Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 1.djvu/89

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A It iI ii. Elizabeth. iii. Fanny ii. young. iv. Belle, d. at Gallon, osna. V. Mary, sa. isa Scotland, 28 Jan. 3782, to Charles-Robert ii. Arthur-Henry, Bout. R.A., 6. 27 Aug. 1815. Skorrington, Esq., and had issue. vs. Alicia. vu. Anne, sa. in 1793, to Andrew Armstrong, Esq. ; and iv. Reginald-Fraucie, 6. 9 July, 1849. A in 1824. viii. Lncinda, so. in 1795, to Robert Mills, Esq. of MaInmdc, Sir Georgo s. as 5th baronet, on tho doeouioe of ins 5th son of the Rev. Richard Stills, rector of Anna- grandfatloer, 15 July, 183G. clone, in Dowsashiro, and bad issuo. ix. Fanny, so. to Joseph liarnos, Esq., capt. in the artillery, and had issue. The oldest son and heli-, Euass.ueo Aaass’raoxo, Esq. of Gallon, Ii. 14 Boo. 1754; was time of King Svnrusae, was lineally auceotor of called to the bar in 1779. lIe so. 4 Foh. 1781, Elizabeth, Jonas ARMYTAGE, Esq. of Kirklcos, who was in the sister of Lord Ashtown, third dan, of Frederick Trench, commission of tIre peace for the Wont Ridissg, and trcasnry of Woodlawn, in tho county of Galway, by Slary, his wife, for lame soldins-s, temp. ELszAnr.Toe. 12y Ins 2nd n’ife, oldest dan. and co-heir of Francis Sadists’, Req. sf Sopavell Stargory, dan. of ttichard Beaumont, Eoq., lie had iesue, hall, in the county of Tipperary, and had by laor, who ci. 1. Jouss, his successor. in 1825, five sosin and three clans., via., s. Asinnow, his heir. ii. Edmund, 6. 25 Sept. 1786; an officer in tho arsasy; sri. EnwAao, of fterraforth-Hill, frons whom descended ii. scans, at Castel Branco, in Por.ugal where he was serving with his regiment, the 4th dragoons. sir. Frederick (Sir), Rut., 6 25 Jan. 1766; an officer in He was o. by Isis eldest son, the army, who served with groat gallantry under tho Jonas Aas,ryvvno, Enq., who was elieriff of Yorkshire iii Duke of Wellington in tho Poniosnlar war, had the order the 11th JAMEs I. The eldest son of this grutlernan, John of the Towor and Sword conferred upon him by the Ring Ariuytage, Esq., d. without issue, when ttse lust son, ci’ Portugal, and was made a British knight upon his Fnrnoio Anase-sioz, Esq., succeeded to the estates, and return to Iroland. Hod, irs Oct. 1851. iv. John, 6. in Juno, uS!; in holy ordere, Dsan of Kufonora, was oreatod a Baronet, 1643, an honour which expired indsotod rootor of the union of Liekmolssh, MalIsunabrihl, with his gs-ondeon, and Loitriro, 00. Galway, in 1818; so. 25 July, Sin Goonun Ansryvson, the 3rd baronot, in 3717. Sir 1822, Ellon,dau. of Jacob Willau, of Carrighill, 00, Dublin, George devised his estates to his snusin, Esq., and has surviving issue, Edmund-Asbtowu, 6. 5 July, 1823. Andrew, 6. 2! Feb. 1829. John-Kelly, 6. 1 Nov. 1522. Samuel, ns. Anne Griffitla, of Slontgomeryehire, rind, dying Frederick-William, Is. 12 June, 1834. Four suors sons. Elizabeth. Catherine. t’oustantia-Slaria. Anotbor doss. v. William, 6. in 1797; d. young. 5. Mary, so. to Henry-Anthony, Hardmau, Bog. of Bellevus Anua-Maria, oldest dan. and co-heiress of Godfrey Wentvvor-th, Lodge, Honts, and has a dau., Elizabeth. Is. Csnotantia-Maria, m. 11 Oct. 1615, to the Rev. William whom (who a in 1758) ho lead isouo, licrroy, and dyiug in 1826, loft two daus., Elizabeth, 5. Goonoss, his heir. oud Coustantia-Sloria. sri. Fanny, vs. in 1830, to George Parkhussse, of Eastfleld is. John. sours 1790, Aisue, dan. of Johrs-Harvey Tburoby. Lodgo, ilsuto, Esq., and d. 29 Sept. 1819, leaving a don., sri. Gonraa’r, who assumed, upon the dsmise of his materssal Elioaboth-Slary-Armstroog Farkhouse. Mr. Ai’mstrong 2. 32 Dec. 1627, and seas o. by his eldest son, I. Asennow Aasrernovu, who was created a Baronet irs Aug. 1841. He was 6. 10 Oot. 1766; and ci. I Jon. 1815, s. Anna-Maria, so. in 3767, to Willissaa Egsrton, Esq. of Fronceo-Fullerton,dan. ofGcsrgc-Aloxandcr Fullsrton, Esq. of B’cstwood, Hanto, and of Balliutoy Coetlo, co. Antrim, by ss. henrietta, so. 1st, to James Grady, Esq, of harleystreet; whom lie had issue, 5. Eovoao-Fzsonaico, present baronet. is. George-Alexander, 6. 5 Dos. 1845. us. Andrew-Charles, officer 2nd foot, Is. 5 Fob. 1845. sv. Frederick-William, 6. 10 Feb. 16-16. v. Sionlagn-Doyly-Fullcetoo, 5. 8 Slarchs, 187,2. vs. Charles-Nesbitt-F’rcderick, 6. 25 Jan. 1858. s. Mary-Ann-Elizabeth, so. 30 May, 1865. to the Rev Edirard tV. Sin Gnonun, DCL., who so. 1st, 12 Aug. 1723, Story, Wilhingtsn, youngest son of T. E. Wilhingtsn, Esq. of Guisslsetls, eldest dan. of Sir Harbord Harbord, Bait. (afterwards ercated Lancashire. as. Elioa. iii. Fronces-Georgino, nil Nov. 1564, J.-Alexonder Bell, Esq. surviving issue. Sir George, sc 2ndly, 3793, Story, dan. oi of Grialsoa, Darling Downs, Quceneland. iv. Gonsrantia-Mary-Annc, iv. 22 Sept. 1868, so the Rev. i. Joins, vs. Oct. 1618, Mary, only dais, of the Into William Rokesall Eixon, Vicar of Aghossoart, Queen’s Ce. v. Floreuce-Nesbitt. vs. Ready-Jane. vss. Agnos-Blanchc-Catlsarine. Sir Andrew ci. 27 Jan. 1865, and was shy bin oldest son. SinEuass’vo-Fvnnsnscw Asuis-ruoscu, the 2nd and prcsent hart. Creatiers—1041. Arocs—Qnartorly; let and 4th, as-g., issuing from the sinister side, a dexter arm, habited, gu., the hand grasping the trunk of ass oak tree, oradioated, and broken at the tsp, ppr. ; 2nd and 3rd, arg.,three pallets, az. Creel—An aroaod arm, ensbowed, the hand grasping the broken trunk of au oak tree. erodicated, all ppr. Jlsf to— Inrictnn manes. .Scal—Gallen Priory, Fcrbane, King’s County. A It M i. Ononne-Jono, into liout. RN., 6. 26 April, 1512. iii. Wilhiam-Edward-Asshoton, 6. 7 Sept. 28-17; a. 1 Dos. 1861. i. llars’iettc-Statilda, il, 10 Oct. ISil. Iuivragc. Jonas Aiosivrouz, of Wrtgbowleo, on. York, living in the ii. Gregory vs. Isabel, dan. and co-heir of John Savillo, Roq. of Netberton. Ges’rgo Arinytago, Eoq., in whose son SAasoem.’o favour the lsas’onetey was revived. I. SAMUEL AnsrvvAoc, Esq., who thus became of Kirklces, cv. York, and wan created a Baronet, 4 July, 1718. Sir in 1747, was o. by his eldest son, II. Sin Jous. Tbie gentleman avas slain at St. Can, Sept. 1758, and dying sisiscs., the title devolved upon his brotlsor, III. Sin Goonun, SIP, for the city of York, who so. 1760, Req. of Woolley Park, and lluckloton, Co. Yorlo, by Esq. of Alcington Abbey, Nortbamptosashirs. grandfather, the surname and aruse of Wvnvwccri’rmi, and inberitsd Wosiley. (Fee Bunsen’s Landed Gosls’y.) 11 sci. Amelia, dou. of Walter Pawkeo, Esq. of Farnlsy, and cI. leaving issne. Tatton Park, and d. 0. p. in 1799, and lssdly td Jocols Rosanquct, Sing. of Broxbourubsiry. Herts, eldest son of Jacob Bssnnquet, Evq.,by Elizabeth, his wife, don. of John Uoubnry, Rsq. of Itohsnarsh, sic. Charlotte, tbeVcn.Johu Eys-e,arclideaeon co. York. Sir George d. sn 1783, aisd was s. by Iris sou, Lord Suffield), by whom (who a. is Aug. 1760) ho had iso Olcificid Bowles, Esq.-, and by her (who d. 25 July, 1634) bad, Asnheton, Esq. of Dowuham hail, in Lancashire, and a. 31 Slay, 3855, leaving, I Goonon, successor to his grandfather. 2 William, 6. 4 Jan. 1822, capt. R. N. so. 33 Aug. 1860, Jane-Sarah, Dowager Laity Hsstbaon. 3 Godfrey, 6. 36 Slaroh, iu20; gevernor of the West Hiding senuty prison at Wakelield ; so. 5 FeIc, 1049, Charlotte-Emily, eldestdon. of Joseph Blaskburn, Esq. 1 Stary-Ehioobetb, so. to H-A. Littledale, Faq. of Bsslton Ilall. Lancashire, who ii. in 1859. 2 Lanra-Has-rietto, sic, ira 1841, to the Rev. C. -W. Holbeeb, visor of Faruborough, co. Warwick. 3 Emily, 2. usssss. 4 Anna-lloria. ii. Henry, comm the army, late of the Coldstseam-gdo., so, 1st, Juno, 3819, Charlotte, only dan. of the late Logendro Starkie, Req. of Iluntroyd, Lancasinre, and Icy her has had, I Henry, lieut-eol. in the Goldstroana-gds., 6. Fsb. 1828; m. 12 April, 1801, Fcuehla, dan. of Admiral Lord ARSITTAGE, Sist GEORGE, Barb.of Fita-Hardiuge, and has issue; their yosingost son, William, d. ass infant, 10 June, uSGS; 2 Rdavssrd-Jc’hn, Kirkloes, on. York; 8. 3 Aug. ride-brigade, 6. 11 Dec. 1832 ; 1 Frances-Staeki&Mary, so. - 1819 vs. 1 Juue, 1841, Eliza- 22 Aus. 1865, to the lion, and Rev. Lewie teenmori, MA.; 2 Gbalotte-Lo-Geudre; 3 hiarrictlo-Ehiosbeth; 4 Emma. Col. Itescry Armytage, sss. 2nsily, 26 Acsg. 1858, Frances, Mntiida-lWary, 2nd dan. of thy dan. ssf Willicsm Dr’oridhing, i4sq. in. Edward, bout. FIGS.; d. in India. lots Sir Josoph Radeliffo, Barb., r. Stacy, vs. to Wilhiom-Ponsonby Johnson, Roq. of Woltoms House, Gambridgeshire. ARMY TAG E. C and baa had issue, 39