Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 2.djvu/124

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NIG the late Robert Cnllington, Esq. of Old Lakeoham, and by her (echo il. 19 April, 1861), has issne, 1. Frances. rAiny. He in. 3rdly, lii August, 1867, Anne. only child of lOot., rind had (with other issue, who ci. eeoc.), the late H. Crease, Esq. 4Lincagr. 1. TrsoMao Nrcoreow, Esq. of C ernoek, wte created a Baronet of .Vccc’o Scsi)’,, 6 .iecic 1637, wi tic reniainclrrto ircire male generally Ito it. a .Tacc. 1646, and was o. by his 50cc, I I. Sin Tison,es, wits ci. Eleanor, dan. of the sari sf Etlcelete,ec ; and dying ia 1750, was a. by his son, Gamiel, Linlitlcgc’w; acid loft ct ide dc’eaee, 24 July, 1661, .0 0011, Ill. Sire TcocaiAs, crhs a. the lion. Jean Na1aer, dan. of Haiccbnrgh, merchant, and had, Erwsao, of whom hereafter, Archibald, 2nd Lor’l Napicr, rind had issue, Tnesr,ts, his heir. Eleanor, e,. to mba Shaw. younger. of Grceoock. Isabella. ac. to Jam’s I lunbar, of Tloohr’um. Margaret, cc. to Jacceos tiaanlton, of Ilarerceff. Sir Thomas ci. 21) Tan. 1670, and was ,‘. by lila soec, IV. See Ten ‘MAO, wice inherited, iec 2683, the Barony of he had an only son, his aoceeeeecr, Nsrira, ae Ith lord, etc ttce decease of his eccaternal uncle, III. Sin Roeeav. This gentleman ci. without issue, in Archibald, 3rd lord, nice hal obtained an extension of tee 1607, when the title reverted to his cousin, limitation of the patent to his sisters and their male desccccctants. IV. Sin Bacooes; who dying oaca,, was s. hy his brother, Ills lordship clyiecg, hawover, eeoc. in June, V. Sen Rc.caeav, one of tlce directors of the East India 1626, the Barony of Napier reverted to Ins matencal aenat, Company, echo it. econc in 1722, when his estates devolved the estate of Carnock vested ice his sisters, and the baronetcy upon his cousin, Robsrt Gascsyne, Eaq., second eon of the deceived cccc his cousin and heir male, V. Sin THOMAS Nccoe,00lc,* of Tiilyeoultry, who odd that estate in 1693, antI retired to holland to the relatives of his to Lieutenant-Cc’l. Edevard Nightingale (refer to deseendante mother, who was dan. ef Waiter-C. Robinson, eel. ef a regioaent of Geoffrey Nightingale, Esq. of Kneesworth, son of the in the servioc of the states of Holland. Sir Thomas 1st baronet, by his 2nd wife), who then became, was e. by his son, VI. Sea Geoaue; who d. at the Hague, 0 Oct. 1771, and VI. lee Bnwaeu, and marrying Ida conainc, Eleanor, dan. waa s. by his son, VII. Sia WArvra; who dsp., and was s. by his brother, CnaaLca-Ereee-aToN, 7th barccnet. VIII. Sin Davis, at whose decoase issucCess, at Brcda, Gamaliel, t. 11 Feb. 1796; d. i’c 1211. 19 Oct. i80, the brrorcctcy devolved on his kinsman, IX. Sea )VrLs,eAee, 6. ha Scotland, in 1750; a majer-gen. in the aracy. lie ci. July, 1804, Mary, dan. of John Russell, Esq., by Eleanora lne wife, dan. of Dr. Roberteon, andy, and d. 5 Slay. 1956, leaving a dan., Emily-Grace; the hiahortaic; arid dyiecg at Brussels, 5 Aug. 1829, was s. by his oou, Lice present baronet. His widow d. in Feb. 1913. f’rcalien—lG Jan. 1637. Arms (nat regislereci in the Lyt’o otiice—Or, a lion’s head between three faleocce’ heads, seasod, gre a bardcero, of thalast. Tscoa H,cesc—15, William Streot, Lowndos Square. NIBIITCNOALE, SIR Cttaeii,ys, of some Geeffry, major in Madras army, cc. 26 Feb. 1869, Kiieeewne’th Mcdl, co. Cambridge; 30 April, 1809 ; a. as 8th hart. upon the decease of Icie father, in July, 1843; at. Feb. 1829, harrietMtsrir, Leonora, cain 1909, to Janeeo Ilarkland, Req. elate, of Edward-llrottglatoii Eltaaheth-Sophia, cci. 9 March, 1911, to the lOon. CharlesEwan Footer, ldsq. of Ayleoton, cc. Leicester, antI has issue, i. flccsav-h3reaoieaoie, captahec RH., I. 13 Nov.1930; ac. VII. Sea CHAaLeS-ETnEL5TON, t. 1 Nov. 1784; m. in 1905, Mary, dan. of Capt. Spark, It.N., and has a son, Maria, only dan. of Thomae-Lacy Bickouson, Esq. of West Edsvard-hlcnry, t. 1s26. e. Raealind-Agoeo, ccc. 22 Sept. 1917, to Major Edward had issue, Senyth ltcrccr, capt. tl4tls rogt. itillragc. I. THOMAS NioaTiaoAe.c, Eoej. of Ifneesworth (dcseeecdcd frien William Ni4lcticcgale, Es’1. of Berectevoed, co. Essex, who it. in the 13th year of EecwAnn IV.), was created a Barooet, 1 Sept. 1e3e. Sir Ticoncae ci. lot, Milhecert, dau. of Sir Rolcert Clerk, Hut., by wlcone he lead an only son, r. Robert, nIce prrdoeoased his father, loaviceg, by hiowifo Tleeodosia, dais, of Sir Robert Chester, If ret., 1 Tnonos, successor te’ his grandi’.cther. NI G 2 Geoffrey, is. Acareo, daci. of John Bridges, Req. ef London, and had, llar000s, aced Rcc000T, successive baronets. The haranot sic. leedly, Catherine, dau. of Sir Robert Chester, Geoffrey, of Knessworth, who ccc. Elicabeth, dau. of Sir William Lnckin, lOut.; and dying in ltSl, was s. by his eldest seerviring son, Edward, see. Anieo, dan. of SirArthur Shingsiey, by wham ice had oererai chfdrece. This gentle- niece, at the decease el the 5th baronet, should have sueceedod tci the title, bnt he never claimed ih lie ci, in 1723, and was o. by his son, E,Isvard, who, like his father, sought not the lcaroaetcy. He tee. Eleanor, dau. of Chaa. capt. EN,, who ccc. Maria, dan. of Peter Closeen, of’ as 6th baronet. Sir Thccmas it. in 1944, and was s. by lila grandson, II. Sen Tnoeeas, t. 15 Oct. 1650; who ci. Jane, dan. of George Shires, Eaq. of Slyfield llall, co. Surrey, and eventually heir of herue1cheo’, Sir George Shires, Bart.,by when Rev. Joseph Gcescoyne. of Enfield, and the baronetcy became dormant, in which state it continued for three quarters of a century, until elainced by and confirmed, in 1797, and heir of Robert Nightiugale, Esq. of Kneeeevorth, left, Alexander-Malcolm, 6. 30 Nccv. 171i5; cci icc 1119, STacy- Anne, dan. of Major Ilerbert Beaver, lath regt., and ci. 11 Jan, 1959, having by her (echo ci. 17 Feb. 1047) had issne, 1 Edward-Herbert, calctatec 23rd rogt. Madras It. iuf.,ac. Sceplda, dan. of Ihe laic Lt. -Gm. Blackafl, Bengal 2 Mannere-Randol1ch, hicut.-col. 11.31. llongal staff corps, ccc. 11 Slay. 1931, Elioabeth-Ancc, 2nd dan. of the late Rryacc-Wihhiana Stevens, Eeq. cf Weston, Northampton’ ehh-e, and Iris had issue, Cnarles-Alexacader-Maicolm, 6. 12 May, 1923, aicd Siary-Aecc c-billie, ci. € Nov.1916; 3 Charles-William, capt. 11 31. Bengal staff corpa, ira. 4 Feb. 1859, Maetha, Sod don, of hhe late Major T. Wiofield, Bengal army, aced has a dan., Marianne-Florence. Ernest, ii. 12 Meg. 1796. Gesffry, m. 53 Jnne, 1852, Mary, only dan. of Thomas Knowhys. Esq. of Stockeell, Snd 2. iS Jan.1964; their Annie, 3rd dan. of the late Thomas John Knowlys, Esq. of fteysham Tower, Lancca”bire, and has two dacrs. and their son, Frederick-Charles. ce. 20 Srpt. 1968, KatherineJacce, oicly dan. of Francis Ilamiltoec, Eoq. of F’riar’a Flacre, Middlesex. Julia, it. in 1915. Law, recorder of Loecdou, aoec of tico lot Lord Ehhenhorough, and 1. hie ceichew, 21 Jam’. 1564. IsaboHo, it. in 1842. Sir Edward was 6. 16 Oct. 1760, and ci. in 1124. Rctford, co. Nottingham, by whone (whoa. 9 Dac. 1946) he r., pteeeeet learenci. cc. ‘i’tceceeas—l bury, port ea;’taira at Simon’s Becy, Cape 02 ml ccci 11 ‘pc, 0. 18 April, 1510; se. 22 Nov. 1930, llarcnah— Eliaal,eth, eldest dace. of ‘f-lI. Parry, Bad., and ci 12 Dec. 1o63, hraeircg had. wills otleer iceue, a seoead son, Percy. c-ho ccc. 3 Jcshy, 1060. France’-,-Eucena, eidest ‘isa. of dice late Icier ]lraphy, }hq., acid aieca ccf Johec-hlnmffroys Farc-’, serjeaat-al-haw, with a paeent of precedenre, and has a ciccn. Ccrlcl.. T.-hl. Nightisgale’s 2erd dan, Slary-Jnhia,was ccc. 1066. to .holcn-Tccckor hess, Req., 3I.R.C 9., BIt. en. Edward, 1’. 3 Slay, 1911; cccl Jcsne, 1041, Shi zsbette, eRect dan. of Mr. I’rice, oh hasashary, Wilts; and ci. l 19-17. Ills 5 tclow 2. 6 Slay, 1946. iv. Macby, 0. 1 April, 1811; oe.4 atay, 1844, Frederiea-l{eherc, eccly dccii. of George-I’. hlncsi, Esq., echo, after the death of 31r. Nightingale, ad. 2aeihy, Capt. Slcoeeer, 14th Bengal NI. v. tOrerge-Tacey, 0. 0 May, 1015. WeLneAae NcrccL000, cA’cicel hs the sen-ice of the States vi. Fri’cirrirle-hiehoccseec, 0. 26 Oct. 1916. vii. Garuahiel. ‘nr Alfred. ix. Ersesl. s. Eleaaer. NIGHTINGALE. Sia Joaci NicoLoccN. br,’thcr of Sra Tuceenos, the Ith horoecet, had, with oticer irms,co, a soec, Gecccral ; wicec Ca. a lmutoh lady, csccd ee’eas father of Geoaue Ne,rscrsccN, horn at Vpros, icc 1715, who returned to Secctla,e,t arc’l peerciassel the estate of Jere iotr’ec. lie 2cr theerles 0. ccc J ccI3’, 1 843. see. Christiaer, dan. ccf R,luc’custene of Casuicns-Wallaee, Ce,a)iecc—h Seid. 1628. aced heft, wilhr ct:;lct laces., one son, Ac’,o,c.—Per pale, cram. and gni., a rose, csaatereleange4. tIAsoa-Gers. Sen Wettiaa Nicom.soa, whoa. asoth bert. Ccvrl—Aa ihex, sejant, ang., tnfiech, aenced, and sacred, or. 826