Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 2.djvu/214

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FRI it. Thomas Price, or Thomas ap Ithys Wynn, of Circler, in tho cc. of ltenbigh, high-sheriff of saul county in 1GM, a party to his sons narriago setttenirnt, tO .tprii, 3rd of Cnanurs 1. (lflij. his great-grandson, tloiiert Price, of fierier. [sq., one of the batons sf the Lacliequer in the reigo ot Queen A van, ii,. lute, ‘lots. anit heir of Robert Roll, of I oxtry, as the cc. of Itereford, Eoq., from wtioui descend ttoe family of Pnicr, Parts, of Foalcy. in the co. of Iloreford. sit. f’aitwattader Pri, r, clerk, 1596. is’. ttot,orf t’riue, I 7195. TIm chIco son, iVsut.taai Peter, of fierIer, cc. Plenlugh, and of Bath, cc. sv. Charles, tsaptircd at Wautage, 11Apr11, 1711, living An. Someciet, Ftq., h. io North Wales, purs’hiaorsl fcom los uncle hiohert, tait,tt catleit -‘ tlsac Ats itair I laittie, a,t,t antIs collect v. linen, of whom presently. hrvna, in tlietalhotr af’resaiit, Ii)’ steest 29 ,tuise, 1590. Ity sleed vs. William, of Chariton house, near ii’antngc, Perks, hap— 22 JoSe, 3lrst ELIe.voETsi 1291), Isis fattier oetttosl tipon him Circler, Ste., es. l)eobigti; wilt dated, 2 Oct. 1390 provost, 2 Nov. ff1. Iiy Ins wife Ion whose marriage lands in West Plannan iii ttittmt, co. (ilsiuroster, wero eooveyesl to tsrr ltttstsanst) lit had tli roe sous ansI one stan., i. Julia, of ,rlioni presently. ii. William 12961. to ‘thesis isis fatlter heqisrattiosl pitreltatod mm. Cathas’ine, to. ossfc 1795, to — hlobins, Esq. taosls in the so. sf tsentsigh, and houses in 119119. in. Thousas Il Oils:, ti wham Ins fattier beqneathod ptirehasod The Otto son, copytisslds in Nesoton or Keonithant. s_Mary, ss.sos. 159,1. Tue Rev. J,srtv t’aser, ridost son, roctor and patron of Pamhars,stgh, somnehtuse rector of Ihat place, bapt. at Wanlage, 1 Nov. 1710; en. Iterks, snatitutest thereto, 24 March, 1000, some it. 20 Nov., ansI seas hsiniesl at Farnbomongh, 20 Nov. 1779. Ole hose sf Edmuost Ilalt, in the university of (taforit, MA., ass a si. IS O’eb. 1779, Sarah. dams, and co-Oem of Richard Richardson, issinor 10 1596, whoo his father hes1steathest him the lands settled Esq. sf fsertsy, and of Sasalley, 00. Drrhy, by Slimy his svife, upon hit mother’s maraiagr , his will, dated 9 July, 1040, amsd had issue, was proved thu 0th of lretsrnary following. By Jaise, isis wife s. flaxen, of Lyminge aforesaid, M.D., rector, vicar, and (exeenlrix to Iter lsnsband, 1040), ho had four tans and one dan., s. John, who had his portion lieforn tf4f, of East Loekinge, in Ihe en. of Borka. n. William, baptized at Farnborough, 13 Sept. lf20 in 1010, Isis father hes1neathcd hins hssnse and lands at West Hannan, after isis niattier’s deooaso. lii. Ediuend (1046). iv. llartholosae,r, of wtious presently. t. Starr, baptized at Farnharangh, 1607-8; not named its her mmi. (‘unauxo b0ir), Ilarm., of whom presently. father’s wilt, 1046. Tue Rev. BxeTu000ainw t’atrn, 4th ton, rector of Pornboroisgit, mm. Catharinc, ii. 25 Juno, 1770. ho Thomas Goedlake, of Benhmanis, co. Rerkt, to sshssm his father hrqsseattieit that advo,r— sli. Sarals, so. tirorgo Evans, Esq. of Palhans, eo. Surm’ey, lint son, tsaplized at 1”arnharassght, 13 July, 1023, sl. 17, ansI sons hurled there, 21 April, 1077, ml .54: his wilt was dated 0 Stay, lIar 3rd son, 107d, and protest to the tostsssti’s registry af Saruns. ite so. Sfary, I. Sma Cunouoc Fairo, of Spring Grove, Richmond, Sunvy, dais, of Wiltians (iarsshsans, of Faristorossgh aforesaid, oerjeant Baronet, so created ‘2 Feb. 1504, representative in parliament of Pie conntittg-lionse of Cts.vmsuns II., and by lsrr istho it. 30 for lime clip of Lemsdou, cue of Itse aidomnsen, stud in 1901, Inrul Jitne, l 000, at. 52, and was hssriod at Pansboroetglt) Joe had issue, ntayem (if thsat rily I seat Si. at b’armsliomaagls, 15 Jan. 1747—9, and nine sons and one dan., m. Eartlielnmrw, ,vho st. itt ansi hurled at Farnbereugh 4 Sept. there baptized. lie 1. 19 July, 1015, and was haricd at Richusamui, 1650, aged eleven years. it. llatph, rector ef tlotlierfield Greys, cc. Oxford, to stltom af Wffliaus htugge, Esq., of Cusndnit Street, Hanover Sqnarc. By his father besineathed the a,lvowson and patronage of Farnborough. Imer (u-ho st at Spring (irovo, 12, ansI was buried at Richmond 0 Slay, 1076. t’rcscnten lilt biwther Bartholomew 29 Feb. 1515) lie had issue, to the living ef Farnberuu$hi in the year 1701 -2. its. .totta, of lletttey—sipou.Thames, cc. (tvforst, hurled at Fanborough, s. Ca veers, of stlsous prrseiiliy. 11 Nov. 1732. Will dated 7 Sept., aud proved 21 Nov. 1732. mm. s2eorge-hlnggc. 0.0 Feb. m779; rl. 7 April, 1786, bnried at sv. W’itlinai, a utinor, 1070. v. (‘hsrtei, of Eiouut’s Cssurt, cc. Oxford, citizen of tendon, prime warden of the I taberd.sshec’a t.’ainpaity, 1737. 08111 dated 24th May, 1741. From hins descend Ihto I’ssscns of’ ilIesiot’z foist, vi. i’etly, sif whom prescrity. vii. Ed” ant, haptizeil at Farriberoeigh, 14 Feb. 1070, living no. 1676. vni. bisihert, haptirest at Farnhorongh, 295.prit, 1077. ix. Barthotoine,c, rertor of Farnliaroogls, batstirest there 20 Jan. 1074-5, MA. of Stagdaleite foliage in 17(10, instituted to lite rectory of Farsslsorottgli en Ins tirottier’s presentation, 5 .tan. 1701-2; honed at Farnhoeough, 17 Nov. 1772. s. Stacy, 10)6, The flu son, Penny Peter, Etq. of The lOam, ivantage, Rcrhs, tispl. at Famhorongh, 27 lot. tom, ami was bnried there 10 Nov. l721 his scill, hated 9 .1013, 722, iras to’ovril iu the i’onrt of the lean and chapter of Wiisd,or, at Sarom. lie is. 12 Jan. 1700. Joan Sastttt, of ti’roughtisn, cc. Wilts, ansi hod six seas anit three dans., s, Jelly, or Petly-(larnam, sf The Hans, in the pariah of Wan. loge, rs. Mary, dan. otsmh re—heir of iheliarsi hiichardson Olte of Smalley, ro. I iertu-, bitt ii, a. p. ie 17117, it. harlisot, snest, of East Ctialtsur t’arts, in ta’teoastse Reels ro. Ilerks, ts.splizcil at Wontage, 11 Slarrti, 1711; stilt staled 15 April, aitsl prssved 10 11cr. 1771; 15ev,. Slartlia stan of the Itev. Servingiost Savery. AM., rector of Siarltsuauets co. Wilts, anti tsy her (svhiu stat living a ividose at Ilatta 1797; he hash two children, 1 Jtarthotoutese, of East Ctiatho,r Park, high—sheriff of co. Jierko, 1779 1, s’s-os. md was buried at St. Sepulchre’s, 9115 FRI Snow- 11th, 1 Feb. 1799, aged Of. Will dated 21 Aug. 1797, ansi proted 18 March, 1799. I Sarah, heir to her brother, 1.1759, buried at St. Sepsslohre’i, I .osiden, 29 Oct. 1010, Isuving so. Lietst.-Cotonel Thoinas-l’arterrt hardy, caL-cousin, of the York fusiliert, who it. ot Sr. Lucia, iu the West Indies, 1790, aged 77, buriesi mst Port Slot-ne, in that island, leaving isotie. in. John, of ‘yhe lIons, in the parista of ivantage, baptized at ivansage, 11 Feb. 1709, Isigh-slieriff of the eo. of Perks 1792; 11.20 N,sv. 1707, aged 82, buried at Farnberough; so. Anne Robins, who it. 12 Oct. 1717, bnried at Farnborongli, and hod issue. 1775. tired at iVantage, 21 Dee. 1720 hurled at Farubereugh, 71 Jan. 1792, aged 70; so. harp, dan. of Itenry Collins, Esq. of Itichsnsossd, co Susrrey, wlso ‘1. AOL. I 7o9, aged 00, ammil was huriesi at Faruhorongh. From usia marriage descend the Foscns of’ (‘ohs 21. Des, oio, co. Glotseestrr. Mary. in. Ehizabeias, os. John Scales, Esq. of London. Ton Buy. Jfiuepu Peter, SLA., rector, patron1 and vicar of Lyinirge, co. Kent, patron (if Pamnhoromighm, en. Plerlcs, and patron ef that parish b. IS Stay, 1740, nI. the 7th, and was buried tIme 11th Joly, 1011, at Lyaminge; as. 2 Nov. 1719, Albinia, dan. of the lIce. George Woodss’ard, 0.05., rector of East hhenilcud, cc. Perks, by Albinia, lao. of George Court- hole, of W’luhigh, co. Sussex, Esq.; 1. at W’ihheaborosigtm, near Ashhsrd, cc. Kent, 17 .tng., and was bsmnied at Lynsinge, 27 Aug. 1827, aged 7, having halo nssniorooa family. Frons this marriage derend the Pascos of Lysitirge, cc. Kent. ss. O’etty, sI. us imsfancy. Mary, sl. iii, is,. 1764. in Seteomobe Regis, cc. Perks, Lot.. ansi Isad issue. Il. 0. p. having ci. 10 03cc. 1777. hOary, dan., and at length re-heir Rsigby, cii. Wai’wirk. its. ltalph, of Sydeahiasms, co. Kent, Is. 9 Feb. 7750 l 01. 1 Sept. 1509, (‘lsarteitte-Savei’y. 2nd dan. of Liont.-Col. Thomas-Car— meret i-tardy, rsslouot—consnmandaal of Ihe York fnsiliers, by Sarals Price lilt wife; and ‘1. 1 April, 1860, having by tier (u-Iso st.2 ilri1, 1a50, and was buried at Sydenham) had, I llatph-Clsarles, of hill llssnse, Carsitatten, ro. Sisrrry, patren of Farnhorooghs, b. 20 Jsmly, 1006; as. 1 Oct. 1975, his rs,nsin, Rhra-Altaiuia, 5th dan. of Sir Charles Price, Earl., and has issue, ,Ednsnnd, h. 11 sing. 1630. Ilatplt-5.lcorge, I. 15 Jnne, 1818. Alfresl—Aiiamsts, 0. 9 Jan. 1040. Alexassslcr-Snmirke, 1. 10 Oct. 1941. Rowland, 0. is Starch, 1944. lierbem I-Shill, I. 1 1.1cc. 1949. J.ouisa-Siary. Starian- Frances. Eva. I Ge’srgr, I. -1 SepI. 1811; tI. OcI. 1811. Behest, rapt. 67th negl- Bengal N.J.; 0. ii July, 1813; ei. Itt, in I n,hia, Ellen, dams. ef — Robinson, Esq., svlmichs lady to. p. in Anm’akan: and Indly, Sophin-Cathanine, youngest sian. of b.ieul.-Cel. Robert-Leslie Anstruthier, Otis liengal tight cavalry, which lady it. in lmmdia, leaving one son, R:sl1slm—Aisstmnmhrr l’rire. Caplein Price its. srdhy, 10 Slay, 1850, his firsl-couoin, Slamniet, lad ,hau. of Sir Charles Price, of Ssniug Grove and ii. 9 Feb. 1817, having beess killed in artiois at Dnnabno, near Rangoon. 4 Francis-Lysons, of Snrbmhon hill, Kingston, Surrey; I. 17 fIre. 1019; solO Dee. 1854, Inuiss-Grorgias, Insi dan. of lisa late Chsartrs Rorlton, Esq., 41st regt., and has a slasu., Li sisisa-Clsorlolhe-Olany. I Charlotle-Stary. 2 Samlm-Aone, Os. 1829, to Sinson-Adams Beck, Esq.