Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 2.djvu/328

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S M I i. Joshua, of Stoke Park, Wiltshire, NP., who os Sarah Stoke ilosioc, Seu’rey (well knowsaoo the celebrated noselist Gilbert, and had iaaue, I Maria, so. to Charles, Marquess of Northornpton. 2 Elizabeth, os. to William ClinIc, Esq. of The Vine. 3 Augsssta, as. to Chortes Smith, Eaq. ot Sutions, co Eaten, Nicholas-Itanhey, rt. 1037. nod had, with other issue, CHARLES, who o. as 2nd baronet. 4 Emma. ii. John (Sir), of Ilasoring Bower, en. Eases, who assumed LssssL, createsl a Baronet. the nanse of Biysonss, in 1720, and was created a ltsronet in Chorlstlte—3lary. 5/. situ. 1042. 1793; he as. Margaret, only dan. of Toyr Burgess, Esq. and Augtssta, as. the Chesalier do Foville t and C. in 1792. C. in 1803, o. 35., when the title heeame extinct. ILL. ItnrnotoNn, treated a Ituonet. iv. Thomas, of Jamaica, vhs as. 151 isa Sstsan flood. a. Elizabeth, so. to Andrew Jetfe, Esq. of [‘enhilt, Sorrey. IL. Mary, os. to the late Coral tlssnsa Lay. The 3rd son, I. Dnuasatuasn Saavn, Esq., was created a ltaronotll Jusia, nor-general c,f .1 amaioa, esssd goverteor and commander-in- 1804, with remainder, in slefaselt of niato issue, to the male chief of the Massrithso (svhere ho died), 5. 0 Oct. 1770 deseendanhs of Charles Suatlh, Eoq. of Suttous, by hto niece was created a llarooet its 10:10. lie as. tot, Eiloss-Mariaono, Augusta, doss. of his older tsrother Joshua. Sir l)rsuuiaseid dasi. of Ths,mas Gallscoy, of Kitlory, cc. Kerry, Esq., by m. hot, Mary, eldest dau. of Sir Ellis CnulilTo, Mart. and wholls (whit at. 1014) ho had ioone, dusily, in 1003, Elizabeth, eldest dau. ,f William, 2nd a. Ellen-Maria, as. Julio Warden, Esq., member of oonoeil, Viaeouast Csdway, and widow of Sir Frauds Sykes, Part. hut dying w p. 22 Jass, 1016 (Eto widosv survived usstil ii. Olariasnc, at. tlot,crt Lisord, Esq., E. I. C. civil service, 2 July, 1030), was e. by his gs’and-nophcw, II. Sin CuAssLr.o.Josssua, b. 31 May, 1000 who Os. lot, 20 Oct. 1023, Bolinda, dau. and heir s’f tleorge Cololir,soko, Sir Lis,nol as. Ondly, 20 Nov. 1010, Isabella Cnrwen, Esq. (who st. 22 Jan. 1023) t and 2nrlly, 2 July, 1020, Mary, yosssegest dast. of Eldrod-Cssrsren h’ottissgor, Esq. of Monnt 2nd doss. ot William Cooling, I’:oq. of titehnnspton, by t’stiisagcr, co. Dt,sv,s (ace POa7INGeR, MART,), and by her sshom (who C. 3 July, 1042) he had ala only son ansi two (who 0. 3 Jan. 1042) hail, does., CuAaLno-CuNLsrye Mary-t’lmrlottr, so. 13 May, I. LiosrL.Ernnro, Itresent baronet. 106], to Lient.-Col. Gasj,ard Lo Marshosit Tu]sper, capt. I. Isabella, ss. young. BA.; and £tugoota-F,lizabrth, so. 17 Oct. 1037, to the ii. Aogsssta, as. la4l, In the late Lieist.—Col. Walter Warde, Boy. Eawrcnee.George-Capcl Cure, rector sf Boding Abbeos, Essex, son of Capet Cure, Esq. of Blake hail. Crcof)oo—] 1 June, 1004. Aroso—Enn., a sa3tirc, se., charged wilts on escallop, or, in in. Isabella, sit. 1040, Sir George-Floyd Pockets, Earl. of base, a dolphin, noinnt, embowed, of the 2nd. Ccest—Bctsveen a pen in bend, si, feathered, arg., snrmoonled cv. Agnes-Lctitia, 1. 1036. by a sword, tspr., posusuel and hilt, or, an escutcheon, az, v. Charlotte-Anne, as. 0 Nov. 1000, to Edward-Olsxwetl charged wslh on escallop of the lot, pendant by a ribbon, go. Sir Lis,nel Smith was in early life an aide-dc-camp to Moffs—Marli et ingcnio. Scal—Sssttons, tlomford, Essex. SMITH, MOlt’ GORDON. 5mm. GORDON, SIR LIoNELPj’ between too barrutcts, engr., erm., thrrr boars’ heads, erased, Etnt;an, Bart., is. 2 April, 1833, er t 2nd and 3rd, Sanvil, org., on ahead. cotlsod, betsccen two 4J late capt. hot light infantry; a. unicorns’ heals, ceased, so., three fuoils, or, a canton, gu., ( ‘ - as 2nd hart,, on the death of his encircled lsy ass Eastern eros-n, of the last, father, 2 Jan. 1812; soc. 12 April, F)saf C,col (Gennoa)—loseaot fmni tlee battlements of a 1854, his conoiu, Fanny, ditn. of tosser, a stag’o head sffrontér, ppr. ; betsrecn tsvo palm hrnoeheo, Thomas Pottinger, Esq. of Mount Jscostsf (‘s’e-’t (Stsnru of Ascgoscotulsoss)—A representation of Pottistgos’, co. Jloss’n (see POTTINOER, the ornamental ulcer centre-piece of the service of pisle pvc. BART.), and has issue, 1. LI0NeL-Esnnou-PeTvsisoEn, b. 22 This’,? Crest (Saiivss;—Out of an Eastern crown, or, a dexter islareh, 1048. ,, Eliza-toalselta, is. Cl arlotto—Maria. III. Jssliss—A,s,se. By royal licence, dated 5 Fob. 1863, Sir Lionel and his issno were nnthnrizcd to take the surname of GORDON, in addition to and after that nf 5nnT]I, and to bear the as ins of Gnnnon and SMeTn, quarterly. 3ttltcaur. t?is’sstnn Steven, Esq. of Isliesgloss, ro Middlesex (whe l,old the advowson of tlsot place, csti,esatcsl at 110001. per annssta) ; so. Iho relict sf Nathaniel Cross’, of Jiarhadoos, Enq., and lsy her had isono. a. Rersssnn, his successor, rector of Isliogloss ; as. a dan. of — 3lolw, Esq., isv svhom isa lsasl, 1 llicharsl, its holy orders, rector of ,Sesnon, Sussex as. dots, of llirlsard Aeklons, Esq. of Wiseloe 11011, Net Is ; I at does. is. Is — Allen, Esq. n. ltrs.sasitx, of whcsn presessily. i. Eleanor, 0. Anthony Todd. Esq., by wham she had an only dan., Eleanor, o,. 13 Aug. 1702, Janses, 0th Earl of Lauderdale, and ss’os teether of the present earl. ii. Elieatscllt, so. John ttctsiseson. East. of Wyko lfosssc, cc. 3tiddleaex (secretary to use Treasury), and hod only dan., Mary, ss 1701, henry, 2nd Earl of Abergavmsisy, and was mother of the present earl. ni. Otary, as. lot, Willisns Bemey, Esq. of Barbadors t and This very ancient family of S,evvss was originally of the 2ndly, ‘rhoenas, son of Sir Thomas-Ssvinncrton Dyer, Part. oonssty of Gtaseeester, svleors it was seated no far back as the of Tottenhans, and trot mother of the presoist baronet. Bnajo.osiee Steven, Eoq. (2nd son) of Lys, flouts (sheriff fs,r that county in 1777), so. 23 Feb. 1700, Charlotte, eldest do. Somerset. The honour of a Baronetcy hi’s, beside the slaes. of Nicholas Tset-sser, Eoq. of Bignor Park, Sussex, and presont instotioo, been twice before eonfcn’ed open it; crot 1010 S M Y Charlotte Smith), and lsy this lady had issue, W’iLLLAss-Tewnos, jndge at Delhi, East Indies; C. 18271 ste. and left issue. Braitlsss’aitr, ,?. young. Gcerge-Assgsssttss, ii. its West Indict. Charles, deceased. Harrielt, a,. — Oeary, Esq. t and is deceased. Lucy, ste. William Nrwhouse, Esq.; sad is deceased. The 7th son, Siit I,5tNEL .Ssssvse, .and G,C.ll., licnt..gnnersl in the arsny, colonel of the 40th regiment of foot, late gover. Bonst’oy ; and sl. 1030, leaving one dan., Georgians. aced has isotso, Ellen ; Charlotte; Christine; hlarianne Floressee; Asny-Angnsta. oon of she late Liesst .-Grserol Sir Henry Wards, G.C.B., and has issue, henry-Lionel, 5. 1042 ; Wallor-Etdred, 5.. 10301 Augusta-Mary; lsol’elta. ltarttso,ss Ilossoc, Wilts. Drowolasr, Esq., and si 10 F’eb. 1003. the kale Duke of Kent. 1k d, 2 Jan. 1042, and wan o. lay Mo oisly outs, the ps’coesst bonnet. C,’ootisa—lSlS. At’,,ts—Qnsrterly s lot and 4th, Census, per less, so. and gts., thereon a sword, erect, Pir., pcsssmel atsd hilt, gold, the blade sect. sonlod to Liesst.-Gefl. Si,’ l.iustcl Smith by hie Earopean and native friends at Bosuhay, all plc. arm enshosced, lea sreioser, eseiectcd by a wreath of bard, the ]saesd grasping a sseord, alt ppr. _slossasaa—llver the first erect, ‘‘Anisno non astalis ;“ over the third crest, ‘‘ Mea spec cot to Doo.” SM Y T H. SMITH, Sits J0HN-HENRT-GRE- VILI.E, Bart. of Ashton Conrt and Wrateall Lorlge, 00. Someroot, and Heath Hosese, en. Gloucester, Is. 2 Jan. 1836; high sheriff of Sonsersetohire in 1865; assumed by royal licence, bearing dato 21 Assg. 1852, the snrname and arms of SIiTTR, in lien of his patronymic, UPTON, uI eotnpliasseo with the svill of his nastornal groat-grandfesthor, Thonaas Smyth, Eoq., and his great- maclu, Sir Hugh Smyth. Bart., and ss’as erostod a Burt,, 25 April, 1859. IL{IICuIfiC, tieglnning of the 13th eonttn-y ; bsst for tho last three hundred years and more, it has hoon settled at- Ashton Court, r Iai