Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 2.djvu/302

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SHE Et.sAc SeIZE, of Clanmorne, so. Kilkenny, (described by field, of Dunamore, en. Meath, and Boron Sheffield, Ilolingehed as “Fuss Sheth, borne in Kilkenny, sometime of Roscomtnon, in the peerage of Trelanci; Earon seboler of Oxford, a gentleman of a passing wit, a pleasant Sheffield, of Sheffield, en. York, in the peerage of conesitod companion, full of mirth without gall,”) was the lJntted Kingdom; 5. 16 March, 1802 inherited progenitor of Groaos Sues, Esq. who a. Miss Weyman, and left a son, as 2nd earl, at tice decease of his father, 30 May, Geuaec Ssssn, gsq. This gentleman nc. Mary, dau. of 1821 ; sc. 6 Jnne, 1825, Harriet, eldest clau. of Henry, Martin Kirwan, Es;. of lllindwell, by whonc he had three 2nd Earl of Harewoocl, assd has had isssce, sons; the youngest of whom, Martin, was father of SIR I. Fsvderte-Hsnry-Stnart, Vicrsnsct Fevcasop, 5. Oct. 1827; MARTIN-ARCHER Snse, president of lbs Royal Academy. Mr. George Sbeo was o. by Ins son, ANTHONY SHOE, Esq. (If Castlebar, en Mayo, S. in 1701 Ic. ice 1740, Ilargery, clan, of Edmund Burke, Esq., of s. Snsan-Harciet, cc. 96 June, 1819, to gdward-William. Curry, cc. Mayo, by whoc,c he had two Sons sod seven dans., t and was e. by his elder son, I. Goane SHEE, Esq. of Castlebar, who was created a Bacoxci OF IRELAND 22 Jan. 1794. Sir George flied successively The eccaigratiocs of this family to Ireland took place itt the offices of surveyor-general of the Ordnance, tlco reign of Kiccg CssArtes II. It Isad previously enjoyed, eeeretary of tho Treasury, and receiver-general in Ireland, for a long lapse of time, considerable wealth and iscfluenee and under-secretary of state in Englatcd. He cc. in 1783, itt tico cc. of Ye,c-k ; for we find that sac William de How- Elizabeth - Maria. dan. of James Crisp, Esq., (lineally rode (as tise ccams was origiccally spelt) had oxteneivo descended from Sir Nicholas Crisp, mentioned by Claronden posscesf cite itt that ca., and derived his surname from the as a bas-onct in tho reign of King CnAnLro I.), by whom hamlet of Howroyde, as early as tite 13th century. From (who ci. 13 Sept. 1118) ho bad issne, Gsesoc, the pt’sent baronet. Charles, a hoot-colonel itt the anny; I. 6 July. 1789 ct. ISAAC HoLccoyn, the first settler in Irelcctcd, who acquired 19 JnIy, lS1(i. henry, 5.20 Ann. 1796; ,7. 1816. Eliochetlc, 0. 11 Marcls, ISO I Lotitia, Icc. 1929 to llsbert Daring, Esq. of Leetloys, hens, Sac-alt, clan, of Willians Elweod, Esq., and sister and coheiress end ci. 1802. Sir George ci. 3 Feb. 1621. Creel tea—22 Jan. 1794. A rcas—t’rr lend, so. end or; is chief a fienr-do—lis, and of Daniel itakcr, Esq. of Paten, cc. Ducks, and svas o. by another in base, ccntstrrelcaicgocl. Croci—A oscaR with wings onslorsoil, cc., beak, go. Jrstte—vinoit vc’t’itas. Scccls—tlannccre llcnsr, rn. Gals’ay and lludifard, Itants. also tlca estates of Icis mother’s family, Bce BAse cos of Penn, dotes Hs;;so—29, liresvcsar l’larc. SHE ci. in March, 1829. Is. Hcsnv.Noavn, Vieresnct Penneoy, 1. 18 Jan. 1812. its. Douglas-Edward, barrister-at-low, 8. 26 June, 1834. Varccon ltareonrt, Esq., grascdsocc of the late Hon. and Most Rev. Dr. Hareeuc-t, Archbishop of York. 31 iilcagt’. this jccrsottage licceally deseeccded, large estates ice that kingdom, acid was e. by bic only eon, JOHN lIoLaovn, Esq., b. icc 1686. This gentleman sit. of Jobta Elwec,d, Esq., vice-provost acc,1 rEpresentative its parliancent for the university nf Dublin, and was o. by his oldest son, IsAAC HoLccovn, Eoq., u-iso scc. Dorothy, yenssgeet dan. his occly sareivictg soct, JoaN-DAacn lloLr.ovn, Esq., 8. in 1731, who iabec’itsd acc,l asscctned, its coccccsqcscccco, that suraance before Isis hostcrscal otis. Tlcis gecttlecaacc was advaccccd to the pcerago of Ireland 9 Jan. 1781, by tha tithe of Bsc’stc Stfficlcl of’ Dcsassoere, ce. .ltIcallc; au,1 created, 19 Oct. 1763, Berets S/tcUicdcl, nJ llsoesccccsoo, with c’encainder icc cicfaolt of male, to tico fecncdo iseue of bis let marriage. hats lordship cc. tisrice t let, in 1767, Abigail, only dan. of Lewis Way, Esq. of ttinhmoncl, en, Surrey, by witam (wits cl. in 1793) its htacl, John-William, ci. yonng. llrrhc-Jooopha, whose essese are ‘ore .SrANLrY. B. of Alderlay) icc remainder to the Marc ty of Sheffield of Roeeomn’cocc, so. 11 Oct. i796,to Je,hcs-Tbt’eccas, Lord Stactley efAlderloy. a,td ci. 1 Nov. 1802. Lacsaa-ilarotbca, cc. 14 llareb, 1797, to I.ient -Gesseral Sit’ Williace-hiotsry Clicstoca, 0CM., acsd ‘6. his widow, 14 Mao, 1034. His lordnltip ccc. lndly, 96 Dee, lD4, Lady Lucy Peiham, dacc. of Tlcontas, let Earl of Cicichestoc’, wicials lady ci. 18 Jail. 1797, witlsont issue; and lrdly, 29 Jan. 1799, Lady Ancte North, 2nd dan. of Frederick, lcsi Earl of Ouilfnrct, SttgFFtF.LD, E tPL OF (Ccoorgo-Angnstrto l”nedorieheCbsarlee E.G. (as Lot’d Nra’th, the distinguished naittister of Holrc’yr ). Vioconnt l’evensey, Damn falsof Gr.onne III.), by whom (who ci. 18 Jot,. 1822) 1cc bad, Ocoan e- r-onavus-Fannnascsc-CnAeaare, precetct peer. Tnc Ilrv. Ii tLL555I Wcesoctv, 3l.A , ansi J.L.Ft., scccet5ttte Antce-l’rederica, cc. 14 July. 1927, to the itecs. Arthur ntis dam a lIce Cain of 1,ecd hlepa, and vicar of Mcdcnenltactt, Legge, slits of Geargo, 3rd Earl of Dartmouth; acad ci. 31 Ang. 1829. His lordsltip srae cvrated, 20 July, 1902, Baron Slefflchst, of yranras dc scifo, clint. of lice l,ctc. lPajsr S’cct,scei stranslcat, Stcs it, cc. York, icc the peerage of the United Kingdom; ll,rsuc,lt his ttcc,tlss 5’, Jaoel Itssrray, to ha grcat—gr.ct dooa and advatcced to the Viocencclcp sc’ F, rescsrp ann EARLDON OF attd heft’ ccf ha it ccc’ tic’. ct ,cisc ccl 1I’srqccncs off cahlilc,sn— SHEFFIELD, in the poaragc of Iceland, 92 Jan. 1816. The ditto); ansi 6. 1 hal,, has itcg Isad a on, i,d tutu — “Itec ansi a cla 5., l’r.cttntsna-.Pcttrl-ilctrray, silts ci. ccnsc. IC. coil was prcciclctct of the b,,ard of agnieciltecre, a lac’cl of ii’nghcl wss thcc act Icon of ti as oc’lc dotaihitcg ttce evils of trade, ats,i otto of his majesty’s naeot taoccocts-able privy Sh’c,cc’asb the Ccc1r ti Css,1 Hope, and one of tlce ricief eenaeil. lie was konwts in the literary world as a writer npeic political 000scsmy. His lerdelcip ci. at the actracceed Tue tles. Itinlc rd W’ni’ Id. ii. 9., renter of Manlcatc—clsccrrht, age of cighty-cis, 30 3Iay, 2021. Cornwall; cc ls,, in 1 .11, 31 cry, deco. of 6. I nioht, Ecq., Cc’cstieas—L’arcst, 9 Jan. 1701; Barota, 19 Oct. 1703; Earl, acid I,;- Icc r Ic Ics 6. icc i Si;;) Icas a dat;., Sasatt. lIe dec., 12 Jcccs. 1616—Irish hocaonrr. Baron, 29 July, 1832— m. ltcdIc , itt is t4, 1 tInt;, clasc. sf (‘api. Jolccc llavs,’ell, etc United Ktctgdocn. cit Ott, (‘cia’ st’,t—it,c’ecc cIt ltroscccc’, ctccd grascclson of tics Ac’,.cs—Qnarterly: 1st, ao , ott a fesse, dacceett,’e, arg., betweets Picict ltcsct. I tntcc3 11 .cawehl, s,f F itctcolcrogue, accd. Ic is by three grifficco, pasoant, wittgs eccdoroeci. or, as many escall”ps, go ; lad, az. fire einquef’’ils, itt saltier, arg., for RonraT, Ccctcttt it,chacrt dc Mccc, eel. icc the I rcccntc sort ice, hToLaoYn; 3rd, orm., oct a nlsief. get.. a denci-lion, rampant, ntccl tetcic5c of 6 - Lcccuc, tnt’s cc. hit, C,cslss’rican liellssr, crltteli issnastt, or, for ELsr000; 4th, ao , ccc a fesoe, or, between itch’ ci. i scsekcs is 170;,, accl ilcrl, — ix yeartacccl’lnslts three swasas’ heads, erased, acg.. dcceally gorged of tha in 1792. Otasiettcoi c’lk ltb,scscnccrt ; ,ccsch cit its is I °06, aged sec c’oly yr crc, left by icr, silt, ‘nrc ices lsfccs, ,dn cnl nlcclci, secsnd, as rssalay eicsqssefoils, get , fr ThAscrn. Cot-c’s W’sca.cAcc dc’t’tccce, cttajsr in lIce 6 Is roaitcconr of Croci—it clonai-grifiutt, segretcctt, wiccgs endorsed, sa., holdlctg I’rnc,nlc tctct iccfaatr3-, cc Ice is else ttttcle no; soar clahfs’o of botwoect tlce claws a dneal necroccet, or. S;cjs;cs,’tcc’o—Dexter, a lion, regardant, ppr. ; sittister, tt tlcis ft ttil3. lie cc. llastocnsisollo I.c’Atttincie, and Itos horse, brietiod, ppr Thn rldcct dan. 11013, cc Gone Pay, Esct.; the fills, Jose, .clfccoo—Qcaem to Dens ossa jnssit. cc. k-C. J’cct, an, 8. q. ; the Oils, 1t’srcella, Jncnes (‘gas, Li q.; Scsi—Sheffield Park, scoar Uckfield, Suooex. Fesea Heueo—26, I’artlatcd Place. S II E F FIELD. Bctelss ; ‘c. its 1636. Asldloisls—Elia,clcothc, duct.. Isy of Jattsec—t’clss ancl ‘oncl, t q. )wtstcls totstiecs;att rl,cict,s, ceotc Oss;Iccr, of thcc’ f ccc’lsjscclia t’ Bcbhirssl Liis’,’ols’ ‘p. her a d,css., Fr.ccacs s. a da and Lbs 7th, Anne. Jolts Evelyn, Esq. 1004