Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 2.djvu/261

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U 0 W L E 7. ROWLEY, Sin CHAIiLE8-BOEERT, of 1862) had no isesse ; he it. 18 Slarch, 1817. Tendriug Hall, co. Suffolk; formerly &rocstioa—19 June, 1786. a capt. in the army; is, 5 May, 1800; Arsss—Arg, isIs a bend, cngrailed, between two Csrnish a. his brother as 4th baronet, 18 clsnoghs, sa., three casallopa, of the field, March, 1857; as. 14 Sept. 1830, Hon. Cs’rsf—A mullet, pIerced, or. Maria- Louisa Vannock-, only dan. of .Ofaffc—Vssstia secundis, Joshua, 2nd Lord Huntingfield, and &at—Tendring Stall, Suffolk. has had issue, 1. WiIllam-Arccdecknc, 0. 30 Dec. 1836, ci. 28 Jan. 1853. II. J0515,JA-THIS5.LUS55N, 0. 3 Feb. 1818. in. Harland, 5, 30 Oct. 1040; ci. 27 Aug. 1884. iv. Charles-Robert, 0. 28 Dcc. 1845. s. Frances-Charlotte, ci. 30 Sept. 1833. cc. Emma-Jane. in. Lucy-Mary, ci. 20 Jan. 1857. sv.Arethusa-Slariamme, n. 11 Slay, 1859, to William Bcsstan, eldest sen of William Long, Esq. of hurts Hall, Saxmnudlmm. V. Harrist-Georgiana, ci. 25 April, 1857. vs. Blonche-Slary. vii. Susan-Henrietta. viss. Charlotte-Louisa, is. 10 Aug. 1007, to the lion. F... 0.-P. Littleton, eldest son of Lord hlathortou. Ix. Edith-Sophie. x. Elmer-Caroline, ci. Aug. 1853. xi. Katharine. ILtIlragc. ‘rho surname of Rowley is formed of the Saxon words, 7801 ; a. Isis father, as 2nd baronet, 13 Oct. 1845 flew, eweot, aod Leg, a field. Saa WsLLsav ROWLEY, KB., admiral of the fleet, a very Eeolyn, Eoq. of Wooton, Surroy, said by her (who d. distinguished naval commander from the year 1716 to 1740, in 1834) has had, so. Arabolla, dan. and heir of George Dawson, Esq., captain a. Css.oaLrs-Evrrvw, capt. RN.; 0. in 1824; Ia. 11 Slay, in the army, and had issue, i. Thomas, ci. nasa. Is. JoannA, of whom presently. sic. Clotworthy, barrtster-at-law, H.P. for Downpatrick: is. Aibert-Kvelyn, of tlsc grenadier-guards, killed in the so. Letitia, dan. of Sasnuel Campbell, Esq. of Bath; and 1802, loaoingissus by her (who ci. in 1778), 1 William, Cosamiosioner of the Cnstosas, and reoerder of KinesIs, in Ireland; ci. naos. in 1815. 2 Josss.a (Sir), admiral RN., O.C.R.,, &c., ii. Louisa-Philadelphia-Evelyn, ci. esissss. created a Baronet, 2 Nov. 1812; hut ci. eats. 10 Jan. Sir Charles as.. 2ndly, 5 Aps-il, 1843, Peroline, only 1042, when the dignity expired. 3 Samuel-Campbell, roar-admiral of the White, so. Mary, child of Monsieur Marcowitz. dan. of — Thompson, Fsq of White Park, cc. Formsnagh; and 2udly, in 1838, Slary, only dan. of Edmund Groom, Esq. of Newtown, co. Kilkcnny. 4 John, LL.l)., prebend ary of Christ Church, Dublin, I, Ssa CusaLro RowLeY, adnairal cf the White, G.C.B., sss. Catherine, 2nd dau. of Joseph Clarke, Faq. of Nilburn 0CM., K,SI,T., 0. 10 Dcc. 1770, 4th son of Sir Jeahoa Priory, Sliddlesex, and ci. leaving issue, Jooiao, Rowley, Part. fseo prececiiag arC etc) was created a Baronet, hinnt. RN. ; William ; Soplsia os. to William Lees, Fsq., 22 Feb. 1836; ss.. 7 Dcc. 1597, Elizabeth, dau. of Sir Richard son of T.-O. Lees, Esq. of Bloomfield-Slerrion, Dublin; King, Hart., and by her (who ci. in 1838) bad, Kate, Os. to Charles-henry James, Eoq.; and Mary. I Mary, so. to Charles Vigogns, Esq. of Wicklow. Iv. William, major-gen. in the army; ci. ssasa. i. Arahclla, so. let, to Captain Martin, RN. and lndhy, to ci. btcsrtea, licuh. RN.; it, in 1822. Celonel 0. Gibba, of Ilorkeoloy Park, Suffolk, Sir William ci. in 1768, and his second cnn, JonnuA ROWLEY, Faq., rear-admiral of the white, was created, for his distinguished services, a Baronet, 10 June, 1786. Sic Joshuasa. 18 April, 1752, Sarah, dau. and heir of Bartholomew Burton, Faq., and had issue, Wcs.a.cass, his successor. Usrtholsnsew-Samvoel, vice-admiral of the Blue; ta. Sirs. Wade; and ci. commander-in-chief at Jamaisa, 7 Oct. 1811. iv. giclsard-Fccelnas, captain RN.; so. 12 July, 1828, JuliaElinal,stls, Joshua, in holy orders; so. Slary, dau, of lbcnry Soorficld, Eeq., and had leans. CssAaLss, ereatod a Baronet in 1030. Philadsiphia, so. to Sir Charles Cotton, Part. Sarah, m. to William Martin, Eaq. of Hemmingston Hall, Suffolk; and ci. 21 Dec. 1841. Arabella, sss. to Peter Godfrey, Rsq. of Old Hall, Suffolk. Sir Joshua ci, 58 Feb. 1730, assd was shy his eldest son, II. Ssa WsLLsAas, 0. 10 Feb. 1701 ; so. in 1785, SnnassnahEdith, dan. of Admiral Sir Robert Ilarland, Dart., and by her (who ci. 21 Jan. 2810) had, Wilhiam-Bars-Sngton-Harland, who so. in 1029, MarIanne, dan. of J. Hart, Eoq.; but ci. t. p. Josuus-Rsnsce’rTs, third baronet. Roaeacc-CHARLEa, present baronet. Sarah-Marianne, so. in 1018, to the late Sir George Bash- x. Ehicaboils-S5Ph55., so. 1 July, 1018, lo Pctcr-Langfovd wood, Fart, Snaan-Arabeila, os. 2 21OV. 1820, to Colonel Mercer, and ci. n. Louisa, 555. in Aug. 1824, to Thomas-Robert, 10th Earl of in 1862. Emma-Letilia, Georgiana, so. in 1041, to John Blagrave, Faq. of Cabot. Charlotte-Philadelphia, ci. 7 Feb. 1828. Jane, widow of Chae. Calvort, Esq. of Oakley Court, Surrey. ,drsas—Arg. on a bond engr. between two Cos’nssh ehougha Sh’ Wifliam ci. 20 Oat. 1832, and was s. by his son, III. Ssso JcsuuA-RcrKErTa, vice-adm. RN., so, 10 Aug. FossRsus&$, Hanover Terrace, Regent’s Park. 1824, Charlotte, only dan. of John Jtoaclcy, Req. of Great 963 110 W Clcmham house, co. Suffolk, hut by her (who ci. 11 Dsc. 110 W L E Y. ,sse ROWLgT, SIR CNARLES, of Hill House, co. Berks, DL. for Norfolk, and s’otired lhout.-coh., 1. 16 Feb. cc. 1st, 31 Aug. 1822, Fa-ances, only dan. of John 1818, Grace-Anna, dau. of J.-W. Bsughton-Lcigh, Faq. of hlrownsnver Ihalt, cc. Warwick. trenches before Sehastopol, 10 Oct. 1854. s. Snlshma-Frances-Evolyn, as. to F-N, Harvey, Faq. of Over-Ross. ILiIlcztgc. a. CHARLEs, present barosset. ass. Gscrgc, nss3oc 2nd Bnsnboy cavalry; so. Emily-Isabella, don, of Lient.-Ccl. llonncr, and ci. 13 April, 1848, having had, I Goorge-Clsss’lss.Erskioe, lionS. 23rd fool, 0. 28 SopS. 1044, 1 Emilic-Elicslselh-Surton, so. 1863, to Capt. F-SF. Knight, of the Knights of Gcclmcrshom. (Sec Bcaxz’s Lscecicci Gr’slrg ) 2 Florsece-Groavsnor, ss. 10 Jams, 1861, to the Hon. Capt. J.-C.-W. Vivian. 3 Bhsnclso-C-arnlins-SlssslOy, decoased. 4 l,ouisa-Eoplsia-lsabshla. dan. of John Angcmtsin, Faq., 51.1’., of Wceling JOsh, Nsrfollc, and Woashlansls, Norfolk; and ci. 1854. leaving, I Richasd-Sroulc; 2 Chsnrlcs-John, capt. RN.; so.0 Slay 1807, Alice, dau. of She halo Gcargs-Cary Elsvss, Req.; 3 Jobn-Angerstcin, a capt. 11th foeS, 0.20 Ascg. 1034; so. 50 April, lOtO, tlsorgiana-Augnsla, widas’ of the late Sloavart Strogan, Rate, and Issa John-Richarst-Frcdcrick, o. 16 Aug. 1064, tlsorgia-Slina, and Florence; 4 Julius-Henry, in Isoly orders, rooter of tl’alesby, Lincolnshirs, as. 10 July, 1861, Julio, 4tls daa, of the 14ev. Capol Slclyneux (sec oat,’, lboLycses-x, B-oar.), and haa isscse; 5 Bcnry-Frcdericls, lisut. 70th ldighlondsra; 1 Amehia-Rhizabeth, os and has a son and a dan. - v. Rsbertltibb5rl-Barth0l0meM’, corn. RN.; 0. lOIs; as. 1845, Denna Jnoaita di Lataooa, and ci. at Slontevidee, 2 July, 1060, having had iwo sons and two daus. Brooks, of Shore Hall, co. Cheater, asd ci. in 1835. Kinnoull. Cs’cahica—22 Feb. 1810. sa,, ;hrse oscallopa of lbs field. rrcst—A nsoilct pierced, or. 3q2 it 0 W