Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 1.djvu/729

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LET Sir Baldwin, who was a general officer in the army, and Geraldines. In 1108, Dermet Mae ?dorrotgh, lUng of govemorof Carriekfergus, S. in Woe. 1828. Mis widow S. Leinster, driven from his territory by Roderiek O’Connor, 9 Jan. 1842. LEINSTEIt, DUKE OF (Augustos-Froderick FitzGerald, dispat-ity of numbers, to eueoutster tite foe. The bold P.C.), Marqnose of Kildaro, and Earl of KUdare,co. exploit was crowned with sttceeos ; the Irish were completely Kildaro, Earl and Baron of Offaly, co Kildare, escaped. Maurice died at Wexfonl iu 2177, and was in the peerage of Ireland; Viscount Leinstor, of bttried in the Abbey, outside the wahs of tltvt tewtt. “His Taplow, co. Bockingham, in tho peerage of Groat death,” says the old chronicler, “ was not without much Britain; lord-lieutenant and custos rotulorum of the socrrw of all his friends, and much harm and loss to co. Kildare; 8. 21 Aug. 1791; a, as 3rd duke at tho the English interest in Ireland. lIe was a man witty and decease of his fathor, 20 Oct. 1804 ne 16 Juno, manfull ; a truer man, not etsdfaster, fin constancy, 1818, Charlotte-Augusta, youngest data, of Charloo, fidelity, and love, left be none in Ireland.” ‘ I’t truth,” 3rd Earl of Harringtou, by wbom (who d. 15 Fob. continues Giraldus Catabrensis, “ Maurice v-as an honour- 1859) he baa had isano, 1. CnAnLEs-WILt.IAas, Marquees of Kiltlare, calonel of the looking, of middls beight; a man well ,nodelled in mind Rildare militia, 6. 39 March, 1819 ; to. 23 Oct. 1847, and body ; a man of lunate goodness; desiring rather to be Lady Caroline, 3rd dan. of George, 2nd Duke of than to seem good; a ntan of few words, hut full of Sutherland, aud has had issue, 1 GERALO, Earl of Offaly, 6.16 Aog. 1811. 2 Manrice, 8.16 11cc. 1842. 3 Frederick, 0. 18 Jan. 1857. and yst whsn it was rsquired, eantest to the pttrpose. In 4 WalLet, 7. 20 Aug. 1919. 9 Charles, 8.39 Aug. 1860. military aflusirs valiant, and sertosd to few in activity, 0 George, It. 10 Feb. 1a62. 7 Henry 8. 9 Aog. 1863. I Geraldiae, d. 19 Nov. 1867. 2 Alice. 3 Eva. 4 3lsbel. 0 Neata. 6 Margaret., d. 26 Oct. 1867. It. Gerald, lieut.-eol. Qteean’e Westminster volunteers, By his wife, Alice ds liontgomsry, he left a sen and heir, late capt. Sects fos.-gds., 8. 6 Jan. 1821 ; rn 9 June, GrnsLn FtTzasst’nscv, who received suennons to Parliament, 1862, Aoos-Agoee, dao. of J. Darker, Esq., and lisa a son, Edward-Gerald, 0. 2 Sept. 1963. tu. Otho-Augostus, P.C., lIP. force. Kildare, late anoffleer de Valcia, lord chief justice of lrelatad in Ills?, was royal horse-guards, and late gentleman of the bed- Oisuoscv FtveGosiALu, tbe second baron, who bore the chamber to HE, the Lerd-Lisotenant of Ireland, Treasurer name of his grandfather, the gallant cotepanion of Strong- of Tier Majesty’s Hopeeheld from May to July. bow, was not unworthy of it. Psety, it is evident, formed 3860; 0. 10 Oct. 1827; to. 44 Dee. 1961, Ursula-Lucy- a strong ingredient in his character: for, in 1216, he introduced Grace, Lady Loudesboreng, and has a son, GeraldOtho, 6.25 Sept. 1961, and a dan., Ina-lllanehe-Georgie. that of the Dorainicans; and, in tn’o years after, be built I. Jane-Seymour, ta. 5 Sept. 1946, G.-W.-J. Repten, Esq., the Franciscan Abbey of Voughal. its a stateesnan, the H.P., only son of G.-T. Reptota, Esq., and Lady ElizabethRspton. second Lord Offaly exhibited considerable ability in the His grace is the solo duk-o and tite premier marquess office of lord justice of Treland, anti as a soldier he seems to and earl of Ireland. IL ticagc, The FiteGeralds are descended from “ Dsminus Ovno,” justice 3247, and bad three sons, H,s.nn,cc, his heir; who ie supposed to have keen of the family of Gherardini of JOHN, 1st RAn cc EeLnsnr. The eldest son, of Florence ; anti titis action is confirmed by the Latin fo,’m Msuasca Fexzscsutttce, Ird Baron OtTaly. This nobleman, of name, Geraldioi, assumed by his descendants. This noble passed ever ioto Norenandy, and thence, in 1097, Emelina de Longepe,i, heiress of the territory of O’9lnrtby, into England, whmv he became so great a favourite with which loelt,ded Ktlkea and Castledermot, and was .t. at his Edward the Confessor, that he excited the jealousy of the decease, in 3277, by his son, Saxon Thanes However derived, his English pessessiens GEtsALn, 4th Lout Oilily, svho svas a. by his cousin, were enormous, which, at his death, devolved on his son Msuatcu, 0th Baron, who d.c. p. a,sd was s. by his cousin, WALTER, who, it is somewhat remarkable, was treated after JOHN FtTzTuostse F5TeGeRALn, Lord Ofibly. This nobleman, the Conquest as a fellew-reontryman of the Nermans. This fortunate heir pot the cepe-stone to his prosperity by w’ben there was an alarm of fire; in the confusion that ensued a marriage with Gladys, ths datgbter of Ehiwallon ap Cynfyn, Prince sf North Wales; and his son, GEnALO to aeas’eh for him, the room in which be lay was found tn F5TZWALTER, ttt. Nests, the dusoghter of Ebys ap Grttlfydd, ruins. Soon after a ats-auge voice was ltetsrd in one of the Prince of South Wales, by whom he had three seas, vie., towers, and upon looking up, they saw an spa, which was s lhnnser, his heir. ss. William, ancestor of the famliles of Carew, Grace, File- arms The Earl aftcrwsrdo, in grslittsde for his preservation, maurice, sad Oerard. Its. David, bisltsp of tie.,l’t, ii. 1170. The eldest son, listener F’tTzllras.r.u, was the patriarch of the Irish Fsyz-Tssoatas FtTZOER5,Ln, 1st earl of Kildare, the child 079 LET King of Ireland, sought assietattec front the Englisit, and succeeded in enlisthtg in bie eaose ths renewned Diehard Crealis,s—2 March, 1692. Actsa—Qaarlerly: pet fcsse, indented, deClare, Earl of Pembroke. llavisg reached St. David’s, or aad ga. Creel—A try oertt, espactictl, Is. Melle— on his way bsek to ireland, Dorttsst was hospitably received by Vivid FitzGerald, bishop of the diocese; a,td at the prelate’s persttssien, his younger brother, llat,riee, atsd his half-brother, Robert Fitestephets, engaged to assist liar Mnrrnuglt with tiseir forces, Ssoo after, Mattriee etultarked for Ireland, with two ships eotttainiug a email bsdy of soldiers, and after having been invested with the lordship of Wexford, marched forward and took Dohlitt. Bat the Irish king was tte idle or s,tteoaeerned spectator of this aihievement. In 1571, he hal g ttheeeti sttch at, hiercase of strength that though Maurice was by this time joined by Streogbow, Rodcriek was able to invest Dahlia u’itb 10,900 men, while at sea he blockaded it with a fleet of thirty Ilaux vessels. The ease of tIM English, with only 000 troops, seemed wei nigh de’pemtc. In titis emergency, by Maurice’s atlvice and earnest and instiratiug exla,rtstions, the beleagtset’ed garrison doterntitted t,, trust to their superior wat’like prowess and dartng, and regardless of the dsfeatetl, and the king, Itodet-iek, svlth difficulty able and modest man; with a fars srtu-b,trnt and well- weight, haviug more of the heart ihusu of the nteutb, more of reason than of volubility, more aviadom than eloquence neither impetuous nor rash, but circumspect in attack and resolute in defence; a sober, ,nodesi, and chaste man ; constant, trusty, and ftitbfetl ; a man not altogether witho’at fault, yet not spotted a-ith any netorie,us or great crime.” as BARON OEFALY, in 3203, and diel the sa,ae year his sen and heir, by Hatharine his wife, ila’tgl.ter of Hamo into Ireland the order of the Franciscans; in 1229, bays falisu little short of bis gallant predeecoso’-, Olaas-ice Fitzgerald. He S. eventually in 3237, in the nsouastsry of Yonghal. He so. Jnliana, dan. of John do Cogan, lord Gerald, father of MAuRice, 9th baron; and Tbamas, father ate was afterwards chief govsrrsor of Ireland, us. when au infant, was in the Castle of Woodstock, the child was forgotten, anti on the servants returning usually kept chained, carefully holding the child in his adopted a monkey for, his crest; and same of his dsseendants in memery of it, took the addttsonsl s,otto ‘‘non immemor beneficii.” The IsIS of JOHN Dread slsasne. &aI—Lstcn Fark, near Sltrewsbury, Salsp. L E I N S T E IL.