Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 2.djvu/288

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SCOTT OF LYTCHET 3HNSTER. SCOTT, SIR CLAUDE-EDWARD, Sir Jehn Sinclair, of lieskford ausd 1”indlater, and thereby -. ‘if Lytchet Miostor, co. Dorset; acquired thruse estates. Sir 1’alter obtained permission 0. 15 April, 1804; oa. 31 Slay, from time Crown, in 141:,, to f”rcify his castle of Findlater, 1838, Mary, youngest dau. of c. by his cidest aon, ‘I’heophilue Russell Buekworth, Sin JAMre OolLviE, ltnc. of Deskf,,rd and Findlatcr, who Esq. of Coekley Clayhall, Norfolk, it. Ilargaret, eldest dan. of Sir iiobert Lanes, of moss and and by her (who d. 30 Dee. atcexArenen OGILVIC (sun of Sir James Ogilcie, who 5. in 1844) has issue, r Ctauoe-Eowaen, late 7th drag.-gds, 1’. 14 July, 1340; the lands of Deakford, Findlater, and Keithmorc, into one o. 22 July, 1s01, Maria-Selina, 2nd dan. of 11.-C. Burney, entire barony, to be designated by tIme name of Ogilvy. He Eoq., LL.D., of Iliohmond, and grauddan. of iii. Janet, 2nd dan. of James Alucrsieihy, 3rd Lord Saltonn, the late Admiral Scans, CE., and has issue, two daos. anet had a son, JAMes, uthom be disinherited, settling his n. Edward - Ilenry, 3. 15 Pet. 1342, ‘a. 6 June, 1564, eotates upon John Gordo,,, 2nd son of George, 4th Earl of E,ailie, yonagest dan. of late Lieot.-Col. Henry Packs, Hmttly; but after a fend and some bloodshed between the of Twyford Hall, Nerfalk. s. llertie-Chanles, t. 21 Dee. 1341. ii. Annio-Ommaney, a. 27 July, 1367, to Alfred Torrene, was or, rs-sre,,saa, to the rightful heir, Eoq., 2nd son of the late Geo. Torreno, GB., sod has JAMES Oo,evse, of Cardell, svl,o was o. by his grandson, a otin, t. 31 Oct. 1563. LtIlcaRc. I. Ctsror SCOTT, Esq. of Lytehet llhsater, cc. Dorset, an elevated to the peerage of Scotland, 4 Oct. 1616, by the eminent tanker of Weotminster, t. 11 May, 1742, was title of Borsmm Ogilsdo qf Dcstfsr.f. His lordship so let, created a Baronet, S Sept. 1121. He ci. S Sept. 1767, Agnes, eldest dais. of Rol,ert, 3rd Lord Elphinoto”o, by Martha, only child of John Eyre, Eoq. of Stepney, cc. whom be hod a da,,., Middlesex, l’y whona (who 5. 22 Feb. 1541) he loft at his Christian, ol. to Sir John F,,rbes, of Pitoligo. decease, 27 March, 1010, an only son, 11. S,a SAMUEL, t. 20 April, 1772, who a. 4 Feb. 1706, Earl of Slortoii, aimd bad by that holy, Anne, only anrriving child ‘of John Omrnaney, Esq. of Janes, his successor. llloomob,srs- Square, and had issue, Ctau-nc-Enwaon, present baronet. Sam,,el. Anna-Maria, a. lot, to Charles-Montagit Williams, Esq. of His lordship was o. at his dee-.a,so 113’ his son, l.ondon, banker; and 2ndly, a Nov. 1540, to the Rev. JAMEs, 2nd baron who was created, 20 Feb. 1615, Earl of W. -5’. Ward, Teeter oi Coopton-Vallenee, Dorectehire, son of the late Bishop of Sodor and Man. Car,,line, m. 5 Nov. 1551, to Peter Cracroft, Esq., comm. 5th Earl of Rothes, and widow of David Wemyss the RN., who uf. in 1362, second son of Col. Craeroft, of I yonnger, of Weinyos, by o-bomn he had two dana., Hackthon,, Co. Lincoln. Sir Samuel ‘I. in 1245. Crrsfisn—S Sept. 1221. A i’ouo—Pcr pale, inde,,tod arg. and pean, a saltier, countercbauiged. He to. dndly, Marion, dan. of William Cnnningham, 5th Cc-si—Out of park pales, erm., an arm, erect, vested, pr, Earl of Olenoairn, hot by her he had no child. The earl pale, indented, arg. and go., cuffed ac., holding in the hand having thus no male issue, procio’ed a renewed patent, us scroll, ppr. Beof—Lytchet 1[inster, Dorsetshire. Tow,, llou,oe_2t, Bn,to,s Street, Berkeley Square. This family descends from a yonoges son of the house of Bart ), in addition to the old family nai’tto of ‘‘Taccamstfaoc.’ ,tirlio. Ssa WALTER OoiLvIe, Rnt. of Ancblevcn, 2nd son of the Tligh-Trcasincr (of Scotland) Ogilvy, by Isabel forward, bid r of Lhutratl,e,s, wluoo,,. ll:urearot. only da,, ‘md heir of anil to make it a place ‘if strength. He ml. in 1473, and was was a. in 1510, by hio grandsiun, 1524-6, by Agnes, natoral dan. of Goorgo, 2nd Earl of .linntly), wits ebtained a charter, in 1511, for incorporating Gordons and Ogilvys, the baronies of Deskforul and Find- later were restored by an arbitration, of which Queen MARY Smo WALTeR OomLvia, l1nt. (oon of Alexander Ogilvy, by Barbara, ,lan. of Walter Ogilvy of lbs Boyne), who was lie ma. tndly, Lady Mary D,ouglas,Srd dan. of Willians, Margaret, iii. 1st, lo James Bonglas, Earl of Dncban ; and 2ndly, to Andremv, Otb L,,rd Gray. Mary, 0,. to Sir Jolni Gr,nmt, of Grant. Fiouflofer. Ills lordship 0,. lot, Elicaheth, dams. of Andrew, Eliaabe;h, to. to Sir Patrick Ogilvy, of fncbmai’tin. Anne, tm 10 William, 5th Earl ot Gloneairn, Lord-Chancellor of Scotland. rhsted lStb Oct. 1641, conferring tisotitles of Foci and C’s oofe,’o of F,od/ofc,’ smp,oa his son-inS law, Sir Fatnick Ogilvy, Rut. of Inebmartin, and tlmat gentleman’s wife, Lady Rlizahstb Ogilvy, his lormlship’s elder dan. ; and st his decease the peerage so devolved open Sin PATInCK OmLvv ANn me Tscma’, as Rail and Conntsos of Fin,llater. His lordship €1. in lilac, and was o. by his soma, JAMes, 3rd eat-I ; who a,. Anne, dan. of Hogh, 7th Earl of Eglintsnn, by whmum ho had thrco sons and awo da,mo. ; and dying in 1711, was a. by halo 2nd, hut eldest surviving son, Jas,cs, 4th earl ; a lawyer tif groat eminence at the Scottish bar, who filled snocessively tbe offices of solleito,’general and secretary-of-state for Scotlasmd, lord-chief-baron of the Exchequer, and higb-co,nmissiu’nor to thc Gosmeral Assembly of time Church. this 1’’r’lsldp had been elevated to tIme peemge luefore the doceaos ‘if too father, 25 June, 1655, lay tbo title of Visesoni Sc’45r1” aol created, 24 Jnne, i7ot, f’iaci,ssf llci’flmaors ant Eanr. or Srsnirrn, with remainder lit dofaumit of direct beirs male, t , lolra general. The earl SEAF1ELD, EABL Or (Sir John-Chamles Grant-Ogil. mo. Anise, dau,. of Sb- Wiliato Di miii tsr, Bart. of Dusrn, by vie), Viseonnt Reidhaven, and Baron Ogilvy, of Desk- svlmsm he had tl,roe sons and three dams. Title noluleman ford an,l Cnllon, in the peeragc of Scotland; Bas-mm niade a moli’om in the House of L,,rdo, 1 lone, 1715, for Stsathopey, of Stratho1mey, in the ens, of Inverness isave to bring in a bill to dissolve the Uanosm with Scotland, SCO SEA twecn three Bone’ heads, erased, go. 2nd and 3rd, gn., on a nnd Moray, i,s that of the United Kingdom ann a chevron, arg., throc nanliots, sa. T’i this may ho added Baronet; 5. 4 Sept. 1815; a, his father, as 7tls earl, another quartering, sm., er,o.,a cross patoncc, gn., for 30 Jnly, 1853 0,. 12 Asug. 1850, Caroline Stuart, Ccmlo—A liumn’s head, erased, go., tangoed. as., and sot of youngest data, of Waltor-Robo,-t, 11th Lord Blantyro, a docal coronet, a garb, between tsvo siskics. and has, by p4ont fmji the Lord-Lyon kiumg.of-arm s)_ilexter an joons, Jh,ea,,nt Rmimlkmuetmu, 3. 7 Oct. 1851. Iseraldic tiger, gomged with an antiqne criusvo; simmistcr, a His los’dsbip, who was elected a representative peer, ahsg, ppr , horned, os, collared, go., and holding ns his wae creatoni a baron of the United Kingdom 14 Aug. moumtb, a thistle, ppr. .111,1 Is—” Spe viros usmugentuir” (assumed by Scott of ftaos,o, 1858. - Co his mnulrriage with Slargaret, dan. of Sir Arcbmbald Hmupe, ILtlhCZtflt. TowaHoos,—30, Hyde Park Sqoaro. SEA F TEL D. 990