Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 2.djvu/138

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NOR N OR T H U M B ER LAND. NORTIIT’MBERLANO, DUKE OF (Sir Algernou-George of Qnsesn AneL,za, 2,rd wife of Htaov I., and sou of God- Percy P.C., LL.D.), Earl of Northumberland, Earl icy tt,srbatnrs, Duke of Lsw’er htrabarrt, arid Count sf Brabs,nt, Percy Earl of Beverley, Baron Warkworth, of Iter ladyship, it is stated, would only ee,rserst, hswcvcr’, Varkworth Castle, and Lord Lovaine, Baron of tsr this great alliance upon condition that Jsaoshine shosnid Alssss-iels in the oo. of Northumberland, and adept either thc surnaiaac or arnie of Perror the fsrrmer a Baronet; lient, - col. of the Northnmbsrland militia, and honorary ool. 1st artillery volunteers of Northumberland, l’reeideot of tIre Lifeboat Institution, tv iscrpetuate his sisim to the prinscipahity cf his father, Zr, 2 May, 1810; sri. 26 May, 1845, Louisa, otrorrtd ths dde,’ itne ci the reigning duke, at any dau. and co-heir of the late Henry Druinmond, period, heverrae extinct. Tire n,attor is thsro stated in the Esq., TILl’. (sic STRATIIALLAN, V.), and has, I. HENRY-GEOROE, Evil Percy, 0. 29 May, 154f. ii. Algeroeo-Maleslra-.trthor, t, 2 Gel, iS3i. The Duke, prior to Ins accession to tire peerage, eat I. ttes’av ne PEaCY, the nldesh ecu, u-irs a]spear’o to have died in Parliament for Besraleton, 1831-2, and for North Northumberland, 1852-65; he was a lord of the admiralty, 1858, and has hem vice-president of tIm Board of Trade lie s. his father as 6th Duke of Northumberland, 21 Aug. 1867. 3tñiragc. We cannot more apsro’natcly i,,tro,laee tire lineage of tire ,,, P,,rnaun ne Penn, she yoongrsi sen sf Agnes and Jeerehn,s, Perevs, ihan by tire trltewirrg exirart froer a periodical work ef great abrlay ansi influence—tire Prrrys, whose nobility tales ass remetel)- as the sererergaty of Nsnrn,a,rslr, a,,ni whose renown, reeval willis its nobility, has fioartshesl in erery age, ansi Coexisted wills orery generation starer ‘Net more fanreos in arms than disiinguisl,ed for its alliances,’’ says the writer to ohs,,, we refer, “tire honso of Perry stands prr-erninset for lie n,naber and rank sf lire fa,r,tlies sttiir’ts are rotsrosented ins’ rise prrsoot uren or Nosrrarssenss,ean; whose banner-, eonso1 rnentty, exhibits an assenn triage of noarly nine hnadrod arms na) snsigne anroag sohrtrlr are thoso of iCing lIranr VII,, of sorerat yotsnger branches of the tiloost Itsyal, of ttro fisreroign Heroes of Prance, Castilr, Leon, ant Seoliarrsl, airsi of lire Dr,ssat ttonses nsf Norsaansty and Brittany, fornstng a galaxy of heraldic l,s,sen,rs altsgett,or rsntsr,rathclest.’’ ‘rise hones of Perry sros fessaslest ii, Bnglanst my sire of tire Norrrran chieftains (Iviltians ste l’eeey), wire accompanied WiLLiAM tho Consisseror in, loSt, and it nierires tie name free, WILLIAM OR I’orscv, came into frrlh possession ef all these t’rr village of Perry, near Vihledion. The fanrily of Perry, of rights ant pn-opertiso which had beers uosnrped at the decease N’ormanniy, sied,reesi its pedigree frons CocKney (son of Mats,fr’rst, a Dantslr etsieflairs.) who assisted halts, in 9)2, tsr snbjugaung Its 0. ira 1245, asnd mao a, by his sans (my his and wife, Eleisa, that prtnrtp,sttty, aast aeqrrirrd eoasislerabie possessions drsu. cf I rgehrans de Bahiol, by whnsisr he sseqnurcd, in, dower’, there. W’ILLiAM OE PERCY tnrirsg irs high faraar with the virto tts,tto,n, aftorsvarde called Halters Percy, ins the Ittaireprie of s-terre stoke, obtains,], aooorsting to Slanlex, is, Ists B’sn’e,r l’s Doihano), A egflre, a isareny of tIrinG- knights’ fees from tlsat iris— heNna 15E Pasty, svhe is,. Aitanere, dan. sO John Plantagenret, srarrh tin iris ssesv d,srssirriorrs, arrst urns isreame a fosrslai torn was, e by his enty enn-vivtsng eon, sf the serum fre,rs the Cstqrsest. This lord, William do heNRy ne Pesor, 0th feudal tord, who was eouans.srred t’erey, wise was slistinsgaislrod aonorrg Isis eorrtenrporaries 5ny tire addtttorr of ole Grs-sssnre (lViiltann wilts the Whiskers), wlsenee his posterity trrrro eoastrrntly trorne tine nanre of isis (5th Enssesnra II.). Thts nobleman obtatned, 19 Nov. Aigernon, rrot-nrest, or rouser refsnsrrrdost the fasuons abbey 1309, from Anthssny Heck, Bishop of O,nrhanr, by purchase, of St. litista, tsr Y,srkshtro. of whirL isis brother, Serle do a grant of the Barony of Alnwtek, so. Nen’thnsmtres-Iaue’. l’eroy, became first prisnr. Acsessrparrytng, heworer-, Links ttio tsnxtohip was s,ns of the great trarons w’hs enrbssr-ibenl, ttsbert in, the fir-st orsisade, 15Sf, he ntteetat St’snrotjey, ‘rear ira 1295, tIne eeheie’ated tetter to Psqse Boxnrece VItI. erpen ,Ternsatena, the eeloi’rated enntnerirs whence the pilgrtrrrs of tire attempt of his holiness te tastsrpsoe in tine afihirs of the ttne cress first vie east tire ir ‘13’ City, le.rvisrg horse seirs asset tn’s das,s., Isy iris wife, ldrs,ss,a sir Pnsrt,at,setv of Saxon 5k scent, whose Uris-is svere asasrsgst th’nse bestowed nrpe,, isinn by tire t’- ‘NQn moss rs,r,i, aerrding to sn anretei,t Gosh, threy rvsold resolntelv, a,nnI svith all their forse, mama— svrrtor, “be wsslste-l hsr that was very hei,’e to then,, in ‘:toehargirrg of his rsnsetnr,ce,” Ifis lorstslstp was s. ii, his r’,,,dat rights sod i,essssisr,s lsy his eldest son, ALAN iC Pear, 2nd haren, surssan,ed The 0,-eat Ala,,; hit , nt tine rcvsnxis,, sf tt,e Barony and Castle ef W,rrk-worth,, is-s es, ELnsso,e, las, - nsf Gutissrt rIo Gansnrt (w-hieh Gtthnert the time of his etcath, 20 Feb. 1251-2, srhon he was o. by his sr.’s so,, ‘ ,f Baitwtmsn Earl ‘f Pls,rrsters, rand nscphesr of Q,reeis eldest so” (by Idouha, dass. of Rsbcct, Lord Cllffosxt), 840 N OR Nero, wife 0f WrLLIAa1 ins Csxgcenon), and was s. by his ‘sletoot srsir, WILLIAM OR Peser, 3rd harso, at whose decease ths clsteet branch of the first race of Persys, frons Normandy, became exttnrt ii, the nraie line, and thetrgreat inheritance devolved rrirnsn his lordship’s tsve daus. (by Alice do Tossbridge, dau. of Richard, Rail of Clars, whe was usuaiiy styled Be Turrhridge, frsm his castle sf that name) the Ladies 3l000E arid Aoxss OR Peetv, successively, Meunc Os Pnsnm, the elder, was 1st wife of Wtitiam de Ncwburgh, Errrl of Wrsrwtek, by whssm (svhs 0. to the t]eiy Land, s.D. 1194) she had ire tssno. her ladyeht1s if. in 3204-5, asrd then tire whole 1scsscsstorrs of tire Pereys do’ ose,sdest to tire fanatly of her sister, Aoaee OC PERCY, who nsn. Jeocelhse, of Lnvatns, hs’stbcs’ whe was drsreirdrd fr-onr the Errrpsror COAnLE55AONE. cf which, says the old family tradttisn, he acesrdtngly aseuured, and rstsstned his sw’ns paternal coat, in order great old mscsttgreo at Sierrs Hnsuse ‘‘Tire arreia,rt arms of Itainasdt this Loret Jeeetyn retained, a,rd gave iris children the surname of Pesos,” Of this ithretrio,ns alliance there u-ore several children, of whom, isefers iris srretirer, s,, hsaisel, dan. of Ado,,, de Bins, Leer) of Shelton, with when, he had the nnansr of Levingteo, for en inns iso artS his treirs were to reisatr te Streiton Castle every Cinrietriras—day. arrd is lean tire lrrdy esf this castle frerns her ehnarnriner to tire cirapel to irrass, anssi tirenre to her eisa,,rhsr againn, and after dining u-itt, ire,’ to depart, Tints Henry ttft tsr-s s’sus, 1 lt’sLLrAsi, of esIreur pn-esentl-. 2 hence’, ancestor of the Pereyc of Ihesset, Susrcx. got issesesetor of hire errhin-e pn-sperty of iris aunt, Manrd, C,,,,i,tess of Warwick. and even of a great preportien of that ci Iris moshor, and rotairned tine same during this principal part of his life: at length, ssrbsequentty to infinite hitigatien, it enas setlhesi irets-eerr his,, such iris nephCnr, Willie,,, de Percy, to mire,,, tine inrteritasree inetersgeni, after a cstemnrt Ineas-teg before lbs king in person, 0 July, t234 (i StIr liens ii].), tinat nire estates sher,hd tsr divistesi into ctnal psritsnas inetseee,s tire parties dsrring titrirarsi’s life anni tlnah, after his death, ail tire arssisnt patrirrserry ef tire Percy family sl,ent,t devohre upon Iris ueptreu- af,sresaid, a small reserva— lien havieg been nrade for ttiriran’d’s son and iscir, Henry de Percy. This Itieissnrsi do Percy esottonred for the netsele of his life at the Isead ef tIne faasily, end enjoyed oil his tnaroutei rhghsts- lie v-ac one of tlsoee usewerfnll fendal lords who teds rap arrsns, in 1219, agaiirst Ktrrg Jena, arid isavhsg a prnrseihnal l,aunt in exiorriisg tire Great Ctrarter of Ensghisls freedensn, ssas eiroeerr ornr of usc sneemnty—fve gssasdtanne tsr see tt,s lingua Charta daty observed, hr 0. aboot 1244, and ihsn iris ncphsns’, of his macother, bent did snot livs iorrg to enjey then,. Earl of Warrera and Surrey; and dyirag in, l2Lt, to parhhamsnt from 0 Fda. 1299 (27th Ennves,n I) to 29 Jssty, kingdom, irstinrathsg “That their kirrg was ust to answer tsr judgmcnrt, fssr any rights of the ers’wmn of Emng]and, before any trtbunsah unrdsr Itcaven, &c., and that, by the iselp of tairrag-.uinnst all men.” The 0. tsr isis, and was e. by his son, hloxssy or Prnrov, 2nd yMrd Perry ef Alowick. This ireislenran ]rast a grarrt frsnnr the crown, tr, the 2nd of Enwevn &‘c. Ito hash snnwrnsnne to parliararent from 1222 to