Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 2.djvu/212

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PRE ltdiiibnrgls Castle, and President Forbes, of Cnlloden, by Johnatone, Req. of the Annandsie family, one of the secretaries his inilnenee with the highland clans thattoek no part in the rebellion, saved the crown far the 1-1 ow-eu! Hanover. General Preston paid oil’ siicumbraneea on the estate of VII. Sic Ronenv, 0. 3 Jan. 0757, s. to the title as nearert Valley-Said, and thns aoqnire.. the right to entail the heir male general of the 6th barenet, a character which was property (which he duly execute-I) in favour if the heirs male and female, of his brother, Sir NVillilsLn, and his nephew, Sir Ge irge. 5. Anne. a. 1st, ti Otipbant, of Gaak nal Sadly, to ,lames Raoeert, 0th baronet. Ray, of t’itl’anr. and hail in_no by bath marriages. is. Mary, is. 6 21ev. 0652, to John. 5th lIar’ in Coin_lie, an— Hoxoy-Li NOSAY, presentharonet. etcher of the present Lord Colville, if Cab’ass. The eldest son, 11. Sic WILLiAM, ci. Anne, dan. of Sir James Loinsden, VIII. Sic ROBERT, a cal. in the army, who en. in 1026, of lnnergellv, and dying 1102-ri, lied an onty son Goasisne, an,l ‘in only thai, Mari,ai, wh,i was his tM Ivie i,f sb lie— bert Anstrother, if llalkaakio, ioievsli’r of tIle present Sir Ilalph .tnstrntlier, Part. Sir William ii. hetween 1702 snd fSealiow—31 March, 1637. 2702, and was e. by his oan, flI. SinGei’coe, who is. 1701, Agnes(seclebratedbeauty), Arise (notregtetercd in the Lynn olfiro)—Arg., threeuninines’ dan. of 0’,itriok lilnirhosil, L’eq. of itashyhill; and dytng in C,-,’et—Ont if a dneal coronet, an unicorn’s head, 1741, was s. liy his eldest son, IV. Sic GEORGe. This grntleman so. Anne, dan. of’ .hl1elfo—Presto nt prirstein. William, Lord Coehrant, of Ochiltree, and granddan. (matero Seal—Lntton, Linoolnshtre. sHy) of Alexander, Sail Earl of Rine:srdtne, by his rife, Veronica Van Arson Van Senisnelsdysk, dan. of Corneille, Lord of Sammelsdyek and Spyke, in itahland. By Aunt bit wife, Sir George had issue, s. Patrick, who predeeessed his father, leaving, by Catherise his wife, dase. and ca-heir of Capt. John SItuates, ef F’ornton, two dane., 1 Axe, Lady Baird Pi’estan, of ValleyfitId and Ferntnwo, widow of the late Gen. Sir tlavith Ilaird; d. without issue 20 May, 1847. 2 Cathorine’Campbell, o. at her sister’s death to Valleyfield I . ‘.‘i . ti. 4 Nnv. 1846, Atnolia, yonngeatdan. and Cahaies, and 0. ‘aim. 0 April, iaSl. is. Alexander, also 0. lief,ire his father, leaving no issue. xis. CHAaLES, successor to his father. iv. George, left at his death, 1707, a dau., Anise, svha was “(. to Sir John flay, Part., and inhertteih l’rtston and Valleyfeld 1. IIrIRY-JACOO, b. 10 Sept. 0011. V. ROBERT. I. Nary, en. 16 Ang. 1744, to Robert Wellwoed, Esq. of mm. William-Thomas, ii. 1800. Garvoch, advocate, and hail (with another son, Axnarw, iii. tboarge-Rdward, t. 14 Joint, 1861. and a dan, Elizabeth, in. tm the Ron. Allan )iaecnachtc, of I. Emnily-Carahno. Sleadowbank, Lord of Sesoimin), ROBERT WeLLwoon, Req. of Garvoeb, Ii. 1747, who had two dane., of wham the yorger, Mary, is. Lanrenco v. Elizabeth-Sophie. John-on, Req. of Sands, anil hail a son, John Johnston, Req. of Sands. Mr. Rm,bortWellw,o,il’o cider dan., Isabella, ci. Robert Clarke, Req. of Cemrie Caotlo, en. This family was tally settled at Boeston St. Lawrence, Perth, and had a son, Aansew-CLABKeW0LLW000, Req. of Cemrie Castle, in the hundred (if Tnnstead, en. Norfolk. It came originally who iii. Jane, dan. and heir of Sir J. Wardlaw, St. from the village of Preston, in the hundred of Baborgh, xi. Agnes. Sir George was s. 1770, by hie 3rd, bnt eldest surviving son, reign of RnwAnn ill. Jacob Proetcn, of Old Bnrkonbam, was V. Sia CHARLES. This, echo was a military tho 4th son of Wm. Preston, of Preston, and his wife, Deco, cHeer, ebtahied great renoevu by his gallant defence of dame, of Mr. Whip1do, of Dicklobuegh. Jacob Preston 0. in Pert St John against the Ainortean genoral, Montgomery, lOuD, end is interred at Old Buokeohem. In 1640, Sir Henry and which he only snrvondered at the last extremity. Sir Hobart conveyed the nianor of Boeoton, with the advoweon, Charles was a eonaniissioner of the Cnitoms, and SIP, for to Thosnasino, the wiilow of Jacob Preston : and their non, Itirkaldy lie 0. 01 Msrob, 1800, and was a. by his brother, Jacob Preston, tenet into p0000soion in 1601. Ho was an 1’]. Sic Roneror, 8. 21 April, 1740, who ‘is. Eticabeth, dan. ardent loyalist being ama attached and favourite servant of of George Broevn, Req. of Stockton, but had no iesne. Red. CItAIILES I ; and one of the fonr gontlenson appointed to 7 Slay. 1834. Ge the death of the 6th baronet, the whele male descendants enent. CnnnLcs, as a last ts’ibute of affection, prosonied of Sir George, the patentee, having heeoine him, cvhen on the scaffold, evith an emerald ring, which is extinct, the title devolved in terms of the original diplonea still preserved at Ileeston Hail. Re ‘a. Frances dan. of Sir on his nearest collateral heir male general, being the Is:iao Appleton, of ‘uValdingfield, in Snifolk, and Hokenlaam descendant, in the male line, of his younger brether, hionao. in Norfolk. Their son, Isaac, eves knighted at Ruiliert, already necnttoned. This ItosreT, sen of Sir John, Lord Preston, of the eanrt of bane ever since oonilnnod to resido at Boeston Hall. Sic Section, en Isabella Bnndao, of the Armetston fancily; and JACOB P000Toti, who now possesses the Beeston proporty, Sadly, Margaret, dan. of Alvxandvr ldsthwell, of Gleneross is a descendant of a female branch of the i’hmhly. and bad six eons, J,,hn, Rm,l,rrt, Alexander, Charles, W’mLLose, Hr.aey IleLTole, Esq. of Andover, Hants, ilrsf csmnnseionoraf and George, all of avlnnn 0. wtthent teens, except both, oldest dan. of Isaac Preston, Req., of Boesten St. Robert evhoeo s-ne all 0. young and Real.) and William. Lawrence; and dying in 1505, loft issne, Lord I’rcet-os 0. in October, 1674. ilts sin, WiLLiAM, oh Gotten, wan a major in the army. lIe m. x. ToseoAe, 1st baronet. Nary, dan. of Sir Jelen Ramsey, of Wliitehiill, and had two ii. hlesre’. of l,forols’s-Inn, banister-at-law, and recorder of sons, John and Grnenr.. John, the eldest, having succeeded icy Ileald, and had issue. to the estate of Gotten, left it, in consequence of 5mm. Filward,hi.D., rector of Gsyes’ood; 1. I ill l m. Plesesoce, the predecease of his own eldest san, William, to his fod dan. of Theories Bagge, Esq. ef Stradeolt hail, an_flied hone, and only younger eon John. svho 1. ee.o. Major William iv. Presten, d. a. p. Preston d. in the year 3733. this sos, Getiane, entered the army, and was greatly dtsilngnishod The oldest son, for the courage and skill he displayed in the ware to Gei’many. I. Tmmoaxaa Hocros-, Req., seenmed, by i’oyal licence, the He rate to the rank of genei-al, and became cal-in- snrnamc and arms of PRESTON, and was created a Baronot chief of the Sects Greys. Re en. Lncy, dcii, of James 30 Hay, 1513. Sir Thomas en. 1st, Elizabeth, dan. of George 914 PilE of state in the time of Gcaaoe II. ills only child, leg.ilhy eat ebitehod by service before the sheriff of Edt nhni-gh, 0 Nov. 1810. Ste iii. bin cousin, Euphomia, dan. of John Preston, Req. of Gorton, and had issue, Lnry-Ann, echo was en. to Toomas Beswell, Req. of Black- adder, en. Berwiek, end 0. his evidow. 13 Sept. 1618. Sir hobart d. 1047, and was e. by his older son, Mrs. Williams, widow of Major Williams, R.I.C.S., and den. of the late Charles Deane, Req. of London, which lady 0. 13 lJeo. lShi7. Sir Robert ri.s.p. 23 Oct. 1808. heads, orated, ta. within a bordnre, as. -Si’ppsrleve—Tsvo lions, gnardant. mm. llarriotte. In. yrances-Amelha. iv. Eleanor-Jane, L(Ibchhgr. Snffidk,—n-hcro its ancestors held rank as gentlemen in the wait upon that nusfortmniato monarch dnrimsg his imprison ‘IThitohahl, by WiLLmasm III., in 1603; and his descendants the customs at Boston, North America, en. Slice’ Lyon b. ho 1760 en. in 1707, Sephia, den. of the Rev. Whit- v. George, rapt. dtagsoues, 0. 5mm. PRESTON. PtgHox, Stn JACOR-HRNRY, of re Booston St. Lawroneo, oo. Norfolk; 99 b. 25 Jan. 1812; 0. his father, as 2nd baronet, 21 April, 1823; sot. Y- 1 ‘; of the late William-Willoughby t1-i’ Prescott, Eoq. of Hondon, Middleoox, amid has isene,