Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 2.djvu/278

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SAL 3 Money-David, a military officer of rank; 0. in 1762; Ss’s;sst-fe,’.’—To’e angels, svinge expanded and endorsed, ppr., to. in 1000, Mary-Christina, dan. of John Forbes, Esq. of vested in tong garments, cc. Skoliater; marshal-gonerai in site service of Fortngal; and dying in 1510, loft issue, William-John, 0. in 1801; es and has issue. Jehn-llonry-Daeid, 0. in 1803. Soskia- Maria - Jane, is. to Count lIenri-Francass Rausbelles, srka si. 1850. Margarri-Alexia. Mary-Anne. 4 1 Ingls, in holy orders; 0. in 1764; so. in 1803, Mary, Monsnonth; in holy ordere, rector of Llansvei-lt; 1’. dau. of Richard Lloyd, Req., and 1. in lSds, having 7 Feb. 1792; c. his brotleer, as 3rd Isaronet, 14 Feb. had issssc, Wiliians-Erskiac, 0.0 Jan. 1000, deceased. Mary-Wright, deceasesi. 5 Erskiise, of Woadinli, a cci. in lisa aenty ; 0. 1766; so. in I 703, Eli ealsetis, dan. of Thomas Feslses, Esq. of male line represent, the Saoraacava qf ldochsgrrdg, cc. Den- Jiallogie. and left iy her (also 1. in 3813), a sees, Wilhana, of Weadhill, 0. in 1700. 1 liargarel. Cauntess of l3urhan. 2 Itatiserine-Anne, so. to Ususcen Forbes Mitchell, Esq., prhseipahiy of Wales fee a ising series of ages, doring which it who €1. in 1796. Lord Saltonas seas .s in 1716 by his eldest eon, ALexaxons. 12th baron; wha sit. Mary, 3rd dan. of Geerge, Sin Tnoaaas Sor.usnuav, Keight-hannecet, of Lleweey, living 1st Earl of .her,lren, high-chancellor of Scotland and dying 22 June, 1497, Isasl she he000s’ of keighliaand conferred upon in 1748, seas . by bis son. ALExSxnan, 13th baron; at whase decease, ooas., in 1701, the ban ny sirrelved sspon isis broliser, Goeas,n. 11th baron; who os. 5 Jnne, 1756, helen, dan. nf Sir itoiscri Satuebscy, canlinned she hincerie line of Ltewony, John Gerdats, Req. of Kinnetiar, by sehons he left imoe, Anexoanca, isis successor. George, a captain its use army; sl. testis. 1799. hleariella. 7. ‘ne. in 1826. Mary, sL s’.a. 1880. E;eesnra, s. tel, 1780, to Sir George Ransoay, East., vito st. 1. ResenT SAI.055rax, Faq. of Cotton Hall, en. Denkigh, and 1700; an’l 2ndly, 1792, to Liessl.-Gnn. Duncan Campbell, of Llanss-crn, en. Slerenonth, 5fF. for lisa laster shire, who was sehe 8. in 1837. Otis lardahip 8. in 1752, and seas e. by his eldest san, Anexawnra, 05th baron, 0.30 July, 1707; ohs so. is 1791, Tnono-Itonenx, 2ssd baronet. Margaret, dais, of Sinsan Fraser, Fsq., of Ness Gaelic, by whom Cnnnns-Jonse, led barosel. (who ‘5. in Nov. 1851) lie isasi issue, s. Anaxoxrna-Gssana, his soccessar. as. Sisasess, 0. 31 An. 1787 ; 8. 10 Felt, toil. sic. William, b. 12 Oct. 1701; Os. 9 April, hOld, E;izabeth— Sarah-Katherine, sf. 22 April. 1500. Graham, 2ssl dan. cf D.-3i. Grant, hisq. of Aenditly, and Charlotlo-Gaeendeleis, sit. 11 Stay, 1011, to Thomas-Rates dyiog in 1813, left issue by her (sslso si. 5 Stay, 1833), I ALEXANOE5, present peer. * 2 David - 31’Dosraii, cal. HA., Knight of lice Order of Slesl)ilie, 8. 1820; os. 3 Jan. 1004, Otary-Geargiana, Sir Robert ,7. 17 Nov. 1017, and seas a. by his eldest son, doe, of Edward-Ganno lieU, Req. ef Streams- 11. Sin Tnooiaa-Roaeox, 0. IS Slay, 1703; who so. 1 Oct. toe’s, c’. Mayo, and has, Alexander-David, 8. 30 Oct. 1504; 1033, his cousin, Elizaholk-Siary, only oureiving dan. of thn David-StaeDcwatl, 0. 2 rIte. 1530: Esia’ard-Iiay. 0. 13 Oct. l’s 57; Sharia-Ftizabeth-Floranee; and Catherine-Frances- Graham. 0 Simon, E.t.C.0., 0.13 Jan. 1027; 8.5 Jssne, 1845. 4 Willians-Slssrray, capt. Itrngal staff eos’pa, 5. 6 April, 1801. widow 5, 14 Dec. 1807. 5 Jamee-Itay, eapi. bangat staff corps, 0. 21 Starch, 1833, an. 10 Aug. 1 64, Macian Stirling, Otis dan. of Jolset Cs’calosa—4 Slay, 1705. Hondas, Faq. of 27, St. Andrew’e-sqssare, Edinbssrgls, and iaas a dan. A ‘, s—Go., a lion, ransisani, ang., dacally crowned, or 1 Slary-Eieanor, 4.20 Starch, 1800. 2 Marjorie, 5. 29 Jnne, 1858. 3 Ehsabeth, s 1311cc. 1803, to Lietsl.-Col. Itanaillen Forbes, the dexter paw a crescent of the last. Eengal sloE corps, ansi has issue, l0asssiltnn - John, 5. 3861 Slary-Oens’gina ; and tdelen-Frassces. 4 Slargaret-Eleanera, s. 12 Slarch, 1903, Ia Capt. JohnArthnr Evans, of Dean llossse, Oxon, and Toddenham, Norfolk. SANUON, VISCOUNT, ace IILRR0WBY, EARL OF. 5 Eieanara-Aiexandrina, so. 1 Feb. 1059, to Ttenry-Wit;tasn Forester, Esq.. only san of the late llajor Francia P’os’ester, and nephew’ of Cecil Weld, let Lard Forester. 0 Catharhse-Tisurlasv, sit. 20 Nov. 1860, Ia Jalsn-Siowart Illenziea, Esq. of Chesihill, Perlhslsire. I. Eieanera, se. .5 Dcc. 1521, Williamn-Slacdawall Grant, Req. of Arndilly, and si. his e-idaw, 26 Sept. 1802. lbs lordship ‘I. 13 Sept. 1793, and was 1. by his eldest len, ALnxaxnna-Gnoaaa, 161k baron; 5. 22 AprU, 1780; so. C Starch, 1515, C,eehariase Tisorlaw, natural dau. of Edward, Lord Chaneel;ar Thsn’lew, sehich lady 4. a. p. 9 July, 1026. Lord .Saltenn. seho was a lirsst.-gon. in time arnsy, colonel of else 2nd thel, naflitary knight of Rossia and Aoalria, and ene of the representative peers ef Scotland, sI. Id Aug. 1003, and was e. t’y isis nephew. Csealiss;—20 June, 1110. Aensa—Qoariery: let and 4tls, an, three frasers (or cinqsscfoils), aeg., for Faasna; 2nd, gu., a lien, rampani, arg., debroieed S.trconvtr’ot, Eeote OF (.Tohn-William Mosstagto), Co. seith a ribbon, sa., Hr Annartn-cn-v; 3rd, arg., three illes, gn., for Wsoaana-. Kent, Vieoount Hicseleissbroke, anti Baron Montagn, C,eal—An ostrich, Isalding in his beak a home-shoe, alt pps’. of St. Neota, both in the co, Ilnntingdon, lord-lient. SAN JIolso—in God is all. S’sole—Fhileelh Itante, Fraees’burgh, and Ness Castle, Aberdeenshire. S A LU S B U R Y (EXTINCT.) SALUSBUET, Stse CHARLE0-JoltN, of Lianwern, co. 1835. He e(. moot. 30 March, 1868, svhen the baa-esnetey became extinct. The Satronuwes of Lion srerss descend from, and in the high, a younger branch of the ancient and knightly hanea of Sanuanstay of Lis’wessy, co. Dessbigh, Earonelo, nosy extinci, whiels Ilauriahed wilh lsiat’ss’ical esobsenca in the northern gave isirlh to branches seated at Noise, Denligh, Eaeisegraig’, ERg, Llanro’st, and asker lslaees in North Wales. him by Reseat Nil., at Ihe Rridge Feet, upon thor naonarch’s relnm, afler she hattie of Riacklseath, far his valaur against Lord Andley and Uso Cot’nisim rebels. lila eideat san, of which Thomas Satssas’ory, Esq. of Eachegs’aig, colonel in Ike arasy, was great-grandfather of Dr. Jahnsan’e eelcbratei friend, 01cc. Thrale, aftersearde SIrs. t’saaai, and v’ao aba great— grandfather of created a Raronat 1 Slay, 1795. Sir Its,bort sss. in 1700, Katherine, dan. and evenissaily heir of Charles Vanne, Req. of Lianwern, by whom (who ,s, 21 Joty, 1030) lee had isaac, Ilonry-Vanno, D.C.L., 0. 15 Nov. 1790; es. in 1027, Elinor, 2nd dan. of the late John de SRoree, Esq.; and 4. 17 Dec. 0530. llnna, Esq. of Coosriyrala, cc. Glansorgan, and s. his sekiosr 4 Fob. lrdi. (St’s timex’s LassOed Unesco.) F.hinabctk-Jane. Rev. Lynch h3nrrntsgtss, of Offley F;ace, hens; but. si. o’ithont issue, 14 Feb. 1035, sehon Ise seas e. by his brethar, the 11ev. Sin Sanuaat’av, the lid ond last baranef. Rio between three crescents, of tise last. G,oo;—A lists, rampant, cooped, arg., crowned, or, holding to ,ihlof la—Oaths oat prosiraaae lec’ni. b’s,sl—Llanseern h’tosue, isear Ness5sos-b, Slornsnulhsshire. S A N B W I C II. * This nonGeman, and his brothers and sisters sstrviving of that ohirn; is, 8 NOT. 1811 ; a. his fathes-, an 7th osnee Aug. 1053, have been granted she precedency of tise younger aans ais’h tha dane. of a baron. eas-1, 20 May, 1818; as. 6 Sept. 1838, Lady Mary 980 Paget, dan. of Henry-William, 1st Marquess of An.