Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 2.djvu/149

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cicaiiea—12 Dee. 1665. .drsos—Az., a stork, between three eroes-eroseicts, fitehfe, and was mother of the late Earl Grey. ci.. Crest—A bear’s head, fesswiee, or, couped, and the month Dr Ogle if. in 2716, and his third eon, erobrued, gii. JIelte—Ssrvare sonnia vita Beale—Nnnwell, Isle of Wight; and rarnham, Doreetohire. services, and was further rewarded with a Baronetcy, 12 OGLE. OGLE, SIR WILLIAII, Bark of is. Jamee, inholy orders,H.A., rector of Bhohsp’eWaltham, Worthy, co Ilants, 5.5 May, 1323; the Rev. Edmund Poolter, pi-ebendary of Winchester; s. his nephew as 5th baronet, 29 and if. 19 May, 1833, leaving issue, Nov. 1861. LIitcagc. This is a family of very great antiquity in the so. Northumberland. Sea RODEOT Oons, Knt. of Ogle (the 8th in lineal descent iii. Thomas, major 85th regt. shot is, the boats at the frona Humphrey Ogle, who was settled at Ogle at the landing in Egypt, 1801. Conqneet), as. Helena, dan. and heir of Sir Robert Bertram, I. Arabella, as. let, to the lion. Edward Bouverie; and Lord of Rethall, and was o. by his grandson, Sea Roaear OGLe; who if. 1410, and wes s. by his eldest me. Jane-Hester, cc. to Richard Streatfeild, Req. of The eon, Sia RoBeRT Oocs, who u’ae summoned to parliament, as is,. Earbarina, em. let, to Valentine-Henry Wilmet, Req.; Lenl Ogle from 20 July, 1461, to 7 Sept. 1469 (see Buaxe’e Exhort east .Dere,eal Pees’ege, in which latter year his iv. Sophia-Jemima, ia. to Sir Charles Asgsll, Part, lordship died, aad the barony passed in regnlar sueeeseien, Sir Chaloner, who attained the rank of senior adsoiralof the from father to son, to Cevnneav, the 11th baron ; who e. his half-brother, Red when II.R.H. the Duke of Clarence was appointed admiral Rebert 6th Lerd Ogle, in 1862; but if. without male issue, II, Sin CHARLES, admiral of the fleet, 6. 24 Hay, 1775, in 1197, when the barony fell iute abeyance between his ns. 1st, 22 April, 1882, Charlotte-Margaret, sister ol henry, two datis. until the demise of one of these ladies, Jeane, 3rd Viscount Gage, and dan. of the late Gen. the Hon. wife of Edward, 7th Ran of Shrewehury, without issue, in Thee. Gage, eom.-iu-chief of Nil, forces in North America, 1687; when thebther, CATsseeiiwe, relict ef Sir Charles Caveudish, became and by her (who if. 1814) had issue, - Bareucee Ogle, and obtained a ratification of the dignity t. CnaLoEEa, 3rd baronet. by patent, dated 4 Dec. 1628, to herself and her heirs for s. Chanlotte-Arabelia, ems, in 1835, Is H. de Dreidenbac,,, ever. Her 1aiyehi if. in 1659, end the barony devolved and if. 22 July, 1940. upon her son;- William Cavessdisb, who was eventually ii. Sophia, ems. 17 Aug. 1830, to the Rev. Edward-Chaloner created Dunn pa’ NeWoissvne, when it merged in that ospm’um). dukedom, and so continued until the demise of his grace’s lie as. indly, in 1820, Letitia, dais, of SirWilliam Durronghe, son and successor, Henry, 2nd duke, in 1691, without male Dart., and by her (svhs if. 13 Nov. 3832) had another eon, issue, when all the Duke ef Ncweasllc’s heneurs, except I. WiLtIAM, ps-esent baronet. the Barony of Ogle, expired, and that title fell into abeyance between his five daus. ; two of them dying without issue, Sir Charles se..lrdly, 10 April, 3834, 3lary-Aune, dan. sf it now remains between the representatives of Lady George Cary, Req. of Ton Abbey, cc. Devon, and relict of Margaret Oglo,who em. John bliss, Duke of Newcastle; John Dalton, Jun., Req. of Thssruhsam llall, eo. Lancaster, Lady Catherine, who Ic. Themae, Earl of Thanet; and Lady and of Sir Johen-Ilayford Thors.6, Dart. Sir Charles ii. Arabella, who Is. Charles, Earl of Suoderland. Pram Jona Core, of Ogle Castle (3rd eon of Ralph, 3rd Lord Ill. Sin CnaLoNna, a rapt. in the army, who was ii. Ogle), srhe ma. Sybill, dan. of Sir John Heron, sprang HAnK Ourn, Eeq., who purchased Kirklcy frona Ralph, dan, asul sole heir of WilGam-Thesuas Roe, Esq. of With— Lord Eure, in the beginning of the 17th century; and from dean, Sussex, by his wife, dams. of Ilyans Slatlsew, Esq., 1dm descended NATHANiEL OGLE, dl P., of Kirkley, somet’me physician Ocring, co Rant, and had issue, to ihe forces under the great Duke of 11.srlberough. This s. CaAs,essna-RoE-31AJrNnIE, 4th t’aronct. gentleman ia Elizabeth, dan. and co-heir ef Jonathan ss. Charlee-Jsmea-Dertng, 8. 23 April, 1844; if. young. 851 OGL Newton, Req. of Newcaetlc-npon-Tyoe, barrister-al-law, Tnlhs, Ssvcdieh cones’l at Tm,ssis, by whom (who if. 29 Juice, and had iseno, r. Nathaniel, his onceeeaor at Kirkloy; who if. nan. in 1762. is. Newton, D.D., dean of Winchester, inherited Kirkley 2 Susan-hhargaret, sa. 21 September, 18i4, to the Rev. at the decease of his elder brother ;and ,i. in 1804, leaving, (by Ss,oanna, his wife, dau. and co-heir of Dr. Thomas, bishop of Winohootcr), 1 Nathaniel, who if. sam. in 3813. 2 John-Sar,le, in holy orders, prcbondary of Durham; inherited Kirklcy at the death of his brother; a. 1794, Catherine-hannah, dan. of Edward Siseyd, Req. of Dublin, (of the Snoyds of Staffordshire), and has issue. 8 tleory-Bertraum, am. in 1802, Anus-Maria, dan. of Edward Raphael, Esq. 8 Saeanna, if. aam. 2 Ehtzaheth-Calherine,m. to Usury Streatfeild, Req. 3 Isabella, if. ansi. 4 Anne, ci. to hlasvy Scott, Req. o Esther-Jane is. to the Right Han. R. B. Sheridan, and it 1817, in the year alter his death, III. Cnas.oaca, of whom presently. William, Scots I’nsilier guards; 1. 27 Jtshy, 1813 if. amiss. s. Isabella, rn. let, to hoc cousin, Sir Clialaner Ogle, Nut., admiral ol tho fleet; who if. svithont issue, in till; and Sndhy, to James, Lord Kingston. Sir William, who was H.P. for Bodsahu in 1819, if. 17 Jan. Is. Ehzabeth, ci. to George Grey, Ra1. of Soisthwick, whi,se dan., Ehtnaboth, em. Gen. Sir Charles Grey, let Earl Grey, is,. Martha, as. to Sigismund, Baron de Starek. I. CnALOaEa Cure, Req., having adopted the naval profession, received the honour of knighthoed for his gOllant Harris, 1116. Sir Chaloner sa. Hester, youngest dan. and co-heir of the Right Rev. John Thomas, Lord Bishop of Winchester, by whoni he loft issue, s. Cnsas.ns, 2nd baronet. amid vicar of Crondall; 8. in 1778; in. Ehicabeth, dan. of I James-Sayer, inholy ordere; 8. 30 Nov. 1808; deceased. 2 GRAHAM, capt. RN.; 8. 27 Sept. 1814. 8 Edmund, cal. in the army, lient. -col. royal engineers, is,. and has issue. I Elizabeth. 2 Jane. 3 Mar a-Prances, en. in Nov. 1842, the Marquis Gentihi, of Naples. 2ndly, to the lion. Ihichand Talbot, who if. 1843. Mrs. Talbuut, if. 29 (let. 1853. Rocks, in Sussex;, and if. o. p. in 1796. and 2ndly, te Thomas, 20th Lsrd Dac’re. of the fleet, if. 27 Aug. 3816. ISis eon and heir, Ogle, eldest eon of the Rev. J. S. Ogle, of Kirkley (ice 16 June, 1808, said was e. hyhis eldcr son, 18 Jnly, 1803; asid is. 5 April, 1842, Elica-Suphia-Frances, and granddaus. of Sir Edward Bering, Dart, of Sns-rcnden 3t2 00 L 1826) he lisa had issue, 1 John-William, 6. St June, 2826; if. in Aug. 1843. 1 Caroline, Alfred-C. Riohings, B. A. 3 Prancee, mis. to the Rev. Wsn. -Veale Hennals. 4 SLatilda. 8 Elicabcth-Lassra. v. Honry, a hent, -tel. ha the arnsy; if. on Ode passage to China, 20 June, 1840, - ,. Ssakey-Margaret, ,,,. in 1800, to lice eo’asiu, the Rev, Anthony-William Glyms, rector of Kingetonc, in the Isle of Wight, and of Lesnewth, co. Cornwall; if 8 April, 1840. ii. Frasscea-Dorothea, if. cuss,. 13 Slay, 1852. Sir Willians ml. 0 Jams. 1606, and wae s. by his ehiest son, VL Sin WiLLIAM, 6. 12 Sept. 1769; cmi. 2-I hIay, 1810, Maria-AmIne, eldest dan. of George-Hesury, 4th Duke of Grafton, K.G.,by svhom (who if. 14 Hay, 1855) he had isane, HENRY, proeent baronet. 7 Slay, 1830. Charlotte-Ilanha. 1882.