Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 1.djvu/717

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LAW This very eminent civil servant of the East Indian the principal soientiflo societies ia Europe and America. lie government was the younger brother of the late wao created a Baronet 30Apr11, 1867. Sir Williaes so. 14 Aug. Sir Henry-Montgomery Lawrence (see sispro, lineage 1826, Louisa, youngest dau. of James Senior, Rag. of nrnughson Sir H. H. LAwRENcE, Bert.), and was edneated at hlonae, Aylesbury, on. Bucks, and by l,er (wised. 14 Aug. 1895) Haileybnry College where he obtained many prizes. laud iosne, He went to India in 1829, and his career there has I. William-James, 1. 10 Oct. 1829; ,i. in 1899. been of the greatest public utility. After filling ii. J.ossxs-Jona-Tnrvos, present llaronet. various minor offices, he was appointed commissioner 5. Mary-Louisa, is. in 1835. of the Sntloj in 1846, and commissioner of the Punjaub s. Louioa-Elinabeth. iii. llary-Wilhelminu. in 1849. He was made a K.C.B. in 1856. The Sir Wilhians Lawrence ,1. 5 July, 1067, and wss a. by hia only energy and activity he displayed at Lahore on the surviving oon, S,s Jassxo-Jona-Taavoa Lawsosoc, tlse 2nd and outbreak of the Sopoy mutiny has tended not a Cee,sls,,s—39 April, 1867. A,’ms—Ersn. a er,ss raguly, go.; little to the victorious suppression of the terrible in tl,o 1st and 4th quarsers so sorpent nowe,l, lssir. Greet—A insurrection. In reward, Sir John Lawrence was gryphon’s bend oosspod, arg., ia front thereof a serpent unwed, made a G.C.B. (civil) in 1857, and n’ao created a ppe. JIeIts—Slente ot Inhere, Se,s 1—Paling Park, Middlesex. Baronet, 16 Aug. 1858, to hold to him and the heirs male of his body. He was a member or ‘the Indian Council. The court of Directors of the East India Company granted him a life pension of £2,000 a year, which, by an act specially passed 27 Vie., cap. 2, Iso was onapowered to bold with his full salary as Vrcznov OP INOIA, to which high office he was appointed in 1864, and from which he retired in 1863. Creation—It Aug. 1698. Arias and Cent—Same as those of Sir H. H. Lawrence. Sspjiecsers—Dextsr, an officer of the Guide cavalry (irregulars), sf the Pathan tribe, in the pra vines of Peshawar, habited a,,d aeroutrsd, ppr.; sinister, an officer of the Sikh irregsslar cavalry, also habited a,sd accoutred, ppr. Motto—Bc ready. .Scal—Ssuthgats, Torts. LAWRENCE. }LilIcdgc, WILLIAM Lawwzwcr, Esq. of Cirencester, co. Gloucester, sen Wsssnso Lawson, Req. of bell, was created a Baronet by of William Lawrsore, Esq. of Ilurford, co. Oxford, was 5. Jaaows 00, Sir Wilfrid so. Jane, dau. of Sir Edward Musgrave, 11 Sept. 1753, us. 9 April, 1775, Judith, 2nd dan. of William Wood. Req. of Tstbary, co. Gloucester, and d. 19 Feb. 1837, t. WILLIAM, who us. Milc’ua, dan. of Sir William Strickland, having by her (who ii. 24 Feb. 1839), had issue, 5. WILLIAM, orraisd a Baronet. is. Edward, sf, an infant, 25 Jan. 1799. sss. Charles, of The Qnema, Cireneester, 5.21 Mar. 1794; s,s. Is. Wilfrid, of Bmyton, so. Sarah, dan. and co-heir of — 28 May, 1818, Lydia, ysangest sian. of Devereox Bowly, Req. of Chesssrton house, Cireneester, and has issns, I Charles-Wi’liasn, 5. 18 Ang. 1822; a”. lot, 4 Jnly, 1849, Innisa-Kathsrine, 3rd dan. of Ttonsas-Raassden Agosw, - The baronet represented on. Cuniberlaud in the Restoration Esq. of Tipner, near Portsmouth; and 2adly, 25 July, 1859, parliament. He if. in 3691, assd wao a. by his grandson, Rosstla-Elieal,,’th, only dan. of James Bowly, Esq. of Cheltenham, Os. Gonrrster, by when, he lsus issose, CharlesArthnr, Ssa Wssjgsu LAwooN, 2nd baronet, SIP, for Cooker- 8. Jso. 1898; Rasstta-Mary, and Alioe-Its1rn mouth. This gentleman sss. Elinsbcth, only dais, and heir I Julia, s,. 25 STar. 1849, to her cousin, henry-William of George Preston, Esq. of Holker, in Lancashire; and Cripps, Rag., Q.C., rsrsrder of Lichifoid, and has issue; dying In 3794, was o. by his eldest son, 2 hOary, sn.20 Slay, 1891, to the Itsv. William-henry Stanton, Sin Wss,pwsn LawsoN, 3rd boronet, NP, for Cookermonth, rector of Ilasleton-com-Tann-ortls, do. filsncester, and has issue; 3 helen. iv. John, a solicitor, 9. 4 Doe. 1799. i. Jadith, d. an infant, 21 Star. 1783. is. Snsanna, s,. 6 Dcc. 1814, to George Revir, Eoq., and and niece of the Earl of Peterborongh; and dying in 3737, if. 21 Jan. 1849; he if. 21 Mar. 1840, leaving issue. is,. Mary, su. 24 Sept. 1814, to Stephen Wilkins, Faq., and ,i. Sin WILPaID LAWSON, 4th baronet, who d. in infancy, 30Apr11, 1819; to if. 17 Jan. 1828. iv. Judith, we, 12 Jnly, 1812, to the Rev. henry Cripps, Sin MoanAusev LAwson, 5th barwset, at whose decease, vicar of Stonehouse and Preston All Saints, and by him in minority (1743), the title and estates devolved npon his (who vi. 7 Nov. 1881) has iasue. The oldest son, I. WILLIAM Lswaowce, one of the most distinguished his brothe,’, surgeons of his time, u-as 5. at Cironrester, 16 Jnly, 1783, and Sin ALrncn LAwson, 7th baronet. This gentleman if. in was edacated at Elmore Court solsool, near Glo’sreater. Ito 1792, and was s. by his eldest son, studied in London, under the great sargoon Abernethy, whose Sin Wss.rassa LawsoN, 0th baronet; who was sheriff of auooess he afterwards rivalled. lie rose rapidly in his profession, Cumbcrlaad in 1790, and lIP. for the some county in 1761. and throughout his ossbsoqucnt life had a very extensive Med. a. p. the next year, aud was s. hy Isis brother, practice, lie was Demonstrator of Anatomy, and Sin GsLrnsn LAwson, 9th baronet. This gentleman us. Leotnrer on Snrgcry, at SI. Bartholomew’s Itoopital, and n-as Esnilia, dan. of John Lovett, Rag.; aod dying about the twice President nf the College ol Surgeons. lie was in 1097, year 1794, was s. by his son, appointed Serjennt-Snrgeoo to the Queen, having long been Ssa Wsssasn Lawson, 10th barouet; who us. Anne, dau. Her Malesty’s Surgeon Extraordinary. He was a P.B.S., and of John Hartley, Esq. of Whitehavon, but having no issue, a member of the Institute of France, as well as of many of the Baronetcy rodent at his decease in 1000, when the 667 L A W present ttaronet. LAWSON, SIR WILFEIB, of Brayton, co. U’umborland M.P. for Carlisle, 6. 4 Sopt. 1829; s. his father as 2nd hart., 12 Jssne, 1867 sst. 13 Nov. 1860, Mary, 3rd dan. of Joseph Ponklington-Sonhouse, Esq. of Nethorhall, Cnm. berland (see BUREE’S L-nndtcl Coos- fry), and has, s. Wsrsasu, 5. 21 Oct. 1062. is. Arthur, 6. 9 June, 1866. in. A son, is. 14Apr11, 1868. s. Ellen. 3imncagr. In the let year of ItnNnY III., LAWRENCE, Ssst JAMES - JOHN - JouN LAwsoN was Lord of Fawlingravo, in Yorkshire; TREvOR, Bart. of Ealing-pas’k, and aud frun, him, througls a long line of eminent ancestors, of Whitehall-place, in the on. no descended Son Wn.sassn Lswsow, Rut., who so. the widow of Thomas Middlesex, 6. 30 Deo. 1831 ; o. his Leigh, Req. of bell, in Cumberlaud, aud thus soquired that father, as 2nd Burt., 5 July, 1867. estate. Sir Wilfrid d. a. p., and bequeathed hio property to his nephew, WiLLIAM LAWSON, Esq,, whsoe eon and su000ssor, Dart, of Haytoo Castle, and had issue, Mart. of Boyaston, in Yorkshire; and dying beforo his father, left (with two daus.), WsLrnsn, successor to the baronetcy. James, Eoq. of Waohingtou, in Durham, and left, } 6th and 7th baronets. one of the grooms of the bedchambor to Gsostnr I. He ,ss. ElizabethLuoy, dao. of the lion: henry Mordaunt, woos. by his elder son, and was a. by hie brother, cousin (refer to issue of WILs’eso, 2nd son of 1st baronet), Sin Gsrvnsu LAwson, 6th baronet, who was s. in 1749 by LAWSON.