lord of the Vooret, who ,,s. em. 000nue-TImoatAs, present peer. - Rsininza-AnnaGertruide Van-Lintollo tot do liars, dan. of lIe. Edvoard Sonthwell, 51.A., dep. clerk of the closet tII Johan Van-Lintello tot do Mars and of Agnao-Raiuinoa Van 9. 16 Aug. 1900; m. iSIS, Lady Maria Clemento, eldest Sohobo tot Wilewilt, by whom he had, ARNOLn-J000T VAN-KEPPEL, Lord of Voorat, 1652, who iv. Henry, Sir, 15CM., Vioe-Adm, oftllo fill]0, commander accompanied tho Prince of Orange in 1689, and, on the of tico Legion of tlononr, commanded at tho destruction eetabliahonent of his master upon the throne of England. was created, 10 Fob. 1891-6, .Raraa Ast,fsrd, of Aotfoiaf, re KIRI; Viocosal Sop9, co. Pol,zfisoo of Laacoolor; and EARL op ALROMARLE, a town and territory of the Dukedom of he had no issue; he 01. fndly, 11 Got. 1061, Jane-Elizabeth, Normandy. The Earl was eutooquently honoured with the Garter. His lordship so. in 17t1, Gertrude, dan. of Adam Yonder Bum, Lord of St. Gravomoer, in Holland, and bad, a’. Thomao-itobcrt, hA., hon. 01011111 of Norwich, rector WeLLeAM-ANNE, his successor, for whom Queen ANNEeIOOd godmother in person, and thonoc his aeoond name. Sophia, so. to John Thomas, Eeq., brother of Sir Edward Thamaa, Dart. of Wonvoo Castle. The earl was n member of the nobles in Holland, deputy forester, gen. of the horse; and of Swtooere in the service of tho States-General, governor of Boia-lo-duo, do. King WILLIAM held his lordship in the highest esteem, and bequeathed to him, in a codicil annexed to hia majesty’s last will and teetamoot, the Lordship of Breevoet, and 200,080 gnilders, the only logaey the king gave from the Prince of NassauFriozland, whom he had made his heir. His lordship ‘0. 30 May, 171S, and waa o. by his eon, WILLIAM-ANNE, 2nd earl, E.G., who so. 21 Feb. 172f-5, Anne, dau. of Charles Lennox, lot Duke of Richmond, by m. Sophia, so. 1919, SirJames Macdonald, Dart.; and 5.1924. whom he had fifteen children, eight cone and seven dane.; ii. Anne-Amelia, 01. 1st, 26 Feb. 19J2, to Thomoa-Wm. three of the former and three of the latter only, however, survived their infancy, vie., I. GeoRot, his successor. ii. Auguotno, t. 2 April, 1722, who having adopted the III. Mary, Ia. let, in 1926, to the late Henry-Frederick naval profession, became so eminent aa Admiral Keppel, Stephenson, Esq.: their son, Augnstus-Kcppel Stephenson, andwas created forhis gallant oorvioee ViscouNT Krrrro. of Elveden, on. Suffolk, 22 April, 1792. Hio lordship, who had been made First Lord of the Admindty 111 1192, and who held that offico, with a slight intormieeion, till present Earl of Radnor. She Os. lndly, 19 Feb. 1969, S.— 1704, ci. jeans. 2 Oct. 1780, when the viooountoy expired. III. William, gentleman of the horse to the king, a lient.general iv. Georgiana-Cbarlotte, ‘o. hat, 1927, to Edward-Ei,atace in the army, and commander-in-chief in Ireland, in 1773. He S. MOO,. in 1702. iv. Frederick, D.D., in holy ordore, 5. in 1720, oonaeorated V. Carohine-Ehoabeth, so. 23 May, 2932, to the Very Hey. Diohop of Exeter in 1762. His Lordship was anhaeqnontly Dean of Windsor, and Eegistrar to the most noble Order of Lincoln, son of Dr. Gamier, dian of Winchester, and of the Garter. Ho so. Louisa, one of the nahmral dana. of Sir Edward Wapole, E.G., and dying in 1777, left, I Frederick, of liexham hall, Norfolk, 5. in 1762, In. in The earl so. ludly, U Feb. 1511, Charlotte-Sueanuah, dan. 1796, Louisa, dan. of George Clive, Eoq.; and 0, in 1030, of the late hir Henry Hunloke, Dart., which lady 5. 11 leaving by her (who S. in 1032) three surviving eons, Oct. 1062. lIe d.30 Get. 1049, and was o. by his eldeet acn, Frederiek-Walpole Keppel, Eoq. of Lexhanl hail, 5. in Au005Tus-FaenERIoK, 4th carl, 5. 2 June, 1794, who ,a. 1797; so. 104S, Mary-Anne, reliotof E.-H. Wilson, Esq., 4 May, 1016, Frances, dan. of Charlcs Steer, Esq. of Clii,hester, and has had, Louisa-Maria-Mary, and Fanny-huntgnnda-Clive, 5. 24 Dee. 1058. Edward-George-Walpole, cc]. in the army, 5. 1799; CI. brother, the present earl. His widow was o’. Sndy, 20 AeIg. 26 hay, 1919, Harriet-Jacqueline, ynmgestdau. of Sir 1880, to Lt.-Cal. lion. p.-F. Cnst, imc]c of Earl Brewsahow Anthony Dullor, of Pound, Devon, and 1. 12 Nov.1959. creotiess—it Feb. 1695-0. Anae—Gu., three escallop shells, William-Arnold-Walpole, in holy orders, rector of ar. Croci—Out of a dnoal oeronet, or, a swans head and Haynford, co. Norfolk, and Hegiotrar of the neck arg. Sopparlss’a—TIva lions. dncafly crowned, or. diocese of Exeter, Ic. in 1804; so. in 1010, FranceeSophia-Georgiana, Molts—Ne cede inalio. Seat—Qniddenham Hall, LadIngford, eldest dan. of Hobert Marsham, Eoq. of Stratton Strawleso, and has issue, Frederick- 21. ALE Charles, 1,. in 1931, capt. goon. gocarda; William henryAugnatno, t. 6 itng. 1945; Edwaod-Geoige, 5.28 June, 1947 and Georgiana-Gcotondo-M aria. Anna-llaria, into Lt.-Gen. WnI. Stapleton, and d. 3136. Laura, ca. to Lord Southampton, and 5. in 1798. Charlotte-Augusta, so. in iata, to Eobert Foote, Eeq. of Chaolton S’l,Loe, Iteut, I. Ilary-Elinabeth, ‘0. in 1740. Iii. Elicabeth, nc. to Francis Ilnasnll, hlaoqnie of Taviotock. anuonncing tile victory to London. He subsequntly at the reduction of the Havannah, where he acquired ala left at his decease, 13 Oct. 1772, an only eon. I. AuonaTne-FjeEnrnmrio, 5th earl. the Queen, canon of Norwich, and ocotor of Quiddenham dau. of Nathaniel, 2nd ilarl of Ixitrinm. of the Chineoe fleet, 1 June, i917; appointed groom-in- waiting to the Queen, 24 Sept. 1959; 9. i4 June, 1909; so. lot, 21 Feb., 1939, Katherine -Lonim, dan. of the late Gen. Sir John Croat,ie, G.C.H.. by whom (who ‘1.5 Jnue, 1959), oldest dan. of Mootin-J. Weot, Eaq. and Lady Slaoia Wost, and Lao by her Cohn-Richard, 5. 1 Doe., 1062, and a dan., )laria-W.slpalc. of North Creake, Norfolk, 1,. 17 Jan. 1911; so. 29 hiarch, 1031, Fr.cnceo, dali. of the ]ate SirThomas Barrett -Lennard, Dart., and ,2. 24 April, 1961, having had issue, 1 Williamn-Goarge, 5. bJnne, 1935, an officer Doug. mil,aeo. 2 Leiccotar-Chantry, bent. EN., 5. 27 Aug., 1927; nc.27 Aug. 1962, at Moka, Ma,iritino, Encily, dan. cf the late Goorga hiobinoomc, Eaq. of liagatelle. Moka, Mauritins, ailS baa toe,, dane, 3 Eiice, 5. 5 July, iS4h. 4 Edwao-d-Frederick, 9. 25 Nov. 1841. 1 George, 5. 11 _tpril. 1946. 6 Henry, 5. 7 Aug. 1940. 7 Thomas, 5. 1 July, 1911. 1 Angnota, cci. 10 lIar., 1955, to Charler, only ann af F. North, Eaq. 2 Frauoos, I Henrietta, 01. 3 Jan. 1907, to Alfrod-E. Barrett, Erq. of t,ninooten, Norfolk, 4 Mary-Jane. 5 hlaria. 6 Mary-St. Anbyn. Coke, Eaq. of Holkham Hail, oo. Norfolk, anhoequontly created Ear] of Leccester; and Indly, in 1943, to the late Eight lion. Edward ElIioe, lIP. Her ladyship S. 23 July, 1544. Faq., a. 1 Dec. 19f4, Eglantine, 2nd dan. c,l the lit. Hon. E.-Fleydell Denrerie, and grand-dan. of William, C. Whitbroad, Esq. of Sonthihl, blcrke. lull, Eoq. ‘ and Sadly, 1949, to the late William-Henry Magan, Eaq. of Clonearl, liP.; she tI. 30 March, 1914. Thomas Gamior, D.C.L., chaplain to the Houoe of Consmono, and rector of Marylehone, and afterwards dean by him (who 5.. 7 Dcc. 1863) has issue. hut 5. o. p. 55 Maroh, 1921, and was e. by his Attlebnrgh, en. Norfolk. Tows Thaoc—bl Eaton Place