Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 2.djvu/293

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SEL .Jolsn, Lord Kennedy, but by tisot lady had no issuo. his lordship The younger 5051, 4. 3 Dee. 1744, when his own honours devolved, as stated I. Ileotur lunsTooN, Eoq., Isaving raised a corps nf a above, upon his 01(100 dan., Anris, as Countess of Itoglen, while lsuicdred mess, at bia owes expense, dsuissg the ,-ebrllin,s of those ho inherited passed to his grandnephew, DUNBAO HAsssLToN, Esq. of lialdoon (grandson of the doceased 12 Slay, 174t, ics which year he ses-ved tlsn oThee’et sheriff’ earl’s brothor, Lord Basil Hamilton, and his soifo Mary, of the en. York. tIe os. us 1741, Isabella, den, of Ralph granddaa. and heiress of Sir David Dunhar, of ilaldees) as 4th Cart, Req. of Cncken, en. Durham, assd hod iosns, Earl of Selkirk, who assumed thereupon the additional surname s. Jxaese, his sueessser. of Deoglas. Ills lordship as. in 1758, Melon, 5th dan. of else is. Henry, as. Sties llertou, and had twe dane., lIen. John Hamilton, and granddau. of Thensas, 6th Earl of Iladdington, by whom he lsad, Jelsn, Lord lJaer, S. ssesa. Danbar, cape. RN., si. coon in 1796. Alexander, rapt, in tise army, 4. asses. isa 1796. THoMAs, wise a. as Oils earl. Isabella-Margaret, st. sssssss. in 1830, helen, sss. to Sir James Hall, Part. Olary, st. sscsos. in 1778- Elioabsth, sss. to Sirdames Stontgemery, Hart, and 1. in 1814. cc. harriet. isi. Eliraheth, 4. in 1722. Katherine, sss. to John Halkett, Essi., and sI. 31 3taroh, 1e48. The earl was e. at his decease, in 1709, by the yessngest and iv. Ilargoret. v. Catharine. only surviving son, THoMAs, 5th carl, one of the repessentative lords, b. in 1771; Sir ttsnry 1. in 1761, and cr55 a. by isis eldest ecu, as. in 1807, Jean, only surviving dan. of James-Wedderburn II. Sis Jansa, who os. in 17f8, Jane, fats. of John Caygill, Celvilo, Esq. of Orhiltree, by whom iso Isad, DUNBAR-JA55E5, present earl. Isabella-Ellen, as. in Oct. 1841, to the lIen. Chas. Mope, 3rd I. Hewsv-Cascc, his successor. sass of John, 4th Earl of Hepeteun. Eatherine-Jane. os.23 Jan. l849,te Leftas Wigram, Esq., Q.C., late SIP., ann of the late Sir Robert W’igrosn, Hart. (new in. James, killed by a fall from his home, in 1801. - FitcWygram); shesi. 40 Sept. 1883. This neblesnass visited America in 1803, and formed a settlement i. Ann-France,, ci. in 183f. in Prince Edward’s Island, in the Golf of St. Lawrence; is. Isabella, tt. in 1829. but the experimentinrolved his lordship in trenhie ond expense, sac. Otarriet, 4. in 1d41. and terminated in entire disappointment. lIe sf. in 1820. S EL WIN. SEL WIN, SIR JOHN - Tnonns, of Leeds, on. York; Sir Charles ci. 9 April, 1839, and was a. Isy his elder son, is. 1789, wlsu aeqssired the Selwin estateo on his V. Cnoatr.s-}Ierssv, a majcr 5th West York nsilitia, who was brother Charles inheriting the baronetcy in 1825, 5. 24 July, 1814; and as. 21 Dec. 1847, Esten, dao. ef J.-T. and assumed, in consequence, in liets of his patronymic, Thackrah. Req., and widow of l’erceval Perleis:s, Esq., late of IBBET00N, the surname of SELWIN. He .e. Uaworth Place, Durhons, and 1. 6 July, 1861, having by her his nephnw, Sir Charles-Henry Ibbetson, as 6th hart., (whom. Irdly, 9 July, 1067, hlcnry-John Ibhetson, Esq., 3t.P.) 6 July, 1861. He ott. in 1825, leabolla, dact. of Gen. had no issue: he was a. by his uncle, Sis Joccsc-Tssoasas Seawiss, John Leveson-Gower, of Bill Hill, Berks, and by her the 6th and present baronet. (who ci. 24 Sept 1858) has had issue, s. flsccesav-Jonw teaa’rsecs, Esq.,harrieter-al-law, late H.P. As’sssa of the tsasvaess—tln., on a bend, rotserd, arg., between for South Keoex, b. 25 Se1st. 182d; es. let, 8 Jan. 1850, fred—An unicorn’s heed, erased, per feces, arg. and go-, Sarah-Elizabeth, eldest dau. and co-heir of the late charged svith three escallops, two and ens, ceunterchangsd. Lord Lyudhssrot, which lady 4. a. p. 25 June, 1SSI hem, lndty, 9 July, 1567, Edess, widow of Sir ChaalesHessry h’eol—Doe’n Oiall, hlorlow, Esesa. Itsbetsnn, the 5th hart. (He dairo.) I. Isabella-Stacy, os. 1832, to Edmund Calverley, Req. ef Ossltou Hall, Leeds, Yorkshire, end has issue, JohnS Selw’in, 8. ISIS ; 2 Horace - Walter, 5. 1962; 1 Edmond-Lrvesen, t. 1864 1 Gertrude-Mabel. is. Gertrude-Louisa-Jane, vs. 17 June, 1063, to the Rev. Edward Capnl Cure, 3t.A., Vicar of St. Peter’e-in-tlseEast, Oxen. IL titrafic. Thio family has flourished to, the Os. of York frem tisue ainceot isamomns’iat. finstar IsaETonw, Eeq. of Red flail, ccc. one of the dane. ns:d co-heirs of James Nicholseu, Esq. of West Rainteco, in Durham (her sieter, Jane, sss. Thomas, Stis Earl of Strathmere), and bed ioaue, SAesrcs., of Denlen Park, cc. Yerk, sss. Ills, Chnlmonsleley, SEMFILL, RSHONESa (Maria-Janet Sonspill), in the and tad te-e dam., vie., Alice, es. to Francis Vernon, 1st Earl ef Shitsbreeke; and Jane, os, Sir Henry Every, Dart. peerage of Scotland, cc. in 1836, Edward Candler, Ilnasv. S E M 1743, was, in cmoeideratiess thes’nef, es-eatod a baronet 1 Isabella, Os. to Cuthbsrt Eltisen, Esq. of lleplsurn. 2 Sarah, os. to John Smyth, 8kg. of tteath, cc. York, ten of tise Eight lien. John Ssnyth, and nephew of the Make efGraften. Shed, in 1812. ccc. Corr, cape. of drageene, as. Slice Fletcher, niece of Sir idesgh t’atlieer, han. iv. lOeuoitl, killed by the accidental discharge of his gun, 2 Feb. 1776, while en a sheeting party. a Isabella, cc. in 1764, to Slajor Themas-Rea Cele, 2nd sen of Stephen Csls, lag. ef Heathacu Place, lliddteeex. vi. Thomasiae, ott. te Janses Fenton, leg. of Levesal. Eeq. ef Sisaw, co. Verk (and his wife, Jane, sister ef Charles Selwyn, Esq. of Ilewn itoll, in Essex), and lead, n. CuosLas, wise iniceritod the Seiwin estates, lsnt evsntscally succeeding isis elder brether, those passed lo his younger lerotiser. sv. Joux-Tnosias, present baronet. Sir James st. 4 Sepe. 1793, and woe o. by his eldest son, Ill. Sis Horsy-Cans, lisut.-csl. of else West Yerk naililia, and high-sheriff of Yorkshire in 1803 Os. 14 Eov. in that year, Assse—Qunrtsrlys 1st and 4th, arg., a hcsman larare, get.. en- Alieia-llary, only don, of William-Fenton Scott, Esq. of Weed- signed a-ills an imperial crown, or, on a chief, ae., three mullets hail, which lady sO. his widose 12 SOoy, 1858. PIe c1.e.js. S Juno, ef the field, for; 2nd, gn., tlsres rinsiuefails, orm., for 1825, when the title devolved upess his brother, lIAasiLToNl InI, gu., a lion, ranapani, arg., wilsin a banture of IS’. Sis Cisasese, h. 26 Sept. 1779. who resumed, in 1823, his else last, charged with ten onsos of tics first, for Dusssan of paternal scsrnaose of Issnxsor, wialela lao had relinquiehrd for Cc-cal—On a etsapeao, gu., turned up, eras., a aalansander, in that of Senwir, by sign-manual, in 1817, under tics wilt of his maternal great—meele, Thomas Setwin, Esq. of Dawn hall, Essex. Sccpperlcrs—Tlce dexter, a savage, wrssthced about the temples Es so. 4 Feb. 1812, Claarlotte-Elieal,slls, eldest dan. of Thoiaaas and loins with ivy, helding with his exterior hand ss club Staughton, lag, of Rallylsorgan, en. Kerry (by Jane his wife, ever Isis sisouldor, all ppr.; sinisler, an anlelatse, org., as-med date. of Itorgon Lewis, Ess. of St. Pierre, en. Moesnouth, ansI widow of Johsa Olanhury, Esq. of Fontypnol, lIP.), and had issue, .Jfelloes—Firmior gun paratinr over the crest, Jamsis CuasLea-ldssssy, 5th baronet. Frederic - Jauses, heat. Queen’s Bays, 5. 28 April, 1022; st 31 Jan. 1831. Laura, of tienton Park, Ottey, Yorkslairo, cc. in 18-15, toll. Wyvill, leg. Orsnfiaee—l2 Stay, 1748. two fleeces, or tisree scallops nf the field. JlaIfa—S’ixi liber et usoriar. Creutissc—t Aug. 1646. .S,ctsteoa. flames, ppr. or, dscralty gorged and chained, of the last. arri Ore. ,Seal—St. lhary’s Isle, Kirkrccdbrighl. S E M PILL. Req. nf Dun Ediu, co. Edinburgh, and Morton Pinckney, no. Northampton, 4th son of the late 3s2 9,45