Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 2.djvu/130

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NOR from 1835 to 1839, secretary of state for the Colonies in 1849, Ills grace if. 14 July, 1559, and wan o. hy his oldest son, and for the Home Dcpxitrnent from that year to 1841. On the 12 Aug. 1848, ho was accredited as ainleioaador to the conrt of France, and retained that high diplomatic poot till 2 Feb. 1832. lie was made a G.C.B., 10 1)00, i817, an’] a issue, E.G., in April, 1851. lie was ens-tv to the CoorS. of Tuscany, m. Jassro-CnsoLos-ltr0005T-Wra0000-ELLm0, present peer. from ]iJ lice. ls54, till 11 March, 18.58. iSis lordship n. Iterberl-Welhore-Fllts, 5. 19 Sept. 1021. if. 25 Jab, 1563, and was e. by hie only child, GrooneAU0U0TUnC005TANT1NC, um. Charles-Wetbore-tterherl, capt. 44th foot ; 5. 12 Nov. 3rd and present niarqn505. Ceeatioiei—Raton, 3 ScsI. I 707—irrionil. Baron, 11 -keg. his lordship sh. 26 Asmg. ISsIS, and was a. hy his eldest eon, I WI—Great Britain. Earl and Vhrooet, 7 Sept. 1012; Marquess, J.sxmmss-Caor,Loo-llnanenr-Wxnonnn-ELLi5, 3rd and present 23 Jone, 1018—Unilr,1 Ei,,gdaoi. A rsi,—t)oarterly 1st-soil 4th, m a trefoil, slipped, between Ease or N000mAaToN. eight ,ni,llcto, org., for t’nirrs ; 2nd, Qn grant trom Jones II. f5vati,iso—Baron, 12 Joins, 1795. Viscount, 21 Dee. 1800. to Laity Catlieri,ie Daroley) the i-oral arias 01 England. temp. Earl, 7 Pc-h. 1806. A esia—Ai., a lion rampant, or; a mullet James It., srittitn a bordiire, romp’ icy, org. and az_i 3rd, poly for difference. ti’oat—A domi-lion, rainpont, or. Sspporfcio of six, are. and xi.; over alt, a brad, go., br Axoes000. Crest—A lion’s gomnh, overt, sa., holding a trefoil, olt1,1icd, org. —‘Iwoliono, the dexter per hend, and the sinister per bend- Sojsporfro—Pexlce. an ooirora, rmi. t sinister, a goof, eras., sinister, or aid az., collared and chained, gu., each charged cacti armed nut nngaleit, Cr, gorged mlii a elioplet of roses, tspr. on ttic shoulder with a crescent. Motto—Via trita, via tnta. Motlo—Virtole qairs. &oi—ltolgrare Castle, near Whitlsy, Yorkshire, Town Ifs ‘oe—9, 1.00cr Kensington Gore; occupied tiy tIme Posr llarrhionzsa. N:,OaIANTON, EARL OF (Jamso-Charles-HerbertWelbi ’ro-Ellis Agar), en. Kilkonnv; Viscount Somerti-in, Sir Denham has represented the borough of Mallow in and Barcoa Sumerton, of Somertisu, co. Kiklaro, parliament, He aosnnaed, by oigta-manual, 18 July, in the peerage of Ireland; 8. 17 Sept. 1818; s. ins 1838, the additional surname and arms of NouRgys. father as 3rd earl, 26 Aug. 1868 ; 415. 9 April, 1856, Caroliuo-Stsoan-Augusta, nan. of William Iveppel, 6th Viecount Barrington, and by her hao issue, I. Cmsant-r.o-Croisor-Wnroocn-ELT.ts, Cisros’nf Sooicrton, 1. llrnas’ VIII., tiy potent dated 1534, granted the mansr 27 .pril, 1858. ix. Sydney.Jamos, 3. 9 .pril, 1881. Carolina -Elizohtth. mm. Stary-Restrico. mit. Margartt-Elizabeth-Diana. 1Lincgr. Jxotoi Anan, Esq. of Gowran Castle, co. Kilkemmy, 31.1’. amicestor of the Ens-ho of I’tymouth. The eon and heir, for that ohiro hi 3731, d. 1712, and soas o. by his eldest non, tjsynv Acasi, Skip, SIP., of Gosrran Castle, who oi. 29 1571. He 10. Mary, dan. of Johso Donssctt, i,fDamomiett’sHall, May, 1753, Anne, only dan. of time Right lOoms. and Right Leieestershh-e, asod had two sons, Williani amid John, oneS floss Wcll,ore Ellis, bishop of 3leath, by his wife Diaisa, dais. three dnms. The elder of the former, of Sir John Brioio,e, Mart. of Asnberloy Castle, eo. Snesex, Wmrniaat Jesismooa, Esq., succeeded, and was knighted 1.i and had issue, James, elevated t0 the peerage, as Anrois nail - Jaxtes I., in 1002, in which year he was 51.1’. for Slants. lIe Viseoe oh Clisilsa Welhoro; CtmAsiLrs, of whoon presently ; - so. Fraimees, dams, of Sir J,hu Jarway, or Sarn’ay ; hnt dying hoary ; and Diasia. Cnnnnna Anon, the lrd eon, having taken orders, was Sin Jomsm Jornsov, of Froyte, also knighted in 1601. lIe appointed chaplain to his grace the Duke of Northsimherland, was maj’ ir-goncrat and privy—eonsoeihlor immm Irolamid ; mid K.O., whilot lord-lieutenant of Ireland, in 1761; from elected knight ‘if the shire far Hoists in 1020, amid for Peters- which station he woo lirnoiteit to the deanery of Kt]more, field liii 1623 and 1623.’ He si. Ehtzabelli, dan. and heiress anil thence to the see of Cloyne, 20 Marth, 1768); and from of Sin Timo’am.os Nnsnrvo,° lord-president of Stnmaeter (soms that traassloto,i to the irohiepise opal see of Casimel, in Aug. 1779 ; and thonce to the archhiohoprie of Dublin, and primacy s,f Ireland, 7 Doe. 1091. Ilio graeo svao elevated to the Lultoe, in Laaeashire. In 1311, Sir Ronry Notroys, by mnarrioge in0rogo of trolasod, as Jarois Sooirrtoi,, ldJsnoo, 1713; created manor of Spehe, in Laorashieo t his grsat-gmisdeon, John, a;. J’ieeossat Soo,rrteo, 21 lice. 1880 ; and advanced to the dignity the J.a’ly Juso Do Core, dau. of the Earl of Oxfomol ; his aoa, nf EAOL nr NoaaiAwT1N, 7 gob. 1456. lIe as. Jane, rldeot Sir Edsrard Nos-reys, of Yattoadea, ilorke, -so. I’ridenss’ido, dau. dx;;. of William Metis))ti, Eoq. of the eo. of Down, by ovhsm esod m’o-lsr-iresa of Fi-aneis, Lord Los-ct and Ilolload. This lady (srho 1. in 1826) he had isstie, Wraoosn-Eamao, lad earl. George-Charles, FEd., 3. lAng. 1700; sf. in’s’. 24 Jan. 1856. Joint, I,eril blrenniomit ; omod Ininy, Joux, don. of Ensrxon I., James, in holy orders, nrrlideaoon of Kilmnore, and rector of satfe of )Silhrrt do Claro, Earl of Ctaro. Sir Edward’s eon, Sir Corrigallen; 3. 10 JaN, 1191; i. 7 Josly, 1029, Louisa, loeery Non-rys seho io. Mary, dan. of Lord Macro of the South, youngest don, of Samuel ‘thompson, Eoq. of (treemnsnnt, sran lieheaded in lose t boo Inn son, Sir bleary, miss os. ltargsrob, co Antrim; and ,l, 6 Sept. 1060. Framsros-Aano, oi. to Ttmomao Ralph, lad Viseiaat Ilawarden; amid erealsd I_os’s] Norreys. ISis oldest son, William, had a son. and d. in 1819. 832 NOR W’ELnonanRnLso, 2nd earl, who sons Ii. 12 Nov. 1775, and ,o. 17 May, 1816, Diana, dais, of Goorge-Angustns, Situ Earl of Pembroko, and by her (who id. I Dcc. 1841) he had 1524; killed before Sehoatopol, June, 1811. I. Mary Jane-istane, ni. 1845, to lloralio, 3rd Earl Nelson. Soat—Soaaerloy, Ringseood, Hants. Tesris Roam—I, Seamore Place, Cnrzon Stroot. N OR RE ‘VS. JEPE50N - NOEREV5, SIR CISARLES .DENEAat-OncnNDo, of Mallosv, eo. Cork, 6. 1799; created a Baronet, 6 Aug. 1838 ; so. in 1821, Catherine - Cecilia - Jane, do;;. of William Franks, Eoq. of Cat-rig, and by her (who ci. 14 Dec. 1853), has had issue, i. BcwstaanlVmm,u.sxm, 3. in 1 21. tm. John_Anbrey, it. 22 Sept. 1856. I. Cothariae-Losnsa. ii. l’hihippa-Sbaria, ni. 28 Dee. 1857, to Major Jamneallarsvood Roche, 18th font, youngest son of the late Rev. Richard Roeko, Rector of Staverton. i (utrigr. of 1”rsyhe, in Ihuito, to WtLLmAM JrrsssoN, Rsq., and llary, his wife. Thin gomitleaion on Sot, a doss. of John Geringe, Req. of Marten, in Sussex, amid had o son, WILLIAM, his heir. Ito ma. Indty, Story, damm. of Sir Wilhianm Oifford, of the eo. of Rem-to, by whsno he had tin-co daus., Christiasma, so. to Itichard Whitetiede, Esq. of Thethertey; Rtoanor, io. to 0. Burley, Req. -of Potterneso, Wllts; aiod Edblho, so. to Walter lliekman, Rsq., WsLLmAam Jrrnsoto, of Proybe, was high-sheriff of Itssmte in without issue, he woes, by his brother, The Norreys fansity for noany centuries were settled at with Joan, don. of Sin Thonsa.s SbolynOnx, acquired else sons descended from Osro princesses sf the lionso of l’lantageaot, viz., tsl. Eleanor, den. of henry, Karl of Lnaeasler, sad wife of dais. ned ro-h,eieesn of Lord Williams of Thasno, was restored, Francis, created Earl of Dorksleiro; saho loft an only dau. and. N 0 B M A N T 0 N. NOIIREYS, BARoa-, iff ABby000N, EARL OF. II.