Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 2.djvu/338

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soU sou charters of lands hs several counties. He was appointed meinder to Itto heirs-male far eeer. lie held the office of one of the Senators of the College of Justice, 4 Joly, 1547 high sheriff of the co. of Ferfer, and d. at Kinnlatrd, tn Feb. was sent to England next year, to treat for the redemption 1659. Hers. Margaret, dau. of Sir David Lindasy, of Kdzeil, of the Earl of Huntly, chancellor of Scotland, taken at the and bad issno, hattie of Ptnkio, and was knighted en his return, lie was I. DAVID, Lord Carnegie, who tt. at Ediubesrgh, 25 Oct. ant hassador te France, 1530; had a great hand in persuading the Duke of Chatelheranlt to resign tho regency to Mary of Lorrain ; was a commissioner to treat with the Enghoh, twc,lane., Slat-gao-ct, ii. to Gavin, Earl of Carnsreth ; ansi 5555 and 1357; was sent hy the Lords of the Congregation, in 1550, to France, to explain thotr views to Qiseon St.snv; and d. 5 Jait. 1365. It is stated by some wrttcrs that he and hio predecessors were cup-hearers to the kingo of iii. Jshn (Sir), of Cnsig. Ills only son, David, was served Scotland, hut of thia there is ste proof. Dy Margaret his Iscir-male of Sir Settle Carncgy, of Crssig, his father, 22 wife, dati. of Gnthrie of Lunan, he lied losne, I. JOHN (Sir), of Kinnaird, a loan of great talents and IV. Am.cxsteiiosu, of I’iltarr,’w, of whom ins the oeqneb. worth, to the last a faithful aia,t loyal subject to Queen I. JIsrgarsl, s. tc, Wihtiam, let Kurt of Iialbonsic, and bad MAny; tie had cl,ai-toro to John, eon and heir-apparent II. Agites. is. Is Sir James Sandihand, f.sther of 1st Lord of Robeut Cornegy, of Kinittdrd, and to Agnes Wood his wife, of the lands of Erlieti,-Id, in Abcrdecnshire, 3 Dec. its. h’athcrisic, ss. Is John, Sat Karl of Treqnah’, treeenrer 1146; to theist of lialbardy, in Fife, and Snndertheres, in Forfarslare, 4 Oct. 1540; and, j000tl., Feb. 1519-50. Ole iv. lslarj’ iry, si. lot, to M’ilhians Halibtsrton, of Pitcmsr its. Sot, Agnes, dan of Dastd Wood, ,,f Cndg, comptroller ladly, ho llsbert, 5t Viscount Arbnthnst, and was of Sc,,tl,ns,l, by whom he ha’4 a dais., JIas-garot, to. to Patrick ltinn,sk-d, of ltiu,isaii-d, at-he g-iiuted a charter of V. Elizabeth, Os, tss Andresv, Lord flahvaird, and woe the domieic:d lands of Itinnaird, 6 Dec. 1567, to Margaret Carnegie, legitimate dan. of Str John Carnegte, of Kinnaird, Ksat. lie a, Sndly, Margaret Keith, without leone. Sir John ii. 1553, without mote issne. is. Dovin, of whot,t prcscittly. sn. John, who had a charter of tiso barony of Many, ist JAMes, 2nd Earl of Sonthesk, the eldest survivhug son, Aberdeenshire, to John Carnegie, 3rd son of Sir John waited on Eing Ctiantr.e tI. in Hollessd, in 1650; was Carnegie, of Kitenaird, Kst. , and Margaret SVasss his wife, ouse of the cu,mnaissisoecs cheoese for Scothessd to sit iss front her fathci, John Watts, of Many, dated 21 Jan. the parli.snsent of Knghand, Mug. 1651; was present at the 1555- 6. IV. Robert, preceptor of the Slaison-Diesi cf Drechin. V. Janses, anceat’ ‘r sf tOte Carncgys of Dalnaaehic. Vi. Hercules, of Csokstenn, ancestor of the Carnsgys of male of his 2sthcr, in his exisisoive property in the counties Craig xis. WillIam, of Lenchiand. VIII. Coot-go. I. Helen, to. 1st, to William Lnndio, of Bonholna; Sndly, Karl of Koxlincgh, end by her, who uf. at Lenchar’s Castle, to Robert Turing, of Foveran. ii. Klicabetls, so. to Andrew Arhnthnott, of Arbtithnott. inc April, 10511, baLl, III. Catharine, to - to ttavid Ramsay, of Maintain. IV. Isabel, t. to Goi-dt,n of Gicttb,tcket. V. Sent, ‘a. to Gilbert field, of C,ullicslottn, vi. lltai-y, sot, to Strachats of C.trmylie. vii. Chretiost. CIII. Margaret, to. to Sir Janaes Scricogeonr, of Dudhope, ii. Catber’nue. st. at Kinnaird, 7 Jan. 0650,1’, Gilbert. 10th constable of Dostdec. The 2nd son, on whom the family estates devolved at his brother’s death, Sin DAVID Conacunt, of Panbride, was also designed l’be oisly soss, of Cointhie, an estate he acqnircd by his marriage with lloncnv, 3rd Karl of Sonthesk, was served heir of his Elizabeth, dan. of henry Ramsey, of Coluthte. wiSh whom father, 0 Slay, 0640. He wee captain of one of the com• he also got the lands of Lenchars end Dreadhands, in Fife. palsies of the Sc’,thish gusards in France ; was colonel of the He ‘yes, according to Archbishop Spottiswood, a wise, Forfarshire Isislitiu5 ; had a grant of the office of sheriff of peaceable, and sober loan, in good credit and estinsation Forfar to him alsd his son, a9 April, 1602, and it. 19 Feb. with the king, and taken into his privy council for his 1600, SIc is. Laity Amsise liessuihtsn, chdest dass. of William, skill and knowledge in civil affairs lie was, 5 Jan. 1191, lisd Duke u,f Itanuilton she nuakes a conspicuous figure in censtitnted one of the eight cr,inusisoisoera of the treasury, the JlJeseirca ifc Cuss,,, steiti, wbeoe is an engraving of her called from their ninnh,er Octavians ; eitd if. ii April, 551t0. ladyship, and ins Macutile RiafacF of isis Osea Tisse, where ily his 1st wife, Elizabeth lhssnsay, he had two daus., s. Km.icaosrn, nife of John Inglis, of Tarcit. C n Es 4th H 1 f S ‘ th Sc II. Slannonox, wife of Willi,ins iiandas, of Fiogask. i. iinu killed in a duel at Paris, in 1601, by William Sir David os. Sndly, Kupheme, d,Lu. of Sir John Wcmyos, Talnasola, son cf the Dscheoo of Lauderdale, of Wesnyse, and by hcr had seane, CHanLcs, 4th Earl of Sonthesk, the only surviving son, I. DAVID, Karl of Sonthesk. was, on S Slay, 1690, served heir-male of his father in his ii. John, Earl of A’rthesk. extensive property in the. ceenties of Aberdeen, Dnmiii. hlobect (Sir), at llsson,chen, who d. wilhont isone, in fries, Fife, Porfar, Kincardine, Kirkcnateioght, Feehleo, and Dec. 56.32. . Selkirk ‘ he never uvent to court or parliament after the Mclv. Alexander enceetsr of the Carnegtes of Dolnamsen. - Sir John Caroegic, of Balnasseon, was served heir-male volsstion, and if. 9 Aug 1695. He su. Lady Slary Slaitland, of David Carocgi,’, his brother-german, in lands in For- 2nd dan. of Charles, 3rd Earl of Lauderdale, by whom ho ferehtre, 19 Aug. 1662; and Janaes Carnegie, of llama- had a son, moon, was served hcur-ssale of David Carnegie, flar of JAMes, 5th Karl of Sasthesk, who was served heir of hia ILslnamoon, his uncle, 4 Nov. 1661. James (‘arstegie, of father, 14 Slay, 1700. Engaging in the rohelhion, iSis, ri of Jsnsm Carnegie of he was attatnted ha act of p Isament and his estates s. Jane, to. to Jaoscs Carseichuael, cf Dalmedic. forfeited to the crown. An act passed in itt, to enable His ii - Katlscrine, ,o. to .1 sItu Ayteon. uif K isinaldie. SIaj esty hi make provision f,sr the wife and chihdress of iii. Agnes, so to Sir Alcxa,,dcr Folconcr, ‘if Halkertousn, James, late Earl u,f Sesuthook ; and he ci. in France in 1729. and was mother of the let Lsr,t tlalkortonsi. Ito so. Lady Margaret Stewart, eldest dtsn. of Janice, 5th IV. Enphenae, ste lisbort hi,atsam, i,f Slstriehio. Earl of Cahloway, and by her, who took to hoc 2nd husband Sin tiaVsn Cxnteeoic, of Kinnaird, the eldest sole, John, Master of Sinclair, had a sen and a dais., who bath 0. in 1500. Ho wtio created a Peer by the title of Lord if. yisnisg. The represcnt.stissi of the family devolved on SIr Carnegie, of Kinnaird, 14 April, 1616. lIe was constituted Jansee Carnegie, of Pitarrew, descended front the 4th soil of one of the ordinary lords of Seooiso, 5 July, 1616, the let earl. This said 4th eon, and was created EARL ar Souassesx, Lord Ceneege of Tue HON. ALcXANDEn CARNOOiE, of Fhttarrsw, d. 1602, Elisnaird and Leuchars, by patent, tsc:srisg dote at Holy- leaving issue by his wife, Slargeret Arbssthnett, sister of reed House, 21 Jutac, 1673, the preamble narrattitg the the 1st Vioconsit of .trbuthitot, seven sons and three onsheent sorvieea sf Isis grandfatlser and father, with re- dens., 1040 1651. He us. Lady Margaret Hansihton, 3. 1 April, 1590, 3rd dan. of Thomao, let Karl of Iladdingtos, and by her, who so. Indly, 50 Jan. 1647, Janees, Karl of liartfell, bad Magdalen, a. let, ts, Sir 01510551 Baillie, of Lochcnd; 2ndly, to Sir John Crawf,srd, of Kibhis’seey. Ii. Jaescs, Sssd Earl of Sontheak, May, I 156, amad ii. witbosit issue. mouse, and d. in 1661. Abercrotssbio, amad lied lassie. of Scotltsnd, asid had issue. mother of the 2nd viscousnt. m’,lhscr of D:svid, tioc,isssIt Stornuont. vi. Magdalen, i,s. to James, Oat Merqncsa of Msntrsse, eisch had bane. prsclssnstutiosi ssf Cnoaiwc;oo, at Edinburgh, Oh July, 1507. Succeeding to the eerldein of Sonthesk, be was served heir- of Fife, Forfer, Kincaruhice, and Dusnfries, and if. at Kiss— isssirsl, in March, lIE;). Ills lordship its. Ledy Isabel Ker, relict of Hssliburloss of Fitcnr, yonngeot des. of Robert, let I. Eooenv, 3rd Earl usf Sonthesk. i. Elizabeth, st. lot, contract dated 14 June, 1647, to James, 2nd Karl of Annandale, Visconmst of Stermont, witissut issue; fndly, 0 Aug. 1659, to David, 4lls Viscount of Slornuu’nt, end wes mother of the 5th viscount. Karl of Emil, withsnt iosuo. At the time of her death, h6a3. the countess was chief guvcritcso to Frince James Stuarc at St. Gerniains. dc Graconoont’s ohaisderoiss stories are refuted. ‘She3’ bad tws soils,