Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 2.djvu/1

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LOC L 0 C 0 (1 K Lococa, Sin CHARLES, Dart, of formerly M.I’. fur Scaricureugli ; 8.19 June, 3234 ; s. Speldhurst, Kent, and Hertforcl his father as 2nd l’ar,m, 15 Jail. 18611; cc. 10 Soj,t. Street, Mayfair, so created 14 April, 1863, Lsdy Edith - [‘sauces —IV iiheln, inn Sc,no’rset, 1857, M.D., First Physician Accoucheur youngest dan. of iicury, 7th lluke of Bcaufort, KU., to the Queen ; 8. 21 April, 1799; so. 5 Aug. 1826, Amelia, youngest dan. of John Lewis, Esq. of Southampton Place, Iluston Square, and by her (who ci. 14 July, 1867) has issue, 1. CHARLEs-BRODJE, MA., of Lincoln’s Ian, barrister-nP Joseph Denieeo, Esq. ,,f Ilenbies, co. Surrey, having sic,,. Ipw, 6. 21 July, 1827; si. 27 Dec. 1859, Fenuy-Bir,i, cesded to Ihe great property ,,f his uncle, ihe late WilhiaisJsee second clan, of the Rev. Thencas Pitman, prebsndary of 1,h Ilcnis,,n, Es,1. ,,f llenl,ics, M. 1’. f,,r Sisri-sy, ess,,me,I Chichester, and vicar of Eastboursse, and has tw,, dans. by royal licrncc the silrisauic a,,,l arms of llcaisi,N, ai,,l was II. Alfred-Henry, MA., in holy orders, incumbent of elevated t,, the peerage, so ji,,s-,,cc Lsn’le.’b,cesssoh, 4 Maccl,, Leinsford, Herefordshirc, 6. 19 July, 1929; in. 27 Oct. 1250. his lsrdship wh,e was n 16.12.11,, 1” 01.8, F.S.A.,as,cl 1859, Anna-Maria, youngest dan. of the late Archdeacon vice edo,. of Y,,rkshire ; was 6. 21 OcI. 1805 ,‘‘.,u,l icc. 1st, Dsaitry, of Surrey, and hasa son, 6. 27 Sept. O July, 1432, Ilenrirtla Slas-ia, 4th chin. if Cecil-Welch, lot 1952; s san, 5. 28 April, 1264; and two das,s. iii. Frederick, 6. 22 Aug. 4681. iv. Sidney, attechf ta tics liritials Embassy at Canstantinople, since -2nd diplomatic see. at St. Petersbargb, 2nd ace, at The Hague; sec. of legatien at Athens; see. of lcgaticu in Japan ; sod now asc. of logation at The Hague; 6. 14 May, 1824; in. May, 1859, Ahhie, lcd dau. of the Rev. Jonas King, U. U., and has a son, 6. 28 Api-il, 1964; a son, 6. at Yokohama, Japan, 1267; and two dons. V. Herbert, cspt. royal engineers, 6. 28 March, 1217; cc. His lordship e,. 2ndly, 21 Dcc. biT, Ursula-Lucy-Grace, 4 March, bOa, Agiasa-F.dith-Fanny, da,i. nf F.-T. eldest dan. of the Hun. Charles hiiidgeman, resr-sdm. RN., Corpoorthy, Esq., and has three dens. Lil8Cilfif’. Tlcs family came originally from Knarcsborough, Yorkshire, where there are records of its births, deaths, and marriages, as far back as 1651, successively carried on to the Rev. AARON Lococe, who was made vicar of lYchlingborough. Lord LandesbsrOugh 4. 45 Jan. 1200, and was o. by his Narthamptonahire, 1719, end of All Saints, Northampton, eldest esn, the present bacon. 1711. Mis son, HENRY Lococsc, surocon, was mayor of Northampton, 1749; and his grandson, HBNHY Lococsc, also a surgeon at the same piece, ;vbo ci. 1788, was father of HENRY Lococsc, M.D., of Northampton, who s,. 22 Api’ib, 1788, Susanneb, den. of Rev. Edmund Smylh, of Groat with e crescent for diff’erence. Linford, Bucks; and ci. 14 Feb. 1842, leaving iss’as, 1, Henry, 6. 16 Jan. 1790 ; in. 28 Oct. 1825, Sussnnah, deu. Market Weigbten, Yorkshire. of Rev. Wm. Smyth, of Great Liuford; end ci. 28 June, 3844, leaving issue, I Henry-Smyth. 2 William. 8 Edmund. 4 Arthur. I Susenoah. 2 Frances. ii. William, 6. 1792; ci. nasa. 1811. III. CHARLES, M.D., created a BARONET, as shove. Iv. Christopher, 6. 1881; d.eo infant. i. Mary-Ann, ci. nasa. 22 Dee. 1840. 5,. Frances, in. to Daniel Cave, Esq. of Clove Hill, co. Gloucester; and ci. 1 May, 1814. Iii. Emma, accidentally killed, 11 Oct. 1816. Crcetisss—14 April, ies7. Arms—Ac., s gauntlet, or; in chief, three mullets, erg. Cresi—On a mount, vert, a cock, erg., guttd do sang. the dexter foot resting on a gauntlet, gold. Mslls—Victoria. dcoc—Holmewood. 51,eldhnrst, Ton- bridge Wolls. Tsse,s Ho,cee—26, Mcrtford Street, Mayfair. LON the co. of York, vice-admiral of tho Yorkshire coast, and has issue, i. WirLissi-Fassris-llcssv, 9. 80 11cc. 1864. i. E,lith•Hcnrirtla-Sil,yl. Ii. A dan., 6. 11 Aug. 1267. ILinta ge. Loan ALBERT CONYNOIISM, 2nd surviving sen of Henry, lot Slsrquess of Csnynglecm, by Elizabeth his wife, ‘lan.sf Lord Fsrcstcr, and by her (svhs ci. 22 April, 1811) had, 5. WILLSAS5-lIcNav-F0RESTER, present peer. is. Albert-Doicisuu-Ssoi,,rsihls, 6. 4 (let 1835, lout. RN. s. llcurictle-Elic,,beth-5a1,l,ia, is. 18 July, 2861, Cci Philip ho Edward, eldest son of Sir P do Ilslpas Grey 1’gertas, Mart. is. Sclina-f’smcrina-bJharl,ttc, ii. H SepI. 1822. iii. Isabehh,hhsrie ci. 5 April, 1256. iv. Augusta-Elizabeth, a,. 18 July, 3861, to Lord Wrottcslcy. and had issue by her (who wee in. 2n,lly, 14 Dec. 1861, to Lord Ocho.Augustns F’ilcgerald, ccc l,ciNsu-sa, U.), 5. Menry-Charles. 6. 28 Dcl. 1249. ii. Csnyughein Alhort, 6. 5 Sl,u-eh, 1851. ni. harold-Albert, 6. 9 Maceli. 1856. ir. Evelyn-Albert. 6 4 Sept. iOkc. i. Ursula-Elizabeth. U. Albertsna-Agnee-Mery. Crcslis,s—4 hard,, i850. Arc,,e—Quartecly: DENI5ON and CoNvNoNsss. Crest—Mt. DEN55ON; 2nd, CoNvNouAaz. .Sappsrlcrc—Same so thsse of the hhsrqsscss Conyoghem, ,lhIehls—Advcrsa vi,-tute rehcsllo. SeeisGrimston Park, Tedcastec; and Lendesborongb, Tom,, Usnsr—5, Grosvenor Squai-o. L 0 ND 0 N P ER R Y. L0NDONDERRY, MARQU8SS OF (Sh Fredes-ick’Wih’ ham-Robert Stewart), Earl of Lnndoudcrry, Viscount Caetlereagh, and Baron Stewart in thse peerage of [roland ; anti l;nron Stewart, of Stewarts Court, ill the peerage of the United Kingdons ; K.P., P.C. ; 6. 7 July, 1807; es. 30 April, 1846, Ehizahet h-Frances. Charlotte, relict of Rioharci, 6th Viscount Powenscourt and dan. of Rohccrt, 3rd Fail of R,’dcn. lIsa lordahnp, who was Lord-Lieutenant of the co. of Doavn Co] of the North I)ow,, Militia, and formerly M.P. for that county, a. Isis father as 4th marquess, 6 March, 1854. Iinicago. This family cleims a cemn,e,s ancestor wilh the n,,ble Scottish house of Galloway, hi Sin 12’iLLIAN STEwART, ef LONDE6EOSOUOB, BAEON (William-Henry-Forester LOFTUS, VISCOUNT, ace ELY, MARQUESS. LONDESBOROUCH. Donioon), of Londeaborough, in the East Riding of 703