Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 1.djvu/99

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ATH 3tiittagc. This family, ens of the most eminent in Scotland, was at a. by his son, ohe time Invested with the abeolute sovereignty of the I sb JouN, 2nd Earl of Athele, MT., to whem reverted the of Man. “Freskine,” says Sir Robert Douglas, “a gentleman earldom of Tullihardine, in 1070, upon the demise of his of Flemieh origin, came into Scotl’ind during the reign Cousin James, mentioned above. His lordship was created of Davso I., and obtained from that munificent sovereign llIerqsiessefAlksle, 17 Feb. 1870; he en. Lady Ansolia-Sophis the lands of Strathbroek, ca. Linlitbgow. Soon after the Stanley, only dan. of James, 7th Earl of Derby, by his wife ineorrection of the Momymen, in 1130, Freekine, who probably Charlotte de Ia Trcmouillc,° the famous Countess of Derby contributed by his skill and bravery to the subduement (see yed, DnRRY E). The Marquese of Athoic by this marriage of these ancient people, acqnired from the came prince Janet, his successor. some of the moat fertile districts in the lowlands of Moray, Charles, created Earl sfDususere. (See tAct eGgnOg.) and bnilt a fortalice at Dufilse, where be resided, the maasy William, whe second Lerd Nairre,t and having engaged ruins whereof are still remarkable.” The descendant of this dietinguiabed person, WALTER, inheriting his paternal lande at Moary, was spared, althengh Ins title was atesinted. lie ni Slsrgaret, distinguished by the surname of Os MoRAvIA, or MostAv. From this Walter de Moravia, descended the Stomye, Lords Patrick Graham, of Inehbraee, arid it. in 1722, leaving with Botbwell, the Moraye of Absreainay, and Sue WiLLIAM ns MoRAvIA, who acquired the lands of Tollibardine with his wife, Adda, dan. of Malice, Senosehal of Strathem, as appears by charters dated in the years 1282 and 1284, He was a. by his eon, ANnREw Muansv, of T’allibardine. When Edward Ealiol invaded Seetlaaad, in 1312, this Andrew Murray, favouring his pretensions, contributed greatly to the decisive victory obtained by Baiol at Duplin, by fixing a stake in a ford in the river Earn, through which his army passed and attacked the Seets. This rendered Murray so ebnsxions that, when he was made prisoner in a couple of mouths after, he was immediately put to death for his adhesion to Baliol. He left a son, - Sia WeLLIAM MURRAY, of Tullihardinc, from whom lineally descended (the 5th in succession) SIR WILLIAM llfuRRAv, of Tullibardine, liviog in 3482 and 1511, who had, with other issue, ‘II ILLIAM, his successor. Andrew (Sir), ancestor of the Viscounts Sterment. Sir William was s. by his eldest surviving sen, WeLLsAaa Muanav, of Tullihardine, whose grandson, SIR WILLIAM MURRAY, of Tuilibardine, 10. in 1o47, Lady and had by her (wise U. 27 Cr1. 1045) an only sea, WILLiAM, Agnes Graham, dan. of William, 2nd Earl of Mentrose, and was s. by his eldest son, Sin JouN MURRAY, 12th feudal Baron of Tullibardine, master of the household and one of the privy council of late Maaesasr, Dasoanas Erirn (see Peerejars Extinct) JAMEs Vi., who was created Lent Murray of Teellibardine, 25 April, 1404, and 10 July, 1000, Earl sf Tellibercfiee, His lordlhip us. Catharine, dan. of David, Lerd Dresmmond, His lordship U. in 1703, snd wan a. by his eldest son, and had, with other issue, WILLIA5I, his sueeesaer. Patrick, of Castlotown, afterwards Earl of Tullibardine. 2nd Marquess of Athele, who was created 30 July, 1703, Muugo, who beeams 2nd Viscount Stormont, hut ef. .0,ferqsiesa sf Fssllilssrdisie, and DUKE OF ArnoLs, with remain issueless. The earl el. in 1000, and was .c. by his eldest san, WILLIAM, 2nd sarI, who, with his ceusin, David, Viscount issue, six sons and a dau.; of which, Stermont, when a very young man, had the good fortune i. John, Marquess of Tulitbardino, U. uussss. in 1700. to be instrumental in the rescue of the king, at Perth, Is. William, who a. his brother as Marquess of Tullibardine, from the attempt of the Earl Gowrie and his brother, in 1000. Per this signal service he obtained the hereditary and proclaimed the Chevalier, for which act of high treason sheriffship of Psrthshire, which has since continued in the family. Hislerdship en. 1st, in 1002, Cecilia, eldest dan. of marquess returned to Scatland. 1710, with the Spanish Sir John Wcmyss, of Wemyss, but had us issue; he 10. battle of Glenshieh After the defeat there, his lordship 2udly, Lady Derothea Stewart, eldest dan. of John, 0th Earl ef Atholc (at whose deeeass, without male issue, the exile twonty-otx years. In 1741, lao landed with Prince saridom of Atholo reverted ts the crown), by whom he had issue, JOHN, who became Earl ef Atholo; and Mary, en. to Sir John Menerieffe, of Monoriefib, Eart. The earl, a short the isle of Mull; but his horse falling, be surrendered, tinas befsro his decease, having petitioned CHARLes 2., :setttng forth that his ceunteos was the eldest dan. and heir of line of Johu, Earl ef Athols, and that the familyof Stewart and committed to the Tower, where bed. 0 July, 1748. of Innermeath, which had obtained the title at that iii. Leases, whoa, to the dukedom. nebleman’e decease, had become extinct, the king graciously iv. Charles, a cornet of horse, joined tho Chovaier sri 1715, promised to revive the dignity in her posterity; when his lerdohip, wishing to prevent the junction of the sarldems of Athslc and Tnllibardiue, and for the purpose of 5 Through this marriage, the Dukes of Athole clams descent ferming two noble families, resigned the latter dignity te from the Greek Rissperoro (see pert, Dsasv, R. Or). the crown in favsur of his brother, PATRICK MURRAY, which diepesitien was confirmed by patent nuder the great seal, Itoh bar, having suffered isis years’ ioearermlioa so the Toe-er anne 1620. The esrldom of Tullibardius came hack, however,te of London, for his adherence to the Iloese of Stuart dorieig the the Athele line, upouthc demise of Earl Patrick’s son, civil ware, was rewarded. at I he Restoration l’y being appointed a JAMes, 4th carl, who outlived his male issue. William, 2nd lord of session and one of the judges of the Court of Jusucsary. Earl efTulihavdine, din 1020, and was e. by his son, Joax MURRAY, who, sn 6 Aug. 1021, was served heir to of Scotland as Lasso Nsiaas, of ,iVeiene, co Frills, with remainder John, Earl of Athole, which service was confirmed by patent, Siargarst, dau. of Patrick Graham, of Iucbhrseo). His lordship 17 Feb. 1028-20, and he thus became 1st Earl of Athole of it. in lell, and was s. accordingly by his eon-in-law, Lord ‘P iiiam the house of Murray, His lordship Iii. Jane, dau. of Sir 49 ATH Duncan Campbell, of Glenurehy, and dying in 1042, was had, with ether children, in the rising of 1715, and being eenvieted ef high treasen, was eendemaed to death; but his life was subsequently dan. ef Robert, 1st Lsrd Nairne, by 2largsret, dae. el ether tosase, Joea-, his heir. Rebert, ni. Jean, heir ef ihe ancient fsmily ef Mereer, of Aldie, in i’erthshire. This gentleman, engaging in the iasnrrectieu of 1745, fell at the battle of Culladen, ii April, 1740, leaving (with aasther son, James, whe U. ucea.. and a dau. Margaret). a sen iby assumplieu ef lus snaternal surname), Col. William Mereer, echo in. Margaret Slurray, heir of Pitkellily, and whose only dau., Jane, en. George, Viscount Keith, and left a dau., MARcaner, late BAaoanss Reins. The eldest son, Tess Hew. Jesus, engsgisg in Ihe insurrection of 1741, was attainted nail /. in Prance in 1710. He ne lni cousin, t.ady Calherine Murray, 3rd dae. of Charles, 1st Earl ef Denmere, by whsem he tad five sens, all ef whena el. susu. except the eldest, Jeus Naisas, a heat-eel, in the Drilish serviee,who, but for the attainder. wessld have succeeded as 4th lerd. Col. Nairne never, however, assumed the title. Its eu. Brsbaeen, dsu. ef Richard Wheeler, Req. ef Lyruth, in Ireland, and was s. by Ins only surviving son, WILLIAM-MURRAT-NAIRNE, who was restored to the henours of the family, as Lean Nasaan, by act of parliament, 17 June, 1014. Otis lordship was 1. in 1757; he so. in 1806, Caroline, dan. of Laurenre Oliphaut, Riq. of Cask, his heir. Lord Nairne ef. 2 July 1830, sad was s. by his sees, WILLIAM, Lord Naime, I. in 1803; at whose decease usus. 7 Dec. 1837, a claim was raised te the title by lhe whose eldest dan. EMILY-JAws, Dowee ER SiARceaseNrol OF LANSueWNR (ace flint fills), inherited the claim te the BARONY OF NAsans. Jouxe, 6th Earl of Tullibardine, 3rd Earl of Atholo, and dor, in default of malo issue, to the soiss of his deceased father. His grace m. 1st, Catherine, dau. of William and Anne, Duke and Duchess of Hamilton, by wham he had was sue of the first thatjoiued the Earl of Mar, in 1712, he was attaintod by parliament. Escapingabread, the forces, joined the insssrgents at Ktntail, and was at the escaped a second time to the Continent, whore be lived in CuAatLns-EDwARO, at Doradailo, in Scotland, and eonttnuod with him ssnttl after the decisive battle of Culledeu, when ho fled to the westward, intending to embark for 27 April, 1746, in a bad state of health, to Mr. Buchanan of T)ummakill. He was eventually conveyed to London, and had tho command of a regiment. After the surrender of Preston, his lordship, being amongst the prisoners, Rsbert Nsirue, Eoq. of Strsthoad, on odvoesir at the Soot- lie was as she same time (27 Jan. 11181) elevated to the peerage to the husband of his ouly dan., ainrgarof (by Ins wife Murray. E