Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 2.djvu/245

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RIV Geoase, 4th baron, who was is. 16 July, 1610, and so. 2 Feb. s. Gaeaoe, his successor. 1833, Susan-Georgians, eldest dan. of Oranville, lot Rail lit. Thomss, DCL., prebendary of Wincheeter, trite s,t. Shary, Granville, and by her (who 8. 30 April, 1866) had issue, s. George-Horace, 8.20 March, 1134; (1.20 Dec. 1850. it. Granvillo-Bockford, 5.21 July, 1838; (1.20 Aug. 1855. iii. William-Frederick, 8. 21 Oct. 1841 ci. 0 July, 1889. iv. ltzsav-Poorea, 5th baron, i. Sotan-Itarriet. is. Fanny-Georgiana, or. 56 Jan. 1861, to the Marquess of sv. James, a ccl. in the army, who fell at the siege of Barcelona, Carmssrthen. iii. Blanche-Caroline. iv. Alice-Charlotte, on 26 April, 1865, to Capt.. William 5. Margaret. Arhnfhuot, 14th hnssart, nephew of Sir Robert-Keith Sir John woe e. by his eldest son, Arbssthoot, Port., and was accidentally killed, 21 Jone, IV. Ssa Ceosea, wlso os, Dotothea, don. ef Sir W’illions 1865, by a stroke of lightning, while ascending Scholthome, one of the Bernese Alps. v. Slary-Emmo. vi. Slargaret-Grare. vu. Gertrude-Emily. viii. Constance-Elizabeth. I.ord Slivers ci. 28 April, 1866, and wot s. by his only surviving Georgo, urho to. Isabella, dan. of Philip Parker, Req. ofGresns— eon, HENRY-PEars, 5th boron, who woo 8. 7 April, 1849, ond Philadclplsi.s, ,o. ho Geergo lleker, Eaq. of Maydeld PIssee, 1, 15 Slarch, 1867, when he was e. by his none, Iloasra, 6th and present Loon RivERs. f’-eolsoa—Baron Rivers of Sndclcy Castle, 1 April, 1802. Arnso—Qnarterly, let and ltls, oo., a fcoso, chcqny, org. and Sir George Issoving thsss ste sssrvivissg sesole isesse, isis estates 02., between three hezants, for PiTT; 2nd and 2nd, per pole, lasted at isis decroso to Isle daas., and the baronetcy devolved gn. and az., on a chevron. org., between threa toartlets, or, on upon his neplsew, oogle displayed, so., for Drcaroan. c’eotc—1st, o stork, ppr., for Psvv ; 2nd, o heron’s head, V. Ssa Joan, who dying s’sos,s. in 1742, wao a. by his brother, erased. os’ holding in the till a fish, org. &ejspentcro—tsexter, a falcon, wings invertrd and belied, or; in 176S, Slartha, dan. of William Coxe, SI.D.. and sister of the sinister, an unicorn, org. .Sfolle—EqnOnt serrare mentens. .gealo—ilashmOre Lodge, Dorseeohsro; Eltham, Kent; and lie had issue, Sliotloy Hall, Essex. RIVERS. - R5VERS, Sin JA5IES-FPANCIO, Emilia-Hcnrietta, so. II Assg. 1006, Ic Sir Francis Freeing, of Chafford, Co. Kent; 5. 30 Dec. Annc-Slargarct, 8. 22 Feb. 1781. 1822; formerly an officer in Staria, sit, in 1805, to the late (ten. Sir ncnjensin Stephenson. Oo the army; 9. as 10th hart., Louisa, sss. in 1812, to Jcsclsls Story, Req. cf Bingfield, ca upon the decease of his father, 7 July, 1851; on. 1st, 12 Jan. Sir Peter st-SO July, 1790, and was his eldest toe, .— 1859, Sarah-Elicaheth, eldest dots. VII. Ssa THoMAs, wIse ci. ro,ss. 3 Feb. 1805, when the title of Mr. George C ambier, of Orange devolved upon his bretiser, Street, Canterbury, which lady ci. ‘lhl. Sin Jauee, an dicer of dragoons, who was accidensally 1865. He 1st. 2ndly, 1 Oct. 1861, Catharinc, widow of R.-D. Eastcott, Eeq. Itinragc. Ssss Jeuse flivess, EnS. of Chafford, cc. Kent, an alderman dan. of Samuel Roles, Req., by whom (who sss. 2ndly, Henry- and ‘lord-mayor of London in the reign of Etszasssnrn, sss. William Cobb, Esq. of Salisbury) he had issue, Elizabeth, dan. of Sir Geerge Barnes, Knt., lord mayor of s. Henry, doctored. Landon, and was o. by his eldest son, Gsa Grosac RsvEss, Knt. of Chafford, SIP., who sa. Frances, us. Cecss., late of the 19th foot. dan. and re-heir of William Bower, Esq. of Sussex, and had v. Henry-Choodos. issne, Joust, his successor. George, of Hadlow, in Kent, so. and had issue. William, ef London, a’. and had june. Alice, sa. to Sir George Conrtlscrpe, Knt, of Wyleigh-inTicehnrst, is. Chorlotle-Augnsts, as. 18 Nov. 1840, Col. Arthur-Henry cc. Sussex, and si. in Slay, 1622. Elizabeth, 555. te Nicholas Howe, Esq. of Slnswell huh, on. Middlesex. Sir George was s. by his eldest son, 1. Joan RIVERS, Esq. of Chaffard, who was created a baronet, 19 July, 1621. Sir John Os. Dorothy, don.ond cs-heir of vi. Slartha-Lmtitis, decemed. Thosnm Potter, Eoq. of Well Street, in Westerhasn, Kent, and vss. Kollsarioe, as. 25 Aug. 1852, to George-Alfred-Miss had issne, 1. James, who so. Charity, dan. of Sir John Shirley, Rat. ef Sir Henry, who was rector of Martyr Worthy, cc. Hanls, si. Igfield, Sussex, and ci. aid jorttcio, in 1611, leaving, wills 7 Joly, 1851. other issue, twa sans, I Tuoosas, successor to his grandfather. 2 Joust, who s’. as 3rd baronet. no. John, dsp. iii. George, who so. Stiss Barrington, and ci. t. is. iv. Notch, who as. SIrs. Calpepper, and ol.o.p. 5. Elizabeth, ns. to John Eoker, Eoq. is. Dorothy, so. ta William Newton, Esq. zsi. Cecilia, ca to Sir itobert Gaodwyn, Knt. Sir John was a. by Isis grandson, 11. Ssa Tnoosos; who si tones, in 1657, when the title devolved .SIollo—Secns rivos aquornm. sspen his brother, 115. Ssa Joust. This gentleman os. Anne, dan. of Sir Thomas Hewitt, Part. of Pishiabnry, eo. Hertford, by whom he had issue, RIV Ii. John, ci. s. don, of Richard hlolbmke, Esq. of the Isle of Right, and si S Sept. 1731, leaving issne, I Jenss, who o. as 5th baronet 2 PaYER, who a. as 6th baronet. 3 Janses. 1 Anne, ci. young. and ci. e. p. Is. Alone. Beversham, Knt. of Holbrooke hall, in Suffolk, osso of tlse asoslers of Chancery, and had issue to obtain snalarity, bridge, inst ‘I. before Ins fnttser o. p. Thss’csshs’o, s . to Tisosoos tioodoll, Esq. of istslcc Street, St. ,Iosn rot. Snoocx. Jletorietto-SIas’iss,s,s. to .Tcocphs Welsh, Fos;. Slssrgaret, so. to John Grssomtsrsslgc, Esq, of Ttsntseidge. Vi. TOE Rev. Ssa PETER, prebendary of Winelsester, who ;,s. Rev. William Ccxc, rector of licmcrton, co. Wilts, astd pmben— dsry of Salisbury, author of several histerical weeks, by oslsom Tssosa.s,s, his successor. JAasae, successor to his Isrother. W’illiam, who ci. 10 April, 1794. Hassay, late baronet. Mary, ci. 11 Slay, 1087. Bore., secretary to list general poet-dice, and si leaving issue, 19 Dec. t812. Covan, and ci. 10S2. killed by the disrhss’ge of isis fowling-piece, 27 Sept., in tie same year that he inherited the title, and the baronetcy devolved upon his brother, 17k. Tue REV. Ssa HENRY, who -sos. 2 Slay, 1012, Charlotte, is. Jsaies-Fa.srscis, present baronet. iv. Charles-Robert. vs. Edward, ‘1. 5042. s. Haniet, no. 20 Oct. 1947, Lieot.-Ceh. Laurence PleydellBoaverie, late 70th highlondcrs, 2nd son of she lIon, and Rev. Feederic Pleydehl-Bonreric, and nephew of the Earl of Eadnor. Froching, n.E., grandson of Sir F. Freeing, liart iii. Slania-Eleanora. iv. Lonisa-Emilia. v. Ensihia-Losoiss, s;s. 6th Sept. toss, to lilojor-Gen. Robert Lewth,, late Sods negimeni. Wall, Esq. of Wortlsy Fork, Slants. viii. Jane-Eodncy, deceased. Cs’ecshioss—19 July, 1621. As-see—Az., two bars, dnncettS, on; in chief, tlsree bezonts; quartering, as an ongmentation, az. on a fcsee, engr., between three swans, org., a bar, go., charged with as ns;sosy roses, of she second. Crcsl—Ou a meant, yen, a ball, passant. org., ceilaresh, ringed, lined, and armed, or. (Us’ssislcsl isi 1583.) Sestt—Chafford, Kent. 947 3r2