Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 2.djvu/300

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S H A And Lndly, Sarah, dan. and co-heiress of William Paggen, Eaq. of London, by whom he had, William, ofCheshunt House, co. Herta, whom. E]iraheth, dan. and heiress of John handy, Esq. of ingleweod, Berkshire. Paggon, a merchant at Smyrna. Peter, a merchant at Aleppo. Judith, so. to Richard Arnold, Req., deputy-secretary at war. Catherine, so. lot, to tho Rev. Thomas-Davies Bovey; and 2ndly, to John Spencer, Req., paymaster in the E i.Co. service. Mary, Rebecca, Ia, to George Coidham, Esq. Jane. Anne, iii. to Mr. Saninci Tomkins, of London. Sir John was a. in 1722, by his eldest son, Ill. Sm Jona, who ci. in 1716, Anna-Maria, oldest dan. SnAw, SIR JOHN, of Kilmarnock, co. Ayr; 8. 21 and co-heiress of Sir Thomas Bamardioton, hart, of Dog. 1787 ; e. as 2nd baronet, on the decease of hia Brighiwell Hail, co. Snifolk, by whom he had to snrvivo single, 22 Oct. 1843; of. 10 Nov. 1868, when the title infancy a son and a dan., Jono. Anna-Maria, so. to Peter Prime, Esq., son and heir of Sir Peter Delme, Knt., lord-mayor of London; and ci. 21 May, Jona Snxw, Esq. of Moeshead co. Ayr, the representative 1740. Sir John ii. 4March, 2728, andwas s.bybis onlyenrviving son, of lhree hnndred years, os. Miss Slargaret Woedbnrn, and IV. SIR Jonv, t. 22 Nov. i728 ; who Ia. lot, in 1750, left issne, Elizabeth, dan. of William Hedges, Req. of Alderton, 00. i. Juno, Ins successor. Wilts, by whom be had one son, who 1. in boyhood; and is. James, a neagislraee of Irvine, ‘else so. lliss Anne dIscenaster, Ondly, in 1752, Martha, dan. and heiress of John Kenward, Req. of Konward, co. Kent, by whom he left, JOnN-Gn000av, hia snecessor. John-Itenward. lilA., in holy orders, vicar of Rltham and rector of Hnrst Piorpoint; 0 22 Dec. 1758, who succeeded in 1756, upon the demise of dire. Brooke, to the property of the late Joseph Brooko, Esq. of West Mailing, and assnmed in conseqnenee the anrname of BROORe. lIe d. 10 Dec. 1040. Sir John S. in 1770, and was a. by his sen, V. SIR Jnnse-Gaeosav, 8. 25 Jnly, 1750; who so. 8 March, The eldest seat and snceesenr, 1782, Thoodosia-Margaret, dan. of John, 2nd Lord Monson, Jonas Snxw, Esq. of Mosehead, so. Helen, dan. of David and by her (who d 24 Oct. 1847,) had issne, JOHN-KENwAnH. sixth baronet. Charles. capt. RN. ; 8. 18 Aug. 1785; so. 20 April, 1822. I. David, an atm- aoeso in London; 8. 12 Ang. illS. Prances-Anne, 4th dan. of Sir Henry Hawley, Dart., and is. J.snses, created a Baeooet as above. left issne at his decease, 2 Slay, 182;t (with fonr dane., s Stargaret, so. to John MacSe, Esq. sserchsant of Glasgow AlicLa-Francea, os. in 5ept. 1240, to 0.-Il. Woodgate, Esq., Madras 0.5.; Gertrude-Anne, is. 2 Dec. 11-17, to RapertlienryWarre, Esq. ; iearriet Augneta, ot. to the Hey. JohnBea’svoir Ilalison, rector of Mnnlon, Lincoloshire; and Lonisa-Margaret, so, OPec. 1047. to the Rev. 0.-S. Wood- gate. vicar of Pembnry, Kent), two sons, twins, 1’. S Juno, 1829, viz., JonN-Co..eRLc’s - KENwARO, prosent hart.; anti CnnoLao - Jonas - KI’NwARn. MA., in holy orders, reeler of Othass, Hone, who s. 22 Nov. 1851, JuhaElizah’ tb, ‘lan. of t’sepl. John-Harvey Dotoler, R N.; and has isng Charles-Juhn-Monoes,. 8. 24 Nov. 1860, Henry Hawley. is. 4 Sept. 1802, and a than. Henry-Thomas, 8. 21 Feb. 1780; hent -eel, in the army; The Snd son, d. 20 Jnne. 1812. Lewio-Jaencs, ci. ynnng. Robert-William, in holy orders, rector of Cnxten, Kent, eon-ed the office of sheriff in 1652, was chosen lerd-mayor and hon. canon of R’’chester; 8. 4 Oct. 1504’ a 16 Fob. of London in 1605, when he had the hononr of enteriaintng 1820, Sophia, ysnogest dan. of the Hon. Mrs. Cornwall, Genana IV. then Prince of Wales, attended by his royal and hss issne. His eldest son, the Rev. Robert-John hi-others and a long train of nobility, at a civic feast in Steaw, Incumbent of Danohilt, Sussex, 5... 17 April, 1860, the Mansion House. He enbsequontly represented the Ella de Vismo, eldest dais, of liichard Thomas, Esq , of city of London in parlinmesit, and was created a Baronet Eyhos’ne Manse, Kent. The Cas,en Shaw’s ,,hdest dan. Sephia-Anne, was is. 27 Nov. 1017, to the Rev. Harris- 21 Sept. 1808. Sir James obtained a second patent, dated Lancelot WingSold, rector of Ilarket Oserton, Hntland. 14 Jan. 1811, confan-ing the title in remainder on Ins Cathorine-glizabeth,, is. 20 Nov. 1806, to Sir Henry Hawley, nephew. John Shaw, Req. of Whitehall Place, in the city Bait. Anynsta-Anne, ii. sensi. 15 Jnne, 1822. Tlseodnsia, ,0.. yonog. Anna-Maria, is. 8 May, 1815, ts Itaxinsilian Pahllson, Eat’. the present baronet. of Hamptone, Kent. Emma-Margaret. Iloratia, Ia, ii Jan. 1825, to Hon. WalterForbos, now Lord Arias—Az. lhsree covered cups, two and one, or; in a etsiof, Porhco, and d. 2401cc. 1802, leaeing issue. Charli’tte-Snsan, se. 5 Dec. 1820, to Capt. John Cornwall, of ar. a mes’elsanl’s ship tender sail, IC r. a canton, go., charged Elstead, Sussex, RN. Caroline - Alicia, se. to Rdward George, Req., M.D. of s;eltire, aloe ppr. pesool aseh Inli of the second. Sandgate. Kent. Harriet-Grace, is, 20 March, 1842, to the Rev. Allen waist, ppr., in ;tuc dexter hand a key or, elsa sinister resting on Cooper, MA., minister ofSt. Mark’s, North Andley street. a ebb reversed, also ppr. Sir Johss sO, in Oct. 1031, and was o. by his son, VI. Sta Jonx-Kewwxnn, 8. 15 Ilareb, 1753; who so. 1810, waist oeitts laurel, his case-s-icr hand es’s iteg on a rIot, all ppr. Charlotte, 2nd dan. of William Lloyd, Eeq. of llotobwos-tl;, (ensl’honsaticat of fos’titssdel, she einisse’r hand presenting an Snt’rey; bnt ,1. a. p. 17 March, 1857, and was a. by his sinister, an essehhensatieal figaro of thse city of Londen, the nephew, the present hai-t. t’eealios—15 April, 1665. Aroso—Arg.. a chevron, between three fnsils, erm. C-eel—Six arrows, interlaced. saltiersvise. or, ifighted and Senl—hfimaenock, North Britain. headed, tied together by a belt, gn., bnckle sod pendant, Tesro Haunt—lI, Snesox Gardens. gold. Msllo—Vincit qni patitnr. Jeals—Kenward, and Eltham Ledge, Kent. 1002 became extinct. it IllCilfJC. of an ancient family seated at that place for npwarde and bad issne, 1 Robert, a capt. in the army, killed in Corsica. 2 lames, of Irvine anti London, merclsast; who so. Ilary, dan. of — ‘loiN, Esq. of Irvine, banker; and had by her an osly ooo, Janses. I ‘O’ihiiass, a colonel in she army. I glennera, so. Is ilasnhlsn Ilelonean, htsq. of Irs-me. 2 Janet, so. to Jolss Fable, Esq. of Irvine. iii. D.n-id. Sellers, Eeq. of the Maine Craigie, co. Ayr, by whom (who 5. 14 Jnne, 1780) he had issue, and of Oreenbolm, in A-rehire ; hsy ;s’hem ohio has louse, 1 Jona Macme, who Os the 6 OcI. 1807, asenmod, by signmanual, the snrnanse and arose of Sss.aoe, in compliance anus Ito reqnosi of his maternal nnete. This gentleman is tIm present baronet. I helen, so. to William More, Req of Glasgow, and has issne. 2 Elienhoth, so. to Gilbert Lang, gsq., a merchant of Olsopaw, asuti has isesue. I Ilargaret. 4 Sleaw. I Mary-Anne. I. Jxases Snaw, Req., 8. 26 Ang. 176-I; a merchant of London, having been doomed aIdes-inns in 1758, and having of Westminster. Sir James, who was chamberlain of the city of London, d. 22 Oct. 1843, and was a. by his nephew, t’eeolioa—2t Sept. 1800. milk this mace efitse rib- of Loads,,, snreeae,ssed hay a sword, in fOcal—A desoi savage alls’entdc, wreathed abont the bead sod Sespperters—Pexler, a savage w-reabl,e,t sbsot tl,e heed and escroll, thereon issoes’ih’ed “The King’s ,varrnust afpmcedence;” dealer aim eupperting the shield, she sinister extended to rereive the escroil presented by the ettior enpperler. Melt e—b mean well, S H A S H A W. (EXTINCT.)