Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 2.djvu/184

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P E It Loi-d Urn nm’’nd, in 1715, could not succeed to the Earidom son of John Drunnoond, Earl and Duke of .Melfort, by his of t’erth. which became then legally di emant. ‘tins JAMES, Lord Driunmond, att-dnted in 1715, tnd Dnke of Sept. 1000, and e. hiy his ta’,,ther, Perth, en Lady lane Gordon, dan. ,,l the lot Dubs ol i’’ Ii,iuaiaioNn, 5th Earl and Duke of 11s1- Gordon. by whom he hat twi 500. .2 iaei 5, and Ion N. lie f,’rt au’1 hIs Earl ‘if t’erih. Hi svas served heir to the Earls if. at l’aris in lTss, and seas e. by the elder, JAM Es, Sri Duke c,f Perth, whe’ w is wounded at the prelate, c’ ‘und net Isring his case t’efr’re the House ci Lords. battle of C all’ 1’ ii, not if. ii, is. luring lets i ‘asolge’’ver lii lIe 5, ai hiamne in 1040, and was o. h’y Isis nc1,hew (the only France, on liii in 1 the French frigate ‘‘Li 11,11,1,0,’’ 2 Slay, son of Ins doesasc,l younger brother, Leams Slauiricc, hy Loce 746. lIe was atteinte’l in that year, hot the alt’dn- icr diii Elizal icti, de L’ingneinare his ci ifel, not lake 11100 hii,i on as r’ ‘in, t of his ,ls-ith, 1 nt it iii H ,:000r 11am,, sines,, ‘tI, flake do Steifort aisd t4th Earl upon his his ‘diet, lord 2, ‘Lii I irninmend, urliii liii 1 ‘‘tin included of Pci-his, Con,ie its Losesu, in France, now FARL cur Pravn in the s ins’ act if ,itt,in,ler,as ‘‘the 1’cm’’n taking and Me:Lcc’mn. upi’n l,nnoslf tli rink and style’1 luke ‘if t’ertl,, ‘nil the liii lonihehip, in t041, estal1ishcd before the Conacil hiersnn taking up’ ai hiinc If the sank awl civic of Lor’l d’Et,,t of h’r,,mseo, an’h Die Tnihuuo,sh do ha Seiose, ins penilgrco ,hi’hn Dr,nia,,nij” This Lien Jolts liii I MM ‘Ct, in whim the Drnmmnn,l estates of succession to tho 1”reeL h,o,senra of fluke ito itlelfort botanic f’rf,’ite,l iii 17411, if. withont issue in 1747. It was anti Po,’th, Csmto do L,uosan an’I Baron de Vairose, &e. t’ir him thai Hue region sit of htiival 5e’ ‘tch. in the French His lordship h-is case aim, r, t.asly Lney t’Iemc,iltiua Daviee, service, sv’Ls cooed, lie was,i. liy Isis uncle, J’,ns lini MilN 0, 5th Duke of Perth, who if. without I’y royal licence in 185th. tIer ladyship i. S Sc-pt. 1523, issue in 1157; hi 1al hretho’r, Eow.ion, snceenlo’l, hnt if. with,,nt issue in 1760, and in Chuoiscry, and has Done, bins ended all the male dc—condoMs of James, 4th Earl sf Perth, at srh se demise, in 1716, the carld’’m hecamo Frunmces-C lensenlina-1),’,,nmioond Davies, ni. 4 Fob. 1017, B. darma,st, an acc,iin,t of the prom’ ins mittainde r of his son, Lord Drnmmon,1. The representation of the Earidem of Lucy-Elizabeth Iirunumond hi,svios, si, 25 Aug., 1050, to Perth thereupon reverted ts his see nd cc oslo, Jauirs DRUM5I0MTi, of Lundin, grandson 1’y his lot wife, fSvsbissi_t,c,rih flnuinmmiasd of Cargihi, 1407; Earl of Perth, Ecsphia. heirtss of Lnn,lin of Joins I ir,inimiaid, afterwards Ten) Dtnmmoad sfStobhuilh and Slontifex, 1605; Viscount Earl and Dukc of Molf”rt. wh” was tnd son of James, 3rd ,‘Ihchfont and Lard Droinn,snd of ttiistsnn, 1605 Earl of Earl of f’erth. This James Luedin assumed the name of itt, lf, rI, Visc,iuunt Forth, Li nh I )runaismond of htiokontouaa, DOUMMOMD, and became chief,if that house; he was serveil t’astlen,aimio, ,mci Gitstsns,, tots. heir to the last carl ins E’hinbnrgh in 3 7iig, and then nlsin ,4e,,,s—Or, three bans, wavy, go. ; under the shield a cornpartnscisi assnmcd the title of Earl of l’erth, He en Lady Jiachet Bruce, and had a son, JAaIEo DRUMMOND, 13th Earl of Perth. lii whom the Sued—On a deical coronet, a slroth-hoond, ppm., c-dared Drnmniend estates wn’re rest’ ‘i-ed in 1755, by the can’t of an’h isashc’l, gu. session and parliament, he being the nearrst male heir of ,s’,uj,j,,u,-fi -e Two oa--agcs, ppm., cm-cached about the bead Lord John Iirnminand, in whons the estates lieeame forfeited amal mihitlo with ,‘.ik-ieavcs, holuiii,g tuatone user their in 174t; and was created a hiritish peer, as Loi” Pci-fl,, e’ilti’iu1ia. in 1707: he if. in Slay, 1000, leaving an only ilan., Sarah Clcmentina Drnmmsnd, Lady WiUsnghb5 de Eresby, who ,f. 26 Jan. tOtS. At his liirdahil’s deeeaao, the rtpresesdatian of the Earldsm of Perth, which is liniiicd to Lies PETERSHAM, VISCOUNT, Off HABBTNOTON, E op. male sehctsssri e, rsverls’I to JAMEs Lrwsrt, 4th Earl and Duke of SIel.fsrt, gmat-grand* FAMiLY OF DRuMssONn oe llctronv AND PenTn. The HON. Jenie hlRnoiseeMo, toil sin of James, 3rd Earl of Perth, by Lady Anne Gi,rdsn, hia wife, was general of the ordnance, anil prticisd seeretsry of state for Scotland. He ¶ — m. 2n’Uy, in 1700, Euphemia Wallace, dan. of ir Tlnimas Wallace, of t’raigie, herd-justice-clerk ‘if Scotland. Ito was raiseil to the hicorage on the 20th of April, 1605, by the title of Fists ‘i’ t Mi lfsel, and ths following ycir wan further dignified by the titles of Li,i si dli I/ui-i md Fbe”,’u, / f’1,ett, by patent of the 17th of Angnst, ltat, with limit,,tion to the heirs male of his 2nd marriage, The king made him also a grant of the barony of Slelfcirt, and the estate ‘if D,iehal which were dissolrsil from the crown by act ‘if puirli-insent and limited by a chusrtcrunsder the groust seal of Scotland, tn I. ItENCY, T. 10 Aug. 3840, Euphsmia Wallaci , t’iiimtess of ltclfort, his 2n,l es ife. for i .SI.ury, a. St 5c1,t. IsIS, to Penruddscke Wyncthsm, life, and to m’evoil I,, their eldest son, Jshn, Viscount Forth, The Earl of Slelfort fi’llswed his snafortunate master and benefactor, Knee JAMrO II , and relir,’d with him,, to St. Gerinaina. where Ins mijcoty enforced on him, 37 A1irth, 1652. the Dnkcd,im ‘if Jlelfert, which title was coesfiriord in Fru,nce by Tainis Xlv., s’n the ileach of Jasece in 1701, with sever,,h others Mulch hail h,’cn granted by that menareb. widosv if theory Ftzj soses, Dokc of Ahbemmirhe. Ties duke The It_sri of Melfert evas untaintc’l by the puinlianset ‘if Scotlumul, if. in 1714, in Paris. and was buried at St. Nicholas des in htSS, “1’ ‘r laming t,een scon st St. Gcrmnins.” He Champs, havhsg huid Iwo eons, JAMES, his successor, amid 1714, in the parish sf St. Snhiiice, leaving by Louis (stvleil Luurd Li nio Drnmusond) who was second in 1. Jona, his heir. so Thi,mas, 15. “The, 1731. iii. William, Aljbl prienr of Liege, ‘/. in Spain, 1742. Iv. Andrew, a lie,,i. -grnend in the French service an’S of llohfart was s. by his eldest sin, Grand Cress of St. Louis, wh,,se sen, LoUis, Comts ‘he Slolfert, licnt, -general in thr French Marie do Demeo’tcr, and wuis fattier of adsu., Emily, who ‘less. sot-vie,’, inspeet’ir-gcmieral ‘if cavalry, and Gran,t Groan II, nry-flmaiedict(whsi ii. win. 1778); and Leun-Shauinicc; and of St. L’,nis, 1. leaving a sun, Lenis-Slecrntss, a major-general in the French, service eves s. at hits ,lscs,isr, 17f6, li- his eldeei son, who ii. In 1811, leaving two sons and eec tan., vie., S sames-t.rwin, a gi nerud in the French sci’viec, and 4th Loris, CusS, di 51, tsties. eiile,,cl of the French staff Duke do Ilclfeni, tin/i do Lussan iii France, who became c’rps, srho is ,,i. anit h-is three da,mo. E’lsvarsl, svt,o i. ins 1542, leaving daughters only. Scotianih, that title behig limited to hetis ,,,ole srhi’lrsr,i’. tlarrict, whe m. C. Derby, Es’1., and ‘I. iii 1516. The eldest son, .lOiTM, Lse,f Fec/Is, lnul Dnke of Shelf ‘ci, who was hens Sn and was a. hsy his br,,ther, Scotland in 1 652, and ts svhem the Meifot t estates were I ‘O.sRLEs EmiwAno, who became 5th Duskc do Sleifsrt (Earl) 856 P Ii T Ind wife, Enphenuia Waltacs, as 15th Earl of Perth, who if. sf b’ovth in Edinburgh, in lOts, but teing a E,iman Catholic from tIme Earls Dutcc-n if Perch and Metfiirt, and his right ti ci hem the ireccdeni’y of an en’h’a dauehter was granted P’aneis-Tlcnry D,svies, Esq., registrar of tht Court of Francis Stauu’ico-t),-iimnissia TI-ivies. htcnmingtan Wilhainn,Esq. ,elds si son ofB.H.Wiihhiama.Esq, tl,o hate Liont. Cci. James Vmhiicrs ; she a, lndly, 10 Aog. lSsS, John bale Barkir, Fog. of Cadogan Place. with cudtriupa therein, fur the B,sttie of Bannoekbin-n. shoehdi-rs, anil standing npon a compartment semfc of dloile—Gang warily, fu’r Prom: other mottoes for SInroom, fbi dons eons qned sunn; Ab one ad sinnee, 4 Esq. of ttiamudIor’i Square, limited by the charter. ci. in 1707, at St. Enstaehie, in Pasts, Marie- G.,bnielio d’,tu’hibcrt, C’ ,nnfrss and heirces of hu,naon, ssmm-ind cf the ttayu’I Seats met CoIli,dcu, and bccamne a li,.sui.-iencraI in the French sorvice, Grand Cress cf St. Louis, eat gavcrner ,uf Neiniandy; he, and all the other m/-,ot’crs of ihs faintly, left the service in 17ti2. The Dsiee JAM’ 5 wh,, was S. at St. tlcrniaino, 1708, and tao 3rd Duke of Moifoet, ass,1 Ciasipte do Luosan, He is, at L,isea,i, in hi so, 5546; unich of four esass, ,Tamnes-Lcwis 1 Charles-Edward; in Slay tRiO, on the bath of Lord Perth without male issue, ctucf ‘f the house ‘if Drnnsmsnd, and Earl of Perth, in lie 5. withs’it iomie, it Lspsss Island, sn Spain, Sept. 1800, and Csmtc do L,ussau ins Fronce, anil Earl of Perth. PET 0, ShE SAMUEL - MOUTON, Dart, of Somonloyton Ha]1, co. Soffulk, so croatoil 22 Feb. 1855; b. 1 Aug. 1809; on 1st, 18 May, 1831, Mary, dan. of Thomas-Do la Oat-c-is Gnistell, Esq. of Stockwoll ,Snrroy, and by hoc (who tI 20 May 1842) had issue,