Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 2.djvu/114

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NEL aud then first made acquaintance with the beautiful and from Naples, assd the king recsndsseted to his capital. accomplished Emma, Lady Hamilton, who exorcised such Neisen was created Des-c sf BrenfE, to Sicily (the worsl influence ever his subsequent fortunes, and who may be well Beseh’ is frons the Greek, meancssg tbsender), oust the estate said to have been the Agnes Sarel of his glorious career. of the town and territory of Brontf tleere of 3,0001. a-year In 1794, he commanded the detachment of seanssn on shore were given him hy FruensN.osss, ktng of Naples. 3000, Feb. to Corsica, ant mainly contributed to the capture of Basha 10, ssn his pass age to Malta, Nelson captured a French and Calvi: he bat an eye at the siege of Ccdvt. In 179, squadron, and among it the ‘‘Gfindrcux,” which, with the March 13, a gallant oneosmter took place Isetweon the “Gssillaumc Tell,” that he capteered in the following March, “Aganscnsnon,’ consnsandrd Isy NcIs,ee, and the ‘‘fla Ira,’ svere the only ships of the line that had escaped from Abenkir; 94 genes, a French republican ship, in which the ‘‘Ca where every mark of pselslic honour awaited him. 1001, made Ira” escaped for the esse’ment srtth difficulty ; but the following mousing, in a roicewesl contest, had, as well esa viee-oslneirai ssf the Ihl,se, and as seeossd toe command sf the the ‘‘ tiessos sir,’’ t,, strike to Nelson. lie Jelly, 1795, Nelson fleet, ucesler Sir Hyste Parker, was sent to the Baltic; March sailed with a sne.sU squadron e’f five ships of war, and 30, peessed the Ss’sned, and offered his services against performed neesner,’us oxpl’’tts, so’ ‘siring the coast of 11513’, Copenhagen; Aprll 2, ATracs ON CoeesssAucN, and destruetiose and etestroyneg esteso French oteips of war in the neigh— oearhoo,l of l’seto ant tn tteeesnh,er he hoisted hts broad Nelson eonspletehy bnske up the Northern Confederacy. pen’lant on hoard ‘‘ La lltsecrvo,” 32 guns ; Doe. 19, lee April 16, received the thanks of the Houses of Lords captured “La Sahine,” of 49 glens. 1797, Feb. 13, he ansi Commons for the attack on Cepesshagen. Nelson was shifted hts 1,esedant s’n hsoaret tho “ Captain,” and the created 22 islay, 1501, Vteceaal Nelsen, sf 1/se Nile, end ef next day eceesrred the hI.srrLe or Sr. Vixcear, won, nuder Bsse-nhsesss F/serge, in Is’erfslk; Jsme 19, resigned the oem- the eonetnesied of ties tttsestrtous Sir John Jervis. Nelson macsd ssf the squadron to Sir Charles Novice Pole ; Jssly 1, performed prodigies of valour. The “ St. Nicholas” and arrived in Enghased ; July 10, hesisted his flag sen board the San Josef” were successively taken, Nelson personafly “Leysiems,” of 62 gnsss ; and shortly afterwards made the iceadieg the aosailaeets, sued exclaiming, as he rushed tests two usesneecosful athacks oss the gunboats off Bosslogue. the latter vessel, “Westminster Abbey or victory I” The Nelsen n-as created 10 Aug. 1001, Baron Nelson af h/sc Nile, hattie of St. Vincent essay be said to have opened the an’l ef ffliisscssph, cc. .Nsrfei/s, with remainder, failing his era of ssoval coseqncst thest fe,llowcd. Jervis received an heirs male, ts hio father and his heirs male, and failing earldom, send Nelson was rewarded with the order of the thenc to the heirs male of his sister, Mrs. Bolton, and Bath, anti a gold modal from the Ktng he woo proseseted fssiheeg thens to the heirs reale of his osher sister, Mrs. by the City of Lssnds,ss with its freestom in a geht box. illatcham. In Sept. 15, of the same year, he also received Fob. 20, 1797, Nelson was prsnsoted to the rank of thee Brttisls royal licomsce to accept for himself and his rear-admiral of the Blue ; and was despatehcd, tie the heirs the title of Dsske of Brontf, with the flef of the April following, to being off the garrison of Porto Ferrajis; deuchy annexed. 1002, peace of A miens, when Nelsen retired and hay 27th, he esmmnsmded a detachment of the fleet emple’yed in the blockade of Cadtz; July 3rd, he, tie his William Hansiltoss, died, “expirtog,” says Southey, “in barge, wide toss mess, esegsged and captured Don Miguel his wife’s arms, and holding NeLson by the hand, to ss’hsse Tregoyen, the Spanish eousmander at Cadie, in his geslley, protection almost iii his last words he left her, requesting with a crew of twenty-six men ; July 27, in eonspany hins that he woseld see justice dsne her by the govemment, with the ‘‘ Thesens,’’’’ Cnliodcce,” aced the “Zealous,” as he knew what she bsad doese for the country.” May 12, the “Leaseder,” and other vessels, he snakes a daring 1003, Nelson hoists his flag su hoard the “Victory,” 100 attack on the tosvn of Santa Ursa, but in the midst guns, and proceeds to Gibraltar. 1504, Angust 19, arrives st of the cousfitet he loses his right arm by a esnnsnshot. Pss-tsmosuth, esfter haviseg traversed the space of oeeass Rio life is saved by isis sen-in-Lw, Captain Josiah Nishet, stretched between Europe and America, within a period after which the English hske possession of the town, hut are incredibly short, in sessrch of the allied fleets of Francs eventually obliged to rethe. NeLson returns to Englansl and Spain. 1001, Sept. 15, left England for the last time, for the recovery of his health; October, a pension of 1,0001. assd put to sea at Portsmossth on board the “Victory,” a-yeser graseted hun, he having by this ttnee lseen engaged with the “Ajax” and the “Thunderer,” to join Admh-ah against the enemy one hundred aced twesety times ; Dec. Collingss-ood, who was svatchiseg the combtoed fleets then 19, hoists his flag eec board the “Vanguard,” susd is detached ice Castiz has-Isosur ; Oct. 51, discovers the combined fleets with three ships of the line, two frgatcs, and a off Trafolgar Desy; Oct. 21, BATTLE OF TnAvronAa, when sloop, to watch the motions of a formidable French arusament, Nelson gained the object of his owls prayer—a great aued and follows them to Egypt. 1799, Jmee 1, joined at gloriosis victory—the greatest and most glorious, indeed, sea by Caphetue Trouhristge, wstth ten sail of the line and that Englan’i ever sson. Nelson bimsotf gave the memorable a 50 geese-ship ; Aug. 1, BATTLE OF T55E NILE, and sitter destrsuetton of the French armameset tn the Bay of Ahesukir. dssty,” and his flag-ship led the weather column. The action The French fleet consisted of 17 ships; 13 wes-e taken or burnt, and 4 only—two ships of the hisse and two frigates— fleet had coptnred nineteen sail of the line out of thirty- escaped. Nelsen was severely svssuuded in the forelsead, three from the enemy, to whom it svas not defeat alone, but but when his wound was stressed, ho came hack upess deck annihilation. Emsgland lost her here. At fifteen mtontes to see the battle coneinslod, and to save as many as he after one o’clock, Nelson, while with Captain (afterwards could of the enemy frons the ships that were ocs fire. The Vice-Admiral Sir Thomas-Maaternsan) Hardy en the qssarterdeck stnpendsssss victory of the Nile tus-used the feehssg of Europe in favour of llritaiss and agausest France. Nelson shoulder hy a musoket hail fired from the miacn-top of the was created 6 Nov. 1700, Bases NELsoN, sf h/sc Nile, east French ship, the “ Iledoutabbe.” He was carried to the of Bees/coos P/serge. in (tees, sf Yes-feLt. I5arliasnent decreed cockpit by Sergeant Seeker, and laid on a mattraos, and Nelsen a vote of thanks, and 2,0091. a-year for his esrn was attended hy Mr. (afterwards Sir Wllhiam) Beatty, the his, and the lives of his tsvo immediate successors. Ho surgeon, the Rev. Mr. Scott, and the pnrser, Me. Burke, received frsm the parlianseust of Ireland 1,0001. ayear. and he was constantly visited by Captain Hardy, who The East India Ussnpseny also votod him 10,9601. A service of plate from the Tus-key snerehassts; a sword from the city of london ; a magnificent diamond aigrette, with a plume of triumph and a robe of honesur from the I have dosse my duty.” He died at thirty minsstcs past Sultan, and other valuable presents from the Emperor of Bussia, the King of Naples, and the King of Sardbsia et Gibraltar on the way, arrived at the Nore. The were bestowed ocs Neison ; Assg. Is, 1790, Nelson sailed remains were enclosed in the coffin that had been made from Egypt ; and Sept. 22 arrived at Nsplee, whore he from the mainmast of Admiral Brueys’, the French coinmander’s was received with every demossotration of joy aced affection by the king, queen, ased people. In October, he his friend Captato Halloweli, after the battle of the Nile. blssekaded hlaIta ; and Bee. 21, rescued the Neaisohlsue royal family from the palace at Naples, and eesnveycd them safely to Falermo be because at this time still Pafisted HaU of Greenwich Hospital; and agato at the more attached to the society of Lady Hansilton. In 1799 Admiralty; and on the 9 Jan. 1906, ft was honoured by a occuerrod the tmssssectiens in the Boy of Naples ; and, in issue 10 of that year, the execsutiou for treason of Admiral Caraceiohi, in which affair Nelsoss’s condeect has galhant companions to arms at Trafalgar, Cellinood, and l.secse so severely commented ems. The French were driven Noe-thcsk, and also the rccnatos of the gmat Buke Si’] NEt Nssv, 0, lassdod at Yarmouth, and proceeded to London, of the Danish ships and defences, by which for a time into private life. 1001, his friend, Sir signal, “Essglend expects every mass will do his began at twelve o’clock, and by three o’clock the British of the “Victory,” was mortaihy wosmdcd to the left cheered him to his agony, with ehe certainty of his triumph. His last andible words were, “Thank God, foew o’clock. The “Victory” carried Nelson’s body, preserved In spirits of wine, to Escglassd, and after stopptog ship, the “Oriecst,” and presented to Nehson by The body lay in state for three days in December, to the public fsuscral, and deposited to the Csthedral of St. Paul’s, sedjaccmet to where repose the rcmahsa of Nelson’s twa of Wellington. “The most triumphasst death,” writes