Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 2.djvu/204

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POR FOR Ste WILLIAM BoatMaN, Dart., who m. Anne, stan. anti ro-heir I more truly Welt-hop; that is, by interpretation out of our fore- of John (Thiles. Etq. of Barton, by Elizabeth, dan. anti sole fathers’ language, a pretty wotl to the Cite of a hilt, srhereol hetsvss of Htnssphsre Wyndhans, Esq. of Wivotiseonsbe, anti was that right worslsipfssl fanuly of the Wallops, of knight’s degaee, r. by hts son, stwellissg hard by, took name.” Ssa WILLIAM i’oatisatt, Dart., made a Knight of use Bath by ALICE WALLOP, only dais, and heir of Sir Richard Wattop, CoassLEs 11. lIe at. 1st, Etizaheth. dali. and Iseip of Sir John grandson of Matthew do Wallop, living temp. King Jona, sit. Cotter, Dart.; 2nttty, Etizzt’oth. itan. sf Sir John 5’ ‘nllss,ote: Peter do Eartoss, lord of West Barton, en. Sousthampton and her anti Sully, Mary, dan. and Iseir of Sir Joills tiotntan, t,sst ha,t no grandson and heir having assumed the nanso of WALLOP, in’ issne. tly a release, he devised Orchard t’ortsnan, together with herited as other eatalss, to his c,tsssi 00 Rsessaan DC WALLOP; and was returned to parliament for the tievav SEvMofl, Ent1., seho assnnsed. on inheriting, the snr- Co. Soothaosplon in the 2mt year of Euwaan iii. He no. Aitee, noose and ansss of I’ossTssaa. tIe as. tst, Penelope. tian. af Sir dan, of Sir John ituseo, Knt. of Betchworth Castle, co. Surrey, Wittianu I Iastowttad, of )tai,tsrelt and 2ntlly, liloliora, sian. of and was o. by isis eldest son, William Fitch. Esq. of thigh halt. itarsotsinre; last dying o. 4’.. I Tn,nsas WALLOP, who as. in iho tfth of EnWARD itt., Mactiso praperiy ,tevs,loe,l, hr fssrttier iiatitatis’n, sspon Isis kinsman, I garet Wellington, anti was o. by his son, WIlLIAM RasiseLar, Esq. of i’ytlo, gs’eaf-granttson (throngh Jona WALLOP, MB. for Satlsbnry, toosp. Ihaav IV. Ho so. isis nsotlsrr) of Sir John t’arsnsan, the Oils i,aronot, and through F Avice, dan. of John Buck, assd had a son, his father, greai-grandoon of Sir ittwarst Itorketey, Knt., yosmgest Thomas, who us. Margaret, dais. and heir of Nscoatas son of Sir henry Berkeley. Kiss, of Brulon. Mr. Berkeley as- VaLoywas, Lord of Fancy and Clydesdoss, co. Sonthassspton samed limo naisso of t’oaoasaw only. Ito tm. Anne, dais, of Sir and left, ‘rith three yonnger sans, at Isis decease, in else E,iward Soynsossr, of Berry t’asnerey, and left a son and successor, j lifetime of liii father, hlraav-WsLLsAas-lir000Lay l’oavasAw. Esq., of Orchard Port- Joow, successor to his grandfather. sssan and ttsssnsloo, who s,s. Anne, dan. of WllBam Fitch, Esg.; John Waltop ‘t. in else lOris of Ilmissa VI., and wet z. by his and dying in 1761, ss’aa o. by his son, grandson, tdeNRv.W5LL5AM PossTssAw, Esq. of Orchard Portsnan nnd F JOHN WALLOP, who inherited the estates of else VALOYNES Bryanston, a’tso so. Amse, dan. of Wsttinm Wyntihasn, Esq. of I through hit mother, anti made ihe manor-lionse of Fm’tey hit Dinton, and Isad tttmi. elsief residence, as it was of lats descendants, untO destroyed by tteaaaRaRaELaa, a;. in 1793, Lucy-Elizabeth, dan. of CharIot, fire in the year 1667. It was rebuilt in I 7a;t, byJohn, let Earl of 8th Lord Ilormer; assd 1. in 1Sf 4, leavsng a dan., Chartittlo- Portsmosslh. Tisis John Waltop was ohes’iff of Itse co.SonthLucy, 05. to Jalsn. Otis East Pauletl. Enwsssn-REaEELaE, successor La bin father. amplon in Ihe 33rd of tsmsay VI. and in the let of EDwaaen IV,, Assno-Mary. F in the 12th year of which latter monarch he repreoented the Henrietta, as. in ISif, to L.-G.-I). Treganwell, Keg. of Cran- ea. of Sontha,n;tlon in parliament. lie was a. by his son, borne, who ii. in 1322. Bsrnen WALLOP, Eoq., wteo ia. Elizabeth, dan. and co-heir at Wyndlaans. I 1tansttan, of Olti Stake, co. of Southampton; but having no The 2nd son and nseceasar, issue, was e. by hit brother, EDwARD-BEaOELEY BOaTMAN, Eag. of Bryaneton and of Ssa Itoaaav WALLOP, Ksst.; at wlsoso doeoaee e. p., the estates Orchard Porlsnan, b. in 1771; as. iso, 25 Aug. 1798, Lucy, dan. I dovotvod upon (Ilse oldest san of hit brother Stephen, by a dan. of t’.so ilev. Tisomas Wisitby, of Croesveil OmIt, Staffordebis’o, and I of ttngls Ashley, Esq. of Winsbarne, St. Cites) Ins nephew, by her lwho ii. in 1312) had isme, Ssa Ja,sw W’ALLaP, Ent., an ensinent military and diplamatia ED,vAan-BcaaeLay, Isis heir. personage in the retgn of HENna VIII., who was inotatiod a llenry-Wtlham-Ilerkeley, S.d May, 1891; aim 1832, Harriet knight of the Carter in 1944. Sir Jahn at. twieo, bnt having Emily. 2nd dan. of T.-L.-Napier Siam. Keg., and has issue. no iasoo, his estates passed at hit decease, in the 5th year of Wyndlsana-llerkctey, caps. U.N.. 5. 4 ,inno, ifti; as. in 1828, EnwAon Vt., to his brother, Sansh. dan. sf Tlaosoas Tisornisilt, Etg. of Riddlleewoeth, in Norfolk, aad has issue. , Sso OasvEa WALLOP, Knt., so created for his gallant conduct 23 Jan. 1811; at. 24 Aug. 1840, Fs’anees-Aasno, eldest dan. of Bridget, dais, of Bigot af Beeehanspton, Bucks, by wham ho Fitzharttinge-Psoriseley, in holy orders, canon of Wetla; 5. at the groat battle of Olnssethorongh, in 1547. Ho to. 1st, the Rev. SE-N. Darnoll, roctar of Stantattie, en. Darhasn, and had three tons and a dan., Base, who to. Walter Lambert, Rig. has issue. his tan, I’hitsis-Nevihle, 0. 7 .prsl, 1800. Sir Oliver at. 2ndly, Anne, dan. of Robert ilartmn, Eag. of Lncy-Olahotla, so. 2fJIav, 1o24, to O.-Digby Wingheld, Esq. Haryanne, sit. 14 April, 13.31, to she hats’ George Ttr,snnmmand, Athollsampstan, in Tlorsetshiee, and widosv of Thomas TreganRig. e STRATnALLAN, V.) ; and 4. 1 01cc. 1842. jeetl, Esq., and had twa other tans and two dans. Ito was o. at hlarriat-O,llss, it. iss 1827, to W.—Slratford Dugdate, Keg. of F hit sleceaso by his eldest soIl, Illyth Otalt, and Oleeevstlo, en. Warwick. Ssa ilevat WALLOP, Ent., vice-Ireasnres’ and treasurer-ofMr. Porinsan a’. 2ndly, in 1310, Mary, etdost dan. of Sir Edn’ard war in Ireland in the reign of Qnecn ELizABETH. This genuloHulso, Bart. of Itreansoro tianse, Wilts. Ott st at Ronse, to man was eonstitntod by laer sssajetty, in 1382 (in eassjnnetion Jan. 1543, anti was a, by bin eldest son, EDwARD-BERKELEy with Lord Grey, of Witton, and Adam Loftue, Archbishop of PoaTasArs, now Loan Pttavaiaa. Dubtits, and lord-chancellor), lard-jnehico of Ireland. Upon Sir (‘s’ealitts—27 Jan. 1537. Ar’ot.s—Or, a fienr-do-hhs, az. frost— Henry’s return to England, he had the honoar of entertaining A laihot eeiant. or. St’jspnrtsss—Deater, a tavage, wreathed Queen ELszaoaTn, aria hoOh, for tome days, with her court, abaat tlso hsstad asad waiti witis ivy, in hats deater Itased a dolt, at Farley Wallop. This gentlosssass obtaissed considerable resting on the stsosslder, ppr. siusistes’, a taibot, or. illisite— estates in Ireland, and, asnossgst tailsers, the cattle, manor, and A clean Israel anti a cheerful stirs;. Seo;s—Bryantion Rouse, abbey of Enniseortlay. He sO. 11 April, 1333, and Ihe imleerip— near Ltandfor,l ; anti Orchard i’artman, near Tasssston. Town lion to his nmomos’y in St. Patrick’s Cttnroh, Ossbhin, records Hrs;’oe—o, Pnisane’s Gate. that, during hut government in Ireland, tIme wart of Desmond terminated, anti that the head of thssst nobtensan was sent into F 0 II T s M 0 U T II England. Sir honey was a. by his oldest ann (by Catherine, dan. of Richard Oilfond, Keg.), PORTSMOUTH, E5tnL OF (laaai.Newton Wallop), Ssa tirway WALLOP, KnL, who no. Ellzabeth, only dan. mad Vtaoount Lynsingtstn, and Bacon Wallop, of Forley heir of Betters Corber, Rag. of STanton Corbot, by whom ho Wallop, en. Sonthamptnn ; 1. 11 Jan. 1825 ; i. as acquired Cue nsanor and noble teat of Bed Castle, and divers 5th earl, at tlee sleeeaae sf lets father, 9 Jan. 1854; other hardships and manors in SHop, and had one eon and five oa. 15 Felt. 1855, Lady Eveljne Herbert, sitter of the dane. tIes sl.5 Nov. 1024, and a-ass, by his ton, Earl of Carnarvnn, and has mono, ROBERT WALLOP, Esq., SIP. for ttse on. of Southampton, and eubeegisently for Andover. This gentleman taking an active I. NEWTON, Vsscestal fly logIest, b. 10 Jan. 1836. part against CHARLES I,, v’ae nanmed one of the unhappy 11. John-Pethswrs, 8.27 Dee. 1330, usonaroh;’e jndgee, and besot as such in Oho Painted Chamber, mis. Oilver-tlenry, S. 13 Jan. hod. hot did not sign the warrant for the king’s eaecnhion. At the iv. Rottert-Oarmrd-Vsehognes, Is. 0 July, 1804. RE5T0aATION, time itarhhassaent excepted him from receiving any a. Another eon, 5. 12 tlch. 1837. heneet fromn his estate, Ac.; and being bronght fo the bar of e. Callserino-Otenrielta. ss. Eeohine-Camtlla, the house, he was eentencod to be degraded of hi, gentility, III. Rtssamond.Ahieta. cv. Dseathca.hteeter.Rtnotl, drawn sspon a sledge to, and under the gallows of, Tybnm, v. Owendelen—Margoret. with a hailer round his nook, and to he imprisoned for life, which eentenee was putt in force, 30 Jan 1062. He ci, in the IL(llragc. Tower of London, 16 Nov. 1667, and was a. iae his ettatee by his Title family oat settled at Wallols, on, I tants, at a period ante- some (by Anne, dais. of Ilonry Wriombosley, Earl of tSoutleanspton), cedont ttt the Conquest; and it si thai noticed by Camiten t [Irsay WALLOP, Esg., SiP, for Wlsits’hurch in the first par- “Time Test hsavmng takon into it a litmle nver from Wallop, or liamant of CHARLEs II., a’ho so. Borolhy, youmngeet dan. and 906