Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 1.djvu/742

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LIGHTON. LionToN, SIR C1IRIOTOPIIER- Ronnes, of Ilerville, CII. Dulslio; flin holy orders, MA., vicar of Ella- - ‘- stone, Staffordshire; 6. 28 May, ____________ 1 Sib; a. as 6th baronet, sn the decease of his brother, 29 April, LiLporto, BARON (Thomas - Littleton Powys), of I 8-11; so 2 Jone, 1813, MaryAo;so-1’llizaheth, Lilford, eo. Northampton; 6. IS Macoh, 1833; a. his only dan. of the father, as 4th baron, 15 March. 1861 ; on. 14 June, late Rev. I)igby-Josopli-Stopford 1559, Eosma-Elisabeth, youngest dau. of the late 11am, of Brookevillo, cc. Cork, Rol,ert-)Villtana Brandliog, of low Gosforth, Northumluerland, by Penelope Stopford his wife, dan. of Cl;riotmao-Paol Wallis, s. Tuousn-ATnoRvoa, 8. 5 April, 1161. Esq. of Benny, and graoddau. of ii. John, 8.15 Jan. 1102. Colonel Ihsui,° of Clonatin, Co. Wexf,jrd, and Elizabeth, his wife, dali. of Joseph Stopford, Esq., brother of the 1st Earl of Conrtowu, and has had iosoe, 5. Ciiaisooeuen-oiera 8.4 July, 1848. Andrsw-llamiltenjsigby, 8. 20 April, 1810. iii. Henrv-Alfrer;-Hamilten 8. 3 Feb. 1052. iv .Jehn-Itamsltan.Plomptre 8. 26 June, 1825. ‘V, (‘Lsol’itansilfon.Dallao 8. 10 Oct. 1180, i, Mary-Itaniiiteo-5to11f, si, F.Ieanor-Aniie.pensl,srton iii, I’areiy.Blancbe_Han,ilten iv, Florenes.D’A,’ey_;familton. V. SliiiIe4tdifli.Hiniillo,i, 1. i infants. vi. lC,sthl, en-Dalla...IIainifto,i, 5 vi;. Kniily-Xtiiart—}iaij Itoo vi;;, Isabel I’snelope-Ttantilfoii. ILincitgc. I. Tnoo;ae L;onvea, Esq., SOP, or Slervillo, so. Dublin, Margaret, do;;. of Richard Rosrhury, and had, with other isiue, awl high-sheriff of Dublin, in also, was created a BARONET TnosAo, of whom presently. OF IRE1,ANO, I Starch. fl51. Sir Thomas ni, 11 Doe. 1777, Anne, dao. of William Pelleek, Req. of Strabane, Co. Tyronc, and had issue, i. Tnoisas, his heir. is, ,Tamoe, iii. ,tolin, iv, Ilenry-Cliesler. a Flisaheth, ‘s. to Sir Santuol Haves, lart is. Anne, ,n, I, Charles ID-a, Fsq. of For; ns’a1, so. Donegal. iii. Cherl’’l;e, ,s, to the Dcv. Charles Swoon’-. TIed, in tsfs, and was s, by his eldeetson, IT, SIR Tn’oias, who was,, by bin son, III. Sir. Tueaan, at whose decease in infancy, in 1817, Litlielon, ltd. and Cart., of Stoke Milberue, ohief jnstieo of the title reverird to his uncle, IV. Tu Rev, Sic JOHN, rector of Deneughmore, Os. Ts’ealise on Tsaurss, hy n’hom he had sir children, namely, Donogal, 8. in 1702; so. 23 Jan. 1917, 2’lary-Ilamilton, 2nd dan. of Christ oplitr.Robort Peniherten. Eoq., MD,, of Newton, l’amts-idgr.shire by Eleanor his wife, dan, of Janice Raniiltsn , Fsq - of Woodtjro, ‘Ice, Stral sine, who ‘a. Eleanor, sister of Au,lrew, Ear; of IlastloShiart, This Dr. Hasuilt . os was a lineal descendant sf the Hon. Sir Cland Ijamilten, son of the 1st Lord Paisley (anrestur ‘f the Marquess of Aboroorn). Tiss’ 11ev. Sir Jottu Light oil had issue, buy-I IANO.ToN, his heir. CnlusToel,eis.uoerRT ;‘rosont harone;. Thonsas, 8.20 Sept. I°28t d, oem, 1 Slay, 1812. Andrew, b. 20 Drr, lola; e,. 27, alay, 1500, ElizaAntelia, iv, Jidn, in lusty orders, uf. on his passage to ll;e West Indies. youngest Ion. of henry Sumner Joyce, Esq. of F’resliford, v. Anne, who died in infancy; and another, Wilts. Mars’, d. yeung in 1927. The Its-v. Sir John ci, 2 April, 1027, and was s. by his son, lie ss, lndly, Stary, dao. of John Cotes, of Woodeote, Sheepsl,ire, V. liii .l051N-RAsiLTO 8. 96 Slay. loll, who d. usia 29 Api-il, 1s14, and was o- by his brotbor, the present hart. son of the first marriage, f’realw,i—l March, 1791. A reis—lton-y of rig!l, arg. aed TnonAs Powvo, being also bred to the har, was appoinled nt-ri, lucre sill a lion, rampant, crowned with on Eastern crown, or, arioe,l anul law_wed, az.;a canto,; of 1 i-cloud, Crest—A lien’s heaul, erased, rr000aed n-ill, anLsster,i crosce, or, langncs, knighthoeil 5 oltoi-oey-geneml Ihe next year and sonstitoted Ccl. fiLm seas lint-aIls- descended from Thomas Rain, M.D., was r,’nioved in 1714. Sir Thos;sas purchased, in 1711, tho ltishn,, of Ferns, soap. Qoeen EuzAneTu. 1i92 and has, 3Lfitrgr. rio IIeuie of Powvo deduces lineage threngh ths Eanoso op 2tAlN.vs-Stc’ieon, in Posryoland, front loownoan Ooen, Lord of Mools,iant, in Pon’yoland, youngest oon of MnoensTn, Prinos of t’osvys, representative of lttenvvos, Ring of Poseyo, led sen of Rnonie; MAWR, King oi Wales. The descendant, by lorwerib Vyclsan, the younger son of tills lors-ertli Oocb, lltanoo up Irvac, of Main-yn-Ileifod, so. Angharad, dan. of levan op Rinion ap Ierwerth, ,uf Slerhain, and had iesue, i. Ow,sis ar illanoc, frons n-hem descended the family of Gsorrrvns (formerly) os’ Olos-eu’, in Liansilin. H Davin Onro Ar lstanos, of Illeifod, Trefnanaey, and Denddwr. iii. Jons. The led son, Jisna Powvs, of itTyfod, woo father of Jansi t’os’ve, n-hose son, WiLLIAM Powvo, of Ludlow, 8. in 1404; Ia. fee his 2nd wife, Jehe, of Ilryndrinug, ancestor of the Pews-so of .llersoick Hosuse, and of IJ”eslirooul. (-See Bueon’s Loaded fleas n_i.) The eldest son of the second n;ari-iage, Tnonas Powvs, Eeq., of Snytton, so. Salop, 8. 1538; m. Elioahelh, dan. of Richard Smylh, Eoq. of Crodenhill, en. Itereford, and 4. 1630, having had nine children, of whons the eldeot, Tnosial Powto, scijeont-at-law, and one of the benchers of Lincoln’s-Inn, none seated at tlenley Ttall, in the parish of Bitterley. lie married, 1st, Anne, dan. of Sir Adam Norlh Wales, a descendant of Ihe releluratod anther of the i. Sin L5TTLrTON Pon’vn, Knt., of Itentey Hall, 8. 1647; a honeher of Lincoln’s-inn, received the honoor of knighthood from King ‘IVieLsass lIt. on his appointment to the rhiofjaslieeslop ef North Wales in 1692. In 1651 he ens made one of the Barons of the Exchequer, and in itsa ajudge of the King’s Bench, n-hit-h he resigned in 1726, afler a service of Ihirly-one years as one of the tn-el 00 judges. By his wifo, Agnes, dan, of— Cartei’, Esq., and who if. before him, hn had no issne. and (lying II Starch, 1731, was buried at Bitterley. is. Sin l’sionas Powvs.of orhoin presently. is;. Kdn’nrd, of ‘l’rinity College, Oxtord, where he died a l,aeheler, in 1660, and sras bnrtedi n the rlsnrch of St. Mary lttagilalen, Oxford. v; Anne, n-ho ,s. 1697, Andre,r Ilill, Esq., of Court do Hill, of the eldest branch of the hills of llaorksstons. and by that lady had Ire enne and a dan. The 2nd solleitor-general in 16Sf, ,ehen he received the honour of on,’ of the judges of the Qnrsn’s Bench in 1753, whence he n;aiss,r (If Lilford, in Northae;ptonsl;ire. tie so. 1st, Sarah, LIG s. Alieio-Annr, is. 11Apr11, 1841, to Sir Edwin Poarion, F.B.I., or. Molls—Fortitndine et pnidentia. lleoiulessce—Ellastons nnd has issue. is, Snsao. iii. Anne-Georgiaisa. Itis lordship 4. 22 April, 1555. Creolisee—Paron, 9 loIs. I 7,15, Viseonnl, 4 -Jan. 17M. uI 00(0 —ha., a elies’i-u,n. sngi-aiied, lo’Iween lirec osels, a,-g. Crest— fin a stissisls sf a lr,’o, seilli ,ure lurioicli gr’ snug lucre’ sn, as ((001, all Iq, So;,j’erle,-e—ti,-oluur, a s-,4 tare, cur, Icings ins-cried, ncr., t”urgrd ‘ci 1k a pl (sill esllssr. sic., thereon these luesoiss sinister, ii oridin, ui’. sriegs ols’ealesl. ,lrg,, garged as the dexter, ,lfo’to—lir juts; md lear sot, Seal—SI osot -Isis, es. Isosoogal. LIt Stolfnrdslnre, near Aehbennss, in tJsrbyshiro. LI L FORD.