Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 2.djvu/176

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PAULET, Sm HENRY-CHARLES, of West Hill Lodge, co. Haute, 3. 1 August, 1814; created a Baronet, 18 March, 1836. Sir Henry was lately Captain in the 2nd dragoon guards. PAU 1 Edward-Jehic-Deat,, cc. 1st, 28 July. 1861, llary-000rgiana- Elizabeth, 2nd daa. of Cot. I ieney—Vascghan ilrooke, CR., A.D.C. Is lice Qac’en, acd gransldao. of ,,c’u Sir It sllesccghby Cotton,, and hr her (win, 5. II Jane, 1565) has had a dan.; he s. lndly. 30 Nov. 1 aOl, Eliea-Monektncc, 2nd dan. of Stab-tie,,. Tames lta,noay. 2 Francis-John-Dean. iii. William-Weotworth’. F 6 Feb. 1812 ci. a Sept. 1852. i. Anne-Frances, sec. 29 Apnl, 1525, to Francis-George hare, © © deceaee of his father, 1 Nov. 1847. Req. u. IdleanouMaria, ci. oem. in. Maria-Ileralia, so. 20 Dee. 1625, to Ci,arles Eankhead, Req., secretary of lecaliose at t’.oectanlinoide. to. Jane, so. 0 Nov. I 5i7, es die late Edward-Ron Fitzgerald, MAnEanutse PEACOCKs, of the eo. of York, ,es. a dan. of Req., only ,s,n of the late herd Eelward T’iiegerald, and Thomas Goodrieko, and had ioouo, of which the led eon, first-cousin Is lt,e present I soke 5sf Lei,,ster. Sir Jshn en. 2ndy, IT Sept. 1871, Ilary, widow of Berkeley Napior, Req. nf l’onnard fleeces, Sn,norsotshiro (which lady ci. 0 Feb. 1512; and 3rdiy. T April, 1911, Ehzaboth, youngest iesuo, i. Marmadsske, is. 1 Jan. 1700; ci. at Hackney, Middlesex, dan. lEsliE cx, bishop of St. Aoaph. lIed. 16 Jan. 1952, and was ,. by his silos1 con, It. Sets JuN-lies’.’, nb was 5. 27 Oct. ISfI, and en. 1st, lii Orb I sIC, Ge rgiaesa, 3rd dsses, of t’harlre -Geerge Beaucircle, Req. of St. Le’ naed’s f.odge, Sussex, and by her (who ii. 55 Dee. lSdy) had issue, s. Aenonn-Jocics-DeAN, present baronet. Sir Joh,t es. Indly, 17 Jan. 1849, Season, elan, of the late John Ilwenn, Req. of Briglstseu, which lady ‘1. in 1854- He nt.3”dly, its I 511, Jae,e—Co,eetaseee, class, of the late Thomas Itugdeee, Req. of lleleseesdalo Iloesso, Secrecy. He et 7 Sept. 18,18, and was s. hy his son. Sen Aunwev-Jeeecs-DnAN PAUL, thee lest aced prceeect baronet. Creation—I Sept. 1821. A’ssa—Arg., ea a fesse, an., three ero,s-rroeeleto, os, its base as many ermine-epole, oa. Crest— An seneca head, pie., erased, go. Jfollo—I’ro rege et repubtiet. PATJLET. PEA PEA000KE. Pncoce., Sits JoaErn-PRANCIS, © of Barntic, co. Claro; 3. 1 July, 1805; s. ae 3rd baronet, at the iLitiritgc. Geoceoe PnAeoelee, Esq., ‘a. SItes Ponsenby, of Grotto, and ci. at Killpeaken, co. Limerick, leaving, with other in 1773, leaving isosso, i,elss’ aRea, a clan., Nanny, wife ef Geergo Heating, Rag. of Moultou Pssrh, co. Northampton, and a son, Marmaduke Peaeocke, Eoq. of London, who cue, his cousin, Story, dan of George Peacocks, Req. of Bsn’ntic, en. Claro, aust Co lseireeoof lice nsether, Mary Sandferd, snty dau. and heiren’s of Thomas Saudford, Eoq. of Saudferd Ce,srt, to. Kilkesny, and had issue, 1 Mremadsske-Warrcn (Sir), K.C.H., K.T.S., a gen. offleor; is, a. p. 5 George, who cc. lot, Rachel, dau. of Sir John Balling, ]dort.,which lady ci. in 1805; and 2csdly, Jemima, dan. of lieut.-col. J.-Iloutagu Durnford, by whom ho had a son, the preeent Goorgo-Slontagn-Warron Sandford, Eeq. of Reeves SlaB, Eosex, SIP, for Slaldon, J F’. and IlL., MA., is. 1021, barrister-at-law, who assumed by royal licence, 1800, the onruaa,e and arms of SANDman; be cci. 1058, Aeegesta-Slary, dan, of Aigeruen Greville, Eoq. (‘re WARwICK), and has losses. I Sandford, sa. Amelia, only dau. of Sir T. Apreece. Mart. 4 Richard, viee-asla,is’al tiN., 555. Matllsa-Lcnioa, daa. of the late George L’acre, Req. of Marwell hail, Ilants; and ii. in 1,510, leaving lead issue, 1 Warree-Iliehard. 5. 1825, c. C’,u,elta-Fecderiea-do-Roll, yenngest dacs. of the lace 10ev. F’rederick—Shallett Lenin, of Netley lark, acid lean, wilts eltsee issue, Warren-Thomas, is. 1052; 2 George, eel. 10th foot. S Stephen, hieut.-eel, in the army. 6 Thomas, esl. in Gee army, K.T.S. 7 Johcs, an officer in the army; deceaeed. is. Geoaos, of whose line we treat. Loon Heteno P,sua.ET, vice-admiral of the White, K.G.B. Tub (fs,d eon of George, 11th Ma’qunso of Winchester, by Geoaoc PE,nfccee, Req. of Grange, ee. Limerick, and Martha Ingoldsby, his wife), cc. 20 Get. 1511, Anna-Maria, yoccngeet dan. of Edward Ravonoerolt, Req., and left at Baretic. co. Clare 1,. 5 Feb. 1701 ; cc. lot, 7 July, 1729, Mary, dau. of Joseph Lavit, Req. of the city of Cerk, and by her (who sI. in 1744) had issue, George, ci. nuder age. _&eeno-llaria, as. 3 Jeeas, 1545, Is, flee Rev. Wellesley-Pohe Joonma, heir to bia father. Pigesll, rector of Benscrten aod Fovant, Wilts, and ii. 19 Dec. Marmaduke, ef Cork, capt. in the army; ci. a. p. in 1795. William, of Llanfair, Anglesey, colonel of the Anglcrey Uraeia-Elinatsrlhi, ci. 1 Fob. 1044, to the halo lIen. Sir Ede’ard nailitia; en. in 1770, Emma, dan. of Gel. William Jones, of Twyny, eo. Carnarvon; and ci. s. p. Nathaniel, Ileut. RN.; ci. in the Eaot Indies. C’ecGon—10 March, 1056. A,’aea—St., three swords in pile, Mary, ci. young. peisstn dsCs’nwards, pnnssnols s,nsl l,ihle, or. Coal—A falcon, SIr. Peacocks so. Indly, in 1746, Mary, dan. aced heh’ of n’tsegs displayed, or, belted of else same, esnd dsieally coWered, Thomao Sandford, Esq. of Ssmdford Uoart, co. Kilkenny, gn. JfslSo—Aimen loyaaltd. Foist—West Shill Ledge, llonts. and by her (who ci. in 1779) had issue, Georgo, capt. 7th foot, killed in America. Mary, is. in 1748; os. to Ifarmaduko Peacoeke, Esq., her eesssin. Elinabeth, ne. to William Gardiner, M.D. of Armagh. Tisis Baronetcy, created 31 Oct. 1737, in favour Mr. Peacecko ci. ha 1775, and wan a. by his non, of Sitt C’ss.snLs;d P,seton, Knt., of St. Chriotophers, I, Joonmn PeAcocan, Enq. of Grange and Barntio, whn major-general of the Loowarsi Islands, the lot bart,, was created a Barnnet, 24 Dee. 1802. Sir Jeoeph cs. its is now in dissputo botsvoon two claimanto, viz., 1701, Elizabeth, only den. of Thomnn G”ffe, Req., H P., of CUARLES-GILLIF.a PAYNE, of Blunhans l[ouee, St. Orange, co. Kilkeuny, and had, Ns,oto, Bedfortlohirc, barrister-at-law, ,T.P. ansi DL., NATHANIEL-LEVnTT, the late baronet, who hao publicly borne the title for the loot twenty. William, in holy orders. Grace. Elba, so. lee 1800, to Capt. J. O’Beirne, brother of Br. nyc years; and (.‘ovENTBv I’AYNE, who maintains O’Beione, late bishop of Meeth; and ci. 19 July, 1051, that ho is the descendant of ott older lsraneh, ansi is agod 80. the Otis baronet. Botls claisssanto leave recently publislsed pamphlets on tho subject; lint in cousoquesece I’hulippa, ci. in 1841. Chc-istiana-Rmma, nc. in 1757, to Francis Gore, Esq. of of their contradictory and unoatiofactory l5errymore. Ce. Clare, and ci. 14 July, 1055. statoneonta, and in the aissenco of any ‘ogistration Slary, is. to Ilajer-Gea. Daniel O’Meara. Alicia-Anne, e,c. iii 1815, to ‘1’. Lawreesee, Req. ef Bristol. on the part of either of them at the Herald’s tteergiana, killed by a fall from her horse; ci. csans. 16 Slay, College, it is thoegist bettor to omit bore any ful-ther loll. Sir Joseph ci. 17 June, 1012, and was a. by his older eon, II. Sin NA’r,caNesL-Lsrs’n.’nT, lient.-coh. in the army, S. 3 Oct. 1709 ; ns. 20 Jesne, 1803, Henrietta, eldest dan. of Liiicagt. his doreano, 28 Jan. 1032, IIsaav-CisanLEs, erealest a Baronetns,alsnve. Rde’ard-WiIli,sns, 5.20 July, 1825’, ci. 0 Nov. 1910. l°5l. lteetlec’, sen of James, I Ills Lord Deseboyne. P A Y N E. acconist of the baronetcy. 878