Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 2.djvu/298

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S HA SIR JoHN Coorva, H.P., in 1556, for Whitohurch, Ilanto; who ia. Martho, dan. of Anthony Skntt, Eoq of Stanton Anthony-Theory, late SIP. ; capt. in the army; 6. 5 May, Drew, in Sonoersolobire; and dying in 1610, was s. by his only son, 1. JOHN Cooron, Esq. of Rookbonrne, co Sollthasnpton, who was created a Baronet, 4 Jnly, 1622. Sir John ,ii. lot, Anthnny-Jobn, Q.C., 5. 21 Dec. 1008; ci. 17 March, 1840, Anne, dan. and sole heiress of Sir Anthony Ashley, Knt. of Julia, eldest dan. of henry-John Couyere, Eeq. of Copt Wimborne St. Gilco, Co. Dorset, seoretary-atwar in the rcign of Qnecn ELIZABETH, by whom ho had two eons and Anthony-Francis, 5. in 1810; it. in 1823. a dan. Ho vi. lndly, Mary, relict of Sir Chance Morrison, Anthony-Lionel, B..N., 5. in Jan. 1113; if. 14 Jan. 1836. and dan. and ce-heiress of Baptiot Ilicko, Visconnt Cainpden, Carohino-Slary, oi. 1 Jan. 1231, to Joseph Neeld, Eeq. of bnt had no other ieone. He d. 21 March, 1611, and was s. Harriet-Anne, so, 18 March, 1810, to the Bight Hon. by his older son, n. Sin ANTHONY-AsHLEY COOPER, 6. 22 Jnly, 1022, One of the nioot singular and prominent statesmen of his time. Cborlotte-Barbara, so. imsi 1824, to henry I.yster, Esq. of Actively engaged in pnblic affairs dnring the civil wars, Sir Anthony is to be found at the commencement esponehig the canse of royalty; snbeeqncntly a parliamentarian; and finally, The carl if. 2 June, 1851. contributing to the restoration of the monarchy: he woo Creohoso—Mcrooet, 4 July, 1622. Baron, 20 April, 1661. elevated to the peerage, by the title of Bares Ashley, of lViistonic Earl, 23 April, 1672. SI Cues, ro. Dei’sel (20 April, 1661), and became a A mci—Quarterly: 1 stand 4th, arg., three bolle. paeeant, ea., member of the “Calial” administration. He was advanccd armed and onguled, or, for AOHLEY; 2nd and lcd, gn., abeod, to an earidom, by the titles of Baron cooper, of Paielell, ce. engrafled,betn-een six lions.,ranapant, or, for Coorco. Soisereel, and EARL OF SIIAFTE500riY, 21 April, 0072. and Creel—On a chapeon. gn., tornod up. erm., a bull, paseaot, made, the Nov. following, lord-high-chancellor of England. so , gorged with a docal ceronct, and armed slid unguled, or. To the Earl of Shafteobury this conntcy ewes the lIABEAs Sepperlero—Dcxter, a bull, as., arnaed, ssngulcd, and ducahly Conrus Act His lordebipsucceeded, with much difficulty, a tahbot, ac., dncaily gorge i, or. in carrying thconeaonro throngh both Houses. Lord Shafteobury was also the first that introduced a bill to render the Sees-c—St. Gilee’s House, Cranbouroc, co. Dorset; cod judges independent of the crown. The esil 10. let, llaegaret, Rose Dale tlonse, Bichmond, Surrey. dan. of Thomas, Lord Coventry, by whom ho had no leone; Toeeoi Ifsuee—24, Grosvenor Square. hem. Indly, Frances, dan. of David (Cecil). Earl of Exeter, by which lady he had one surviving sin, ANTHONY; and lrdly, Slargarot, dan. of William, Lord Spencer of Wornaleighton, hut had no other issue. Lila lordship becoming, from his aninaosity to Jamee, Dnke of York, ebnoxione to the court, was obligod to retire to iieiland, where he ci. of the gout in his etoniacb,22 Jan. 1661. lila lordship was o. by his only son, ANTnoNv-AoHtEY, 2nd earl; who vi. Dorothy, dan. of Joho, Earl of Rntland, and had ioouc, 1. ANTHONY, his eucceeeer. II. John, sO. 0015. in 1603. III. Maurice, os. hot d. withool isooe in 1726. o. Prances, em. to Francis Stooclionee, Esq. ii. Elizabeth, 10. to John Harrio. Esq III. Dorothy, vi. to Edward Iiooper, Eeq. cv. Gertrude, if. cost. His lordship d. 10 Nov. 1699, and was e. by his eldest eon, ANTn0NY-Aoncrv, led earl, 6. in 1670; a man of letters, The ancient facnily of Shakericy derives from Ansec no who attained at one period conoiderable repntatioio in the SHAKERL5Y, living Iosp. Hcnsv Ill. (for ample details litoi’ary world, cod n’bom Voltaire dcoignated the boldest rofcn to Buoecc’e Csoimoecrs). The last male heir, English philosopher. His lordship so. in 1700, Jane, dan. PETER SnAccenLcY,° Eeq. of Helms, left by his let wife, of ‘Thomas Ewer, Eeq. of Lea, cc. Hertford; and dying in Ann,dau. ofJohn Amoon, Eoq. of Lees, an only dan. and heir, Feb. 3712-11, wao o. by his only son, ANTHONT-AoteLr.Y, 4th earl, who m. let, in 1725, Lady Esq. of Park Placo, Berke, anl had issue, Susanali Nod, don, of Baptist, led Earl of Gainoborough, Joseph-Francis, of Wee,tton, Bcdfordehh’e 5. in 1765; so. by whom (who ii. in 1710) he had no issue. He m. 2nElly, Peter-Everard, of Englefield Green, Surrey; vi. Julia, don. 20 March, 1739, Slory, dan. of Jacob, Viscount Folkotonc, by whom (who ci. 12 Nov. 1901) be bad, ANThONY, his successor. Caortcv-AoHLov, the late earl. Mary-Anne, widow of Charles Stunt, Esq. of Critchill CseAnrcs-WATsdIci-JoieN BecawoaTu, Esq. of Semerferd House, Doceetobire. Ills lordohip if. 27 May, 1771, and was e. by his elder son, and was high-sheriff of tbe co. of Chester in the following ANTiromiv-Asni,rv, 5th earl, 5. in 1761, who so. in 1726, B.irbaro, dan. and heiress of Sir John Webb, Bart. of year. Me ri. Dorothy, dan. of Jacob Moreland, Esq. of Oldetock Houoe, co. Wilto, by Mary, eldest dan. of Thomas Capplethwaitc Ilall, in Woetmorland, and bad issue, Salvin, Eiq. of Easingwold, co. York (one eif the co-beiresoce CnanLoo-PcTr.R, created a Baronet in 1939. of the ancient B:irony of Manley, as a deocendant, by Geoffrey-Jmeph, of OVbatcn’ft sTall, Cheshire, 5. 25 March, George S.elvaiue, Moq., of Elizaboth do Manlay, youngest sister of the last baron, who d. in 1411, since whicbperiod the baronyhaeremainod in abeyance),aud leftissne an onlydan., BARBARA. who was io. 0 Aug 1014, to the Hon. WilliamFrancis-SpeucerPonsonby (3rd eon of Frederick. 3rd Earl of Beseborough, created Lord dc Manley in 1232. Lady do Manley inherited her niother’o right to the ancient Barony of Mauley. (See BrnKc’e Ext mci Feerepe.) Hoc ladyship if. 5 Jnne, 1944. Tbo earl d. 14 May, 1011, without male issue when thio lIe d. 20 Sept. 1034, and was o. by his son, Isenonco of the family devolved upon his only bri,thor, CRorLEv-AenLnv, 6th earl, chairman of committees in 1792, who svas created a Baronet, 1110; a. let, in 1819, the House of Lords, 5. 27 Dec. 1765 m. 10 Dec. 1796, Anne Riasalba D’Avaray, d:su. of the Duke D’Avaray; and lndly, dan. of George, Ird Duke of Marlbo—aagh, and by her (who in 1811, Jeeey, dan. of James Scott, Esq. of Botherfield sO. 7 .&ng. 1965, hi her lIst year) hail tesus, ANTHONY. present peer. Anthony-Williane, master of St. Catherine’s Hospital; 5. Wynn, Mart. 11100 SHAKERLEY. SHAKEIILgY, Sin CHARLES-WATicen, of Somerfiold Park, Cheshire; _______ 5. 27 Marcia, 1833; high shoriff of Choolsire in 1803; e. his father, as 2nd hart. 14 Sept. 1857; 01.15 July, 1858, Coc’rgiana- Ilarniott, oldest clan, of Goorgo- Holland Ackors, Eoq. of Sloreton Hall, Cheshire, and has n soil, ‘1iVALTEE-GEOFFEEY, 5. 20 Nov. 1859. ILulragc. ELiZA SnAKtuLcv, v ho iii. in 17th, Charles Bnckwortb, Mary, dan. of Sir Philip Slouonx, Mart. of Sir Thomas Blackball, Not., and has issue. Cnanroo-WaTet,N-Jonme, who toskthenamcofSeeAacnLov. The yonngest son, - Park, Cheshire, 5. 15 June, 1767, assumed by act of parliament, in 1790, the surname and arms of SHAKERLEY only, 1200; so. 1817, Eleanor-Macma, dan of the late 11ev. James Webster. of Ashfield, co. Lomagford, Ireland, and has had (with e,thcr iooue) Gcoffry-Jneepb, capt. lc.A., 111.3 Oct. 1067, Emnia, 2nd dan. of the late Sin N-P. Botler, Mart., and basa dan., 1. 9 July, loiS m anti Lonisa—Slary, ee. to Sir William Maxwell, But., and ii. 22 Nov. 1816. Frances-Margaretta, in. 1st, to Vigors Olervey, Esq. of Killtane Castle, co. Wexford; and Indly, to Tbosnao Read Kemp, Esq., H.P., and i’, his widow, 29 Aug. 1560. I. Sin CsOARLE5-PETOR, of Somerford Park, 5. 27 Dec. lark, Hants, by whom be bad issue, ° His elotec Frances, m. in 1740, Sir Watkiu-Wihliam SHA 4 Oct. 1003; m. 6 STarch, 1811, Maria-Anne, eldest dan. of the late Col. Hugh-Duncan Baihie, lip, of Tarmdalo. 1007; so. 2 Oct. 1035, Jane-Frances, only dan. of Eobert Pattieon, Esq. of Wrackleford, in Doroetebire, and bad two daoo., Margaret-Jane and Emily-Frances; he sO. 30 Nov. 1150. Hail, Essex. and 1, 1 Jan. 1897. Gnittleton, Wilto, Ill i’.. wbu d. 24 March, 1856. Ilenry- Thomas Lowry-Corry, 31 P. (see BELa1ORE, E. or), and if, 21 March, 1868. Ron’ton Castle, Sbropehire, who d. 12 Dec. 1383. (See BURKE’S Landed Oenti’y.) gorged, and line reflexed evcr the back, or; sinieter, JIolls—Love, serve.