Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 1.djvu/95

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ASH trumAn, present earl. Percy, 0. 29 Nov. 1790; in. 23 Ang. 1836, Estber, don, of bishop of Chieheotor in 1754. lIe cc. in 1766, Margaret, dan. the late Liout.-Col. By, RE., and by her (who d. in 1848) of Thomas Pelbam, Req. of Lewes5 and had (with a yenuger bad issue a don., OVary-Katherine. who d. 27 Jan. 1851. eon, Fnsneis, who 9. nest, in 1768, and three clans., the Charles, 0. 22 March, 1803 on. in 1232, Sarah-Joanna, 2nd yenngest of whom, Catherine, was tlse wife of Capt. Fitzgerald) dan. of William Mnrray, Esq. of Jamaica, and d. secretory to HO!. Legotion at Constantinople, 22 Dcc. 1818. His widow st 1851, Sir Godfrey Wohotsr, Mart., wIse 9. 1853. of the bench, Thomas, general in the army, C.B., ool. 82nd foot; V. Sin W,LLIA5I, who ,a. Alicia, dan. of the Rev. Franeia cc. 8 Feb. 1860, to Adelaide -Get agiana-Froderica, ‘onngest Woedgate, of Meisntheld, co. Snesex, and had isans, dan. of Thomas, 3rd Lord Foley, which lady ci. ill Jan. WcLs.,ni, 6th baronet. 1861. Reginald, is. in 1810; ii. in 1230. Charlotte-Susan, ii. 26 April, 1865. Thssdssia-Jnlia. Georgiana-Jenshna, es. 1st, 28 Feb. 1828, to Iionry-Rcvsly )lieford, Esq. of Exhnry, grand-nephew of the let Lord and ci. leaving (with ether iesne) a dan., harriet-Alicia, Redesdole; and 2ndly, its 1842 bee ladyship’s previous snarliage was dissolved by aot of parliament), the Hen. Francis-George Molynenx. Jane-Henrietta, rs 18 May, 1836, to Ad,nirol Charles-U. George, 0. 19 Aug. 1774; cc. and has issne. Swinbsirns, u.N., 2nd son ef Sir J. Swinhorne, tart. Katherine-Frances, ss.21 Jnne, 1838, to 21.-W. Beanelsrk, Esq., great grandson of Lord henry Beasselcrk, and d. Sir William d. in 1823, and was s. by his eldest son, 6 April, 1639. Eleanor-Isabel-Bridget, so. 26 Nov. 184-1, to the Rev. Algersssn VI. Sin WILLIAM, 0. 21 June, 1762 ; so. 7 Jnl’, 1822, Wodehonse, rector of Easti,n, liampahire, son sit the Jnliana )s-ho 1. 29 Feb. 1865), dan. of the Rev. William Hon. and Rev. William Wedehonse, and nephew sf the ilsnnpbrcy, rector of Sele, and vicar of Kensing, ce. Kent; Earl of Kiinberlsy. Mary-Agnes-Blanche, on. 28 Ang. 1832, Sir Henry-Percy VII. Tnr. Rev. Sin Jonn, succeeded. He was chancellor Gordon, Bart. The earlS. 27 Get. 1820. Creaiisa.s—BarOn, 20 May, 1662. Earl, lee., 14 3iay, 1720. 4 July, 1804, Fanny, 4th dan. of William Foster, Esq. of Arsss—Gn., afesse between six mullets, argent. Cresi—Gut of a dneal coronet, or, an ash-tree, ppr. Sappsricrs—Tsvs greyheunds, en., their f.sess, breasts, and Jehn-Fiers, 0. 28 llareb, 1891 ; ,i. 8 Jan. 1832. feet, org., collared and lined, or. Miiis—Le roy st l’estat. ,Seais—Ashbnrnbam Place, Battle, Snesex; Barking lIsdI, Crooner, capt. 60th rifles, 0. 13 Sept. 1831 cm. 26 Joly, Snifolk. Town Hsnae—Ashburnlsam House, Mover Street. ASHBURNHAM. AsnnuaNnAlI, SIR ANOHITEL, Arsss—Gn., a feses, between six mullets, or. Bart., of Broomham, oct. Snasex 5. 8 Feb. 1828 ; a. Ins father, ,Seai—Brooncham Parh, Sussex. as 8th Part., 1 Sept. 1854 ; as. 7 June, 1859, Isabella, eldest dan. of the late Capt. George Bohnn Martin, RN., OP. of East Eridgford, Notts, assd has ANO1IcTRL- PIERS, 5. 1861 ; Reginald, 6. 1S65; another son, 5. 1866 ; Isabella; and Mand. A S II residentiaryof St. Panl’s Cathedral in 1752, and consecrated a sen and heir at his decease, 4 Sept. 1797, when father JonN, 7th baronet. Denny, in holy orders, roctsr of Catofield, lee., 0. 28 May, 1773; cc. in Jnly, 1802, Nancy, relict ef T.-F’. Bancroft, Esq., and only child of Joseph Biclcsen, Req., of Calcntta; vs. 30 Dcc. 1845, is the 11ev. Alex. Chirol, BA. of dare Hall, Cancbridgs. Alicia, is. in Dee. 1204, to James-Eldridge ;%eet, Eoq. of Poetaic Park, co. Kent, a,sd st his widow 22 Bee, lass. and d. s. p. in 1243 ; when his brother, - of the Cathedral and prehendary of Clsielssstsr, rector of Gnestling and vicar of Peveesey ; 0. 20 Dee. 1770; Itt. lot, Hellington, co. Snosex, and had issne, ANCnITEL, present Mart. Lawrence, is. 19 Nov. 3629. 1864, Urith-Amelia, 3rd dan. of the late Capt. Georgel iehnn Martin, CE., H N., of East Bridgford, Notts. Fanny-Alice. lionsr. Hem. 2ndly, Anne Harman, and 9. 1 Sept. 1054. t’r,alisss—lS May, 1661. emil—Out of a dneal coronet, an ash tree, fl’r. Melts—Will God, and 1 shall. A S H P U H T 0 N. AERRURTON, BARON (Alexander-Hngh Baring), of THOMAS AsnEunNnAam, of Bromhans, who its. Elizabeth, Ashbnrton, eo. Devon; formerly M.P. for Thetford, dan. of Jelsn Dudley, and aunt of John Dudlsy, Duke of 5. 1835; s. his father, as 4tla baron, 6 Sept. 1868; as. 5 Jan. 1864, Leonora-Caioline, 2nd dan. of Edward-St. Vincent, 9th acid present Lord Digby, and has issue, Esq., co. Sussex, and sister and heiress of Stephen Adams, m. A sea, 0. 20 Joly, 1060. is. A son, ii. 10 SepI., 1807. Launnetee AeuonnNnaam, of tromham, icc. Bridget, eldest iLinciigc. ThOMAs A5RBURNRAM, bead of the family, in tho 12th HENRY VI., in. Sarah, dan. of Henry Wauney, and had two sons, Jonte, ancestor of EaI5L AsnnoaNnAsm, and RsessAnn Asn000NnAas, who si. the dan. and heiress of Sir John Stensling, Knt. of Bromlsam, cc. Sussex, by whom he acquired that estate, and had a san and heir, Northumberland, and was i. by his only son, Tnos.iAs A5nRURNRAM, whose eon, LAURENCE AssseunNnxsi, on. Eva, dan. of Richard Adams, Eaq. of Herietsham, eo. Kent, and widow of John Levet, Esq. The grandson of this marriage, dan. of Sir George Fleetweod, of The Vache, en. Bcscke, and wass. byhiseldest eon, ILi1lCgt. I. BENNY AsnounnnAae, n commissioner of Excise, I THE RIORT Hose. ALEXANnER txniao, 0. 27 Oct. 1774, 2nd ‘eietuallsr of the Navy, and representative in htarliamuent for son of Sir Francis taring, Dart. (smposl, NonaonnnoeN, B.), Hastings, who was created a Baronet 15 Hay, 1661. Sir was raised to the Peerage as BARON A5IOEURTON° of AshDenqy on. 1st, Frances, dan. of John Ashbnrnham, Esq., I burton, on. Devon, 10 April, 1825, having held office during and aunt of John, lot lord Ashbnrnham, by whom he had I the previous four months as President of the Beard of an only surviving dan., Be’idget, so. to the Rev. Mr. Brad- I Trade and Master of the jOint, lie ss. 22 Ang. 1785, Anne shaw, rector sf Pett, and vicar of Gosling, on. Snesex lie I Lenioa, eldest dan. of William llingham, Req. of Philadslon. 2ndly, Ann, dan. of Sir David Watkins, and was e. at his phia, a Senator of the United Statas, and by her (who S. decease, in 1697, by his elder son, I 5 Bee. 1848) had issue, II. Ssn WELLIAII, commissioner of the Alienation 015cc, I W5LLIAM-BINCOIAM, 2nd baron. chamberlain of the Exchequer, and HF. for Hastings. I This gentleman settled Isis estates npon his nephew, William I e A barony of Aohhurton waseenferred in April. 1782, upon Asbburnham, and d. without issue, 7 Nov. 1756, when the the celebrated lawyer, JOHN Bncasmeo, who was a native of title devolved upon his brother, that place. lie on. Elizabeth, sister of Sir Francis Daring, III. Sin COARLEO, who was i. Oct. 1709, by his eldest and dyhsgin Aug. 1763, was s. by his only son, lliehard, 2nd Lord A6hbnrton, who S. in 1829, when the barony expired. surviving son, the inheritor of the 2nd baronet’s estates, I CS,, BORNE’S JLciis,el Peerage.) ‘fhns the late Lord Ashbnrten IV. Sin WsLnsxse. This gentleman having entered into [ first cousin to the peer with whom that barony became lsoly erders, was appointed floan of Chieheeter in 1741, canon extinct. 45