Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 2.djvu/251

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1100- I Sarah-Anne. 2 Augusta-Maria. 2 Frances-Jane, rn 16 Oct. 1661, to l3aldwin-Jobu-Pol- Eeq., ssaval officer at Gibraltar, assd lsa,i (besides two dasss. exfsn Bastord, Esq. of Kisley, Dovonshiro. viii. William-Powell, 0. 1 July. 1794; so. 26 Oct. 1824, Joluc-LersAx, 6th hart. £hzabeth, dan. of the late Thomas tirowne, Esq., and FsrnEaIcse-Lsss.sN, late hart. has had, I William-powell. 0. 20 Sept. 1525; in. 11 Sept. 1856, William-Cooper, niajee-gen. in the ar’sy; t,,. 31 March, 1-033, Diana-Hotharn, 2nd data. of Sir J.-W. Lubbock, tart., and 8. 19 Juno, 1866, having had issue, Harley, 8. 20 Nov. 1858; Jane; Diana-Caroline; Anne-Eltza; and Augsssta. 1 Anne-thea. 2 Caroline-Georgians. cx. John, 0.26 March, 1756; if. 4 Jan. 1828. s. Anne-Jane, rn. 22 Jan. 1824, to Edm,snd-Pellexfon Bastard, Esq. of Kitley, Dovon; and 8. 25 April, 1823. His lordship 8. 2 Jan. 1882, and was o. by his oldest son, GEORGE, 3rd baron, DCL., 0. 17 June, 1782; as. 27 10 Dee. 1847, and seas s. by Ins brother, Feb. 1815, Charlotte-Georgiana, 2nd dau. of Sir C’harlosGould VII. SIR FREDERICK LEarns, b. 11 Feb. 1782;ss. 12 April, Morgan, tart., of Tredegar, Os. Monmonth, and 1810, Sophia, den. of Lient.-Cel. Ch,arles-Rueoell Oleare, ‘ftlso d. s. p. 21 Juno, 1842, when tlso hnnonrs devolved upon Bengal artillery, (who was killed iss setiers iii 1751), and h,ssl, his brother, TRoasao-JASIES, 4th baron, 0.12 Apr11, 1761. He if. ness, J000-CnAsLes, I. 10 AlosI, 1818. 20 Oct. 1845, and was e. by his next brother, TUE REV. SI’EROER, 5th baron, in holy orders, 0. 10 Henry, bent-eel R.A., 8. 2 Jan. 1821. May, 1765; who 6. e,aia. 15 May, 1846, when be was s. by leetlierine. Easily, 1. 22 Sept. l?37. his nephew, ROSERT DENNETr, 0th baron, who wao 8. 21 Stay, 1828, Sophie. and so. 3 Aug. 1858, Sarah, 2nd dau. of the late John Sir Fredcriek-Lcnaan iS. 13 Bee. 1831, and was a. by Lie Singleton, Esq., and had issue, Gnoaso-Bss0005-HAR0.Ev-DrNwnvT, present peer. 3tosEsT-IVI5.LIA5I-HENaT, 8. 11 Aug. 1858. Patience-Annie. ills lordship 8. 18 Aug. 1864, and was a. by his elder son, gorged with a dnrsl coronet, os, betn’een two 5,rassel,es of lanrel, GE0005-BRIDOE5-HAR5.Ev-DEN51ETT, 7th and present BARON vert. Jfsllo—Nos nestraqne Des,. ,°‘,,st—tSlaehf,’rd, ley-hlridge, BonzeEy. dtvaliusac—Barcnel, 22 Jan. 1764. Baron, 18 Jene, 1782. Arms—Or, three eagles, displayed, wins wings inverted, pnrp. Crest—On a dsieal eoronel, or, an eagle, wings displayed and inverted, peep. Supporters—Two eagles, wings inverted, purp., beaked and membered, or, sorb sustaining witls the interior class- a banner of St. George, else stares ppr., enfihed each wilh a naval coronet, geld. .llfelle—Non gonersnt aqollw eolombss. .Seaf—Berrisglon, Leoasinsler, Ilerefordebire. ROGERS. Roogns, SIR FREDERIC, of sVio- A - dome, Co. Devon; 8. 31 Jan. 1811 - iso. 29 Sept. 1847, Goorgiana-Mary, dau. of Andrew Colvilo, Eoq., of ROKRBV, BARON (Sir Henry Moistagsm, K.C.B.), of Oohultroe and Craigilowor, NB. Armagh, in the peerage of Ireland, and a Baronet of Sir Frederic a. Isis father, as 8th England; hieut.-gesi. in the army, ool. 77th foot, hart., 13 Dec. 1851. He was one of commanded a division of the British army in the the Colonial Laud and Emigration Crimea; 8.2 Feb. 1798; iii. 18 Deo. 18213, Magdalen, Commissionors, and was appointed, eldest dan. of the late Liesst.-Col. Thomas Huxley, May 1860, Under Seoretary of State foe’ the Colonies. and widow of Frederick Croft, Eeq., and by her - !LtllcEgc. This family was eriginsby of the cc. of Essex, and is s. Edmsmd, 8.4 May, 1835; d. 3 April, 0852. lineally descended from the Rev. Vincent Rogers, minister m. ltary, so. 29 Nov. 1335, Jehss, ttars1eess of Wissehesher, ansi of Stratford-Ic-bow, rn. 1586, who wss sen of the Rev. J,,bn is. Itaniet, sss. 19 April, 1-833, Lienel-Seymomsr-Wllliasn Dawssn-Dasuer, Rogers, prebendsry of St. Paul’s, who translated the Bible, under the name of Thomas Matthew, and was the first sss. Stagdalen, so. 16 Sept. 1036, to the lIen, and Very Rev. sufferer in the reign of MARy TunoR. The direct descendant of this Vincent Rogers, I. Jona RoGERs, having aequieed a considerable fortune Hie lordalsip s. lila hrother, as 6th baron, 7 April. as a merchant at Plymouth. and represented that borough 1847. in parliament, was created a Baronet, 21 Feb. 1688. Sir John served the office of sheriff of Devonshiro in 1706. He sa. Mary, dan. of William-Spencer Vincent, Esq., alderman of The eslste cf Rekeby, in tise Nonils Biding of the cc. o’f Veek, London, and was e. at his decease, in 1710, by his only son, seas ‘snsehased iii 1610, isy II. SIR Jonu, SeP. fer, and recorder of Plymonth, who 1V5LLIASI ltovsxsna, Psq., a nseeeslsant 5sf I.endon, fresn Sir sa. Mary, dan. of Sir Robert Henley, of The Grasige, cc. ‘l’lssnsas 1505mb3’, c-hess progsnilors Isasl resisl,ssl tisore fro,n the Senthasnpton, and was s. in 17434 by his eldeet son, III. SsR Jonx, M.P. for Plymouth, and ccl. of the South Devon militia; who Is. Hannah, dsu. of Thomas Trefessis, Thomas, of Gray’s Ian, barrisler-at-law, sebs exchanged site Eeq., bslt dying e. p., was a. by his brother, 1V. SIR FREnERICR, recorder of Plymouth, and oemmissloller long robe for Ilse broad ssrord an fise ssrealsing Gist ,,f llse of the dockyard there: rn. 1st, Misc Cooper, of 5sselt, Req. of Kirkby Fleeliscas, aad loSs, Norfolk, by whom he had one son; and Sssdly, Catherine, elan, of Thomas Vincent, Esq., and widow of Vice-Admiral Dnrrell. Sir Frederick ii. in 1772, and was a. by his son, V. Ssa FREDERICK-LE5eAN, SIP, for, and recorder of Plymsoth. This gentleman sse. Jassc, dau. ef John Lillferap, 953 11.0 K u-ho 5. children), Robert-henley, rear-adss. tIN., 8. Aug. 1783; ,5. 3 Jan. 1057. Careline, dcii. of the late W. tsridges, Req. of Laverstsek, and if. 0 Nor. 1857. - Stary, so. to Liens-Cd. Templer; sod ‘7. in ]88l. Cstherisse, ,l. moo. 27 Aug. 1830. Jane. Anne, iS. oem. in 1823. Louisa, ‘5. us 5. In 1838. Itarriet, s. let, in 1810, Ic the tier. Itiebard Strode, s,f Meanhans Park; and 2msdly, in 1830, to Liens-lien. Sir Clmrles Phillips, of Lysdhnret. She is. 0 .pril, 1547. Sir Frederick d. in 1731, and was a. by his eldest ecu, VI. Sin JOUR-LEaIAN, b. 18 dlirih, 1708, who is. -scsi. Fnsnss,c, present bars. Edward, in holy orders, 8.5 Sept. 1819. Slarian, s. 1042, to the Iton. and 31ev. II. Leggc, vicar ci 1.ewishaes, Kent. eldeot semi, t-’eenrnso, tho present hors. C,e,’Sseam—21 Feb. 1008. Ar,ee—Arg., a chevron, got., between three reebsselse, eourant, ca. altireit and gergeil wish dscal coronets, es. C,’est—On a ms,ens, vert, s roebuck, eensans, ppr., Devonshire. J’e,ce Hoses—IS, lIadner I’bee, hyde Park. 110 K E B Y. çwho d. at Nice, 7 Deo. 1568) has had, iS. 5 Sept. 1868. Esq. Gerald IVellesley, dean of Windsor. sv. Elizabeth. LLllcagc. Cesiqnest. lIe is. Slssry, dau. of Tlssmas llall, Req. of Tisoenton, eo. Vosk, by whom he had, neil war, and is-as slain near Leeds, c-ben a roland in she service of she parliasneni. lie si’. Frances, dan. ef Leonard WILLIAM, successor to Isis prssnslfsrher. Loonard (Sir), ehansl,orlain of tise city of 5,sn’ssn s. his 1606. leaving by isis c-ifs Iseborah, das. of Sir Janseo Collet, lInt., an only sos, - Tnossse, wIse sO. in 1700, Ieas-sssg asi only eels,