Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 2.djvu/290

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SdATolc, BArON (James Colborne), of Seaton, eo. Jfaafto—Spcret infe’tis. Devon, in the peerage of the United Kingdom, eol. Yratsalilon, Drvoo. in the army, and late military secretary to the commander of the forces in Ireland ; ii. 1815 ; s. his father. as 2nd baron, 17 April. 1803; m. 12 Feb. 1851, Charlotte, dau. and co-heir of Ulysses, last Lord Dowues, and has lay her (who ci. 26 April, 1863), I JonN-REOtKALD-UrTON. 8. 4 July, 18.54. ,s. Francis-Lienel-Lydoton, 5. 70 Jnly, 1055, tn. .James-Ulysses-Graham—P iymend, 8. 20 April, 1003. I. Alethea-Elizabeth-Catherine. Is - Florence-Cordolia-Ileorietts. sit. Henrietta-Leolie-Jane. iv. Ahec-Censtantia-ticlon, v. Charlatte-Annslte-Olaria. iLitirrtc. CMARLES CaLecaxe, Esq, of the Enolhnan’e, Lyudhnret, mizaheth, dan. of Sir Henry do _tsho, Rut, ; from which and Barnes, Surrey, graaadaen of Jehu Cofl,orne, Eoq. of marriage, the fourth ha direct doocc:t, Lymiugton, desaendaut of the Coibornes af Wythy Hill, PETER Seensotti, of Sohright Hall, living at the close of Lydford, Somerset, if. in 1747, leaving part of his preperty the 12th ccntory, held his estate by il’e petit enjeantry to his grand-nephew, SAMUEL Coceoatcr, Sag., who so. Cordelia-Anne, dan. of at the king’s charge, whenever he visited those parts.” John Garotin, Eaq. of Leragh Castle, and Baflykerren, es. From the 2s,d son of this l’etcr. Westmeath, whose aneester, Capiaan James Garstin, of MAOELL Secatonv, of llrooke’s Place, who ci. Catherine, Mraggousanwn, cc. Lonth was a descendant of Gilbert de data. and heiress ef Malph C’wpor, Esq. of Blaekehahl, Garaton, who aeltle’l at Walton, in Lancaehire, in 1211. Warwickohire, lineally descended Of this marriage there was issue, 1. Jews, late peer. e. C,,r,lelia-Aonc, isisa os. the 11ev. PitIes Songs, efAnlony, I. Enwano fironsonT, Seq. of Beeford Qaigh-ohesiff of Cornwall. ‘Ihe son, Jont. C0T.ronvr, a Peninenlar and Waterloo hero, was one Thoodzoia, dais, of Gerard Wlsorw,’ad, liioq. of Conaptots, of ht,c arost ftiofin7-nislsed soldiers of his time, He was 5. co. Sta&svi, by whnn he had, Jo5SN, his ssiecesser and Ia 1770, nd was cdacate.l at Christ’s Haspital and Win- Elizabeth, os. ti Sir J,,hsa Rcpingcou. Sir Edn-ard am. Cudly, chaster S±nol; he entered the Brilish army in 1790; he was l7hzaheth, eldest dats. of Henry, 1st Earl of Manchester, 992 SEB in Egypt in 1801, and in 1806 at the tattle of Maids; he was 1 Charleo-Twyedcn, m. 7878, Susan, 2nd den. of the late military secretary to SirJohn3ioore; eomroanded abrigade in Portugal, Spain, and Prance, in 1810, 1011,1013, and 1114, in Ihe army under the Duke of Wellington, and did essential is. Harriet-Anne, es. to Tsosoas Lister, Beg. of Armytsge service thronghant the Peninsular war. He origi natod and led the decisive movement of the 02nd light Mr. Sealed. 22 May, 1024, aged 71, and n-as z. by his cutest sees, infustry, which seemed the victory at Waterloo. He I. Ste JOtiN-HENOY SCALE, N. P. for Dartmouth, 8. in Aug. was created BacoN Scaroic, by letters-patent, dated 1782, created a Baronet, in 1028. lIe in. 1004, PauhnaEhzabctls, 14 lIes, 7070 ho was a GOld,, G.C.H., G.C.M,G. only child of the late Sir Paul Jodrzll, and by knight of the Tower and Sword of Portugal, Maria Thoresa of Austria, and St. George of Russia, field- marshal in the army, and oalonel of the 2nd life-goards. Charles-Haysse, 8. 8 Dee. 1800; us. I Dcc. 2822, Lenisa, lie was lieutenant-governor of Guernsey, lientsnant-gevernar dan. of Elehard Jennings, Eag. of P,’e-tlond Place and of Upper Canada, governor-general of Canada, oemmander of the forces in Canada, l’srd-high-cemmiosioner of the lonian Isles, and woe made a PC. and esmmandor ef Edward-Taylor, in holyordcrsi. rect,’r of Islorleigh. Devon, the forces in Ireland, which eammand ho resigned in 2860, of George Tessapler. Req. of San Ifard Orlsigh, and has and wae promoted, 70 March same year, to be a fieldmarshal; a,. 21 Jnne, 2014, Elizabeth, dan, of tbo Rev. James Yongo, of t’nehinch, co, Dcv ‘n (ice lluear’a Lauded Thamas-Fesrncs,capt. O4thrgt.; 8.27 May, 1817,5. in India. Gearge-Angustns, [tN. ; 8. 7 Fob. 1819; 5.11 Feb. 1844. Geolep for full details of the faoaily Yoaor, of I’uslinch) and Frederiek-Southeote, t. 22 Feb. 1827; -‘apt. royalartihlery; has had, ass. 24 April, 1872, harriet, 2nd dan. of J.-A. tlarrey. Eeq., t. Jaasea, presrat peer. ordnance store-kesier in Canada; it. 70 Sept. 1861, at it. Francis, colonel in the ermy, late film feat, CU,, knight of site Legion of I loa,,r. in. Edmund, educated at Exeter College. Oxford. iv. Grahae,. lId., in holy orders., rector of Ditlislsaus, DevonV. John, capt 11th foot. 5. Elizal,clh. is. Cordclto-Aneo-L’Estraoge, d. 10 Slay, 1163. iii. Jane, is. 70 Sopt. 1837, ho Alcxaodcr-G.3hntgomcry-Moere. Cceel—Oot of a cocoa-n vallery, or, a wolf’s hesd, arg., the Seq., capt. 4th light dragoons, of tlarvey Hanse, cc. ‘l’yrone. Field-Marshal Lord Seaton d. 17 April, 1863, and vvae a. by his eldest son, Jxttco, 2nd and present Lord iiostsn. SE BRIGHT. SEBEIOBT, SIB JOHN - GAGE - SAUNBEBS, of Bosford, co, Worcester, 6. in 1°arie, 20 Aug. 1813; s. his father as 9th hart., 29 Aug. 1861; ci. 27 March, 1865, Olivia- Amy-Douglas, youngest dau. of the Rt. Hon. J.-W. FitzPatrick, and has had a eon, 6. and ri. 18 April, 1867. IL mncitr. The pedigree of thia ancient fondly eomnienocs with WiLLIAM Senntonv, of Sehright Hall, eo. Eosex, who us. of kecph,g the king’s palfrey, or sad,lie-hsrse, forty days, JooN Seeniostr, Seq. of Hlarkahall, living in the reign of HENRY VI., svhooo great-gwcst-grmndsen, the ea. of Worcester in the 11th year ci King JAsses I.), was created a Baronet, 2e Dec. 111,26. Sir Edward t,m. let, SEA Admiraiplarchew. I Phasbe. a. Elizabeth-Maria, ii. to George Kekewieh, Eoq. Park, cc. Stafford. her (who d, 17 April, 1862) had, HENRY-PAUL, present baronet. 5. 21 Oct. 2812, leaving isone, Charhes-tlayns, 8. in 1813. 8.26 Dcc. 5811; a,-. 0 Doe. 1841, Amelia-A,,ne, eldest dan. issue. Robes-t-Bewick, 8. 12 Feh. 1810. Nynea Tat, l1imdayas. Eheabeth. Jane, 5. in 1844. Sir John-Henry 5. 29 Nay. 1t44. Creation—lOIS. A c,,,e—Or, two bars-nlots, ne., hctween three wclves’heads, erased, en., in the feie’c potsit a naural crown, gu. neck encircled with a wreath or oak, vcrt. .f;ats—Mount Daonc, and Norton, Devon. S E A T 0 N. (‘avails—I-i Dcc. 1032. A’see—Arg., on a ehevrost, between three bugle-hams, striegeal, cc., as many nsahlrhs, of she first on a duct emhashed, ges., pendant from a ribassd, of lime last, fimnbrtated, az. a representation of the gold crass end claspi presented to Isles in cansidcs’ation of sen tees at the battles of Carunna, Ahlasacra, Cindad I tadrigo, Nivcho, Fire, Orihes, atad Teoleuse, betas-eon twe noised crowns, or. Creel—Oat of a moral eros-n, or, a roindoor’s hoed, erg., atuired, gold, brtsaeos a branch of taoist on time dealer, and a brands of pains tom lime sinister, t’elhi lIar. F,’sussrbero—Osl Iho dexter side, a soh,thor of Her llajosts-’o 22nd or Oxfsrdshnsv) rogt. of foot, battled and aecoutsed, in usc exterior hanst a musket, all phar. ; ash an lime sfsuattr aide a Caaadia,a Itoal Indiasa, holding in hue dc-alec Isand a tomahawk, sisal lit time exiorior a spear, all liar. &sD—Lyochtatn l’ark, Colytea; anal fleeehwood Haisse, Lr