Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 2.djvu/108

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NAT harriet-Elizabeth, a. to W. Lamisanle, Esq. of Sevenoaki. Charlotte, is. 15 April, 1829, to isasisl ,tnderton, Esq. of St. Germains, anti ii. at St. (icnssains 30 Jan. tsf, haniesg mad Adssm, .ssseestssr of the Napseas sf Blas’tslosse. issue, Sir tastes 1. in I aLa. leslie. —31 July, 1700. .1 no i—Qstarti’rIy 1st and 4tls, go., a dexter hand. costiiesi, I lelen, ci. tine Rev. Mattisow Brisbane. ilir., hIding a stencil, pali’srays. erg.. h’rtwoeis nets liesitcett haososers, or, for N srssi 510 2sal coil 3ril. ac., oa a Site, org., Petit ecu litres’ esssllels, its s’Isiof, iLttil a s.saglisr, 1iaisant, its base, Ssts .tsnrnsnaLo Narsess, Kttt., who having accsmpassied of the seooa’I, hoar’s Isetal. i’oiilii’il, git, Ii ii’ ti.ntsu nj loose. J.sasco ‘l. issto England, was swem ef the privy eessneil, (‘ci nt—A bawl Isoltlitsg a liatisitiog as is silo arms. JOt ilicNots arte sr,i carts’. Au olil s-essilerhsg of the motto cleric ‘set aj isdge ui Sessisits, its 1622 createsi a Bssrossil s,f runs thus Nit by lss.svery hot by bravery.’’ be st—lsalwick, co. tkebles. NATE NE. NAtntin, BaooNv OF, (if Nairno, en. Perth. in tho sss. ts Sir George Sth’lhsg, of Keir; and Idhias, whe d. nests.), peerage of Scotlatssl. This barotty (William, the AncsssnaLo, 2nd baron. This nobleman distingstished lttst Li irsi Nairttc, lsstving d. tiii sit. 7 Dee. 1 837) is tsissseelf its tine rsyai cas,se disring the civil wars, and it. in claimed by Esttt.Y-J.rNE, DOWAGER SIAoeHioNEas OF roth’etnetst in Holland, in 1900. lIe is,. in 1041, Lady Elizaboth LaysuowNE, oldest dart, of the late BARONESS KEITH had (with sitlser twine), (sce attic ATUOLE,D. OF, and pool l’EERAGES EXTINCT). 5. .tnesssnaLn, his ssteesseor. N A P TEE. NAPIER, BARON (Sir Ft’atacioNapier, P.C.), of Slerchietossn,in Thirleslistse, Isy svhom she had an only son, the peerage of Scotlassd, atsd a Baronet of Nova k’naacto Sossyp, who inherited the barstiy at the demise Scotia; 8. 15 Sept. 1819; a. his father, as 9th hiarcn, of his grassdsnother, Lady Napier, in 1700, (his mother 11 Oct. 1834 ; ste. 2 Soist. 1845, attstso-Jane-C’harlotte, having died iss 1703), snd assnmed the snrns,me of NAPtEN; only dan, of IL.Manners Loeko’ssod, Eosl., and has, stud o. tis the hssa’osselcy, at the decease of his father, in s. WtLLtAM-Jiitta-GEOROF., P. 22 Sept. 1840. is. John-Scott, officer in Patid foot, 0. 13 Nov. 3545. sit. liasil, EN., is. 0 July, IsiS. iv. Slack-Francis, 6. 51 Juts. ISIS. Ills lordship having previously, frons 1840, filled Lochotssl ; asssl 2tsslly, Christissn, dan. of Gabriel Hamilton, variosss shi1slo,oatic officos, was envoy extraordinary Esq. of Wostbssm, co Lanark, and dying 18 Dec. 1887, and tninister ilenipotetitiary to the United States of America from 21 jan. 1857 till 13 Dec. 1858, when ho was transferred to the Hague. He was appointed British amhsassadssr at St. I’eteroborg 11 Dec. 1860, and at Berlin, 15 Sept. 1864, and was appointed governor of Madrao 31 Jan. 1866. tincaut. ltta Ancs,tnxt.n NAPtEE (0th its lineal descent from Jsshst do Napier, who held considerable estates in the coonty of Bamisartots, and was fined to three 5-ears’ rent of isis estate by Enwassas Ill., iii 1291,), si. Janet, dais, of Ednssttsd Ohisheim, of Css ‘mlix, atsd falling at Floddets, 1 Sept. 1113, was s. by his etsly sSts, ALEXANDER Narsrst, of Merchieetssnn, who on, Atsnabella, yonugest dan. of Sir ttsnscsus Casnpbcll, of Gleourehy, and, dyitsg in 1945, was s. by his elder son, Sta ALcxatctsra Nss’tra, of Merelsiestenn, master of tIne Mint in Scotland, who iiss. Janet, only dan. of Sir Francis llstbwsil, lord of Session, and dying in 1605, was a. by his eldest soil, JOHN N&rsnn, ef Slerrhiotosstt, the ren,swned invesstor of Douglas of Covers, .assd was a. by his older son, Logarithms. This etnissesst nsass ss’.ss S. hi 2539, ‘‘and it is dssus of 5o,sit ,sf Rohoi’tostn, and was e. by his eldest son, to be re,nas’kcsl,’’ says Ussogias,’’ that at the time (if his RenoRT Seorr, who asenmcd the designation of Thh’lostatso, birth his father could sssst have lieen alssve if years ssf age.’’ If e st. 1st, Elizabeth, slau. of James Stirling, of Rely, and Ssa Faasseus SCOTT, of Thirlestano, who was crested a had isy her, Aaeatn aLit, his heir. Jeans. TIe is. Sadly, Agnes, dan. of James Chiohelm, of Oromiix, and dyieg in 1712, was o. by his elder son, and had, Jsshn, of Easter Terric. Robert, from whom the NAPlESs, Darts., of Csslrs’caeh. 810 NAP Alexander, of Giliels. Williasn, from wlsom the Napsens of Oreigitaci, Nlsss’g.sret. ci. James Stewart, of Roeythe. Issue, ei. James H,smlilsss. of Kilbraclamosst. Fflie,sbeth, so. Wilitam Cnnningbssm, ef Craigestds. Atstss, .n. Oserge hirnmmssnd, ef Iidleeh. Sir .lehn ii. its it’ll, asssl was e. by his eldest son, app essteil treas,trer- deisette of Seotlassd, its 1022 ; appehsted 2t’iirss Srsiia, 2 March, 1027; and elevated to the peerage of Sessthnal, 4 May, in the same year, as Haeox NAPIER, sf illci’chisisissss. lIe sin. Margaret, dan. of Jehts, 4th Earl of Messtrese, assd dying in hf45, left, with two duos. (Margaret, suit sitsly ssitt, Erskissc, etsleot dan. of John, 5th Earl of Marr, assd t. Joan,, es. Si, Sir Thomas Nicelsan, ef Cas’ssock, and left a soLs, Tassasas NseoLsoss, of whom presently, as 4th baron. U. Margaret, of wbosn hereafter, as BARoNEss Narsnn. Tine b,srsn was e. by his elder sos,, Asscssss ss.n, ;trd lesress, who obtaissed, 7 Feb. 1177, a new patessi extessdissg the rsmahsdership to his heirs frmale, atsd their heirs male and female; atsd to his sisters, and their heirs general whatseever. His lordship dying ssasss. hi 2183, the hssrssssy devoirod npess (the only child of his eldest sister) isis sscphew, Stn Tuostos Nseotsnx, Dart, of Carneck, as 4th baron, who is. Ousoi. atsd under age, in 1689, whets his amst, Tssc lissyounanLr Slassuaanna Narsrn, became Bareness Napier. tier ladyship was widow of John Brisbane, Esq., secretary tss Site Adsssir.sity incas. CHARLES hi., by whom also hsel a sets, Johns, a naval officer, who ii. hi 1704; and a dan. Eliessheth, Mistress sf Na1ster, who ci. in 1990, William Scott, Enq., cost sstssi oss000sosr tsi Sir Francis Scett,* Hart. of 1723. lie sit. 1st, Hem’tetta, dust, of Charles, Earl of Hepetoon, ansi had five sent, viz., t. WtLLtA at, isle sssccosser. it. Charles, of llcrelsisi,ssm Mall, cc. Stirling, capt. RN. sit. 1st, Grizel, dan. of Sir John Warrender, Bart. of left issne by the latter, 1 Charles (Sir), of Merchistosin Moose, Hants; ROB., admiral of the Mine, Cransl Cross of the To,eer and Sw,srd of Pot’tusgal; Knight of Marits-Theresa of A,tstri.a, of tbe Red Eagle of l’sutesia; and of St. George of Baissia; Connt sf Stape Vioceust, stud gs’andee of the 1st class its Pstrtusgal, 31. P., a diatitsgniebed British seaman; i. at Merehistossss Hall, Stirling, 9 Starch, 37s8 us. Eliza, sissu. of George Yonnghsnsband, Esq.,.assd widow of Eslavasil PIers, Esq , heist. RN. ; and d. 5 Nov. 1660, hssving hail by her (ssho si. 19 Dec. 1851) an only child, Bhsisc-Fanny, Countess of Cape St. Vhtrent, ci. 19 Oct. 1843, tIne Hey. Henry Jeda’eli, nephew of the late Sir B. -Passi Jssdrell, Bait. 2 Thomas-lh’skitse (Sir), genomi in the army, K OH., eel’ md list fosS, ansi geversior of Edinbsn’gh Castle 6. 10 Slay, 1790; so Margaret, dan. and co-heir of — Fatconet’, Esq. of Woodcet, and d. 5 July, 8088, basing bad a dan , Matilda, who d. 1849. 1 lictn’ictfa hope, a. 23 Feb. 3807, to George Gordon, Esq. sif Ilalihead, cc. Aberdeen, and d. his widow, 24 Starch, 1867. Sun WtLL5AM Seorr, of Stewpsisley, is,. a danghtor of J).svsss Soovr, cii Stowpsdehoy, who gettbc laesds of TbirlcsSaute, its Selkh’kshti’o, from the abbsscy of Sielresc. Be os. a and fi’em him we isss Se bin descendant, Beiooei if Here Scotia, 22 Aug 1660. Ho ua. in 1173, Lady liesn’ictta ttorr, 8th dan. of William, 3rd Earl of Lethian; Sta WsLLtaas SsasrT, 2nd ho-cost who a. Ist, as in the tori, Elizabeth, Slistrces of Nais’ns ; and 2ssdiy, Jane, dan. of Sir John Nisbet, of Birleton, and widow of Sir William SectS, of Harden, hot by the latter had no issue,