Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 2.djvu/266

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RUT lordship in. Isabella, dan. of Robert, Lord Balfour of Burley, by whom he loft a son and threa dano., viz, 1. Itevin, his heir. i. Anise, so. Sir IV. Cunningham. ii. Elizabeth, who or. Sir Francis Rulhvon, Kot., and had issuo, I Isabella, who a. by a slisposition of David, 2nd lord, to his estates, and laconic Itaroaess Ratlsvssu. 2 Elizabeth, svhso or. muses t’iirairn, and had a son, Davis], who as. Chilies ne 11 ansitton, s,f IVtohsaso, ansi had a son, John. trilled al Bunter’s 11th, svtsss or. Elizabeth Dsstrysopte, of tireghons, and had by her four sons, nh’s si-e.g., neil a dan. Anne, who ci. William Cassuplsrll, eonu,oissi000r of tIre navy, and lord three sons. Sir John Caioplsell, K.C.T.S Sen. William Caus]sliell, 0.11. and the 11ev. Augustus Caultsliell, rector sit Liverpool ansI lien siauglstors, Elizabeth, s,s. Rev. G.-W. Onslow; and Marianna, Os. itev. A. OnsIs,ss’. 3 Anna, who sf S. P. iii. Jean, if. o. p. Lord itssttsvsn’o only son and heir, Davin, 2nd baron, a lund of the ‘treasury, d. without of Rutland, and Baron Manners, of Haddon, Co. issue in 1701, when the barony devolved upon his niece, Derby, K.G., lord-ileut. and cnatos-rotnlornm of the Trio lioN. IsABELLa Ruvnvzri, ss lot baroness,slau. of the co. of Loicoster, 5. 16 May, 1815;’ s. his father, lIou. Elizab’th Rnthven ahssvo montisned, by Sir Francis as 6th duke, 20 Jan, 1857. Rnlhsvcn. She sir. Janses Johnson, Eoq., of Gratney, a eel. in the army, who assumes] the name of RuTuvese, and dying is 1730, was s. by her sen, JAMEs, Sn] heron. This nobleman so. let, tuner, dan. of Ethale (now Etal), co. Northnmherland, descended of William Nishitt, Esq., of Dis’leton, by whom he had, Ha Rosseuv no MANNERs, Knt., who, in the 17th Enw,sun JaMes, his successor, and William, who is]. sinus. He or. hi., was returned into chancery among the principal Sndly, Anne, dau. of James, 2nd Earl of Unto, by whons persssus in the cc. Northnssberland certified to hear he had several children, of whom Mary-Elizabeth, iii. to arms by descent from their ancestors. This Sir Robert Sir Hubert Lawrie, Burt., and Janet, ns. to Wade.Toby stgnalieed himself by the defence of Norham Castle, of Cautfeilsh, Eeq., eaist. 3rd dnsgos’s-guarsls. His lordship ci. which he was goeomer in the lot year of Enwsnn Ill. 0 July, 1783, and was e. by his eldest son, JaMes, 4th baron, who Os. 15 Nov. 1776, Lady Mary- serves] in Parliament for the co. Northumberland, In the Elizabeth Leslis, dan. of David, 6th Earl of Levcn, by next yorr he obtainer] royal permission to strengthen and whim (who d. in lab) iso left issue, Jaaios, bits Isaron. W’illsclssooa, d. iii I HO. Mawe-Es.iesseva-TosoNTeN, late baroness. His lordelup if. in 1789, and was a. by his son, Jaize, 5th baron, is. 17 Oct. 1777, or. 20 tiec. 1813, Mary, a. by hto son, dan. of Walter Campbell, Esq., of Shawftsild, NB, and Sia Jones SlANNruo, Rut., who was e. by his son, ci. e.g. 27 Jssty, 1831, when the harony devolved en Ins only Sin Jonse islAsesecao, Rut., constituted sheriff of the surviving sister, Moisv,ELmz.samrruTuouwrese, Bamosoos, who was John Misldleton, Emit. ; and dying in 1438, was e, by hhs ii 0784, and sa. 13 Oct 1888, Walter ilore, Req. of Harperstown, eldest son, cii. Wexforil, site had, Wtlliaos, sss. in 1529, DeIls-Ilonoria, dau. of Lieut.-Col. Pierce the Scote. lIe os. Joane, dan. of Sir Robert Ogle, and was Lewoo, Elf., and it. in 1847, leaving, WALTEO-JAMES, present peer. CuAaLes-EnwAas-SrEwAxT, an officer in the list foot, Sic Roczsev MANNERS, sheriff of Northnmbet-land in the h. 1019. Marta-l,owen, or. 7 Jone, 1860, to rise Rev. IV. B. Solian. afterwa do. In the 3rd and 4th years of Enwisun IV., he W’ilhetssstna-Detlo-Osvcna. ItIsria-Frederica. James Rssihven, in hssly orders, ml. to 1839. Atessaaits’r—Lestic.Melvtlle. Jauses Slsspfisrd, ‘1. irs 0527. Cavenslish-BnssIsts’oet, Iieut. R.N , ci. 1854, of wsussds reeciveit 13 Oct. 1300, and dan. of Thomas, Lord Ron, to which before Sehast.ips’l. Walter, major, lion. R. 1. Co.’s service, ii. 0 2Iar. 1856. Mary- lttieabesh. Eleanor-Catherine, st. 27 STarch, 1866. Anna. Wilhs’tssina-ltssthven. Jane-Stowart, or. 1 May, 1858, te George O’Grady, Esq. ol Sits Gzouon MANNERs, who, at the decease of his mother, Pls Items stan. Georgina-Jocelyn. The ban,ncos,t. 11 Feb. 1864, and was a. by her grandson, and heir of Sir Thomas St. Ledger, Rut., by Anne WAtirnss-Jasioo, 6th and present Donors RuTnvEN. Cro’ttssss—ltll. The patent esntaintng the precise specificaion bad five eons and oix dons, tic ci. in 1513, and was a. by of stse lsesessrs sit tire house sf ltuihrems seas ussfertnnosely his eldeet eon, coesosood units tire luiasssieIs of Fenton,], 15 HarrIs, 1710 bat, 13th Lord Roe; who was installed a knight of it is isoilerstood, and so oetesl ss]isis, that the reversion was to the Garter in the 17th year of HENRY VIII., and created tire heirs ossle airs] feosole of the patootee’s bosiw. Arssa—t’aly ef six, aeg. and gil., seishhstn a Isordaro ef the last. Burl of Bsellasrsl, 18 Jnne, 1523, Thie nobleman, who errol—A rain’s beast, cooped, org., horned, or. Seppsriore—Dexter, a rain; sinister, a goat, both ppr. Mello—Deesls shore. Seot—F’reoland house, Perthshtre. RUT RUTLAND. RUTLAND, DUES OF (Sir Charles-Cecil-John Man. ners), Marquess of Granby, on. Nottingisam, Earl 3tIIhI7Ztf[t. From Sma ItonnuT no I1ANN cue, Knt., Lord of the manor In the 14th year of the same King Rowaun, Sir Robert embattle his mansion of Etbale with is wall made ef stone and hess and isa that year was commissioned, with others, to tmat with David Bruce and his adherents about a peace. Sir tiobert su. Joano, dan. and heir of Sir Henry Strother, Rnt. of Newton-Glendall; and diying in 1155, wae co. of Northnmberlamssi in 1422, who ma. Anne, dan. of Sir Sits ROBERT 11ANNER5, who, in the 28th year of Hsmmv VI., war cue of the ceuservatere of the trnce then made with father of, 33ni of Hzussv VL, and SIP, for that co. in five years was ap in sheriff of Northumberland, an office of great power tod profit prior to the reign of EnwARu IV. This Sir Robert sum. Eleanor, eldest sister and co-heir of Edmnnd, Lord ltos, of Hauslalso, Triesbut, and Belvoir, who ci. barony her ladyship eneeeoded, and to considerable possessions, which devolved ripen her husband, with Belvoie Castto, co. Lincoln, hnilt by tiobert de Todeuei, a noble Norman. The issue of this marriage were two sons and three doris. Sir Robert was a. by his elder son, in 1487, a. to the Barony of Ros, and the Baronies of Vanx, Triesbut, and Belvoir. Ohs lordship iii. Anne, dan. Plantagenot. sister of EDwARD IV., divorced at her own snit from henry Holland, Poke of Exeter, by whom he enjoyed in a high degree the favour of lIoNstx VIII., filled the meet hossorablo offices in that monarch’s reign, and obtained for his gssod oerviees a gmnt of the manor of Huoton, co. Leieeoter, port of the puesessione of the dissolved priory of Osniveoton. fIts lordohip so. twieo, hot had issue by his Sod wife, Eleanor, dan. of Sir Wiffiam Paotoo, only; of which, i. Hessuv, eldest son, inherited the bonssnrs. ii. John (Sir), the lad son, or. Dorothy, dan. and co-heir of Sir Geerge Vernon, of Nether Haddon, cc. Derby, (which Sir George ml. in the 9th EuzAsmsTn, seiscd ot 968