Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 1.djvu/91

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ART Req. of Glannevin, on. Dublin, ecu of the Bishop of m. Geowee-Coama’, 0. 30 April, 1800, Kildare. 2 Elizabeth-Anne, d. 21 Sept. 1888. 3 Emily-Jane. 1. Anne-Jane, m. 1st, 1783, Henry Ilatton, Esq. of Clonard, co. Weaferd; and Sndly, John, lot Marquess of Abercoru and S. in May, 1827. 11. Elizabeth-Aransints, widow of Henry Ranch, Req. iii. Catherine-Charlotte, Lady Carbory. cv. Jane) at. Dudley Loftes, losq. of Killyan, and S. in 1831. Jouts Anvneso, Esq. of Plymouth, on. Devon, 0. in 1683; Olin lordship to. 2ndly, Anne, dan. of the Ray. Bolcyn at. 20 April, 1730, Sarah, dna. of Philip Wcstlake, Esq. of Knight, of Otley, 00. York, and had by that lady, I. ttonege, in holy orders, dean of ltitlala, 0. 1774; on lot, IS Juno, 1100, by his eldest son, Anne, dan. of ltobert Borrowes, Seq. of Stradone, es Coves, Jonw Aarnun, Esq. of Plymouth, 6. in 1133, who is. by whom (who S. 10 Sept. 1919) he had, I Thoneso, major 88th rogl , 8. 17 Starch, 1818. 2 lIsbon, 8. 1 Sep. 1819; on 18 Aug 1852, Elieahoth, dan. 1. John, 6. 11 Slay, 1771, collector of Customs at Plymouth, of Lt.—Cnl. II. (lore Eds’arde, of lttreagle. 00 fyronr, and has with other loom, Ilogh, I. 11 Juno, 1813. I Sophis, in. 12 3e00. 1923, In James- lfxhain-l’oeefoy Tortotf, Seq. of Owenotos’n. on. l)oblie, only eluld of Robert Tnrbett, Seq. of Geoennsoont, es. Dublin. 1 Frances, ol. 12 Ieee. loll, to John Snuhey, Seq. 3 Louisa, en. in Slay, 1815, to William-John Wabtron, Seq. of Palla Lodge, lingo, who ,l. 8 Nov. 1938. 4 Anne, oe. 1a17, to Arthur-Frodeoick Lloyd, Eoq. Ito oe. 2ndly, in 1820, Sophis, daie, of Sir George Ilibloa, hart., by n-hem (wile S. in 1821) ho lead a son, John ltibton, b. 1821; oe. 1844, Prances-Brabazos. dan. of J. I). Ellord, Eoq. of Erramore, co. tlals-ny, and has with otleor issue. Jnhn. The dean a lrdly, in 1933, SIne-ia, widow of Time.Ilnnbnry cc. Richard, of Plymouth, rsar-adne. RN., GB., 6. in 1770, Isaac, Fog. of llollywosd house, oo. Down, which lady ci. 23 Feb. 1806.. lIe ‘1. ho 1844. 1. Maria-Louisa, it. 1800, James Knox, Eoq, of Breadlande Park, en. Mayo, lt.P , and ii. 1827. ii. Eleanor, en. the lien. Fred. Cavondieh, and S. in 1812. The earl at. ardly, in 1781, Elizabeth, dau. of Richard Underwood, my. GEORGE, created a Baronet. Eeq., by whom, (who 5. 6 Juno, 1820) he loft, m. Saunders, 8. in 1781; 5. in 1813. ii. John, S. in 1814. iii. Charles (Sir), gcn., 0GB. and RH., cnl. of the 6th The 4th son, font, 8. 26 Boo. 1793; en. 1124, Sarah-Rachel, dan. of Tuee Re. 110w. Sin Geonns Anvuuu, K.C.H., DCL., the Hon. James Frazer, of the Legislative Council hieut.-gaee, in the army, cal. 50th regt., 1. 23 June, 1784, was of Nova Scotia, and by her had (with two dana. knighted 19 July, 3537, and eroemteot a Baroust 1 June, 1841. Eliza-Amolia, ma. 20 Sept. 1848, to William-Henry, preeeect Re oc. Slay, 1814, Eliza-Ord-Usrhcr, Semd daoi. of the late and 18th Earl of Errol, and Adelaide-Rachol, oc. 10 Liont.-Geu. Sir John-Proderiek-Sigiamund Seenth, K CD., March, 1864, to Lb-Cot. G.-W,-T. Rich, 71st highlanders(, Royal Artillery, and by her (who 5. 14 Jan. osos) had, three anna, 1 Jamna-Arthnr, major, 71st rsgt., so. 29 July, 1804, Cathot-ino-Loniso, 3rd dan. of Col. liazalgotte, and has lasus, Arthur, 8. 10 July, 1857, a eon, 8. 1860, and a dan.; 3 Charlos-Cltthcrow, capt. 83rd rogt., 8. 7 Sept. n. Poeneuiceo-Laoros.u, prosoest banauat. 1539; 3 Ersderick-Augnotna, liont. 84th regt.l. 8 May, 1944, lee. Chantos-Vinoy, sic sliteer in the Donobay light cavalry, iv. Edward, capt. R.N., 8.1797; en. in 1828, Miseflongtns, me’. Rdword-Poufold, lient,-esl. Bombay staff carps, 5. aied has (with two dane., Cocitia-Elizabeth, no. in 1848, to Adolphna Moctkerke, Eaq., and Mary-Anne) one eon v. Sigismnnd-linntagu, an effeeor in tire Bombay light Angnstne-Frsdsrick, Assistant Government Secretary to the Colony of Guiana, 8. in Fob. 1826; vs. 26 Jan. 1861, at vi. John-Rsyuor, Jinmboy CS., 8.20 Nov. 1830; ye. 0 Get. Georgetown, Gniana, Eliza-Arabslla, oldest dan. of the Rt. 11ev. Dr. Austhe, Bishop of Guiana. m. Cacie.mA-LcvizmA, m. 1st, to Sir Goocgs Bnggin, whod. vu. Lonuard-Ameguatus, Ileut. 7th tleesgnh ligicteavoiry, h. 17 in 1825. Lady Cecilia Gngghe, assumed tha surnams of July, 3532; killed at the siege of t,uohnosv, 19 July, 1557, her maternal family, Underwood, and has been crcatod r. hsabolha-hlaria, ccc. 1st, to Conoptome Unmyils, Esq. (who Ducneso Os INvERNESs. ml. Isabella, ci. 2 March, 1816, to the Rev. Charlos Douglas, grandson of Jamos, 35th Earl of horton, and 5. 3838. mm. Catherine, is. Oct. 1844, to Sir Hcnry-hlsrtle Edward iii. Julia, m. to Robert Manners Lockwood, Esq., and has issue, Henry-John-Arthur, Ia. t Nov. 3838, Dorothea, only dan. of the Hon. W. Koith-Falenuer; and AmesJane-Charlotte, iv, Prances-Amelia, so. 23 April, 1833, ta Thcodore-Howam-d m. 2 Sept. 1145, tn Lord Napier. His lordship 5. in 1809, and was n. by his son, Awrnuv-SAuNneuo, 3rd carl, 8. in July, 1161; em. 89 Dcc. a’. Goscgiua-Ronniotta, m. at Calcutta, 20 Jan. 1800, to 1787, Mary, only dan. and heir of Sir John Tyroll, Dart, of Heron Hall, bnt by her ladyship, who 5. 31 Aug. 1832, had no issue. The earl of. 20 Jan. 1831, and w-aon. by hisncphow Sir Gsorgo Arthur, who was suceesaivoly Governor of TIondeeras, the present peer. Crcalisao—Daroesot, 10 April, 1662. Baron and Viscount. was appointed, provisionally, gnvee’nor-gencral of India in 35 Aug. 1758. Earl, 12 April, 1762. Acma—Gn., a fesse, 1548. lIe 5. 10 Sept. 1854. between three oross-crassists, fitchds, or; a baronet’s hand. Ccoshiss—Daronot, Slay, 1541. Cm-eat—A wolf, rampant, ar. collared, got. Jeepporbems—Two Arms—Or, on a chevron, az., between two elarions, in horses, ar. Mofln—In hoc signo vincos. Seals—Castle Cars, chief, gu., and a kangaroa, sojant, in base, ppr., two swords, en. of Slayn; and Sounder’s Conrt, Enniscorthy, eo. Wenford. the points npwards, also ppc., points and hilts, of the first; Town Ileooe—Thz Pavilior, liaise Place, Sloane Street. A It T ii. Loonard-Robcrt-Sunkeeoett, 6. 23 Boo. 1084. 1, Frodcriea-Lnnisa-Jnliaua. IL inrztgc. This family, originally settled in Cornwall, removed thsnes to Dasonshire early in the last century. Plympton St. Mary, eo. Devon, and w,na s. at his dcecaee, 3 Slarclm, 1767, Catherine, dan. of Thomas Cornieh, Rag. of Portsneouth; and 5. 21 Jan. 1788, having had, is. 15 June, 1795, Johanosa, dan. of Ilobort Lake, Eoq. of South Pool, co. Devon ; and 5. 28 Juno, 1824, having had by hoe (when 5. 11 Jan. 1835), 1 John, of Plymouth, 8. 13 April, 1759. 5 henry, of Australia, 8. 38 April, 1803. 3 George, in holy orders, vicar of Tamcrton, 6. lee 1005. 4 Charles, of Australia, I. in 1805 ; en. 28 Juna, 1816, Mary-Allen, dan. of Thomas Roiby, of Von Dicntan’o Loud. 1 llary-Anuo, 1. 8 Jams. 1860. 2 Emily, in. to the Roy. John-Pishcr Turner, rector ot St. Mary Msjoc, Exeter. me. 28 Nov. 1805, Ehieabeth-Portcscno dan. of the Ray. W. Wells, rector of East Ahlington, Devon, and icy her (wlen ci. 10 Ang. 1853), left, at hie decease iu 3834, three sons and one dan. eel. Leonard, 6. in 1750, capt. R.A.; 5. onoe. i. Elizabeth, en. in 1799, to Salon Raynor, Esq., capt. RN. it. Slary, no. in 1799, to Major-General Edwan-d-Vaugheaen Woralay, R.A. ice. Anne. I. Ceorgs-Dnn-Frodcrie, 5. 7 hay, 1813; ci. in 1923. 6. 50 Jnus, 1553; ci. in Nor. 1847. 54 Fob. 1825; se. Emma, don, of Capt. SenSor, 44th regt. cavalry, 0. 55 Aug. 1828, 5, 38 dog. 1955. 1864, Ailcen, 3rd dote, of tho hots lion. 5,-F. Spr(esg lObs. oh. 15 March, 1902), eldsst son of Sir Conspton Donsviln, Mart. of Hsotzsr hlnuse, cc. Wne’cesfsr; she was ea. Iemdly, 18 Feb. 1828, to C.-J. liahbon, Rsq. Preen, K.G.B., GUST., late Governor of Bombay. iii. Eliza. Gallon, Faq. of Iladzor, on. Worcester, Licsmt. -Col. Niclsolas-W. Elphiuotsno, Doputy-Gonemisounce in ths Puaeja’cb, seeneed sites of Captain Elphinatoiso, lt,N. of Livouia, Dsvaeeshirs, Van Biemon’s Laud, Upper Canada, and Donsbay, on a ehiof, of the third, a horse, courant, sep. Cecil—In front of two swords, in saltier, ppc., ponsmels and hilts, or, a pelican in her piety, ea.,the neat, or. MaIls—Stet fortuna doneOs. Tows Hsemse—14, Queen’s Gab, South Kensington. ARTRUR1 Sin FREDERIcK - LEODen. ARUNDEL & SURREY, EARL OF, Sf0 NOSFOLK, baconot, 19 Sop. 1854 au. 24 April, DuES OF. ARTHUR. 1815 ; e. hia father, as 2nd Form, Boot., 00]. ih tim ae’my, 0. 20 1856, Elleaboth, 4thdau. of ThomasRobomt, 10th Earl ye Kinuoull, and has, 41