Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 1.djvu/77

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ANG all. Arthur (Sir), 0CM., P.C., 0. in 1771, so. 16 Feb. 1800, Augusta, 2nd dau. of John, 10th Earl of Weatmerland, and dying in 1840, left issue, 1 Stewart-Henry, police magiatrate at Gibraltar, 0. in 1811; is. in 1a34, Charlatte-Jemima, 4th dan. af the late Sir Robert Williams, Dart., and has Arthur-CecilHenry, lieut. RN., 1. in 1839; Augusta-henrietta; Catalina-Annie; and Charlotte-julia, 2 Cecil-Augustus, 0. in 1819, ci. in 1638. 3 Amelins, 0. in 1021, ‘1. in 1843. 4 Augustus-Berkeley (Sir), ItCH., t. 10 April, 1821; appointed, 6 July, 1819. British lliuister at Liaban; and 6 July, 1867, British lliuiatcr at Floronco; a. 20 Oot. 1660, the Cosintree Walpurga-Ehrontardc iteleaaa do Ilohouthal, dame d’hoauaour to the Princess vat. Brownlow ci. young in t797. Royal of Prussia, and dau. of the Count de 11, ,heaathal, a. Caroline, so. April, 1792, to the Hon. John-Thomas and has, Victor - Frederick — William - Augnotus, 0. at Dronningaard. near Ct’peuhageu, 14 Aug. 1881; and a son, tat Copenhagen, 16 Nov. 1664. I Laura-Caroline-Jane, on 3 Aug. 1042, Lord Templcmore. Ia. Jane, as. April, 1797, to George, 0th Earl of Galloway, 2 Rosa-Maria, is. 10 llareh, 1642, to Lieut.-CoI. Douglas, iii. Louisa, as. 1881, T,isut. Gen. Sir Janaes Erokine, Bart. an., 11th lausoars, younger, of Gleofluart, co. Argyll. I Agnes-Charlotte, ns. 27 Feb. 1814 to Lord George l’aget. iv. Edward (Sir), G.C.B., ageneralollicerin theariny,aud col. of the 26th regt. of foot, 0. 3 Nov. 1771, as. lot, in hay, lets, Frances, dan. of William, lot Lord Magot, by whom (who ci. 30 May, 1000), he bad a son, 1 Francis-Edward, rector of Elford, Staffordshire, 0. v. Mary, isa, 1680, Thomas, late Lord Graves, and ci. 1831. 1606; so. 1140, Fanny, dan. of the late Rev. William Lord Faget was created Roan no Uxaasnon, 19 May, 1764, Cbeoter, and has, Agatha-Mary-Frances. Rosaliod-Fraoces-Emily. and ci. 12 hlarch, 1812, being succusdod by his eldest son, Nina-Frances-Jane. Ada-Gertrude-Frances, Gcraldine-Louiea-Franeeo, ,l. 9 Jan. 1161. Gwendoleo-Margai’et-Frauees. Sir Edward as. lndly,18l1, Harriet, dan. of George, IrdEarl Bout-eel. of a regiasentof infantry; from which exchanging nfDartmouth,andbythatlady(who sill March, l051)had, into the hussara, he ouboequeutly distinguished himself, I Henry-William, snajorin the army, 0.1016: is. 23 Sept. during Sir Johu Ilesare’s campaign, as the gallaut leader of 2811, Anna, dan. of Geo. Sir George-T. Walker, Mart., the cavalry brigade, and throughout the saugninoa’y struggle aud ci. 1033, leaving Edward, 0. 1012, ii 31 May, 1663. isa the Peninsula; he also caiaata’ibnted mainly, at the head 2 Patrick-Lewis-Cole, 0. in 1620, lieut.-col. late Scots nf the united Bs’itish ltonoves’ian, and Belgian horse, to the fuoilicr guards, 0. 10 Feb. 1820; sa. 11 Oct. 1053, Frances, glorious result of Waterloo ; in that memorsl,ls conflict, at youngeot dan. of the Rev. Richard Garth, of Nor- den and Faruham, Surrey, and has issue, GertrudeFraoceo, nearly the el,,ee of the battle, his lordship received a wound and another dan. - 3 Edavard-Heneagc, 0. 1020; io holy orders, rector of on his right knee, which rendered amputation eventually Stuaton, Scale: iii. 20 Nov. 1016, lion. Emma-Mary, necessary. Ho was created hlonuucsu us’ Aaunosnv, the 4th third dan. of the Rt. Rev. Lord Auckland, Bishop of July, 1811. The marquess was twice leed-lieut. of lrolaaad, Math and Wells, and has .licnryEdward-Clarcuco, 0. sad hehi sffice os master-general of the Ordnance. He is. 20 March, 16601 llugh-Arthor, t. 20 May, ibM, a san, 1st, 25 July, 1791, Carohne-Elioabeth, dau. of George, 4th 0. 9 Sept. 1406; and a son I. 11 Nov. 1467. I Frances-Jane, is. 10 Sept. 1643, to J,,hn, 2nd Marquess i. Hcacsv, present Marquees. 01 Ormonde, H.P. 2 Henristla-hlary. 3 Charlotte-Louisa. 4 Caroline, as. 1013, to the Hon. and Rev. J.-Vena’elcs Vernon. ;a Mary-Georgiassa. Sir Edward, gov. of Chelsea Hospital, ci. 13 May, 1649. v. Charles (Sir), G.C.B., vice-admiral, 0, 1770; a. 3601, Elicabeth-Aramiuta, dau. and co-heir of Henry Monck, Req., and ci. 1619 (his widow ci. in 1643) Icavisag issue, H.M.S. ‘‘ Phwieo,” at sea iii the West isadies; he left by 1 Charles-Henry, capt. MN., 0. 1806; Os. 1st, 1830, Elica. beth, dau. of Mr. Annals: and lndly. 1646, EmilyCaroline, aia. Arthur, ci. isa 1821. daos. of Henry lt’Cliutock, Esq and niece i. Caroline, as. 10 April, 1617, to Charles, 5th Duke ol of John M’Clintock, Esq. of Brnmcar, co. Louth. lie ci. May, 1641, leaving two surviving eons, Charles- Ta. Jane, us. 23 April, 1024, to Francis-Nathaniel, present Henry Munch, 0. 1612, and Alfi’ed-Fitvclareoee, 0. 1444, by his lud wife (who has since is. 19 July, 1646, Isa. Georgioaa, so. in l6:M, to Rdward, Lord Crofton. J.-Ballard Gardincr, Req.) 2 Edward, in holy orders, 6. in 1011, iii, in Oct. 1641, iv. Augusta, as. 27 July, 1920, Arthur, 1t Lord Temple- Rmusa, dan. of the late Gen. Thewlcs. 2 Browaslow-llenry, licut. RN., 6. in 1819 ; (1, in 1040. 1 Elizabeth-Jane, ass. 22 March, 1040, liaj. Beruers, R.H.A., and ci. 13 June, 1266. 2 Caroline, sa. in 163’’2, to the Hon. Algernon Cspcl. I Louisa-Augusta, us. in 1026, Capt. W.-A. Broadhsad, of Srotland (her ladyship as. the Duke of Argu-Il), he as. 7th hisosars. 4 Gcorgtana, as. 6 April, 1641, to Capt. W.-H. Kennedy, Earl Cadogan, and by her (who ci. 1 July, 1153) hasissue, II N., who ,l. 11 Oct. 1464. 1 Frederica-Georgiana-Auguota, at. in 1011. 0 Jane-Frances-Elizabeth, is. 1st, 19 Aug. 1641, to John Home, Esq., nephew of Sir William home; and ludly, in 1011, to Major Philip-S. Crswley, Coldstream-guards. vi. Berkeley, 6. in 1700; as. Nov. 1004, Sophia-Askell, dau. of the Mon. William Buckuall; and ci. 26 Oct. 1042, having H, Alfred-Henry, 6. 29 June, 1616, colonel is the arnay, had issue by her (who ci. 18 Feb. lOIS), I Frederick, col. Coldatream guards, Ii. 1667; as. 26 Nov 1016, Maria-Georgiana, eldest dau. of Charles-William Pascoo Grenfell, Eoq., late hIP, and ci. 4 Jan. 1666. 2 Catesby, late capt. 7th foot, 6. in 1809 iii. lot, 18 Aug. 1039, Floriuda-Francos, eldest dao. of the late Captain Thomas Monck lEsson. RN., and by her (who ci. 9 Feb. 1641) has issue, Berkeley, 6.9 Feb. 1041,10.52 Aug. 1001, Gertrude-Fanny, hi,d dais, of the Hon. and Mt. Rev. Henry-Montague Villiers, taD., Bishop of Durham. (See CLAREN000,E. oF.) Capt. CatoobyPsgetss.Sndly, 11 Oct. 1611, Adelaide, eldest dau. of the Hon. and Rev. M.-J. Stapleton, and by lssr (who ci. 1660) has a dan., Ruth-Anne. ‘J Leopold- Grimston, major royal horse - artillery, 6. 9 July, 1624:111. 1 Nov. 1646, Georgiana-Theodosia, only 27 A NO child of the Rev. J.-Fita-Mooro Halsey, of Gaddeaden Park, Herts, and has issue, Harold, Ia. OSept. 1649. Claude, 0. 3 Oat. 1611. Cecil-George, 0. 19 June, 1810. Alwyue-Ds Mlaqniere-Valentinc4 0. 14 Fob 1801. Another son, Is. 19 Aug. 1616. 4 Lennox ci. in 1617. I Gertrnde-Jano, so, in 1426, to Standish, 2nd Viscount Gasitlamore. 2 Eleanor, as. in 1811, to tho Mt. lIon. Sir W.-G.-H. Jolliffo, Bart., M.P., now Loi’d Tlyltsss, and ci 23 July, 1662. 3 Motilda-Snsannah (Hon.), late maid of honour to the Queen. Capell, nidost son, by his 2nd marriage, of Williana, 4th Earl of Essex, by whom (who ci. in 1619), her ladyship had several children. She ci. 9 July, 1647. and ci. ‘30 June, 1642. of Torriehouse, co. Fife, by whom (who ci. 1021) her ladyship had no iosue. Sho ci. Indly, the Might Hon. Lieut.Gen. Sir George Miarray, G.C.M., and ci. 13 Jan: 1642. iv. Claarlotte, as. 1001, John, late Earl of Enniokillon, and ci. 1617. H000v-WILL:Aae, 2nd Eaa-l of Uxhs’idge. lOis lordship 0. 17 May, 1708, entered the army nuder the Duke of York, in ihe early part of the war vvith revolutionized France, as Earl of Jersey, and by her (who ci. 16 Juno, 1631) had, is. William, 0. 3 March, 1863, capt. M.N.,os. 22 Jon. 1827, Frances, only dan. of the late JAont.-Gen. Francis, Boron de Rottsnhorgh, and hao had issue; I William-henry, 0. 91 lIar. 1430; 2 Fmderiok-George-Chorles, comm. MN.. it. .1 3lar. 1616: 0 Charles-Augustus, hoist. RN., as, 8 Sept. 1417, Emily-Ansaa, eldest dan. of Robert-S. Palmer, Esq., and was areid”ntally killed, 19 Aug. 1864, en boarci heo (who as. 2udly, 1 Jan. 1166, ci. C. R. Colomb, Eeq.) a dais. Richmond. Marquess Couyuglsom. mere, wise ci. in 1827. v. Agnes, as. 7 March, 1829, to George, 2nd and present Earl of Strafford, and ci. SOot. 1641. His lordship’s marriage having been dissolved by the laws lndly, in 1010, Lady Charlotte Cadogau, dan. of Charles, 1st i. Clarence-Edward, viee-admia’al M.N, eommaaadcr-inchief of the Msaditerrauean squadron, C.B., P.C., late lIP., 6. 17 June, 2811 ; am. 7 April. 1951, Martha- Stnart, youngest dau. of the late Admiral Sir RobertWaltertltwsy,Eart.. G.C.B., osad bosFitoroy-Rirhard-Charenee, 6. 10 Aug. 1053; Alma-Martha; and aussihor dan. eqasermy, asid Clerk-Marshal of the Royal hiosasehold, late M.P., us. 6 April, 1647, Ceeiha, 2nd ciau. and co-heir of the late G.-T Wysadham, Esq. of Cromem Hall, Norfolk, by Maria Lie wife, Conntese of Listewol, dass. of Admiral Wyndlaam. of Fellhrigg,vnd has, I Arthum-Henry Fitzroy, 6. 1 March, 1051, 2 Alfmcd-Wyndham, 6. 36 hlomeh, 822. 1 Gsorge-Tlsomass-Cavsndish, 6. 04 May, 1623. 4 Gemald-t’eoil-Slewact, 6. 35 Oct. 1814. 5 Sydney-Anguolno, t. IS Apuil, 1810. 8 A son. 6. 14 3larels, 1061. 1 Victoria-Alnxaudrina, for whom Hem Majesty was sponsor, and who ci. 2 Feb. 1829. 2 Evelyn-Cecilia. 3 Violct-Mamy. 4 Amy-Olivia. I A don. 6 Aloxandma-l-larriot, for whom tho Prisaec and Princoso of Walrs wea’e oFauaoro.