Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 2.djvu/195

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POL Iteway VAN Notvesr, who woo cockled by the Emperor i. Edward, whose eon, OIAxsassLrAN, i55 1499, and created a knight of rise holy Benson Empire and the Germanic Body, wills resnasodrr to his issue mole and female. By his wife, Dame Isabella Von t’elts, ho hod issue a son, CHARLES VAN Nec-rca, Lord of Aseh ond Yonder Noellcen, who was Chaleloine of Alost, Be., ond received, 17 door, ]049, 5. Anne, wlso ci. young. from the Emperor CHARLES V., a confirmation of the former ide cc. 2nshly, Frances, class, of Esiseard talon, Esq., by aulsem potent, with the addition of s helmet and crest Ic the fansily ise Isad a soss, Joisss, scisa s’ yescng ; asal hrdly, Mary, stacs. of arms, as appears by the official copy of lire said paleni frees Edsras’si Slsec’o’eod, lfoq., by r.’lsassc ice inset, bIer olso.s, Eliza— the heralds’ Office of the Dukes of Durgandy, and a record in betls, us. Ic Ellis St. John, Esq. of West Coorl, htertco, ased a the heralds’ Office, Londess. From him descended ESIANUEL VAN NOTTEN, Knight of lire sea, Jona POLLEN, Esq., barrister-at-law, one nt Ilse issilges of eerps of the Noble Body Guard; Philip Van Notsen, knight of Wales, and 31.0. for Andcsrer. lie s.c. I icoler, doss. af Passlot the corps of Body Guard of Aretsers; and AORA55ASs VAN NOTTEN, who rlnrissg lice arare and revohuliens St. John, Esq. of Isogncerofiold Park, and host, JoaN, ercoird a under King Pnsrsr II., forfeited Isis estates near GIseni, bars.; Lliesabeshc, so. (leerge Itongecfrrd, Eoq. of Stcsdtey, 10. and retired to Nimeguen, in Gnelderlasssl. From him descended, Wills, and ci. s.ji. in loIS ; asciI ollser hssse, of soisses tisere is PETER VAN Nsnrrs, living in 1637, whe so. Jannetle Vander no desrendoni. 31r. Pollen avas r. by isis elder son, Steen, and had a eon, LA55EEeT VAN NOTTEN, srho lived and died at the hague, who aras ereotrst o karl. 11 April, 1700. lIe s.c. lot, in 1770, isaving so. Anselta, den. of Nicholas Anaessts, by whom he hod, Louisa, only doss. of Wailer 1141, Log. of Iledenlmsca, by whom ARRAHAaS VAN NOTTEN, I. at the Hague, who resided and (who I. Id July, 1710) he left icsoe, st. at Amoterdam, leaving isosse, by Sarah-Snsannals liroine, s. JOHN-WALTER, lsacl hon. originally of Brainele Comte, in Flascders, several children, ss. Iticisard, of Lhesrolsa’s 1cm, csssd of Itedbon rise. Wiltslsirc, I. ussr of whom was CHARlEs VAN NOTTEN, b. in Ameterdasss, 1 Nov. 1702, Corkerell, Esq. of Westkonrne, eo. hhddlesex, and dying 7 who settled isa London in 1740, ‘1. there 1 March, 1710, assd was buried in the D’steh church, Anstisa Frksrs. lie so. Sneasassa, dass. of David Basanqsset, Ftsq. of London, by whom, who 0. 2 April, 1774, and was also buried in the Dsstrb elsssrrh, in Auatiss Friars, Ise hod sevensi children, of whosn only one son survived him, VAN NorveN, afterwards Ssa CnAnLrs t’nLr, Bart., above snenlioned. U’eefiso—2S July, 1701. Arsss—Qnarlerly: 1st snd 4th, arg., a elsev. between lisree Sir John icc, lndly, Charity-Anne, don. and re-heir of Rirhard crescents, gss., is snsllrl for difference, for PoLE. 2nd anti :lnl, Seutlaby, Esq. of llnhferd, Wills, hcy wlsons (‘rho ii. in 1071) Ice quarterly, 1st and 41h, org., fossr pallets, an. ; 2nd, Or, a snake Isud no isscse. Ito oh. 17 Assg. 1014, asad was e. by Isis eldest sosa. in pale, wavy, the upper laslf on., the lower sa. 3rd, or, tlsree 11. Sin JossN-WAL’run, arise was I. 6 April, 1704, and s’s. 9 crescents, gn., for VAN NOTTEN. Cress—A faleoss, rising, ppr., clstsrged svith a mullet for dsfferenre, Sept. 1019, Chos’lollc-Itlizabosh, only doo. of tile lisle 11ev. John for I’oLe. A snake in pale, sravy, lice upper tsatf oe., Craven, of Chil;en house, ro. Wilts (or aisle CRAvEN, bt.), by liar Sewer ss., betseern Ices wings, per fesse, an. assd arg., camsterelsanged, wisons be Isocl sao isscsr. Sir ,Jolasa, sohsss svas eol. of Ilso Sootis for VAN NOTTEN. Seppw’irre—On eitlsrr side a lien, rrguardant, ppr., being Rants naihtia, ii. 2 Itay, 1863, and u-os..’. by Isis nephew, Sso the supporters of his Serene lhighssess William, Landgrave of htscssAscn-ltuxaEarossn l’ss.LEN, the 3rd and present bark Heeoe Cassel, esrh differenced by a pale of lhree roloars, wisirhs Cc’eoliasi—I 1 April, 1790. were confirmed to the 1st bsrt., snd the heirs nsale of his body, As’sa,,—Az., on a isead, cotised, or, between six lozenges, by royal warrant dated 10 Jan. 1794, use same Isaving been conferred org., each charged anus an escallop, sss., five rocsslleps, of tins on laim by His Serene Highness, as a mark of lsis acknowledgment field. of the great service rendemd by Sir Cisaries Pole’s Crrsl—A pelican, wiegs evyandesh, in Iser nesi, per psie, or fasnihy Is 5-its Serene lhghness’s anreslars, and also as a prosf sf and Se., voslning Iserself asad feeding her yossng, Ncr., clssrged His Serene highness’s own esteem for 5dm. Mollaee—Os’er the crest of t’oLR, “ Pellet virina” Orer the on rho wing with a lozenge, os’g., thereon on esralisap, so. erect of VAN Ns’rTes, “ Prodrns sient serpcns” Seals— Todenham, eo. Gloucester: and Walserton, es. hisnls. ,Sent—Redenhans, ssnor Anoloves’, ltsnts. Towss Hsssre—70, Kensington Gardens Sqassrr, Bayswater. P 0 L L E N. POLLEN, SIR RICHAIID-RUNGERFonn, of Redesaisam, en. Rants, 6. 19 Oct. 1815; a. his tsneie as 3rd baronet, 2 Slay, 1863; oss. 5 June, 1845, Charlotte-Elizabeth, thu. of John Godley, Eoq. of Killigor, Co. Leitrim5 anti by tisat lady (who tl. isa 1860) has isene, s. Rsrnaan-Hr’rcernrossn, b. fOcI. hO4t. as. Charleo-Jolcn-1tnngerford, b. ha 1dM. t. Mary-Caroline. is. Naiherino-Arine. ass. Lossra-Ssssan. lv. Cosaslasare. a. Anne-1.ooisa. vi. helen-Charlotte. lLtlltEUC. EDWARD PoLLeN, of London, nserrhsant, descended out ef POLLOCE, Tnt R000sT lIoN. SOB FsoEoEls ICE, Lisaeolnslaire, 1. circa 1636, leaving issue, Edoard anti Tlsosnas, I Baronet of Ilotton, in the ens, of Middlesex, P.C., who d. 5:55,5. and Jossa POLLEN, snerclssnt, of London, and MI’. for Andsver, 6. 23 Sopt. 1788; ne. lot, 25 Moy, 1873, Frosseos, whas us. Anne, doss, of Wilitana Bernard, Esq., and relict of dam, of F. Rivers, Esq. of Spring Gardens, and by Nicholas Veealdes. Esq., and had a son and heir, JOHN t’os.r.ois,Esq., lIP for Andover, ohs so. lot, Elizabeth, 5. WILL5Aa5-hnEnEsdmN, harrialer-st-law, a maoter of tics dan. of Philip ,lorksan, of Lenden, and had a ron, t97 POL Edward, sf Nrsr Inn, us. hiss Eliz:sbelh Welsh, and dying in 1770, left, dales’ silos, a sian., Nary, in. to George i’ar— bory, Esq. and a son, lice htrv. tluoaoz POLLEN, rector of lIttle llookhasn, ancestor of lire 11ev. (iroaee-l’oLLEN BO5LEAr-POLLEN, of Little Booklsans, in Scsn’ey, and of Sin Jona-Pevea BO5LEAU, Ban. I. Jessie PoLLEN, EN. cit ,todevrr and rsrdenham, cc. hIonle, 17 April, 1706; sc. 14 dais. 1011, Ansar. laos. of Ssseassel-I’rpys Feb. ifld, left issue, I Rsrnaan-Ilrcsomsrarn, lcrrsrnl bar;. 2 Jehn—itssngerforss, fos’ssserly in lsscly orders et lice Cisosreis of England, ssewa Itoasan Collsolic, 5s. 10 Nov. 1020: so. in 1000, hiaria—Margnres, doss, of Cisarlos-Johss Lcspre— snandays, Esq., assd Isas iossse. 3 Charles-Ihsnges’ferd, rapt. rifle brigade, I. 20 Morris, 1822; dO Aug. 1047. I Louisa-Jane, 7 Laum-Ssssan, sa. in Jooo, 1040, C.-G. Wynne, Esq., and ci. 6 MorrIs, 1511. 3 Jessiro-Elleabeth. Na Malls. POLLINGTON’, VI000UNT, 060 MExaoEoudB, EABL OF. P 0 L L 0 C) K. laor (who rt. 27 jon. 1827) hod isruO5 Court of Exchequer, 1. 1 April, 1651; H. 30 March, 3at