Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 2.djvu/242

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It I D Rosnna-TntsTnAts RseanTTs, viee-aslnssral of Oar RN., ii. in W.sLvou PssnorLL, stylod ‘ssf that ilk,” or “of Riddoll; 772, was created a Baronet in 1810. 1 loot, in Slay, 1002, assd the lattor, by his eldest sets, l{elseeea-l’liaa, slats. of Iliehard Gumbleton, Esq. ef Castle Amorsnow RsnssoLL, of lhtddell and Ilaining, its Selkirkslure, Richard, eo. Walerfard, ant s’s—heiress of tier l,rsther ilielsard lot, a dan, of Sir Jssnnea Pringle, of Gallowsbieln, and had Ci onsldet’ss, Fsq. of Glrneairn Abbey, by wissir (ss iso si. S Slay, issue, dunn (Sir), his successor; James ; aasd William of 1059) he tell issne, 1. C’onassaLLts. Isis Isrir, and present isatenet. ii. 81. Vincent -William, colonel, nI oise lone ennsnmnsl ng sten, by sehsom (with other sons)he had, Andrew, ancestor tise Oc,ds grers . in April. 1041 lleergina—2t are tierke— of tho RsnnoLLs of Jfainiag, upon wham ho settled that Icy, granddao. st l-rederiets-Angoslos. ash Earl of Berkeley, prusperty, now roprsussitest by tho ltarrbionoss Dowager anti sO. 2s1 Mardi, I s6si, having had issue, 1 05. ‘isieesit—Pilatsarstiige—t.oOiiaX. 2 Prrsla’rirk-AusgostssO-l sashwood, .3 I tcisrv—Wsisdhans I Angnssa-uleargiao. iv. W’illiaso—l lansillon, ‘1. iii India- in 1030. v. Sinupss tn-I liths, cassius. tiN., a. 14 Jane, 1050, Emma— with a grasst of lands there, to be denominatod “the tiers rnde, sasungess slats, of I lie lair W.—13 . I’igosl, Esq., antI barony and Regality of Now Iliddehi.” Hoot. 1st, Agnes, dan. sO. 11 Star,’h, load. L,plilia-Praiurrs- Ilenry, as. 15 Oct. 1020, to Augustus WALcott (Sir), Isis heir, Ness Ion, Esq.. and has isssse. to llarrirl—lisrsstbra, a. 1st, in 1544, to use late Rev. ,Ioltus Jsshn, eaptsson in the Dutch nervier. Charusoek, by unarm she has jostle’ else was as. Sndlv, ‘20 Wtlluasn (Sir), knighted by CnAnLssI. in 1041, and governor Felt. I ailS, to Edmond flawortli, Fort. of Churchdaln, Derby- store. its. Lavinin-Anno. in. Mary, as. 20 April, 1010, to Thomas Wright, Esq., M.D. Dy Ins Ond wife, Jane, dan, of Sir James Anetruther, of (‘;‘rass,s,i—lO Dee. 1027. A s’,s..s—Arg., on o chevron, iso.., baturern three rosos, gss., Ion-bed mind seeded, ppr., turo swords its nlis,vron, also sosr., ft. Sons WALTER, knighted during his father’s lifetime, m, 1aatamrlo ansl lulls, or, llsrir points crossing earls 01 tier its stshtirr Jane, dan. of William Iligg, of Aithosnie Fifeshire, by (tile deal ,-r surmonntrd isv tiso sinistrr(, aussl passing throngis a whom he had (with f’snr ether eons, asud two daus.) an ‘oreatls of laurel, gold als a chief, of lion second, a aavsst cross-n, eldest son and ouuncessor, brlsoren Isro anchors, erect, or. (‘real—Oat of a nat-al crown, or, a dexter orm, onahowed Scott, of Harden, but by her had no issue. lie so. Sndly, battled, ar. and charged, on the sleeve wills two roses, arg., the hand grastdng a scimitar, ituc ama in front of an anchor, Helen, dan. of Sir Alexander Slorrison, of Preston Grssnge, in t,rnd sisnster, sus. _3f,,lIa—l’reosl tool tel quo e slum. ,S,ostr—’llse lOins, co. Glonerster; Pseamoont, Leyes, ro. Dean, leaving issue. By his 3rd wife, Margaret, dan. of Sir Lrisrutrr. Tha’us llooac—55, Grosvenor Place, London, RID DELL. RIDDELL, Sits WALTER-BUCHANAN, of Ridrisil, co. surviving sosso, llssxburgls, Rrcorrlor suf Maislatono, and Judge of the I. WALTER (Sir), his sneressor. Whitoclsa1usd County Court 5. $ Aug. 1810 a. his so. Thomas, of Camieoten, ltoxhnrghshire. He loft issue, father, as 10th baronet, April, 1811); auo. 18 Aug. 1859, Alicia, yonisgost slusu. of the late William Ripley, Esq., TUsh. Silnd infantry. tiIlff1C. Tho family of iliduloll is of Nssrsaaasa extraction, The roll of hd:sttlo Abtsey inelsudro, as use Coxqurnoss’a followrro, Avessell, lies, et Rudoll.” Avossels asssl lis,soes tlaoroaftor figoro in Sssssttish rocorslo; the fornaer, liko the iliddollo, in Ilssxbtsrchsloirs, asast with I tsr ci srrcapondissg rassssa of 11cr- vaso ; while Thiorry, in isis Ilisloiuo ne Its Cesiqodle do IAngls I, eec poe lee No ,‘s,ss,a,ls (vol. ii., pp. -11-1-417), fsurthor opreifios Itidol’’ and hovel” anaossg the Norsnan rossqsser ssro. Thor firat of tlais family explicitly provod settled in Scotland to lbs siv.sstuo nfl Ilisusx, tho earliest high-shorlif of lloxtassrghsbire. lie is witssrss ti sine of the oldest Scotch sit ,eosuoessto, the well- kusowsa Isu4nioili,s f’ebaeipio Da etiho, in 1110, by rite great N’ urssassn es ‘lossioor of Scotland, and to sss, William, sottled at Bermuda, line extinct. other legal s-lords. Frosts 11 ervaoisuo deocosanhosl, War,vnn nr llsnnor.n, sir Rtssrt., n-Iso haul a ohartor frena Iv, Robert, minister of Lilliosheaf, m. Esther, dan. of John Dorm I. of tiso tuids of Lilioehiro and Whitunes, co. Royleorgh, The eldest son, ti h,,lsl ‘ ‘ otosut ,unsss baransuon isionsrsuns. ‘‘ This to V. Ssn WALTER, 0. lD 1747. Ho nu. Jane, don, of J, Tusrubull ssdsnitteul to tie the sddost cts-ortrr extrisut lsy a Scotch kisig ti us lair, Issvissg tress grasotod e, ‘sssrtinse between 1124 usssst Joan, no. to John Carro, of Cavero, 1151. It was legally truososinsed, owisag to its asstiqnity and frailty, ly orsier sf I sari Gray, jssetieo- grisoral of sScs,tland, I, JouR (‘Sir), Isis osuce0000r, its a higla jssstiriary ro,srt Isolil at Jedhussrgli, isa 450(1. Tbo Is. James, ml. its the Dutch service, ci. aose. 1004. lands thereby rssssvryoet were sstluseqsseostly shessosnisiated sit, Andrew, ci. sesses, the llusrssniso of itiuhsiet I asssl Wlutnsaeo,’’ its part from this iv, Thomas, of Besborengh, Berwirkobore, capt. R,0.C.N,S,, pus550050ro ; and tlso latter, ‘5 D,uoisai she Ristulell’ and no. 1767, Elimoheth, dan. of Lanohhan Staelanchlan, Esq., ‘‘W9situunco.” Fr,ssss the isrother and beir cf the above Walter, SIn AnsosITsa no Rsnas.r, or RmnnoLL, lineally descended, Qcsxxsv “no finALE, Dsaniaaua sir n’ ‘darn,” ha 1411, ,s, by Isis grando’sss, Jsxns ‘n Rtnas.r, de eoslesn,” whose son, ,Juua ‘‘ nr lunate, de eodcsu,’’ ii. about 15Sf, and was o. VI, Sso Jonn, o- in 1703. Ho os, Jane, eldost den. and by hio grands-is, 94i 11 I D who sneerodrd in 1501, and d. 1621, aged 02, Ito no. Slssoelie, anerator of the fassaily of that dreigsaation. No -so. Sndly, Violet, dau, of William Dossglas, of Pompbor. of Ailsa, through the Rrskioes of Dun ;and Stas-garrt, so. to Ru short lisutherford, of Iddoerston, I. Jnnn Ifsnnns,L, of Ri’ldoll, who. 14 Slay, 1010, during his father’s lifetime, was created a Baroussh of Fern ,Srotbn, of Sir John Murray, of Blaekbarony, bywhosaa he had issue, of Duysbsurg, near holland, Dy a Dutch lady he loft a son, Froderiak, who sd. ness., and tn-n dans, Thomas, aloe captain iss tlao Dutch service. Anstruther, he had a dan., so, to David Barclay, of Cnlleroy. The eidest son, III, SsnJossn, who os. let, in 1629, Agucs, dan. of Gideon by sehom he had, WALTER (Sir), his sssceossor; and Christian, no, Henry, eldest non of Sir Patrick Nisbet, Hart. of John Swioton, of Swioton, Sir John had a eon, William, svho d. e. p. in 1700. The eldest son, IV. Sin Was’rnss, m. IS Aps’ih, 1002, Slary, dan, of John Watt, of Rosohihl; and left (besides three dans., of whom Eleanor so, Robert Carro of Covers; and Samuob, its. John Fsus-mest, Roq.,grandfatherof Sir James Forrest, Dartjthreo by Shargarot his wife, dan. of Rev, William llnsstos’, a son, Ts’illians, of Cansiroton, who d. 1820, having had by Rumbeth his svife, dan. of John Corre, of Cavern, (with three dane ) throc sons, 1 Thomas, d. April, 1020, leaving issue by Jane his wife, dan. of Capt. W, Forrier, (beoidrs four dans.) fivr costs, William, lient.-col. RICO,; ou. Margaret, dan. of Capt. Wilkie, RICO., and has issue, Waltor, of Duolsey, Iterts, sond of (‘avers Carre, who, piursusant to his undo, Admh’nl Carre’n will, has, oma isshorilissg t’avcrs Carmo, ssoossnsnd the ossrname and arsno sf L’uos’se m. 1030, Ehicobeth Riddehl, dan of Lt,-Cssh. J.aobulan StaoLaehlass, IOtb rogt., and has one nun. Thomao-Alexasader, H.E,1.C,S., 9. 1931. Jehn-Camrc, isu Assstralia, sa, Asinhe, don, of Mr. Jnsties Stophess, and has masse, Thonaas, rapt. RICO., no. Ellen, dan. of Capt Beekott, E,l.C S.; and d. 1054, leavissg, William-Henry. Robert, RI, C’s navy, Besnbay; ud, aauo. 5839, 2 John, EI.C.C.S., Madras; d. nsem, ISIS. 1 Robert Risidehi-Carre, sf Layers, vice-admiral, RN., d. 1 March, 1000- Diddeil, of Grnnton, but left no issue, of Honedwood, and had surviving male issno, besides and ci. 1805, leaving issue (bonides fivo dons.., of wisom the last ourvieissg, Olive, ci 22 March, 1062) tn-n sons, 1 Thosnao, capt. 14th regt. ci. sooso. 2102. 2 Henry-Jameo, N.H., genenul and oelsnel 6th regL and a slisttssgnishrd Pesuissnntar officer, who si, I Slrreh, 1001. The eldest soss, eventually heiress of James Buchanan, Req. of Sunden, on.