Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 2.djvu/295

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SET commissary-clerk of Edinburgh; sin. Eupham, dan. of Sir St. The eon of thie Bongat, Seoloer de Scton, is found a witness to Murray, of Priostfiotd, and was a. by his son, III. Sia HENaY, who so. Barbara, dan. of Sir John Wosnyos, of hio descendant, Bart. of Stogie, by whons be had four Sons and a dan. Upon Sna Cssassropnna, or CosanorArL, Sores, os,entiosaesi by tine the desniso of tho last Jansos Scion, Eoq. of Touch, without issue, iltaitiand Its, already quoted, as isavissg been made a knoigint in Sir Ifonry bocasne undoubted snub heir of Sir Alexander Solon, the daye of Sir Wtlliannn Wallace, “and styled (ferhis nnnany valiant oldest son of Aloxanden; lot Earl of Ituntly. lie si. in 1111, and deeds against tine Enghstnmcns) Ceent Cloriatali Scieon. At ttse seas s. by his one, IV. Ssu Hosax, of Culbeg, ssisn so. Margaret, dan. of Sir laker cryisng in derisionn, ‘Wino will ineip tine new—n000dc Icing 1’ Alexander Ray, of Drisnnelaion; and was father of V. Ssa ALexANDra, II.E.I.C.S., is. 4 May, 1772, who vs. 28 had loins in hands. He oss. tine sister of tins said Rinsn fleecer, May, i791, Lydia, lois dan. of tlso late Sir Cisartos-William who gave him tine dosnisle-tressure about isis coat of anas ion like Blssnl, Ban., and by isor (wise d. in 1811) mad issue, s. Mosar-Jona, 6th baronet. Is. Cssaoors-ItAv, prcsont baronet. s’s. Bruce, is. 21 June, 1799, cetanol Ii.E.i.C.S. ; sin. lot, Miss dealt,, which, when Ring Roarar heard, as iso was walking Eiphinstnns; and 2ndly, Miss Rsmna Orion, and Inas I upesn a litrbe mutt beside ti,0 town of Dennafries, after niacin sorrow Atexander-Reginnald, iiont. RE., b. 20 May, 1840, so. 18 Sept, ansi regret for line unworthy deatin of so nsble a knight, in sue 1882, Esoma-Elizabelb, oldest dan. of Augssslns-Wilhans easose mdnce where he a-as walking founded a clsapei in tsoneur of Loch, Esq., ist Bombay lancers; 2 Bmuce-Oulcam, heist. ttse Virgin Mary; ansi to mencasbrance of Itse said Sir Chrislatl, HR., 8. 7 May, 1811 ; 3 William-Bawnsan, in the Bombay fenn,ded a priest to do service tiserein pen’peluaity, oust to pray Stall Corps, is. I Sopt. 1841; 4 Chanlos-Conipten, besot. RE., fer the said Sir Clnristali, onentifying five lsonnsds yearly out of 8. 24 July, 1846; vs. 30 July, 1868, Phmhe-Rtizaboth, sian. the barony of Caeriavoreek, to pay for itso sastcntahsss, of One of H_VT. Ripley, Rsq. of Lightciufe, near Halifax ; 1 HenryJames, said pn’iest. The cloapel was coasmoosly called Cinnistall’s Chapel, is. 27 Aug. 1 b04; 1 Enssssa-Alico. iv. Jasnies, M.E.I.C,S., is. 2 Oct. 1803, a. inn India in 1834. v. Atoxandor, hElLS., is. 14 Bee. 1801; st. in India in 1831. us. as above slated, Ctsristian fin’uce, sisior of Ring floenor 1., i. Anna-Maria, d. an infant. Sir Alexander it. in India in i810, and woos, by his eldest osso, titeray, of Oollswoll, regcost of Scotiannd), left sins ensiy son, Vi. Sin tinosax-Jona, to. 4 April, 1796, a greens-in-waiting to Ssa ALEx.eanre Sores, wise was restored by Isis macbc, Ring Isor Mssjosty. tb had been a captain in usc army, and served Rearer nauco, to all the iands pssssessed by his srogenilom in in the Fcninsalar war with the 52nd regiment and tine 0th Scotland, and obtained eevenat elbor iospertani grants and dragoon-guards. lie wao accidontly killod in London, 21 July, privileges fo’osss the same monanrln. lie was osaade gevoenor of 1668, by boing sian over in the stroot: ho 1. esni vs., and sras .0. Berwiek-upon-Tweed, and has been )nslty reictaraled far Isis by his brothos’, Ssa CosAaLrs-ItAv Snxoa, the 7th ansi present siefanee ci that place against RawAaD lit., and tine whole baronet, Ceoaltsss—if63. As-se.o——Qnarteriy: 1st and 4th, or, three crescents, within a dealls befece isis eyes, causer tinan dehven tsp Isis elsarge. Sir itonbie tresssnro, csymsecrliary, go’., for Sores; 2osd and 3rd, arg., Atevander iso. Christian, dan. of Ciseync, of Strolonin, by whom three oscutcisoene, gn. Local—A Cornists clsongh on the face of a roch, ppr. A soother Crest—A boar’s head, couped. .Sssisisarlao’.o (not registered in tisa Lyan Olhics)—Twa greytoounnlo. ss. Tisoma,, tnanged before line town of Berso’ick, as above Jlstta—Haeand orarily. Another Jd’slls—Fororand aces. S E T 0 N. SET0N, SIR WILLLLOI-000TE, of Pitmedden, co. and Sir Alexander, is supposed to have died in 1347, ieavtag Aberdeen; DL. for that cc.; b. 19 Doe. 1808; as. 26 a dana., ovine e. Isim, Nov. 1834, Elina-Henriotta, 2nd dan. of the late lttaaosaar Sores, wise no. Alan do Wyntooan, who it. in the Henry Lnmodon, Feq. ‘if Ctnshnoy, co. Aberdeen, a tloly Land, anf is supposed to have tsecn a cadet of lhc Scion diroctor of the East India Company, and relict of lanutiy; Wisotan, or Wyntonn, baring loetssonged, as :ntsove stated, Captain John Wilson, E.I.C.S., and hat had isene, Is Alexasnder and Philip Seiess. Tloo issue vS fists marriage seas s. Joaras-Lunsora, capt. 102nd feet, is. 1835. so. William-Sasnnei, late lieut. Bombay B. tiglstinfantry, to. 1837. Ssa WsnnsAan Sores, who was 10th feudal Lord of Scuon, and in. henry, in holy orders, 8.1839; ot. 18 June, 1867. iv. Matthew, to. 1144. V. Ctnaries, 8. 1847. tlisrsglst tsy snasny to move heesa created a boil of sas’tisnoscut witi, s. Ehca. is Magdalene. iii. Frances. Sb’ William a. as 7th baronet, mpon tlso decease of St. Clair, of ltendnsaanstoos, anad load by Iser, his grandfather, in 1819, and wao admitted a mona- e. Joisn (Sir), a mid of parliament, o’itia Oboe title of Lord Setosa, her of tine fncnlty of Advocates in 1831. }Lriscac. From a carlaus MS. entitled The Geneatsgy ansi Htvlare of ii. Anrxaanaa (Sir), of whom presently. the llisselo’ia ins Hoosse and airsnas,se ef Sstass, rotteelski oust sell s.ttI:nrgavct, oaini to mare iii. use land Renneiiy. foen’l/s by Es’ ilk/said Mail lssosd of Lelhbnyioss, a slates’s soon of is. Marion, iii. to Sir John Ogfivie, of Lisoirathen, father of I/se said hsese (father of tine famous secretary so meanarabie ion inn. Jean, is, to John, Lord Lyle. tIne days of time unhappy Slsav, and ancestor of tine noble hoase iv. Cat tienine, sso. to fie:’nmnt ituldane, of Gleaegales. of Lauderdale), we extract the follawing particulars regardiong his 2nd son, the es’igin of this fassnity :—“ There wore fesv sisrnsansoos in Scotland Isa ArrxAsnra flares, so, in 1488, Elizabeth de Conloos, dan. (says Sir Richard) hcforei the tieno of Ring Manceras and toeiresa of Sir Adam do Gordon, i.onst of Gooalvsn tfnmliy. Casasear, except that, after the manner yet stood ins tine highlands, and fliratbobegie, Re. ; in eonaespneosce of v’lsieis uosoi’rbsge be they used their fattier’s names ouhjeincd to their own in seas styled, Sir Atexaonder vie Seloos, lionninnoss nte Oiersts:s. He tioc ferns of a patronymic. The said I/sing lltALcoLn gave to was engaged in the battle of itariaw, in ill I, asost ins else wart his nobles and gentlemen psaticolar se:’nasnses; same by reason in France in 1421. He was also eec ef the cem5055ioners of their offices, and some after the names of tine lasnds which they appeiosred to treat for Oboe release of Ring deanna 1., tlocos a possessed, and sonic for ether causes. Amongst when,, the pre— hscise000r ion Eaglsosst, and seas cute of tine Inoslagee for Iso csaoona eleceoser of thi, fancily got tine name of Scion, as tine chronicles in 1424, winen lois annual revenue was oialcsl at dOG o:osnntea. Hi, testify, by occasion of tine possession of the lands of that name, chitdren were, which na, given to tise lands by reason that the ton’s, tisemef is situate hard open the sea. “I cannot find rise proper name of him who float received tine surname; tine first wisasa proper name 0 find is called Bongai Manisctnab; lndiy, Egidia, dunn. and loetseos of Sir John Ray, Seton ; lie was son, or else soepinow, to him who fimt received the enrname, and lived in the time of Ring ALEXAaDEE 1.” 997 SET the charters of Ring Bavso I., and died about tine year 1110: field of litetloven, Ring BoaraT Bes:rr being taken captive, his tine said Cinrisioli rescued use king, nnsl beat dewn tisem who onananser as it is bon’ne by tine kissg tsissnself. At leosglln Inc was taken and carried to London, where he was most enselly pint to and oras standing undecayed in 1102.” Sir Clsnistepiner moving and relict of finatney, I fib Earl ef lion (sIne vs. lndty, Sir Andrew Rosgliols amsy, in 1333, when Ise snbsniltesi to havinsg Isis son, Thsonnas Setoo, a Ineotage in use hands of the English, lout to he load, o. Abcxaosder, who headed an arnay ion ass attessspt to oppose tine landing of Rne’aau tiaLs,os,, in Fife, neon ttinglssmn, in 11a2, aosd fell in that conflict. stated, in 1333. too. ViIhaua, droa’ned ins an attack en the Rugtish ships at ltcrsriclc, iso 1313. t. titaaeaaor, of ovinom aitera’ards. Sere’iek subseqnenuty feil, after tins battle of Mailidoon 11111; (tegetbner wills a dau., iso. to George, lefts Earl of ilunbar and Starch) one cnn, was a diatingnoiaiscd knight is, tine rcigss of Re soar III , ansh is Use title of lord Scions. He si. hialiseriose, dae. of Sir William wIno s,’. Isis cenein, Janet Dunham, dan. of George, iltls E:sn’l of Dombar aonsi Morcbn, and oven sncoslsr of tine .Seiens, Fasts of iViatnon and of Dnsnfoo’mhne, and osf tine Viscsnnts Ring— alone, all of suisicts rifles were confiscated in tine essnse of ilso Sins_arts. Jauss’s. lot Lord Ogilvy, and ansceater of fine Earls of Aonboo. I. Aroxasora (Sir), wIse s. to the Gs’rdsn properly. and was created Rear cc Huarna by RingJaasnoii. Ito so. tot, Jane, daos. of Robert de b/souls, son and heir nsf Wfittiaon, lot Ran oaf ‘l’enich aossl ‘i’ithbodie, boy wloo:o inc load a soon, os’tso o. to his nnether’o estates, and became ancestor of she Saroas of