Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 1.djvu/85

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ARG flU 3806, Mary-Agues, eldest dan. of the Rev. Edward-P. co. of Argyll ; 5.30 April, 1823; m. 31 July, 1844, Vanq’haii, 3d.A., rector of lIarpenden and rural dean. Lady Elizaboth-Georgiana, oldest dan. of George iv. John-Alvee-Heury, late Bombay cavalry, 8. 1842. Granville, 2nd Duke of Sutherland and has issue V. Fitzgerald-Hay, 8. 1849. a. Charlotts-D’Ende, is. 21 April, 1863, to Charles-Hall I. J05IN-D0UOLA5-SUTuERLAND, Marquess s.f Lawn, H.P Raikes, Esq. for Argyleslsirc, 8. 6 Aug. 1845. ii. Henrietta-Anne.. Ii. Archibald, 5.18 Dec. 1848. iii. Walter, 8.38 Jnly, 1848. 3L.Inrngc. iv. George, 8. 25 Dec. 1850. v. Cohn, 8. 5 March, 1853. 1. W,ts.roaeAonuruceov,sonofRobcrtArbuthnot, Esq. of I. Edith. ii. Elizabeth. ,,i. Victoria. liaddo, co. Aberdeen, secretaryto the Son. beardoftrnstess iv. Evelyn. v. Frances. vi. Mary. for manufactures, Sac., by Mary, dan. of John Urqnbart, Constance-Harriet. Esq. of Cromarty, (ace Boawa’s Landed Geolry,) was created his grace s. his father 26 April, 1847. Ho was niado a Baronet by the king in person, 24 Ang. 1822, at the lord privy seal 4 Jan. 1858 appointed post-master banqnetg,veo to his majesty by the niagistrates and tawn general 1855 asad retired in 1858. Ho became lord esnucil of Edinburgh, where Sir. Arhuthaet presided aslord privy seal in Jnno 1859 and rctireil in 1866. Ito provost of the city. (ins patent bears date 3 April 1823.) Sir William is. 13 Sept. 1809, Anne, dan. of John Alves, Esq. returned tn office as secretary of state for India in -of Shipiand, by whom (who d. 15 Jnly, 1046), he loft issno, b Rose,sr-Enivn, present baronet. Jebn-Alves, of Coevorthi Park, Surrey, 8. 3802 ; vi. 1872, Eight centuries ago, Gilleapick Campbell zcqsnred, by Mary, dan. of tleergeitrhnthnet, 51sq. of Elderslie, Si, rrey, marriage svith an heiress, the lordship of 1,eichow, in and by her (who C. 183:)) has four sons aod five dasis. George-Clerk, of Mavisbank, llidlotbian, 0. 15(3; so. 1st, Argyllshiro, and from him decceuded 1837, Agnes, dan. of the late John Rail, Eoq.,and lndly, Sm COLIN CAeirnr.LL, of Loehsw, who, distinguished Caroline. dun, of Lady ilary Bay, and had issue. Archibald-Francis, ef 25, Hydopark Gardens, London, 0. estate, as his aebieveniento in war, obtained the surname 1803; si. 1837, Gsrtriido-Scpbia, dai. of Field-Marshal of Moos, or Onear; and from him the chief of the house is Vioeon,,t Cough. It.P., 0CM., and has five anne and twa in tho Gaelic styled, to this day, Mxe CaLLoai MORE. He daus.; of the anna, tl,e eldest, William, capt. 14th was knighted by ALexaanea 111., 1288, and was one of the hussars, sa. 20 April, 1063, Alice-Charlotte, 4th dan. cf nominees, 1251, en the part of Eesenr Macce, in the contest George, 4th Lard Eivcrs, which lady was killed by lightning, 21 June, 1801; aisd the 2,,d sor, HughCongO, chieftain was slain in a conflietwith his powerful neighbour, aa. 9 Jnnc, 1804, Carolh;e, youngest dan. of the 10ev. Capel liolynenx, BA. (see past, Siotvsnux, Bao’r.), the Le:-d of torn, st a place called the String of Cowal, and has a eon, 8. 19 Aug. 1883; a san, 0. 24 Sept. 1061; a where a great obelisk is erected ever his grave. The event eon, 8. 21 Nov. 1000; and a dan. Of lii’. A-F. Arbuthnot’s occaeioned continued feuds for a series of yeais between the dans., the elder, Fanny, was in. 27 Nov. 1866, to John1-bury houses of Lochow and Lorn, which terminated at last by Kenuaway, Esq., eldest eon of Sir John Kennaway, the marriage of the first Earl of Argyll with the beirees of Mart. William-Urqnhart, formerly of Madras, Member of the torn. Sir Ccli,, ni. a lady of the name of St. Clair, and had, Indian Council, 0. 1807: ci. Eliza, den, of Gen. Sir HeseryO NicL, his successor. -A. Taylor, IC.C.B. Sladras Army, and has three sons Donald, progenitor ef the Camphells of Londonn. and four dsua. James-Edward (the Hon.), of Mon Li,’, Manritins, 0, 1889; Bngald tSh-), who swore fealty to Enwxon I. in 1293, but ni. Harriet, dan. of ltajor-Oen. Stavely, and has issue: he Arthur, who, having sworn fidelity with hie brother to d.29 Sept. 1804: his eldest dan.,Mro. Mary-Bass Dawkina, widow, was al. Sudly, 23 Dec. 1863, at the Ilanritius, to Cbarles-Edms,nd llanl,e, Esq., secretory of the council there; anil his 2nd dan., Ann, was ci. 1882, at the Manntis Duncan, likewise a supporter of the Bauco. ’s, to Edward Douglas, Esq., assistant colonial secretary Sir Cohn was s. by his eldest son, there. Henry-Bundas, 0.1811. Mary, d. 1638. Anne, m. 1849, Colonel Hugh inglis, Kingsmills, inverncse. towards the close of that monarch’s reign. He swore fealty, Sir V,’illiam d. in 1829. A roes—Az., a crescent, betwcau three mnliets, two and joining Rannar Bacen, adhered to him in prespecity and one, erg., the whole within a bordure, or, charged with adversity, and fought by his side in almost every field, from three hoara’ heads, eanped, gn. Creel—A peacock’s head, the battle of Methveu to that of Bannoekbnrn. The king ppr. Sapparlers—Dexte:-. a wyvern, vert; sinister, a greyhound, had so high a sense of Campbell’s services that be gave him erg., cellar and line reflexed over the back, gn. his sister, Lady Shisry Bruce, in marriage, and granted to .ll,fsf la—Innocent and true. Fewa Hetoso—Charlette Square, him and his said wife, and John their son, all the lands Edinburgh. —— ARDEN, BARON, 888 EGMONT, EARL OF. A It U Y L L. as well by the great acquisitions he had n,sde to his for the crown of Scotland. Thie renowned and gallant afterwardojeined Itoasor Baucs. Knee Enwaon, like him, afterwards joined ReseaT Bones, frons whom he obtained two cha:’ters of the constabulary of Dnnstaffnage, with the mains thereof. Sic Nm,. CAa:pnnLr, who was knighted by ALEx. 111. with his brothers, in 1296, to Knee Eewxnn, l,ut afterwards which helonged to David dc Strathbsgie, Earl of Athohl. Wben the triumph of Bannsckbnm bad decided the independence of Scotland, Sir Nici Campbell was one ef the great barons in the parliamesit which met at Ayr, 26 April, 1315, and fixed the succession to the crows. Dy the Lady Siary Brsiee he bad three sons, viz., CeLia. John (Sir), of Moulin, who, upon the forfeiture of David de Stratbbogie, lath Earl of Atholl, was advanced to that sarldom. He fell at the battle of Hahidon Hill, 1333; and dying without issne, the Earldom of Athol, rsrerted to the crown. Duncan of Meustrie. Sb’ Niel S. in 1318, and was s. by his eldest son, Sia Cetso CaairBzLL, of Lechow, who accompanied the king into Ireland, in 1316, to assist in placing hie brother, Edwar,l Brnce, upon the throne of that kingdom. Sir Colh,, in 1331, assisted the Steward of Scotland in the recovery of the CAerLz ox Bunooa from the English, which gave the first turn of fortune in favour of King Bavin AROvLI,,DUKE,MARQUaSS,AND EARL OS’ (Sir George Bauce, and he was in consequence appointed heritable Douglas Campbell K.T.,P.C.), Marquees of Lorn and governor of that fortress. He s:s. a lady of the hones of Kintyre, Earl of Campbell and Cowal, Viscount Lennox, and had three acne and a dan., viz., Aacioinaon; Loebow and Glsnilla, Lord of Invorary, Mnll, Mnrvern, John, whence derive the Canapbells af Barbeck, Suceoti:. and Tiry, in the Peerage of Scotland; Baron easel othasrs (see Bran’s Lesaded Geafry): Bngald; an,l Snndriclge, of Coomb Bank, en. Kent, and Lord Alhizia, a,. to Allan I,audcr, of Hatton. He C. in 1140, and Hamilton, in tbc peerage of England; hereditary was e. by his eldest son, master of the Queen’s household, nied keeper of the Sin AacnsnaLn, or G,tLesnIeK Cas,roztt, of Lachow, great seal of Scotland; admiral of the Wostorn Isles, who was a. by his eon, keeper of Dunoon Castle and of Dtenstaffnage and Sin Cotsie GAs.sroeLL, of Loebew, who ci. Slargaret, 2nd dan. of Sir John Brummend, of Stobhall, and sister of Annabel, Carrick, one of Her Majesty’s state counsellors for qnesn coneert of Resznv III., by whom he had sesue, Scotland, lord-lieutenant, hereditae’y sheriff of the D2 35