Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 2.djvu/121

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N E W IL iITCitflC. This family is supposed by some to derive its surname the 23rd of RICR.ORO ii. totbe oth of Iis:crov VI. inclusive. His of Clinton from a lordship in a valley three miles north of lsrdship so. Anne, dan. of William, Lord Botreux, snd widow Woodstock, in the eo. of Oxford, at preseut denominated of Sir Foolke Pilzwaryn, KnL; and dying 20 July, 1432, was Glimpton, and to deduce its descent from William de s. by isis only son, Villa Tancredi, chamberlain of Normandy, and Hand his Joists, 9th lard, who so. Elizabeth, dan. of Richard Pynes, wife, dan. of William de Arches, descended from Wevia, Lord Daorr, of linratmonceaux, in Sassex, and was o. at his sister to Ganora, Duchess of Normandy. By others, however, decease, 24 SopI. 1464, by his son, it is said tohe of Anglo-Saxon origin. JoaN no CLINTON, of Amingtnn, co Warwick, was summoned Jsnx, 7th lord, wise m. glizabclh, dan. of Sir John Morgan, to Parliament as Barea Ctintoa, of Maxtock, in tile of Tredegas-, co. titonsuoutis, and was s. at his decease, 4 Juno, 27th EnwARD I., 6 Feb. 1299; and in a summons to meet 1515, by Isis son, the king, with horse and arms, in 1300, ho is denominated TisossAs, Sits lord, who a. Mary, dan. of Sir Edsrard Poyniugs, of Maxetock, co. Warwick. He so. Ida. dan. of Sir William-do Odingeelle, Lord of Moxtock Castle, and other pooscssiona loft at isis decease, 7 Aug. 1517, an only son, in Warwiekshire,°and had two sone; the younger of whons, Enwaxn, Oils Lord Cliutoss, a personage of the highest cminenec Ssa WILLIAM D5 CLINTON, is. Jolian, dan. and heiress of Sir Thomas do Leybursee, Rut., and widow of John, Lord his tlsrae issssssediote sssccs’ssors. I us lordslsip was swom, in Hastings of Bergavenoy, by which alliance it ie presumed 1110, of tise privy council, and coustitated lord-high-admiral. that his subsequent advancement in life was considerably In June, 1551, ho v’as installed a knight of the Garter. In promoted; he was, however, himself a very eminent person, 1557, he svas a second hose appointed lord-higls-sdsniml, and and fully entitled by his own deeds to the high hononrs he conSrnsod in tlsat office by Qssesn RLszAnLTss, upon her accession, attained. In the year ononing his marriage, Sir William was made justice of Cheater, and within ieee than two The earl as. thrice; and dying 16 Jan. 1564—5, was .s. by his months afterwards conotahie of Dover Castle, and warden eldest son (by Ursula isis 2nd wife, dan. of William, Lord of the Cinque Ports. Shortly after this, being one of those Stouztoa), who surprised the great ldoaTuesa, at Nottingham Castle, Ilexay, 2nd Earl of Lisscein, KS. wise sss. let, Catiserins, he had enmmono to parliament ae Baron Ctiutsn, on the dan. of Francis, Earl of Otuoltugdon, and had, 0th Sept. 1330, and from that period to the 14th Jan. 1337. I. TaosiAs, his sssccossor. In thme years anbsoqnently, 7th EnwAan III., his lordship is. Edsrard (Sir), a,. Mary, dais, of Thesuas tiightou, Esq. ci was conatitntedLordAdnsiral of the seas, from the Thames westward, and in that year he was engaged in the Scottish Stourtos, co. Lincoln, and had, with two elder sons, who loft ware, as he was in the 9th and 10th of the same reign. In eho 11th III., then enjoying the higheat favonr of the king, his lordohip was created, by loiters-patent slated 16th March, isi7, EARL 01’ HuxrsNonox, having, at the same time, not only £20 per annum given him out of toe issues of the county, to he paid by the eheriff, hut one The earl ,ss. 2udly, Elizabeth, dan. of Sir Richard Morrison, thousand marks per annum inland, to hold to himself and itut., aud widow of William, eldest son of henry, 1st Lord Isle male heirs for over. lIe enbocquently participated in Nerreyo of Rycote and host issue. hia gallant sovereign’s ware, both in Scotland and France, s. Henry (Sir), of Itirksted, Lincoinslsirc ; sss. 1st, Eleanor, and was frequently employed in foreign rmbaosiea of the first importance. Ho was a oocond time constituted lord admiral, and a second time appointed constable of Dover Castle, and lord warden of the Cinque Porte. His lordship d. in 1354, leaving, according to Banks, an only daughter, ELIZAaFTH, who so. Sir John Pitzwiiliam, of Sprotborough, ancestor of the present Earl Fitzwiliiam. The earl having no male issue, the dignity of EARL OF Huzrrsmsouoze became exiled, bnt the BANONY OF CLINTON, created by writ, should have devolved upon his daughter, if legitimate, and if so, it is still extant in her descendants, the Earls Fitzwiitiem. Of this, however, there most be strong doubt. Dugdole mentions no daughter, but says that the earl left all his extensive possessirns to his nephew, Sir John do Cliutou, Rut. Nteolns, in his synopsis, confirms Dngdale, by stating that the Earl of Huntingdoms d. s.p., “when his honoura became extinct ;“ while Ranks gives the particulars of the daughter as above. Collins and Jacob call the lady “Elizabeth, daughter of William, Lord Clinton.” Had she been legitimate, she would doubtless have been his lordship’s heireas and BARoazas CLswroN. The elder son of John do Clinton, Ssa JoaN CLINTON, s. his father, and had summons to parliament as a baron .iu the 6th, 7th, 8th, and 9th of EDWARD III. in the last year, or very soon after, he died, and was a. by his son, Ssa Joux CLINTON, a participator in the military glories of EDWARD III. and the Black Prince; in the 4Irt of which monarch’s reign he was summoned to parliament as a baron. His lordship so. Idouoa, oldest dau. of Jeffery, Lord Says, graudisu., niatemally, of Guy Beauohamp, Earl of Warwick, co-heir of her brother, William Lord Says, and cousin and heir of William ds Says, Baron of Sele; which tdonea Says, upon the decease of her niece, Elizabeth, dan. of her brother William, Lord Saye, became eldest co-heir of that noble family (see Buuscss’s Zlormaal rsad Extiart Peerage). By this lady, Lord Clinton had three sons, and was a. by the eldest, N E W WILLIAM, 4th Lord Clinton, summoned to parliament from JOHN, 0111 lord. Tins noblcnsan so. Anrc, dau. of Sir lInusphrcy Stafford; and dying 29 Feb. 1499, was o. by his eon, kuight-bssuneret and knight of the Gorier, by whom Ise nsa naval officer dosing the reigns of Ilexay VItI. ansi who created his lordslsip, 4 Slay, 1172, Earl of Zisscolo. sin issue, FRaNcis CLINTON, Esq. of SHorten Porva, oo. Lincoln, who s,s. Priscilla, dan, of John Ihill, Esq., and had an only Bess, Ssa FRANcIs CLINION, Rut., of alum hereafter, as Otis Earl of Liuoolu. don. of Sir Jamrs Harringlon; and Sadly, Elizabeth, dan. of Dr. Henry Iliokusau. Ry this drst lady lso loft, snitls other 55505, I Houry, B. a. p. ns. Ills youngest don, end co-heir, Catherine, us. iss 1674, floniol Disney, of Swiuderby (see Buaass’s Lasssfcst &‘rssls’y). 2 Harrington, 0. usssa. 0 Narreys, whose grandson, Normys, so. Silas Martha Thompson, and had issue, Cisanles, in holy orders, who assusssed, by royssi licence, in 1221, the surname of FYNE5-CL5NTON; he us. Eumsa, dau. of Job Brough, Esq., and left at his decease, iii 1027, three sons and four daus., viz., 1 Henry, of Welss’yu, Htrts, is. 14 Jan. 1701 ; so. let, 22 June, 1609, Harriet, dan. of the hey. Or. Wylde, by whom (who d. 2 Feb. 1010) lie had no issue. lie so. 2ndly, 6 Jass. 1812, Eahherine, 3rd daee. of the 1thht Rev. Dr. Islajoudie, bishop of Bangor. and el 24 Oct. 1852, having by her hod issue, Charles-Francis, 6. 6 March, 1015; d. 5 Juno, 1044. Anna-Emsssa-ltatlsorins, us. 4 Oct. 1839, to WilhamR. Baker, Esq. of thsyferdbury, Ilerts. Anna-Maria-Isabella, ci. 3 Aug. 1039, to ThomasGam’sier Parry, Essi.; she 0. II March, 1848, Loutsa-Esuma-Mary, us. 23 Aug. 1853, to the Rev. T.W. Weare, eldest son of the late Col. Wearo, It.It., aide-dc-camp to thso Queen, and 0. 11 Jan. 1865. Iheunietta-Elizabeth. Emma. Margaret% so, 14 April, 1852, to the Rev. JasssesRichard-Philip hosts, rector of Stanhoo and vicar of Barwick, Norfolk. Agnes, sss. 26 Nov. 1816, to the Ron. and Rev. ElvisGodslphin-Henry hastings, whe 5. 10 March, lots. Katherine-Octavia. Ida, so. 21 June, 1851, to Henry-Negus Rssrrong]mos. Esq., RN., who d. 9 Jan. 1016, ond wise was the eldest conniving sos of 18.-N. Rurroughes, Esq., 51.1’. Shea. 2ndly, 8 July, 1058, Jaseos hissilsesy, Esq. of Stanlsoe Grassge, Norfolk, and by bins has issno, James - Clintou, 6. 5 May, 10S9; Geeffry - Fyuos, 6.18 Nov. 106]. 2 Clinton-Janice, SIP.. lsarrister-ot-iasr, is. ill l792 us. 8 Slav, 1825, I’euoleie, dau. of Sir Wihlians-Earlo Wshby, Rant., sod by lid’ (ss’hss B. 5 June, 1034) Iso left issue at ins decease, hi April, 1813, Henry,ho holy orders,B.A.,incumbOuiofBssthamsoil, Notte 6. in 1028; ss. 9 July, 1080, SarahCatharhs lo, youngest dan. of the Rev. J,-H. Smith, By Eta, dan. of Walter Pttz-Robert, son of the famous Robert Fitz-Wahter, “tho marshal of the army of God,” who beaded the confederated barons against Kissg Jona, by Ida, his wife, 4th doss. of Eha, Countess of Salisbury, sod her husband, William Longcspdo, natural san of Hezsav II., by Pair Rosamond. 82.3