Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 1.djvu/739

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L E V II. Sin RTCRAnD, of Parwiok, Co. Derby, and 111gb Park, Eeal—Knorkdrin Castle. Msilhingar, Ireland. Pars-irk Hall 00. Westeseath, H.P. This gentleman in. in 1718, Isabella, near Aolsbnrn, co. Derhy, was in time lsOsseesioo of the fsootly dan. of Sir Arthur Rawdon, Dart, of Sloira, co. Down; but ooaely lhree contnrieo. dying without issue, in 1745, was a. by his brother, IlL Sin CHARLEs, 0. in 1693; who so. in 3728, Anne, dan. and es-heir of Major Samuel Greene, of Killaghy Castle, en. Tipperary, lIP, for Cashel ; sod was a. by his only elsil,l, IV. Sin Rtouonn, 0. in 1724. This geutloiuau is. lot, is 1748, Dorothea, dan. and co-heir of William Kennedy, Esq., lIP., of Muilow, so. Lougford, by whom ho had, I. Cnannns, his heir, ii. ttiehard, of Lorgo, es. Tipperary, sod of Relviesr, eo. Kilkonny, 0. is 1760 iii. I sI, Anne, 3rd dan. of Godfrey Taylor, Esq. of Noon, en. Tipperary, by Lydia his wife, don. and heir of Nicholas faces, Esq., and by her had, 1 Charles, hoot. 27th regL killed at Ba’lajoz. 2 Godfrey, of Lnrgo and Cu’dsas, co. Weotmeoth, J.P. deceased, 1 Lydia, rn. to Henry Langley, Esq. of Areherstown, co. i. E,Iward-Praukland 5. S July, 1844 ; 0. 21 juno, 1818. Tipperary. 2 Snoan, K nnrn. 3 Anus. lie ss. 2ndly, Hiss Eleanor O’lteefe; sod d. 25 May, 1825, in. i.iusloay-Frankland, Is. 1852; ii. 1850, having had issno by her also, viz., I Riehord-Haslings. 9. 1812, who hsheriled Bclviesr, Co. Kilkenny l Os. 55 18W. Ellen, yonnoost don. of Ihe lato Tnoamos Lnw;n, of Ilarpteu, served the niEce of sheriff for Thomas-Chippen Fooleoner, Esq. of Nowhoven, and Ibisfield, Snosex; and d. in Jan. 1847, leaving by her (who 5. Raduorshire in 1512, Tosvard,the cl,,se of the costs; isg century 10 Oct. 1264), a son, ltichard-ltoginold-Angnsins, b. 3 Jan. 1843; Chaeloo, deceased. 1 Elhsn-Aogosta-Ilelena, Os. to J. Ledwitls, Esq., lID. 2 Fanny-Maria-Louisa. i. Aeno, rn. in 1773, to the fox. Meade Swift, of Lynn, ro. heiress of William Ilowes, Fort. of Orccnlaom, in IIork-sbire, Westmeath. ii. Baronies, rn. in 1776, to John Kenny, Esq. of Mullsw. on. Frances, vs. to Capt. Francis Knox. Sir Richard vi. 2ndly, and his oldest dan. by his second to Parliamontfor the borough of Raduor, which place he continued marriage, Charlotte, sd. aged 95, nt Levingtou Park, Weotmeath, 9 Nov. 1026, Sir Richard S. in 1786, and was o. by dan. and co-heiress of Sir Nathan Wrighte, hart, of Craisham his eldest son, V. Sin CRAnLEO, 8. in 1732; vs. 20 Juno, 1770. Elizabeth- Jonn Low-is, Eeq. of Harpten Court, co. Radnnr, 0, Frances, only dau, of Nicholas Reyooll, Eoq. of Roynolla 4 Oct. 1718 (son of Henry I-owls, by Hnnrirtta-Maria Gustafin, Wcstmeath, by whom (who tO. 19 May, 1818) ho hod Rienasu. Charles, a lient.-col. in tlsc army; 1. 20 Morrh, I 790; rn 2 Navy, and by her (who 5. 11 Oct. 1774) had isans, Jssne, IRiS, Barbara, dan. of Hogh Johnston, Keg of St. Elizabeth, ‘a. 21 Jan. 1788, to James-Lloyd blarris, Eoq. of John’s, Nesv tirnnssrielc, and by Isor (irho 5. 14 June, 1838), Isas had icons, Clsadeo-Ilngb, host. 201h rcgt.; George, Sarah, ,o. in 1709, lo Charles Whsalley, Boo. of Stow, en. Godfrey, 8. in Jnly, 1537; Anne; Barbara; and ElizabethCarolino, si-in JoJy, 1837. - Sehina, an. in 1002, Ia the Rev. Henry-Lsmbert Bayly, of Mori,snnc, vs. 1.0 Aprit, 1004, to James Davies, lOsq. of Moer Ballyarthnr, 00. Wicklosv, who 5.26 Jniy, 1827. Caroline, d. sass. 3 Starch, 1840. Anne, es-in 1817, to the Rev. William Gregory, 2ndsen the Prauklaud, Mart, of ThirLlch’y Park, co. Vork; and by her late Ilight Hon. William Gregory, sccmtary of the civil do (who mis. 2ndly, in 1811, the Roy. Robert tlamo, of hurstmonecalix, partinent in Ireland, by Lady Anne his wife, dan. of William lot Earl of Chancarty. Frances, rn-in 1014, to Lieot.-Col. William Miller. Sir Charles 5. 10 Jau. 1790, and was o. by his eldest sou, VI. Sin RieoiAnu, 0.29 Oct. 1705 ; ,n 5 Dec. 1810, Elba- SIr. Lewis d. 0 Nov. 1797, and was .s. by his son, beth-Anne, oldest dan. and eventually en-heir of ThomasMoothby, I. Tnn RIOHT Host. Sin Tnoomao-FnowutLAaso Lowms, of 1st Lord Ranchife, by whom (who 5 28 Oct. ltarpts’n Coort, 8. 14 Slay, 1780; so, 1st, U Slarch. 1001, 1853) he had issuo, i. RicnAnn-GnoaoE-Areusvus, present baronet. n. Georgc-Charhes-Rawdon, 5. 20 Sept. 1812; major, royal Sept. isol), dau. of John Aohton, Beg., capt. royal horse- hone artfllery, S. at yams, io Use expeshtiou to Torkoy, guards; by the fermor lady (who sO. 11 Aug. 1010) he had 2Ang. 1814. ni. Reginald-Thomas-John, 5. 10 Oct. 1813; comm. RN.; S. in issue, 1. Oei,noo-CisnxEwAm,s., 2nd baronet. 1848. iv. Augnstns-Frederick, 8. 1 Nov. 1814; hone. list light infantry; n. G,LnERv-FmANELANn, lvcscnt barooni. sO. S May, 1038. v. Charhes-Vere, 0. II Jan. 1018; ensign in the 71st light infonts’y; Ho represented Deaumuarie in parliament front 1812 to 1028, 5. 14 Jnno. 1837. vi. VEER-I-leNny, 0. 28 Nov. 1819; ltadras civil ser. vii. William-James, t. 22 Jan. 1021; ‘a. 13 Ang. 1848, AncaMaria, of the Board s,f Trade, troassuvr of the Nany, and camnsmooioner only don, of Johso-llicboch-Itenry, Baroo do Robeck, and granddan. of Valentine, Lord Cloncnrry, and 5. 22 (let. 1807, having by her (n’ho ‘0. 2 Joly, 1868) bad issne, Williain-ltenry, 8. 21 Slay. 1810. 2 Richard, 5,23 Jan. 1812. I Emil3—Caroline. viii. Edsrard-Parkyne, 0.30 Nov. 1825; a jodge of the Eu SIP., 1’.C., omse of the nao,t rlietingnishrd and descrve’hly promo Court of Calcutta, 0. at Penang, 2 SlamS, 1505. ix. IIsnry-Cerbyn, 0. 1 Hoc. 1028; vi. 6 April, 1857, Ellen poleol;u’ potitteismes nnd stateosi en if his tinme, amid ales, dan. of B. Barnes, Leg. of Pnrneah. i. Elizabeth-Anne. ii. Georgiana-Franens-Caroline. 0. in London, 21 Oct. 1800 ; cd,meatest at Ltoms ansI (‘lsniot Sir Richard d. 12 Sept. 1848. Creatbsao—26 Oct. 1704. Arrns—Qnarterly 1st, vert, a chevron, or, three coraltspt, Secretary in Jmmmse, 1850, nus,l Secretary ,‘f Stale for arg., in rhief, for Levisos; 2zd, an., on achiof, or. tluvo ravens, War in 1481, which office he rctainnsl till Isis slemiso. Sir ppr., for ConnvN 3rd, vert, three bneks, passssnt, crowned, os, George ma. 26 Oct. 1044, Lady Maria-Theresa Villden’, shh’r for GnoEstn; 4th, in., an oscnllsp-shnll, or, between tlirnn of tleorge—Wilhiaisa, 4th Barb of Clarenslsin, nss,l sri, law of helmets, close, arg., arnished. of the second, for Knxwenv. Cre,f—An escallop. arg., witlsin a garland, ppr .idoOde—Vestigia nnlla rctrorsnrn. 689 L E W LEWIS. aLnwss, TilE Rca’. Rut (bui,P.nltT- FBANELAyD, lhsrt, of Ilarltou Cuort, gjj 21 July, 1808 ; s. Lie l.srutber no 3rd $‘ baronet, 13 April, 1863; hi. ii Aug. 1843, .1 ann, eldest dan. of Sir Rd misud Aintrob;;e, Last., and line had issue, it. Ilnssnmin-e KuMrNu,.l-nA’rnLAxo 9:1 Starch, 1546. s . M,sry—Assua. mm. Elision. 3L1,zcagc. Isis descendant, Ti’unian Low;o, was colonel of the train-bands of Raduor and Brecon. This gentleman its. Margaret, dau. and en- aud dying iii Sept. 1724, was o. by his oldest son, Tomua,ns Lew’mo, Eoq. ef Rarpton Court, I. in 1090, who, upon the aeeessis,n of the hossne uf Brunswick, wasreturued to represent for nearly half a century. lie vs. Anne, Hall, in Bosex, hut dying a. p. 1777, woo a. by his nephew, hie wife) who ma. let, 35 Dee. 1761, Mary, dau of Charles Colby. Esq. capt. It,N. and commissioner of the ‘l’l,e lIner, re. llcreford. Gloocestcr; nod d.2l llarcis, 1040. Coon, co. Ileroford, ansI 5. 30 April, 1041. Ho vs. 2udly. 24 March, 1778, Amine, don. of Sir Thomas en. Snsscx, and sI. 12 Starch, 1841) had ieeue, Tnosmss-FnoxoLown, crcalrd a Baronet. Anae, sO. 19 Doe. 170$. Lenten, 8. sam 12 Jan. 1010. Harriet, 4th dau. of Sir George Cornewall, Dart, of Moccao, en. Hereford; and 2udly, hO Oct. 1839, Story-Anne (who 5. Fnnio from 1820 to 1828, Rodssorohirc from 1028 to 1075, and the borough of Rarlnor, since 1547, and filled successively the offices of secretary of the Treasury, vice-preoident of the l’cor law. Sir Frankland Lewis was ereat, d a Baronet 27 June, 1048, and dying 22 Jan. 1855, was s, by his older son, II. Tmmo Rinnv Hrx. Sm Gnoron CoexeworL Lewis, on,i,,esmt- its sum historian, essayist, ons] 1shhlsssophicah srniter Chnrcls, Oxford collect to the hu iii 180. After filling various minor public appolulmemets, lie was f’lssmsrellsr of the Exchequer from 1850 tss 1014, ansI was ap1o’hitrel llonmo Thomns-Ifessry Lioler, Esq. (a lady of highs ssttainmuent in literature, who tO. 9 Nov. 1865), 153- whonu he had misc leone.