Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 2.djvu/126

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NOR frssn I 2;r7 to 1 Md, and had large possessions in Wigenhall, .attemorpto rrf the Larsernrtrinssos, then r’ailyissg nnoder Ncr-il, en. Norfolk. lie .. twice lot, .lics, dan. and heir of Sir Earl of Warmviek, the Bake ef Clarence, and others, Inn Edward Fitton, Knt., by whom he had two sons, I. doRy, his sneeessor. rr. Wilhans. and dndly, Alice, dan. of Sir Robert Uliord, Not., but there usa cacao eorntirrsred urstil ho was created Earl Jlernw/naiof was no tssne of that marriage. Sir William was u. by hrs h’o;slorr’t, ansi DUKE or Nooror.a, 28 Jusse, Nil, when his cider son, Sin dorm llowonn, Knt. of Wigenbahl, one of tire gentle— ‘line drrke imad been pneviosssly frsvcoted with tire insignia leers of tire bcdehanst’er to Eriwoen I. lie s. J oars, sister of tire Grurter. As ran-I noarshril, his grace was empowered of Itielsard doCernwali, and dying in 1331, was s. by his son, (inn the king’s presence or ahsesnce) te bear a geldeno staff, Sin Jsr a ltewann, Knit., orbs was censti tnted, in t lie tipped at cools essci with bLack, the upper part thereof to be tith of Enwassn ill., admiral arid Cal cC. et tire king’s navy adorned svitis tire royal arnss, anmd the lower with those of in tire north and un the following year had air assigmratiors his mrwnn frrnnnily ; annd for the better support of the dignity of of £133 7,m. Gd. for tine wages of himself, with his risen-atanus, the said office, he obtained a gnosnt to himself, and his heirs &z., in that serriee. Anti the canoe year, bavimrg fer ever, of £20 annsrahhy, payable half-yearly, out of the rinlirirs to transact i’eyerrd the seao, the king granrtcd him foe-frrrns sent of hpswiob, ins Suffolk. lito grace wan subseqrnesrily iris 1rreteeti°sr, dated 34 April, 1337, to be in feces till tire Aqnnitroimie, for life, arid obtaisoed grarnto of divers manors 1st of Aug. following. Sir John was olseriff of Norfolk in and hords-Isips tin the coo. of Ssmffolk, Kent, Camhridgs, 1343. lie si. Alice, damn. of Sir Robert de Boys, arrd sister Cernrwall, Sonsereet, assd Wilts. Rat he did not long omrjoy arid heir of Sir ilehert rio Iloys, of F’srrseld, in Norfolk, by these great po0000oienos; for tIne nrext year, being with which alliance the wh,,le inheritansee of tire Beyses eaose IlnesrAon, at hloow’ortb Field, he fell in ienrdinng the van of into the howard faintly. Sir Johns was s. by his grandsons, that Irrinnee’s arnny. Ills gm-arc sr-na warned by rome of his Srrr Jorra Iiowann (only survirirmg son of Sir Robert friemorlo to rofrairr frerrm attesrdimrg Iris sovereign to the field; howard, by llar’gery, daer. of lhehert, Lord Sealer), who and tho nsight previous te the battle the following diotioh was sheriff of the eos. of Essex and liertford in tire reigns wris sot 051)050 Iris gate r— — of lIesnr IV. arid Iieaov V. Tie ri. lot, Margaret, dan. arid heir rrf Sir Jeirsr l’lrdz, of Totie, irr Norfolk, arid of Starroted lionntfielrrt, iso Eorex-, by whosar he had issne, i. Jelso (Sir). wire si. in tire holy Land during Iris father’s Yet he would snot desert his royal master ; hut as he had lifetime (t4el), leaving, by Iris reife, Joan, lair, of Sir hiicisarrt frritlnfrnhly lived nnsder hius, so Ire nnansfsnhly died by his side. Walton, Ksst., and sister arid iseir of Jolsns Walton, Erq. of Rim gm-ace r,r. let, Cathen-ioe, dan. of Wihhians, b,on-d Molhseo, Wyrrnlroe. irs Essex, an orrly ian. and heir, I Eiizairells, relic ,,r. Joins Vere, Earl of Oxford; and boy whom ho had bone, tisresigir tins lady tire Veres aeqsnroei lire Barony of Flab, Trnooro,s, Len-cl Ncr-WI. and ireoarsre ro-Iroirs to tisat of Scales tote Beset’s Anne, cr. to Sir Edzsund Gorges, of Wraxhall, Somerset shire, Etflrrel Po rico’). r. lirir’gss’rt, ,,. . 1st, to Cessrlanuine Clifton, of Boekenhasnr Jane, cite Jolsns Tinsperlcy, Esq. of Ihntiesirans, in Smsffolk. Castle, Norfolk; rind 2nJly, to Sir George Talbot. Sir John or. fndly, Alice, dan. and heir of Sir Willianr Tesrds-isrg, of Tendrirrg, ann had two ether sons, lTeoonsT (Sm), Iris successor. henry, wire trod, icy gift of Isis father, lire rssanors of TerirrgIsasriptorn, East talnen, lleeleenisarrr, Wigerrirali, and other Causes-me, sri, to Jolrsn Bourobier, Lord Bemers. lands in Norfolk. lie ri. Mary, dan. of Sir henry ilrsssey, Tire duke war attainted by 1sarliamenot, 7 Nov, TOSS, whm and left a doer, and iseir, Elieabells, ci. to henry Wentrrsrth, of Codhasrs, Essex. Sir Jrdisr ci. ins I 430, orrd errs o. by his elder surviving oess, condom, hits lordship was, hosrever, after sufits-bnng an Sm IlorrueT llervxer,, Esst., who or. Margaret, elder dais, imerprimonmernt of thres years inn the Tower, restored ins of Thrrsrsas do liowbray, Tinke ri Nirrfolk, by Elizabeth his 1455, assd created Duke of Norfolk and earl-marshal, 1 Feb. wife, don. nod eolreir ef ilieharri T’ituaiasr, Earl of Arrsrrslel, 151-1, installed a Knight of the Garter, annd nansisnatceb lord- ansd cisiroiss arid co-heir of dcliii 3iowbray, Duke of Norfolk. treasurer. Tbim noblemans was a distingulohed military Dy this noarsiage tire irrireritarree of tirose grerst families cennnsandes’, and celebrated, as Lend Snsrrey, for the victory beeanse, everstually, ins print vested in tlre irorsse of Howard; ho had achieved or-or the Scottish monarch at Flodden, in asrri icy Toribel, the oilier er-heir, portly irs the hossrc of which that prince (Jassos IV.) fell, S Sept. 1513. His grace Berkeley. (The ahrrve -snenticrned ‘fisesnae de Moor-bray, n,n, lot, Elieabeth, dan. and bcir of Sir Frederick Tune3-, Duke of Norfolk, was oosr and heirof ,irchn, Lord Mon-bray, rcf Boston, no- Linsceho, Knit., assd widow of Sir Humphrey by Elizabeth, rlarr. ann heir of John, Lord Seagravo, and on Dourehier, KR., ron of Johnn, Lord Bcrncrsn by whom he Margaret Planirrgesrel his wife, rum. aod heir of Thrrsosas had, with other issue, rlasrtrrgerret, snrnrrniert Be firr,thes-toso, Earl of Norfolk, arid s. TnmoamAs, created Neon or Sr’arsev in tine duke’s lifetime, nrerrohal of Essglanrd, the driest iron of Enrvxen I., by his in. Edseard, 10.0., wino acquired great ensinesoce in annno, 2nd wife, hiorgroret, dau. of l’nrn.rm’ lr Ilnrrti, King of Frasree. This Thomas rb lirothertsmr, Earl of NorS4k, rvas inverted with ihe office rrf earl-nnrn-nhrd, 12 Fob. 1383-0, beinsg ths sri. Ednnounod, nnoarslsrrl of the Inerse fn tine battle of Fioddeno first 00 designated, iris predeeeoor’rs having hreeso simply styled marolirde). Sir Rotrest flowaral had by this flirrotriorro olliarree, two daiso., hthrrgaret, i. to Wirs. Dannirl, htrrrrrsr of Rrrtlrwire, in irclassd. Colirerine, r,r. t2nd wife) to Edseaed Ncr-il, herd of Abergavenny. rosod ass only run, 550 Jrrsrs hiowann, arr rsrrinerrt Yor’khst, riot only on ace’ runt r,f his irrineely 1,irtlr (roaatcrrr,ill3.) rrrrei roragni8eeni fortrsse, limit fr.rns the stations if high trust which at differesrt perirrdo hail ncr-air-ed rrirrcrr bum. After diotingsriohirrg huncolt very cony in life icr the French wars of hieynv ‘n’I., Sir Esq., best marl no etloer tnsrre. John war cirrsliiote.i by i4nrrAnn IV., iro 1401, corrrhrblrs r. Elbeabelin, ,,n. to Tlsonnas, Viscount Rocisford, by whonsa olno rt tire castle of Nsrwielr, appointed oherilf of the coo, of in. ltssniei, rms. 1st, to Joins Grey. Viscount lisle, oud afterv’ards N,,rfelk asoci Srrtfelk ,asrd granted sumac of the forfeited maroors of Jrmmea Bsrtler, Earl ,cf Wiltshire, iso Engirurd, assd him grace inn. 2udly, Agnes, dan of Hogtn Tilney, Esq.,.and srf Ormormde, iso lrelcrrrcl. mr I 408, i:seinrg treasrnrer of the sister and heir ef Sir Philip Tilnrcy, Knt, of Boston, and kirrg’o hrorrsehsoh’l, Sir JOins Howard ebtrrisoerl a grant of the had by her, wlsele hnerrelil tircrt olornh t ricersse tic use kimrg by eccinage rrf srrossey in tire oily asrch ‘3” nor of I ,ocnnl.rmr, sr elsewhere inn r. Wihlians, asseeoloi’ of the Eon-Is of Effiaglnemn. the realnr cci I-.rrglrrnrel, sr Icing as he sbrcrrlrb eorrtirrcse irs tisrnt in. Tlnecnnas, ssho, aspiring to the hand of Lady Margarri scffsee. In ]47rc, nrheri Ire rvrrs orsmorrrc ‘rrenh ic psrliasmrrsrt under the title of Lcr,-,5 Jlcssrce rat, Ire war suede copt.rirrgesren-al of au the king’s foreea at sea for rcoistinrg tire s. Aean, in, to John Vere, Earl of Oxford. 823 N 0 it 1171, his lordship wrro etrsostttutod riersnty-goeernor of ColoR and time marches adjacenri ; and his sunonsons to parliament oem ansd heir, Thomas Howard, or-es created ErrS ef’Essr’m’ey. eesnotitrnted ltnrd-athsnrirrrl of EmsgIand, lretasrd, ansd “Jockey of Norfolk, be not ton bold, For Dirkon tiny nrastcr is bought and seld.” ic-BIsabel, ri. to Sir Robert 3slortinrer. Margaret, rn. to Sir’ Joirns Windlsasn, of Crocs-niherpe and i”ellbrigg, in Non-foik. Rio grace nrc. tndly, Margaret, daen. of Sir John Chedwerth, Knot., by whom he had orse don., all his isenouro boeanse frrrfci ted; while his orGy son, Tsnoisas, Earl of Ssnrrsy, boinng aims attatnrted, lost his ter,rjr. ilsn,’nv yR. and lisser Viii., mad nc-as made king’s standard-bearer for life, and adesiral of his deetr by tire hatter nnsonsarein ; inn which errpacit3’ iso iootlsis life err boarding a French vessel off Brest, in actions, 3d April, iSlI. Field, 3 heresy Vllh.; irs. iii, Joyce, dau, and co-heir of Sir Rteisarnb Cedurehrlrcr, crud load isosre, I llnxaa’, w-Inose wife, Anne lios’an’d, mar athafnnttd soillm Qirern Cer-rmnnrse Itosrenu. I George (Sir), d.c. ‘. 3 Charles (Shr), ci. np I Margaret, scn. to Sir ‘t’lsomsr Anasndeli, of Wardonrr. 2 CAvsrennnnE, QsocrnCsurosnl of Hnsnv Viii. 3 lirnry, irs. to Edward Tmfford, btsq. of Trafford. 4 Joyce, ccn. to Jalmo Slaoney, Ksq. S Isabel, nm. to htenry Baynten, otDromhoru, Wilts. Lonal Ednoend mm. hudiy, Doretisy, dan. of Thomas Troyes, is’. Jalsn (Sir). ci, s. 3d. seas nossher of Anion Rosetne, to Sir Thenoas lOner-ct, Nut. of Bolrcnlranso Conic. bnocngiae, darn of Msnoaae’r, Queen of Scotland, and niece of lessee VIII., ss’as ottrninrted of Ireesen, and ml, a prisoner in tine Toseer of London, in 1810.