Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 2.djvu/112

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N EEL B. Nann, SIR Jony, Dart., of tv. lmlary-Catberi no, Grittleton Home, co. Wilts, MA., H.P. for Chippenhans ; 5. 20 July, “One nf the greatest names,” says Sir Egerton Brydges, 1805; sa. 25 Aug. 1845, HarrietEliza, “which will hereafter oeetsr in the annals of British history, second dau.ofMajor-tieneral or perhaps its the annals of the world,—at least as far as Vbllltans Dickson, G.E., of Beenham the riperations of war are esneerned,—will be NeLsoN.” llonse, 13CI’ICI, by his wife., Harriet, That ts.sme, in,leerl, stands alo,,e heysnd the power sf rank 2nd clan, of Lieutenant-General Sir or title t0 ornament it for, tlte fact is remarkable, that Thomas Dallas, G.G.B., and has while every e’tlter great snam, in onr past records, who had issue, I. ALor.ronm.WtLLlasr, b. 10 Tune, 1846. ti. Edward- John, b. Ill Aug. ssil 6. 24 June, 1862. u i, t,t’lley- l),illas, It. 21 Jan. 1519. iv. Ilcginald-llnsdell, 8. 10 Oct. 1610. v. Mortinier-) lrabam, 8. 14 Sept. 1531. vi. P111, d—.trtlsnr, t. 21 Feb. 1 633. i. Ada-Mary. ii. Evelyn-Mary. Tins gentleman, wIn for four oneS twenty years, smtmnsasy of those services, which, while their brilliancy until 1s59, represented the borough of Cricklade in throws the lustre of nobility into the shade, form of themselves Parliament, and who has been a Gentleman of the l’y stone. l’rivy (‘hamber, and is a J.P. smsd DL. for Wilts, The fantily ef Neteoa (films Nigeili, aeeerding to Camden’s was created a Baronet 20 April, 1859. killnlgc. Js’n;rn Ni roe, Es9, of }‘nlhatn, Ii] iddlesex, 8. 1731 so. whew they held latsds by military service, is now is pen— 20 Marsh, i7ss, Mary, eldest dan. of John tii,nd, Esq. of Ilen’li,n, Mi hilosex ; and if. 20 Dcc. 1026, having had issne by he, (who 4. 10 Jntie, 1 517), Joseph, of Itrililelon, Wilts, SIP., 6. 13 ,ls,m, 1705; ci. 1 Jan. of Sooth Wilts, ttnder the bead nf Parish of Dswnten, 1 “II - Lady l’s rouse—Mary, oldest ‘late ef Cropley, 6th Earl p. 30. There is little doubt that the insmodiate aneestm’y of of sfsaftoshury; and 1. .. ,‘. 24 Starch, 1 saG. Philip—Robert. 8. 23 ,lsn, , 1703. 7. 23 tel,. 1700. Phtlip-Iisl’orl, ii. 0 lId. 1700, 6. in Fill, 1706. Clssrlee_ 1,. 21 Aug. bill, 6. in bum. I s62. E,l,oae,l (twin with John), 8.20 dale, loSs, ‘7.20 Feb. 1805. 1st Earl of llerl’y, which Dr. James Stanley was elected .1 ens. The yi’nngi st nm Jima, was created a baronet as above, where the See of Ely had considerable property. The arms and is the present Sits Jona NEELIs. C,’cshse—20 April, 1939. 4,-so—Per pale, arg., and sz., a lion Itassont, between three The smbiive ntentiomsc I W’illians Nolsen, livid8 leap. ELIZA— gee hssnds’ hrads, erase,l, rootmtercbanged. 814 NEL Cost—On a mnttnt, vert., a wolf’s head, erased, ta. Lstwena 1705; o’. I Oct. 1891, Stary’ltenriea, dan. of navid-Iliehord Iwo l,ranehes of palm, mr. Motts—Nnsson extenders faelis. &ssls—Orittleton, sear Chippenimam; and Red Ledge, Wilt5. me. Wiltism-Augtmsl mis, 8. I IrIs. 1502. Slsdrss civil service; Tsiea llsoee—92, Eaton Squaee. is. 15 Atmg. 1030, .tnsic—Elieal,eth, cl,leel ‘lot,, tied co—heir of N E L S 0 N. NELSON, EARL (Hortstio Nelson), of Trafalgar and Veoetis, s 5 Jan. iseo, so tlte hey. John-Whitlsker Merton, Viecottnt Merton and Trafalgar, of Morton, iv. Cecily, s,. 18 Feb. 1963, to Wynilhtoas Slade, Emq., son ef co. Snrrey; and Baron Nelson, of the Nile, and of Hsllborongh, co. Norfolk, in the peerage of the United Kingdom : 5. 7 Aug. 1823; s. as 3rd earl, on the decease of his father, 1 Nov. 1835. He mit. 28 in Coaecaaaro,” ‘1. 10 March, 1560, tied sras s. by his eldest July, 1815, Mary-Jane-Diana, only dan. of Welbore, Earl of Nortnanton, and has bad, m. Heonnur-Iloaarto, f’iseessaf Trays lgar, 6. 19 JnIy, 1804. Ci’,sI—Ool sf a does] eorsaet, geld, o lily, stalked aad leaved, it. Clsarles-lfiiratis, 1. 26 June, 1836, in. Tlsoteas—Itsratio, 6. 21 Dee. 1637. lv. Edward-Agar-Horatio, 6. 10 Aug. 1860. v. Atliert-Hnm’atio, 8. 12 Sept. 1802; if. 3 Jan. 1885. 5. .Aliee-Mam’y-Lliana, Is. Cisnststsee.Jane. lit. Edith. Jtihocagr, I olotsgesl to or attained ttobility, is tseetaily designated, and itt sense nseasnre elevated, iiy his title, — while even Wellingtomt has his appi’llatistt of ‘‘ the great Duke,”— Noises,, like C’rnsar, retains almost invariably his patre— nynsie olsly. his knighthood and his admiral’s rank, his Sicilian dnkeslons, his English l’arsny and visesu.ntey, cling bat feelly to the metition of Nelsen. 1 these pages toe, svhere these hotsent’s are steces.saaily registemed, it is felt right tis sieeosnpany theso with a eonsowhat lengthened a roll of glsiry, to be learnt by all and to lie forgntten derivation), appenas to have been ef very ancient exiotettee its the cc. of Lancaster. Their seat at Maodeslny, sessismt sf the Riddells of Northttmbetlasid, to whom it came l’y descent, ni,me notice of theist will be fonnd in the pedigree of E.,rl Nelson, in Sir Riebat’d Hoare’s History William Nelsen, living teisp. Eelzael:Tn and Enw.eon VI., eatne c’smt of Lancashire us the sttite eif Or. James Stanley, warden of Iflanelsestor, yenegest eon ,sf Thomas Stassle’y, Bishop of Ely, 62nd Horns- VII., and nettled in Norfolk, of Nels,,n of Malsdesley were borne by the Norfolk Nelssne, as may lie sects in oh) books and papers formerly belonghsg to thu 11ev. Edmund Nelson, of llmsrnhasn Thorpe. scm and Evwaon VI., was father of Tnossas Netsop of N E E Honor. Req.. late 11.111. plesiiotestiary is Switzerland. Alexander hllaek, Es,0., of Oh,leo II all, Essex; amid 4. sit his piis’aac fesmn Isslia, :1 Oct. Is tO t thuir sos, Williams,— Alexat,’lcr, is. 29 .lsmly, 16s, l”ranees-Story, eldest dan. of t’hsarles S,esmts,lers, Eeq. i,f Cur Iloll, W’hitty, so. 1 ork. 1. I’roseee-t’areliee-, ,l. 10 ;tng. I °8d. II. t lmarlslle—M.tri.m, ii. 17 .lasm - I sF1, Sir TIt,,ssmas 1. ml .tpril, otis, and teas s. by Ins eldest see, Ill. Sin llmemmxami-I im,.sv a Iso toss 6. 1 tsos. 1793, .smol s’ 7 A ma. 1626 1 hise. Mae3- Arsmedi’Il, yonmsgesl datm. of daisiesRrcrar,l, 8 It,l .on,s’lcl sm U ardour, an,0 by ber tielso 4. 30 .og. 109) l,,msl loser, i.Ane’s poem., tossed tiarotsel. mm. Eilseanb I sgl’y, laitstso CS., is. 11 Aug. 1931 ; sI. I July, ts)s, ot Id mdlioasilr, mis. Is ci,, Isis, I a.t,sts sony, ,,eriiientally killed, 8 dart. 1861, at Ii 1,5db. f_but rat I s,Ji.i, winle ,‘tmt shsi’oling. ss. Wytmsh,atit. bitt . 71st higltlattds’rs, Is. 21 Nov. 1534 killed, 16 list,’, h O3°, ,vhlle leading Isis nsea ituls setioo at O,raliar. v. Rm.emtsaee, 8. Ii’ 13. s’t. ,tsteustso, it_ au imsOst. m. ltl,snelte, is,. 21 Amig. 1000, to Jehs-Riehnrd-Wetlgsrtlu Ilillyard, Esq. of Ilorslcy, co. Dnrhaos, and lliltoo hisovillo hall, ci’. 1,irhs. mm. Fleat,or. Olsillossl, reeler iif t_OttlhfOn, Essex. 0cc. Sir .1 slmtm blade, htart. v. Slanquila. Sir Riclsaril, also was atsilter of a ssorls entitled ‘‘ Four thaI’s son, Sin Anusnr.m.L None, the 4th and present baronet. Cec,’fis,i—13 Slay, 17tH. A ,‘s,,s—Arg., on a cross, s.s., five flosses-dc-li,, or. vert. Ssseersd and seeded, or. Jfsht,s—Soha proPs sissue Isosesta. &al—l)Ositsaits Pork, Estex. Tsszss flsisze—3s3, Eeshesesin Square.