Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 2.djvu/254

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II 0 M of Goorge-Angustue-Franeis, 2nd Marquess of Hastings, and has CHARLES, 6. 23 Oct ] 2114 ; Reginald- Hastings, b. 19 Dee. 1505; and a dan., ft 9 Feb. iSIS. H. John, in holy er’lcrs, rector of Banns Seagrave, Northansptonshire ;e. 21 June, 1226, Penelope - Jane, yonngoot dan, of the lIce. W.—Whelcr home, inennal,cnt of St. Mary Magdalene, St. Leonard’s-rn-Sea; and has a son, 6. :0 April, 1505 and a elsie. IlL. llenrs!, licut. rifle brigade, ft. 20 Jlareli, 1013. s. llargaret. ii. Ilarriett, is. 24 Sept. lef:l, to 3lajor-Gen. henryCharles Fletcher, of Koiewanl, Kent. ill. Mary. iv. Acetic. His lordehips. his father, as 3rd earl, 29 STarch, 1845. kinciigc. This family derives its surname from the towel of 3lar- chain, in Norf,,Ik, in which county it held a high station so far back as the beginning of the 12th centina’. Joint Macsane, of Stratton, if. 1313, leaving three lode, TnoMas, aaaeootor of the Mansnaees qJ’St,scileo Sloceleac. Ills lordship ,l. 14 Nov. 1793, and was r. by his 2nd, hut JoaN, mayor of Norwich in 1510. Jan cs The 3rd son, Jasire JlaasseaM served the office of sheriff of Norwich had the honour eif entertaiisieig his esaajesty Gconna III, in 1539. SIts youngest son, TibetAn MARSHACe, Eeq., was ace alderman of the city of all the llentish yeoleeaeery, amousntieag to nearly 6000 men, London, and if. he 16 21, leaving six soles acid four daus. lee his lordship’s park. He ci. 30 Aug. 0776, Lady Fraceeca of whom the 2nd son, Jonas Jlacoaaae, Esq. of Whom’s Plaec, of Caxton, Kont, (with another date., who if. an infant), wos one of the six clerks of tiae Court of Chancery, tea the Cnxgtes, 2nd earl. e’eign of CHARLEs I, (in whose cause he suffered severely), Frances ot. 17 Aug. 3505, to Sir John-Boehaesan Riddell, and again after the hiestorotien, when he received the liscriet, if. seam. 15 Sspt. 1028. honour of kieighthood, acid was created a Baronet, 12 Aug. Amelia-Charlotte, 4. snim. 2 Jan. 1503. 160 3. Sir John diotingsnshed himself in the repteblie of Lord Rainney was advanced to tIcs digeeitine of Viacsurb letters, and pnbliohed several historical evorks, for svhich ,ilcicokie’s acid Easee. op ltosezscv, 22 Jrnec, 1591, mad nnininated he obt.sined froro Father Sinson, the appellation of ‘ Tt° g:’eol Misrrha,o qf Eoglomt.” lie to. Elizabelh, dan. of Sir Ills east, William Hammond, of St. Alban’s Conre, Kent, by whom CIsaRLee, Snd earl, 8. 22 Nov. 1773 ; so. let, 9 Sept. 3906, he had two soses, Jonse, his sneeossor. Robert, of Bushy Hall, es. Hertford, from whom the laen (who ci. 9 Sept. 1512), had issue, preeent peer dsrivea. Sir Johes if. 26 May, 1691, and was s. by his eldeot son, SiR JOHN, a stodions and learned person, who engaged Frances, mc. 2 Aug. 1831, to lfajor-Gen. Edward-Charles himself npon a History of England, in svhich he made considerable progreos. Tic ne. lot, Anne Danvers, who 1. Nary, ee.3 May, 1856, to lleeary Tlaare, Esq. of Staplehnrot without isone, 1672 ; and ‘andly, Ileoter, elan, of Sir John Sayer, Kst., by whone he had an only Rica, Ins mleeesoor, Sea JOHN ; at whose decease, estee., and in nafuorily, 13 May, 1696, the baroiectry reverted to hio uncle, Sea RonenT, Rest. of Bnshy Hall, co. Hertferd, Olin of the six clerks of the Conrt of Chancery. This gentleman (who if. 23 Dec. 1947) be had a eon, iii. 3lae’garet, dan. aced heir of Theeoao Bosvile, Seq. of Robert, 8. 15 Nov. 1534. Little Motte, Ehesford, cia. Kent, and had mode, three soies This lordship ci. 29 March, 1845, and was e. by his nesly nor, mid foor dane. Sir tiohert represented 3laidstone in several parhamento, and dying 25 July, 1703, was e. by his eldest Ilac presceit peer. son, Sin itOBERT, lIP., who was elevatcd to the pcemge, Crcaiiasa—Baronct, 32 Aug. 3663. Baron, 29 Jnno, 1736. 21 Jinie, 1716, by the title of Bo,’sa Rsueiey s.f flea’aey, Ken, Ac., 22 June, 3001. Aa-ote—Arg.,a lion, paseant. iea ca. Kent, acid eonotitntod governor of Dover Castle. his hand, gn., between two hecedlets, az. Creel—A lion’s head, lordship it). Elizabeth, don. and co-heir of Adnairal Sir Cloudenley Shovel, Knt., and was 0. iii 1721 lay his elder Melts—Noes sthi, ned patnias. Scat—Mete Park, Maidsiocee, snrviviisg soes, - Roecav, 2nd baron, P.B.S. and LL.D., 1. in Aug. 1712. Mis herdsisip se. in 1741, Pe-iscilla, dan. and heir of Charles Pyns, Faq. of the ielusd ef St. Chriotepher, by whom he had (svith five dasas., of whom Charlotte, me. John taker, Eoq.), three eons, i. liobert-Pyna, if. rico in hf-]. ci. Coantes, his successor, cci. Jacob, 19.10, conan 1 Windsor, prebendarv cf B’ ‘chester and Wells; 0.19 Fr),. l709;n’. 2 lone, 1794, Anaeia1”rasacru only don. an,l lcer of Joseph Bullock, Req. of t’aver,Srld, Bucks, sn’l by her (who if. 30 March, 10:6) lad issue, I Robert Bullock - ilarshana, P. C.h. of Caverrfleld Wardeis of 31 anton College. (ixf,,rd ; 0. 17 lucite, i 755 m. 27 March, 1021, .leosees, Lady .tnst,’eether, dace. of the late Gen, flavil Dawar, ‘f tiiloton lI’aeoe, Fifoshire aced Isas hail isolec, - ClearleoJao,1,, 0 IS Jane. 1022. Robeit-hlenry, 5. 3 Sept. 1031. Clondesloy-firwar, in holy niders. 5. 30 Jan. 1KS. Mary-Anolis-Frainces, if. 5 Oct. 186i. Jessie- Elizabeth. - Charles, iii Its1 orl lers, vicar “f Stoke Lyne and C.avcrefield; Baron I’rilcerooe and Dabs say, in ties peerage of 8. 2 June, 17871 if. SlAng. Ito:, 956 110S 3 Ileeny-Shovol, adnairal RN. 8. 29 Jaie. 1784; is. in 1935, llarhe, eldest dau. c’S WaIler Jeeees, Esq. of Ilaylo Plaec, Kent, which lady if. 2119cc. 3961. 4 Jacob-Joseph, MA., vicar oi Shorne, Kent, 8. f Feb. 1501. 5 George-Frederick, in holy orders, 11.A., rector of Allington, Kent, 0. 2 Jneee, 1506; is. 4 June, 3833, ldirabeth-3laria, daei. of Waiter Jones, l2eq. of Hayle Place, Kent, acid if. 25 Jan. 1852, leaving by her (who if, 20 April, 1849), George, 5. 10 April, 1842. Cthenine-Rlicabotli, to. 53 Jan. 1960, to the Rev. W.U. Tonnlsy, of Beanpre Hell, Norfolk. Marcia Klicaboth-llaria. Frances-Penelope. l2iieabeth-lsabella-,Sophia. 1 hlaerriet, if. 2 Feb. 184:1. 2 Loeeisa-Chanlotte, to. 1815, to Capt.William Style, RN.; shed. 23 Oct. 1960. 3 F’ronces-Lney, ci. 20 Feb. 1966. 4 Emily-Khmer, ii. to Col. Sh’ Charles-Fitzroy-U. Maclean, Dart., oneS if. 12 April, 1 035. S ilartanne. The lIon, and 11ev. Dr. Jacob Macsham if. in Jan. 1140. el,loot snrviving son, Coantcs, 3rd baron, 0. 29 Sept. 17-14. This nobleman 1 .ug. 179:’, at his seat tea Keiat, when the kng reviewed Wyndlasni, dan. of Charles, Eec-i of Kgncesaent, and harl Hart., who et he 1039 : she if. 30 Jane, 1000, aged 09. lord.-licnt of the eo. Kent. hIs if. 1 March, 1211. Sepleia, dan. and sale heir of Willians-liorten Pitt, Eoq. of Kingsloei Hanse, cia. Doi’set (see liivnns, SIARON), and by Coannas, present peer. Soplihs, ci. 17 April, 1537, t,a Pstem-Rtehard iiloane, Req. of Clayton hail, Lancashire, and if. 4 Juno, 1862. Fletcher, of Keowsrd, Kent. Pant, Kent, who if. 16 April, tIfO. Cleao’lotte, ate. 20 April, 1033, to the Rev. George-William Corker, ineambant of Penny Stratford, Bucks. Rio lordship su.. Sadly, hi Feb. 1532, the lion. lImo. Choleatesaeleloy, date, of Johei, 2nd Viscount Sydeaey, by whom erased, gn. Sejqss’fca’o—Two liens, ae., aemlo of crosscroosists, or, esoh gorged with a saavsl coronet, of the last. Kent. i’eu’a its aaas—40, Green Stroct, Grenvenor Square. 110 S E B E 11 Y. Ilosgsoninv, E_CBL oa- (Sir Ai’ehibald-Plnlip Primrose), V iscouest lT000laeny, Tiaccaicnt Iisvee’keitlnng, Scotland; Earois Rosoliery, oC RoaeLes-y. on. Ethic