Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 2.djvu/22

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M A C C-nt—A hand in armour, holding a cress-crosslct, fltch(e, The eldest, gn SiipaeIers—Two lecipsrd, ppr. Moths—Per male, Icr terrace Sesl—Woolsier Lodge. Lipimek, Ilants. 3faccnv,;on. Sin MALcoLM, of MacGregor, co. Perth. capt. ll.N.. 8. 29 Aug. 1834 oc his father, as 4th laniciot, 11 Hag. 1551 ; ci. 26 (let. 1861, Helen, univ dan. eu Hugh Seymour, 7th Earl of Antrim. and has Ie.euc, 1. ,1l:dvina-Cliarlette. It Margaret-helen. 1Liirrar. The elan Gregor or MacGregor is said to have sprung in the East india ComIc icy’s service, and was auditorgesseral from Greger, or Gregerios. Ird son of As.eia one of the Scottish kings of ths eighth century- Prone this descent 53 July, 17a5. He ci. Anne, dan. of Roderiek Maciced, of their founder, ties ecpt des-trod their original nassoe 0 Esq , by whom (who ii. ins 3838) he had an only son, Eraic,Ionw, Ilacdlpise. and they still occasionally receive the appellation of Tie don Mpiee. F,’oro a very ancient period. tisey sunsame of the family, Mac Gsseonr., by royal licence, in aplurar to hare possessed a wide tract of land on the 112th. Me ii. in the sauce year. His osaly sosi, boundary lines of Argyle and Perth slnres, around Loch Katnne and the northern cud ‘sfLoch Lomond. While army, K.C.11. and 0 C.It.;ra. 30 May, icas, Elizabeth, dan. the strong ama esoistitoted the sole title to property in of John, 4th Duke of Atholl, and by her (who a, 12 April, Scotland. the Mactircgors managed matters as well as their 18db’) bad, neighbonro. h-sing sufficiently able and willing to make their hands keep their Ian do ; but whoss territorial possessions were legally secured hy written tenures, the clan isoprud’_ntly c,iotinued to trust a the right of the sword, and Un,s pared the way for the long train of misfortunes which fell s,poil them While they pursued their elinple and retired mode of life, the great barons in their vicinity noed their court influence to obtain oharters over the old MacGregor poesessioas. acid followed up the acquisition of sneh doeumeutarv sights hy ds’iving out the tree proprietors. The Slid iregoro haicit’sahly and obstinately resisted such e,seroaebcaentc, and their braveu’y often pained them adv,sotagu s oeer their adeersaries. But the latter pal-ties had alwsys pos000sion of the regal c-u’, and seliat was sisuply self-defsoee os the part of the devoted aept, was nniforraly Sir Ryan, who was governor-general of the Windward Isles, neisrepe-sauted at court as a headstrong defiance of a. at his seat of government, 14 Jnne, 1141, and was a. by all proper rule-acid authority The natural result of the his son, whole eras, that the )laeGregors became a avild, a lawless, and a broken sept * Up to the very close of the eighteenth century, the MacGregore were legally a oa,ueless elan, in of Reas’-Adna. Sir Thonaas-Ma.sterman Hardy, Hart., (I.C.R., as far as the huoial sets against them still held a lilacs in governor of Greenwich Hospital, and had issne, the stature-book, though, practically, the law recognised the name, acid none of the renal etatcites svere e’cer en- fore ‘dThe Ilsitieh parllament fiseilly abolished all these tmc a of ancient barbarity. Aseoeo as tlue boon was eonfereo.d cii thess, the llaoldregore showed remaining tokens of si otr’iug f,’elinsr if elaoelup. Icy csekuowledging a head asi’l chief. Eight hmadred and twenty.eix I crosses, of tics name if M.sehic’egi r. o,ibscrilco.j a elei.d, adoiittieg delis Sir -bun, who avas Besst.-gevemnor of the Virgin Islands, a. Morram Esq r.f i.anriek, a(tersrards Sir John MacGregor, at Tos’tola, his seat of government, 11 May, 1851. I lart , as luea-fc,ilr descended i’f the hi osec of Cilenstrae, and tb’ pioipem and true oh’ ftaoi of Clan Alpine. Pan,icis 11cc fiocuoc joirs.d the great flicks of ,llo-ctrose in support of the regal cause, in liSt-I. with a thocieuuid or, cisid ass oak-ti-ce, eradicated, in bend sinister, ppm.; iTs fighting isi’n if 100 ‘ccciielms, acid cc’, is held in the Ic ighseet dexter canton, an anliqne down, gn. eotisiatiecc hr tt.uit ilidietrisno liorsssia-ie. lie en SI ariass points. dais, of Mae Di’nahcl of Acicleiti’iehatu,, by iohssn ice had three sins. .1 asia his heir. lassos, a siaajor isi the srmy, settled in America. Duncan, who ii. one - (if lbs elan, and of ice Irihe iuf Ciar i,lehr, was the fanio,s, si5.ll0y McGregor, isasoorialiccil by Sir W’allor Seen. 724 MA C Jouw MAC Giseooa, si. Anne, dan. ef Mae Gregor of Rors, and was s. by his son, Jeux Mac Gaeooa, alias Muanav, who amassed a very considerable fo,’tnne. This gesitlemass is said to hare prieately favoured the rebellion of 1715 ; but he was c:iuttes,o of appeai’ing publicly. asid ticcrefi,re 1(01(0 of the clan trick up arms, excepting Dugal Cier’s tribe, under the famous Rob Roy. lie ci. Catliei’hse, eldest dan. of Hugh Campbell, Esq. of Lix, by whom be had five sons; the -Ith of whom, Slranar, Esq., sei’red as a military officer, with great distissctiosa, in Ges’inany. lie seJanet, yosingest dais. of John Mae Donald, Rsq. of Ealgony, by whom he had issue, s. Jenc, Ins heir. is. Alexander, nil, of the royal Clan Alpine feueiblee, who us. 1st, Prances, dan of Major Pascal; and, Sudly, Miss Ray. By his 1st wife he left a son, M.usoo-Grst. ALEXA1inEa Macoasceow, who en. Lady Cbarlotce Sinclair, dan. of James, 12th Earl sf Cailhsseos; and ii. in 1827, lesrisssg issue. iTT. Peter, so]. lies the E. 1 Co.’s service, and adjotant-gen. of the Bengal army; killed on beard the “Lord Nelson” Last isidiaman, a. ii. iv. Robert, late lient.-eol. royal Clan Alpine feneiblee; ss. Rsn’bain, sister of Oh’ Alexander Mackesszie, Bss’t. of Fats-burn, and had issne 1 Jeanuelta-Catherisse, wife of Robert Sutherland, Esq. 2 Barbara, as. in 18db’, to Lieut.-Csl. Hort, deputy-adjutant-general in the Windward and Leeward command; and d. in 1141. The oldest son, I. JOHN Macnay, Esq., attained the rank of Bent-ce!. in Ilengal. Genes’ah Murray was created a Maronet his scseeesoom. Sir John Murray reeunced the original 11. Sin Eray-Jousi, Ic. hi Jan. 1783, major-gen. in the JOHN-ATHOLL-DANNATYNE, late baa-snot. Evan-Williana.Jobn, an officer in the seroico of Austria; 9. in 1819; a. 2-S June, 1858. James Stratballan, 9. in 1821; d. at Dominica, in lbs West Inches, 12 Jan. lidS. Francis-Alexander-Robert, E.I.C.S., 8. 1125; killed by the mntiueers ,if his regiment, near Jnbbnlpoor, 25 Sept. 1157. Ernest-Augustus, 9th It. cavalry, Hon. E. 1. C. S., b. 1825. Jane-Anna-Slaria, ci. 22 Aug. 1831. to John-Jamee-Hainillen Bnrgoyne, Esq., 93rd Highlanders, 2nd son of Sir J. J. Murgoync, Knt Lecusa-Isahella, ii. in 1931. Elizabeth-Mary-Anne, ci. in 1137, Joe. Blake, Esq. ; and a. 10 March, load. Amelia-Georgiasca. III. Iso JOHN-ATHOLL-DANNATYNe, 9. 20 Jan. 1810; who i. 14 Nov. 1135, Slary-Charlotte, youngest dan. and co-heir present baronet. ATHOLL, Mails-as civil service, 8. 22 July, 3836. Evais, I. 31 Slareb, 1144. Alpin, b. 20 .lnne, 1048. Rsnily-Lsuiisa, Cu’ 6 Aug. 1857, to William-David, Viscount Storiiiont. Slary-Elizobslb. MACDVI”F’, ViscouNT, 0CC Fii’. EnriL. 3.1 A C C R E C 0 B. Creebioi,—23 July, 1795. Ar.ui.s—Arg., a sword, isi bend, as., hilted and pommelled, I ‘reob—Alb in’s head, crowned with an antique crown, with .Siujsiiisrl,rc_Dexter. an unicorn, arg., crowned, horned, sr; sinister, a iheem. ppm., tyned, as. Muubtsiea—” As-il ehoille.” ‘‘Ecudo, bait epaim nocht.’ Srisgal me dhmeaus.” Sesuh—Eilinchip House, Daiqubidder, Pertbshire.