Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 2.djvu/306

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S HI S H 1FF NE R. SI5IFFNER, Soc Geonox CsoxTON, 13 April, 1850; ice. 15 Fob. 1854, Anna-Theresa, of Coombe,00. Sussex, in holy eldest dan. of the late 11.-Rowe Cockcrchl, Esq., orders, MA., rector of Ramsey, comm. RN., by Theresa, he wife, afterwards Conistees Sussex, 11. Aug. 1819 ; e. his father 5. Cnaaise-Ilnanv-,Jo,rs, T’ Iogeefce, 8. 11 Nov. 1800. as 4th hart. 14 13cc. 1863 ; as. 26 I. ‘flicresa-Jersey-llelen. Oct. 1854, Elizabeth, only child of the late John Grecnhall, FAq., of Mycldloton hail, on. Lancaster, his lordship, who had been Ml’. for Stafford from and has issue, 5. Jsurc, 7,. 1837. Ii. Georgc-nriclgcr, 8. 2 Dcc. 1066. I. Emily. U. Mary-Louisa. III. Eliotibetli. iv. A dan., 7,. 30 Oct. 1666. ILiticpr, 1. Groanc SHirrassi, Eoq., 8. 17 Nov. 1702, son of the late lticnxsun an TnsoT, mentioned in Domesday-Deck as Henry Sidifuer, Ea’i., H.P. of Pautrylae, eo. Jlerefarsi, by holding nine hides of land frem Walter Giffard, Earl of Mary, dan. of John Jackson, Esq., gcverner of Bengal in Thuckingham. This Richard ad. the dan. of Gerard do 1748, was created a Barenet, 10 Dec. 1818. lIe ai. 5 Oct. Gonrnay, Baron of Yarmonth, by whonu he had two none, 1787, Mary, only clan. and heiress of Sir John Bridger, Knt. i. Gnosrnev, pragenitor of the Txuao-rs ef Bosltnhl, in of Cab St. Aldwyne, in the ce. of Gloucester, mid Coajube, Sussex, by wham (wha ci. 1 June, 1844) he had isene, Jalin-Bticlgsr, capl. 3rd fast-guards 8. 0 Acg. 1788, killed al The 2nd son, Ohs sorlie from lisyonec, 14 April, 1814. Ileters. Sasl l,aree,’l. Gsasan, 3rd baronet. Thomas, P. 8 Asia. 1796: icc. Ilary, clan, of James Brawn, Tie3. his uncle, Mngh do Gons-nay, in 1118, (then in rebellion of Ilareleills Orevo, nsar Leeds, and has tire clans., Emily— Cliarisite, and Annie. Mary, 7.24 Jeae, 1868. Rebecca-Frances. is. 3 April, 1819, Is Ihe Bev. CharlesEclinand the habit of a monk, and retired into the ioenastcry of Ilark—Kerne, MA. af .Ssrynrombe I lasso, ca. Oxfard. Beanlceck, in Normandy, leaving three sc,ns, Ricncnan, Ilsnriritcc-I.aaisa, is. 14 Jan. 1634, te Geergs lOoper, Esq. ci William, and IIngb, by his wife Deatrix, dan. of William Therubill, Snssc’x. Issbclla.Fhihcclel phia. Sir George 6. Feb. 1642, and was e. byhis eldest snrvivingsnn, a grant of the lordship of Ecclcewall and Lintcn, cc. II. Sin Ilnany, vice-admiral SIN., 8. 4 Nov. 4789 m. Hereford, which grant Sting RicnAsun I. confirmed for P JnIy, 1665, Emily, 2nd dan. of the late Thomas liroske, two bnndred mscarks. This Richard de ToiLet is. a dan. of Esq. of Cbnreh Slinehnll, ci. Chester. 11 u.s. p. 18 March, Stephen Bnlmer, of Appletreewick, eo. York, and was s. by 1859, and was a. by Lie next t ‘rather, ITT. Sin On’ ‘nan, MA., can’ ‘n rcnidentiary of Chicbester, GSLnERT us TALBOT, who wan present at the coronation and nf Ampart, ManIc, who wan 8. 37 May, tSul ; and of King Rtceiaso I.; in the 5th of whose reign he bad to. 10 Jnly, 1617, Elizabeth, eldest dan. of the late Pier. lands give’s to bins in Linton, far the cnstody of the Crnxtsn Johnsan, of Wilmslaw, Cheshire, and by her (who castle of Lndlow. Tn 1199, this Gilbert paid a flue of forty ,7. 8 Nov. 1861) had, i. Gsaaos-Csex’coa, prenent icatsact. ii. Jobn, Ic. 1s24, eaplain in the army, ldlled in the smanli his son, Rinnana as TALuOT, who as. Aliva, dan. of Alan Basset, upon Sol’astcpsl, In Jtn,e, 1653. in. Ed ,sard-Tlsaeias, majoc 34t1c feel, 8. 0929. sv. nc1qt, capt. 01st feat, 0. bIG. 5. Frances-Mary. ci. L ‘aim-Emily, c,. ls59, to Thomas Boil, Esq., only son of whons lie had isenc, Richard, who was elected Misbop of the 31ev. ‘riusnias nest, of Iledrine, hauls. Sir George 7. 14 11cc. 1013, an1 was.’. Icy his eldest cams, an elder eon, the Buy Sun CnoxToae.ScnFrarr., 4th cud pressnt baronet. On.anmev Os Taiaov, his successor, wha was made Creotisa—l0 tcre. 1513. Ac’,as—Ac,a bend sinister I U rhirf dcc, by King HENRY Ill., and eanstitnted justice- Owe estailrs, is like l,rn,l, art in hose Ibe end and stock of an itinerant far the ra. of Hereford, by the same monarch. He anna:, gold, issoitig faoin waves of lice sen ppr. Creel—An as. Gwucndaline, dan. of Rhys op Griffith ap Rhys ap Griffith estsilo, or, betwnen his rays six annsdels, as. cSeal—Csc,nbe ap Rlcys ap Tewdwr Mawr, King of South Wales, and Place, Snesex. S H RE W S B U R Y. Sunwsngnv, EAnL OF (Charles-John Talbot). in warner in the reign of Euwaan III., and was, made a the peerago of England; Earl of Watnrford, in the knight-bannctet. 115 ii. in 1336, possesscd of immense peerage of Ireland ; and Earl Talbot, Visconnt Ingestro, estatee (anassagst v’bicla was Gaslerieh Castle, ca. Hereford, and Baron Talbot, of Ilenaol, 00. Glamorgan. where bs clsiefiy resided), and was s. by bin only son, in the peorogo of Great Britain; premier carl of Gui,aan’z, 3rd baron, summened to parliament from 1102 1908 5 HR England; hereditary Great Seneschal of Ireland; ii. of Eghinton and Winton, and has issue, ii. 0 wcnclalcn—Tl,eresa, ni. lloric’l-Frauce,-Lonisn. 1857 to 1859, and for S. Staffordshire from 1859 to 1865, and SIP, for Stamford 1868, s. his father, as 4th Earl Talbot and 19th Earl Sbrcss’abnry, 4 Juno, 1868. Jtuitngr. This eminent family deduces its descent from a period antecedent to the Conquest; the first person of note, however, npon record is, Yorkshire, now extinct in the male line. si. Huou. urea ns TALDOT, ancestor of the bsnsc of Sbrewehnry, was made governor of the castle of Plessey, in Esscx, by against IiENav I.), after he bad cansed the king’s governor to be put to death. Mngh de Talbot subsequently assumed do Mandeville. The eldest cci,, Riess.sna on TALa0T, obtained from King Hsxav II. his eldest son, shillings that he might net go beyond sea, and that he might have the scutage sf his awn demnesues. He was e. by Baron of Wycomba, cc. Bucks, sister of Gilbert Basset, jnstice of England, and widow of Drn de llantacnte, by Landau, 46 Tlcaev Hf., but d. befare ronsecnstion ; and gosernar of the castles of Grosmend, Skenfrith, and Blancmm relinqnishsd, lit cansnqncnee, his paternal arms, viz. : Beudy of ten pieces, arg. and ga., to assume A lieu, ranapant, or, on a field, gti., within a bordnre, engrailed, of the first, the arnaes-ial ensigns of tbe Princes of South Wales, which Isbn descendants have ever since berne. He d. its 1274, and was s. by his san, Rmcnaaru na TAnsor, feudal baron of Eccleswall, sheriff of Glonceotcr 28 EussAun I.; whoa,. S.n-ah, dan. ef Witilasn Beanchancp, Baron of Elmisy and Karl of Warwick; and dying in 1306, was e. by his eldest san, Sin GuLanor TAnner, who being involved with Thomas Flantageuct, Earl of Lancaster, in the execution of Piers de Gavestan, Earl of Cornwall, had labs pardon far the sante. This Sir Gilbert, who was lord-cbambsrlaiu to the king, 2 Enwaan III., had summons ta parlianeent, as a barsu, in 1331 ; and dying in 1340, was s. by his son (by Anne his wife, dan. of William, Lord Bolder, of Ivena), Sin Biruano TaLanT, 2nd baron, summoned to pas-liamont from 1331 to 1355. This nobleman was an eminent to 1286. This ncblnman ci. let, Petrsnil, dan. of James