Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 1.djvu/746

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LI N LIN mocastery, and his armorial hearings, three battering rams ekill. (Johnstono Leo ; lint. lust., p. i4f.) lie ci. and a shattered castle, were placed there on one of lice governor of le’ersvirk, ifil. life lordship Ia. SIssy, dan. pillows. (Lausdoonee Mn’s. 2t3 fi 72; Harleiau 0155. 213 of John Vere, Earl af Oxford, and emit and heir of lhe f. 55 II. Olaerrs’ t’oll. t’olleg. arms A p. 23; ditto 2 11. whole blood 0f Henry, 12th Earl of Oxford, by whombe 5 p. 67 ditto A f, 11; Vincent’s lianinagiuni, 20 f. 22.) bid ioeue, Roarer, hio ols0005sor, with fonr other eons (of From him deoeended whom Peregrine was ancestor of the Bertieo, of Low ItoaeleT Ererie, Lord of Ilersted )eee Rawlinsen’s M°. Layton, Eosrx; and Ilenry, ancestor of lhe Berties, of lb lIelan, Ii. 7:1), oho had a eon, R,’bert, mice lived at Lound, Lhcroluohire) ; and a dan., Catherine, m. to Sir Beroted, and ,s. 51 Irien. clan of-— (see life Will at t’anter- Lewia Watson, of ftoekingham Castle, afterwardo Lord bury, dated 10th year of King lle.anv VII.). sod had a R’’ekingham. Lord Willonghby cmos. by his eldest eon, son, Wn.i.i scm, who cc,. Elizaboslc, do,,. of Thomas i’ep. R,,nmre llvosio, 12th ibaron Willoughby de Erosby, E.G. and was fathor of Iii eric’, who having ‘‘a long This not cleman, lilto hie father, wae brought np to the toae need lcin,self in foams of arms,” was a ‘puinted by 1,rc,feooioms if arms, acid in the month of Jucae, 1590, or— ltc:’cny VIII. ‘ ‘ s’apitanlce v’astri to hurst, in to. Sassth- oancj’.uned (inc godfather) Robert, Earl of Eosea, 10 Cavliz, ampt in.” lIe d in 1550, leaving by his soft, .licia, dan. whore, being nuder a heavy fire, a council wao held of — Say, of Salep, foe suns, Ricusno, his heir, who, whether they should attack the city; the majority deter- with his broilcor Thom 55, in li-If, scsffered a recovery of nunocl ecposc oictsi’ing the hay, ishosi Essex and his youthlaado in tterssod an,l Slai,boh,ne (so’ fines, c’haplrr llouro, fill enlopanioii simnltcsmcroncly tossed ‘ip their esps with Wost,,,iostrr). ‘bOils Ri,’ha,’d II ‘rtia, 5. in liii, was a delight. A furic us onset wile tlcesc made to gain the city, felbosv of Coop. t’lceisl. Ccli., Oxford, bred to the tcar, and aud while storming the gate, the old women throwing finished his e’luealioic cinder Wriotbrslc-, Earl of Sossth- down bsrge st,,nes Oil tloo besiegers, gave rise to the follow— asspton, and bomng ocugularty areocoicicohel, wolf-; creed iscg remark, expressed 1 ‘y Robert ltsrtie, ccc being knighted, in the French, It slian, cccl Latin tongues (ore Churchyard’s thtst “an old wonsaim with a otrne Itnorked down the lraeetotiaa ef 31 tec’aoae), Ice gained the sffsotions, and eequire, and the general commanded him to rise a knight.” ss. in P13,1, one of the moot ‘listinguishe.d Indies of the d cy, lie afterwards laid elcdm, in right of hio mother, to the Katherine, Bas’o,,es’. Willoughby de Ei soby, in her son Ecn’Idoin of Oxford, the feudal liarony of Bobber, the right, as dccc and cole heir of William Willoughby, the tlamv’ny of tlccdlesiuere, cocci the vOice of bomd-groat-ohamhaot Lord iVillocmght’y do Eeeehy ot that iaeily, and t,srlain of England, Icest was eeily able to establish his pro— II,cehsss Dewngor o - Suffolk, as wid cm of t’hc,rleo Brandon, tensions to the last. His los’dship eves, however, created of 2u,lk. The escape of this Isdy and her husband, EAaL no Leonsev, 22 Nov. 1626, and elected in four years Mr. Hectic, from England into Oernaascy asol Poland, in aftero’ards a knioht of the Garter. In the 11th ef CnanLes the rc igo of Queen Stony, was a rensarkatcls event of the I., he was constituted lord-high-admiral of England; and period. sud fccrcus sic intrrsotiug n.n’eatieo tu Fart I. of in it:ti, was appointed governor of Berwiek.f His lordship on able account c f the Berties, entilled, Pie, Gesoealier,o fell at the battle of Edgehilh, 23 Oct. 1t42, at the head of a of a LoyoI lloase. Mr. Idercie and Ins wife returned In divieion of the royal army, and was e. by his eldest san England at Queen Stony’s death, and she d. in i-at; and he 5. in 1202: their only son, Peonnntxr Bunco, upon the dencise of his mother, was Sir l’hilip $idisey, the boast of his age, and the hope sf ncany summened to Ieirliainrut (if Nov. 1 320) as 11th Baron admiring friends, received Ihe tctal ‘mound svlcielc cot short the Willoughby de Ereoby. lie mosS. 12 Oct. 3335, at Wsool, in llc,’ead ofa bnief bin t,nilliant existence. Donicig the o hole dey Osriuany, and sins one cf tice most clistingviishod military ho had heen one of the foroncost in artion, and ones rushed to ehaeactero of his cam. Sir Rolcem’t Nanuton, in lois Pc’ag— lice essistanco at his feic nd t.ord lVilloughlcy, on observing him woods SHeila, speaks cf him as ‘‘ ,‘ue of the Queon’o nearl 0 scsrroacccled by the cools ‘ ouch in incnciicent peril c after first swordsmen, and a great maotor f the art iuihtaoy.’’ seeing him in safety lie coetioscocl lIce combat with great shccrll, He commanded the second of tiso five comics sent into seromcd Icoree, Ihe first having bees killed vmdor hcne.” France by Qneeu Eric menu hc aid of lIo’sc,v IV. of Navarro, and in dliitoeia B’ lgiooc many of bio c x1ciccito ncade his’ lice Le,’d Wihlccuglcicrs in lice Los, Countries, vie. in the Low f’oimvries are enumoralecl, u hoot he necide ccii fir Them. Wilifard. Sir lframceis Vere, SirO John Polley, Sir knights ( 5155, fof:b, f. 43, p. 16), Sir Francis Vere John Pore, Sir Nichne t’arker, Sir’l’ha. l<nnsmlrs, Sir John Scoll, ooe, who acknowledged that tic hiiu he owed his military Sir Ed. Ynedall, Sir Charles Bans era, Sir Chriotnidcer Elooict.” snisoicer. It cmos is thie elcirocish ehat Ihe gallant and lancenled instil hr received a shet icc the tingic as Ice ss’as remounting a The Harleian 5155. fOOl, fnl. 45, p. 20, gives the ‘‘Eutghbs a miernur to cmli that love to fsllocs’ the scars, 4to. London,, Prin led by John Wolfe, 1509. f’elebroticig the exploits ci ‘The fotloss’ing graphic desrniptinn of lime Icarl Lord M’il’ Peoegrioe Lord iVilloeglitcy. Tice initials an hie banner at locsgtctiy took at the battle of Zdnpheii ie train Pccrt 1. of 35€ tlrrgric-op—eoonc 3h.C.1.l., becccg 71cc moclcubs on lice slomcdanilof Pie, flea’ -aliens s.f a Legi tile ‘ac c— Jcsdas Maeentccmiss, cohctrh scyy sopposeci in form the oc’tifleiah Occ the ‘lIed of Septescclcer, lOst, as icsborestimcg ccffray toolc cc’ord Staecabi. a Camf rico Elieobeth, 1’. 420. place, in o’hieh Lord B itlcotglitcy re-emcaicently distiogoished Io a letter CMOS. ltibb. Icuic. Dccpooy. 279, 90, II, p. 23, tsioiself Icy valour aicd csiccleet and inaisv others srctli htccc trs,csiatrd hy Miss Freer in icer ilistory of Henry Iho 4lh of upheld the glory of Ihe Eegbioh Halite. Sir John Noroeis and Fraccce and Navarre. Vol.1, pp. 70 and 11.) (listen ELse yearn Sir W’ifli:cin ataccle> wore that stay resoeeiled time fornier thus weites to llenrv lice Ot’ecct mespeeliog Lord Wiltooghby c— coining forward 0cc say, ‘i.e t cie die lccgettcer in bier llojosty’s ‘‘ iii’ icr;’ dear tirntlcer.—Coulcl I hose divimsed that ‘nor eaccse.’ ‘the eec’icsy sc-ei’e desirous o,f ofsroo-ing satcidlles imcln oo’n rinforrnconts ss’onlcl have made so tardy a junction u-fib Zulihen, a 10000 iii v hielc they estert,ihcsd seine diccchce c and a your army I s-ocdcl have sicown ncc self mare diligent for the convoy accordingly, Icy the c’i ft Os of Ilie Prince of Forums, i”coe1corl ‘of those ss-hirh I ecco’ send you. These troolo, truly, hroughsi in a etc re, thocsghc an hcsatlieient ace, if pruvisloics. might already have done you srrviee, had it been pessiblo ho A secead, eomnncuded tci tieccc-ge Cressiar, an tbbaccois, effect Iheir viecoaltcng niece proncichc’. Neverlhetosa, my ciestalotsed for lice saccce Iurlcccee, the isorccisg l’eimcg faggc’. tcosttser I ctorclct cat, floss that yoce lies e them, Iliat these my Lc’i’cl Witlsccgicbc’, Lc’rd AeOn, Sir .2’ clcic Nc’rreir, aich Sir “occd soidiros. soul is-eve eager to do you service, as if they Philip Smcicmey, enoceinlfriicg the eoccvsy in the fog, acc eccgage- were reolending for ncy osmu life end hnnnnr. As far the ncest Icegno. The SIs:crciards lca,I lice advantage of positic in, vationt barcu uPero’’c mo, hI lb Locr,l OVillotighhy), icy lies- and lcnd it in theie ticsror bo dioehccci-ge ties, or llcrre vnlleys oct feic’snt ‘ I dare asseel heal rote cciii fiicd 1dm, a tine seroasct of risot cipon the English irico nevertheless stcco,t ticeir goecicccl. r 0â be’ri to his I Icseeic a’imct noicle of hieccrt. I have given licie Lord Willc,scehfcr hmictself, ceith bie Lore icc rmst, ic,st crilh lice crortlcr heerocs strive charge to set ces if alsrays in my preseene leader, lbecrge Lees-ice, eonegect cc’ilh, aod after a shari, cocccbst ss’lceu ‘vice opjcortonttv arrives Ia render 300 sorvioe end to ueh,cesed hiicc. Ito fell imsts 5 cliboti cooing alocid to Icis viotcim’, fceliave tlsae I peesomcnlhv smitnecs Icis valour and comcdcset. I p iel,t nsysetf to yea, iso they 0cm ho a seriahy knight,’ 0 Ico Therefore van nidsy trod ilus icoble geutiemnaeone discreet en sa listed sriths ttsm rcshicncc,i, s, act h:cmiccg ottser cc,atters in 1 e is s ;liaut. I has-c moredcver, iistiicisetech lo him scy ss’ill that Icand. iheeo- himself lots use iloiokest of the ooncbat, c-lute lhs he meisleos you 1cerfes’t obedience; also, that neilher he, nor r.iplivs-e--.cs osodcsotech tc’ the tccci of lice tenerat, lord Letonstee. rim’ eotcliers of his bistlaiion, nsoleot as r servant of lanes nuder ‘l’he engaccemoot s, cs hcct. cicc} cost bc( eicemccy msamcy thee, tcsct dcc pretext of rrligiccn for, mcc3- brother, I send Ihem to flgliu fecr of lice I,mmalmsh coere ,ncssmng, B itcociglct,3’ svccs extreiccely f c nd not tcc I reach. fc,rcm:crct in tic,’ emcieto,t : ‘ci dccc micocoecct hie tcasses (or sca,cI lv) ‘‘‘1 p’av yen ronnt canoe nie as one crho deems hcorseif happy scar 1cm frccuc Ii cm tccmt I ercctdlcmreci - Wheic all cc-ar iver, (‘etciclim to cone :em imc s-our norct - for God is e itneso. Ilcat ctailc I suc— (‘rmscc,ce being smihi in 1mb En,’eltenry’e lent, refccsecb to aelcnsse— 1’’ to ljisc 10 granh you vic’lnry over your foes. From yocco lochge lsiin’eif Pflm,mcer tc,ney tccs,t 11cc kmcilct (a w4ecmss Ice Icach eeoc’ teccsbv, Sister and Cousin, ELTZ.ssrsmi sict,nsclled cs the hold - I hieoe is oicmccrtlccccg In tins, Ouch lice ‘ ‘ , - - IC e -l and his uSe uceideicte of the Icmriod cehieh rccc,ab tct cccv agrec ably llc 2 ‘The following ace coomocta meotea tong smug reeccits-et i,,ns ccl encher clays of chivalry ccod remcsanec. Cm ersi ., rtmeeeesc,o added, that if iso cmeee to see agomnc vice kmciglct 0, cmaonc icc h.cct ‘‘ l’ian Oycsmtav, at the going lo elcalcel, the lcmng Ionic the e,mrreochere,h himself, in lice aeoco;mr he times score, lie sicccuiih lord c-isasccherhoin’o is acid frococ lccm, and gave 5mm in ccci them ref i misnsmchiatoiv reec,gmmiae hicss, smcch th:ct to ii i,mc accch hins ‘‘cli- cc silver moos, accd m,cade lscm lord hcgh cnnslehle for Ihe tm cab ce,cccid lie yield. Aseorctcagi Lom’ci Wilhiougli;cc’ Icrs’ec’icuicmg sf cite differetcee betcrext I)cscald 3Iarkcsy, Lord flee, ansi Sir h,mmssehf hefccvr hioc itt cc omplele arncico r, lie icitemech iateic- David hl:cmnsee. t’rein letter of Sir George Ooeeley to Sir exelaicceod, ‘I yield In ycsc,’ ceo seas cciljtu’iged to bsioc as his Thcacsccs t’iekec-cmcg, dated Essex Idasmee, Nov. 19th, 1531 690