Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 1.djvu/82

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&N T in 1793, accompanied his regiment into Holland. In 1796, IlL, fur oo. Antrim; ii. 8 April, 1814 ; a. his brother, lie joined the Austrian army in the Brigan, under the Archduke 19 July, 1855 ; tie. 27 Sept. 1849, Jane- HmmaHarriet, Charles, then at war with France; and in one ef the vieterise gained hy the Anatriane, received a wound in the Armagh, and has, left eide. In 1797, he retnrued home, pnrehased a company i. WILLIAM-RANOAL, Viecssnl Dtinlure, 0. 1 Jan.1951. in the 3rd Guarde, and wae appointed deputy quartermaster-general. ti. Slark-Hcnry-Ilorsee, 6. 13 Aug. 1822. In 1708, he went upon a diplomatic nunsieu iii. Ilugh-Seymout-, 0. 10 July, 1835. to Germauy, whence he returned in the spring of iv. Aiexa,sder, 6. 23 Jnne, 1897. the ensuing year, and in the antueun sinharhed with the v. Sehoniberg-Kerr, 8. 22 Jiareh, 1081. expedition to the Helder. In 1800, Captain Auelruther went to Egypt, as quartermaster-general to the iii. Evelyn. iv. Jtme-Grey. v. Helena. army, nuder the command of Str Ralph Abereremhie, at which time the order of the Crescent woe conferred upon him by the Turkish monarch. In 1903, be woe appinted Sin EANnAL MAC SoaLea’ MAO DaRRELL, of Dunlnce, so. odj.-gen. in Ireland. In 1903, he went to Portugal as brig.gen., and distinguished himself at the celebrated hattie of Antrim. a descendant sf the Lords of the isles, was created, Vimiera. In the suhset1ueutly disastrous campaign in Spain, 29 hay, 1610, Vioessesi Dastisre, add adsanced, 12 Dee. 1622, under the gallant Sir John iloure, Gen. Aisstruthrr coinmouded to the F,onr,not, OF ANt-RIM. His lordship to. Elhtee, dan. the rear-guard of the army, which he beought of Hugh Mae-a-Baron O’Neile, and sister of Hugh, the last safely lute Csrunno, on the ssight of 12 Jan. ; but survived Earl of Tyrous ; and, dying 10 lIce. 3636, was a. by his only one day, the extraordinary exertions he lad male, and elder son, the fatigue he hod endured during the mor,’h. lie ci. 14 RANOAL, 2nd earl, 0. in 1609. This nobleman, for the Jan. 1809, and lies interred in the north-east hastier, of the many essential services ho had rendered to the crown, was citadel of G’ss-unna. Sir John Moore, by his ossn desire, advatseed to the dignity of llAnquess Os’ ittit-niac, by svas buried by the side of the general. With very superior CHARLEs I., 26 Jan. 1614. His lordship to. 1st, in 1635, abilities in his profession, both nsititary and ‘liploroatie, Lady Catherine Manners, dan. and heir of Fraucts, Ctb Earl Gen. Anstr’ather combined the advantages of being a profennd of Rutland, and widow of George Villiers, Duke of Buckingham; scholar, an elegant writer, and a very aeooatplished gentleman, lIe ie. 16 Olareb, 1799, Charlotte-Lucy, enly Shone’s Castle, eo. Antrim, but had no issue. lIe ci. 3 Feb. dan. of Lieut.-Coi. James Hamilton, Gold. G,ls. (grandson of 3692, when the tnarqnessate expired, but the otberhononrs James, 4th Poke of Hamilton), by J.uey, Ins wife, dan. of Sir devolved upon his brother, Richard Lloyd, of tlintlesham, and bad issue, R.s.LPn-.tneuraoaieir, 4th baronet. Jamseiiamilten-Lleyd, of Hintleshans Ilahl, Soffoih, 8. 21 war of the Revolntion, was attainted of high treason, hot, 11cc. 1307; a. 1st, 6 Dec. 1839. Geergiano-Charlatte. eldest being subsequently included t the treaty of Limerick, his dan, of the lIon, Lindsey-Ilerrik Burreil,aod by her, who latsds acid itonours st-crc restored. The lordship ,s. 1st, ci. 21 Sept. 1943, bad a son and heir, liol’ert-Iiamilton, 9. Lady Elizabeth Aunesley, 2nd dau. of Arthur, 1st Earl of 21 April, 1811; cud a dan., Priseilla-Barhaia-Eiieabeth. Anglesey, by whom (who ci. in 1669) he had no isstse. He He a. 2ndiy, 1 Nov. 1047, the lion, Gsergiana-Christiana Barrington. sister of Lord Tlarrington, and has issue, Ersneia-Wtilliam, 0. 20 Feb. 1210; Jauieo, 9. 9 Jan. 1932; Dorrymaelaghtny. co. Galtvay. and dying in 1699, was a. by and twin sons, 0. 1 LIce. 1952. Jane, a. to John Dalysll, Esq. of Lingo, ro. Fife, who ci. his only sos,, in Oct. 1943. Charletts-l.ncy. Elizabeth, to. in 1537, to the Rev. W,-il. Deane, rector of Clohvsrthy, Viscount Siaesereetse, and dying 19 Oct. 1721, lltotiesham. Sir Robert was e. at his dsceass, 2 Aug. 1919, by his grand55, Anvxatiuv eat’s earl, 8. 15 July, 17i3. Ilis lordship to. IV. SIR R.enrn-Aceecnowotc, 8. i H:u-eis, 1091 ; who a. no sursiving issue. I-Ic ii. Sndlv, in 1739, Anne, eldest 2 Sept. 1071, Slar;’-Jano, eldest dan. oi the late MajorC don, and heir of Charles-Patrick Fhouhct, Fsq. of PilinnsTonus, eneral Sir Henry Torrens, K. .11., and hy her (wise a. Sndly, 14 Nov. 1860, W.-T. l’rashie, Em of Ardfert Abbey, dans., liazhael, avife of Joseph Sattdfortl, Req., and Ehzabeth-Helen-,, ci. Itcrry) had issue, I. Rosrisv, present baronet. ii. henry, lient. 23rd lloyal Welsh fusiliere, t. 4 June, 1836. killed in the battle of the Alnsa, 70 Sept. 1231. it,. Ilamillon, 9. 11 Aug. 1643. s. Lnzy-Charlsite, is. 12 Ang. 1132. Ia Alexander Kinioeh, RAN0AL-WmnLtAai, 6th eatS, 9. 4 Nov. 1749. His lordship Esil., late grenadier-guards, eldest son of Sir David Kin- to. 3 July, 1774, Letitia, eldest dat,. of llerrey Slorres, let loch, Dart. ii. Mary, ‘a. 20 June, 1967, to Charles-SOugh Earners, Esq. Visosuot Islou,stmorres, and relict of the Ilota. Arthnr Sir Slaiph, whohod been a capt. grena’iterg’mrds. ‘1. 19 Oct. Trevor, only son of Arthur, Visceunt Dungantiots, by whom 3863, and was s. hy his eldest son, Sin ttozersr AR9TnUvaza, (who ci. itt 1901) he had issue, ths 9th and present baronet. Ct’eeltoo—1694. Aciae—Arg., tisree piles issuing from the Cnant.os’Tr, late zoittttsas. chief, so., quartering Eno,c,css, itaaitrvoa, Powent., and The earl, hiving no male issue, obtained a new patent, LLOYn. (‘rret—Tws arms, in armour, holding in thsganntlets dated 2 Slay, 1795, ereatitsg hitu Vitetasl Dsshttee, and EAnL a battle-axe, all ppr. Mvtlo—Periissem ni periissem. OF AtsTntet, witis remainder to his daughters prioegenittmrely Seais—Rsieaskie, lever,, eo. Fife; and Braemers Lodge, Caithoess. Tows Jlsssr—7, O,ssiosv Gardeiss. ANT dan. of the late Major Maoan, of (.‘ariff’, co. t. Caroline-Elizabeth. ii. Stahel-Ilarriet. Itiiicagr. and tndly, Rose, dan. of Sir ttcney O’Neiie. Knt. of Arrxa.caneis. as 3rd earl, 0. in 1635. This nobleman, who actively espoused the cause of JAMEs II. in lreiand, in the re. Sndly, Helena, 3rd dau. of Sir Johts Burke, I{nt. of Raanat, 4th carl, I. in 1690; to. Rachel, eldest dan. of was e. by his only son, 1st, Elizabeth, dan, of Matthew l’eunefather, Esq., comptroller and ace utot tnt-general of Ireland, but by her had so. Lonth, 3l.P., by whom he had one eon and tn’s wife of Col.,sdar. He is. Srdly, Catherine, yettugest dait. of Thomas Oleredyth, Esq. of Newtnwn, oo. Sheath, without insne. He 5. 11 Oct. 1715, and was e. by his son, Atsas-CAr000tNe, his ss,t’osesor. ; and its Aug. 1769, his lordship was advanced to ths MAagreesATe or Ativetsom, but withont any special reversionary grant. He ‘1. 20 July, 1791, when all the honnnrs ceased, except the patent of 1769, which devolved, according to tite special limitation, upon his elder daughter, ANtee-CATI,enttae, as Countess of Antrins. Her ladyship, t. 11 Feb. 177s, ta. let, in 1759, Sir HenryVans Tempest, Dart., and by him, who 4. 1 atug. 1113, had an only dan., Lonvgtnkaosa-Aatae-gaeLv-VANR,wheinheriledherfathsr’s great estatev,e,. Clsarios-Wihhiam, Slarquess ofLendonclerry, and died his widon’, 30 Jata. 1803. Toe eonntess ta. 2ndly, 21 May, 1217, Edmund Phelps, Esq., who assumed the surname of II ‘Dstut,chl, and ci. 30 Olay, 1922, aged 72. Her ladyship ci. 50 June, 1934, and wns a. by her sister, CnARLOTTe Kena, ae Coontese ofAntrirn, 0.12 Aug. 1779, wise ta. 18 iniy, 1799, Vice-Admiral Lord Mark-Robert Kerr, 3rd son of William-John, 5th Marquess of Lothtao, and by him (svho ci. 9 Sept. 1840) had issue, CnAnLan-FoaTesoue, Vtereuat.Daalocs,d.unse.29Jnly,1234. Ilum,-Seyatoun, late peer. ANTRI9I, faIth. oh illath M’Tl,titm,elll, a-ti Vieoottt,t JIARK. present peer. Artisur-Selsetol’erg. 9. 16 May, 1220; to. 16 March, 1846, II uul stoe, 11 .11 it’ ut or irt’ ui I r ‘1 aced, e p site 17. N., A N ‘F R 1 tNT. 4 ss’4 , Si 4E. 4Ø ‘d